private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get the current time. DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now; // After advancing to the next second, update the overlay. if (currentTime.Subtract(lastTime).TotalSeconds >= 1) { lastTime = currentTime; // Overlay the current time. int secondsToNextImage = (int)nextTime.Subtract(currentTime).TotalSeconds; OverlayTextOnImage(imageViewer1.Image, currentTime, secondsToNextImage); // Is it time to load the next image? if (secondsToNextImage < 0) { // The next image will load in 5 seconds. nextTime = currentTime.AddSeconds(5); // Get the next image. LoadNextImage(imageViewer1.Image); // Compute a random point to overlay the text. textOrigin.Initialize(r.NextDouble() * (imageViewer1.Image.Width / 2.0), r.NextDouble() * (imageViewer1.Image.Height / 2.0)); OverlayTextOnImage(imageViewer1.Image, currentTime, 4); } } }
// timer1_Tick is called when the timer interval has passed. The next image // is read in, barcode settings are initialized based on the type, // and the barcode is read and processed. private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Stop the timer so that we don't count the time spent reading the barcode timer1.Enabled = false; using (VisionImage tempImage = new VisionImage()) { // Load the barcode image. tempImage.ReadVisionFile(curImages[imageIndex]); Collection <Pdf417Report> pdf417Report = new Collection <Pdf417Report>(); DataMatrixReport dmReport = new DataMatrixReport(); QRReport qrReport = new QRReport(); // Read barcode and time how long it takes. int startTime = System.Environment.TickCount; if (barcodeType.Text == "PDF417") { // Decode a PDF417 code. pdf417Report = Algorithms.ReadPdf417Barcode(tempImage); } else if (barcodeType.Text == "Data Matrix") { // Decode a Data Matrix DataMatrixDescriptionOptions descOptions = new DataMatrixDescriptionOptions(); DataMatrixSizeOptions sizeOptions = new DataMatrixSizeOptions(); DataMatrixSearchOptions searchOptions = new DataMatrixSearchOptions(); if (useOptionsBox.Checked) { // Read the options from the image. GetDataMatrixCodeSettings(tempImage, ref descOptions, ref sizeOptions, ref searchOptions); } DataMatrixGradingMode gradingMode = DataMatrixGradingMode.None; if (gradeDMBox.Checked) { gradingMode = DataMatrixGradingMode.PrepareForAim; } dmReport = Algorithms.ReadDataMatrixBarcode(tempImage, null, gradingMode, descOptions, sizeOptions, searchOptions); } else { // Decode a QR Code QRDescriptionOptions descOptions = new QRDescriptionOptions(); QRSizeOptions sizeOptions = new QRSizeOptions(); QRSearchOptions searchOptions = new QRSearchOptions(); if (useOptionsBox.Checked) { // Read the options from the image. } qrReport = Algorithms.ReadQRCode(tempImage, null, descOptions, sizeOptions, searchOptions); } int elapsedTime = System.Environment.TickCount - startTime; bool found; if (barcodeType.Text == "PDF417") { found = pdf417Report.Count > 0; } else if (barcodeType.Text == "Data Matrix") { found = dmReport.Found; } else { found = qrReport.Found; } // Process info if (found) { PointContour centerPoint = new PointContour(); if (barcodeType.Text == "PDF417") { dataFound.Text = pdf417Report[0].StringData; typeFound.Text = "Pdf417"; tempImage.Overlays.Default.AddPolygon(new PolygonContour(pdf417Report[0].Corners), Rgb32Value.GreenColor, DrawingMode.DrawValue); // Center the viewer on the barcode. centerPoint.Initialize((pdf417Report[0].Corners[0].X + pdf417Report[0].Corners[2].X) / 2, (pdf417Report[0].Corners[0].Y + pdf417Report[0].Corners[2].Y) / 2); } else if (barcodeType.Text == "Data Matrix") { if (dmReport.Binary) { dataFound.Text = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(dmReport.GetBinaryData()); } else { dataFound.Text = dmReport.StringData; } DisplayDataMatrixType(dmReport); tempImage.Overlays.Default.AddPolygon(new PolygonContour(dmReport.Corners), Rgb32Value.GreenColor, DrawingMode.DrawValue); // Center the viewer on the barcode. centerPoint.Initialize((dmReport.Corners[0].X + dmReport.Corners[2].X) / 2, (dmReport.Corners[0].Y + dmReport.Corners[2].Y) / 2); // Grade the barcode if requested. if (gradeDMBox.Checked) { AimGradeReport gradeReport = Algorithms.GradeDataMatrixBarcodeAim(tempImage); gradeOverall.Text = gradeReport.OverallGrade.ToString(); gradeDecoding.Text = gradeReport.DecodingGrade.ToString(); gradeSymbolContrast.Text = gradeReport.SymbolContrastGrade.ToString(); gradePrintGrowth.Text = gradeReport.PrintGrowthGrade.ToString(); gradeAxialNonuniformity.Text = gradeReport.AxialNonuniformityGrade.ToString(); gradeUnusedErrorCorrection.Text = gradeReport.UnusedErrorCorrectionGrade.ToString(); } else { gradeOverall.Text = ""; gradeDecoding.Text = ""; gradeSymbolContrast.Text = ""; gradePrintGrowth.Text = ""; gradeAxialNonuniformity.Text = ""; gradeUnusedErrorCorrection.Text = ""; } } else { dataFound.Text = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(qrReport.GetData()); DisplayQRType(qrReport); tempImage.Overlays.Default.AddPolygon(new PolygonContour(qrReport.Corners), Rgb32Value.GreenColor, DrawingMode.DrawValue); // Center the viewer on the barcode. centerPoint.Initialize((qrReport.Corners[0].X + qrReport.Corners[2].X) / 2, (qrReport.Corners[0].Y + qrReport.Corners[2].Y) / 2); } readTime.Text = elapsedTime.ToString(); Algorithms.Copy(tempImage, imageViewer1.Image); imageViewer1.RefreshImage(); imageViewer1.Center.Initialize(centerPoint.X, centerPoint.Y); } } // Set up for next image imageIndex = (imageIndex + 1) % curImages.Count; timer1.Enabled = true; }