public void Init(Symbole symbole, FieldInfo field, PointAttribute attribute)
     this.symbole          = symbole;             = field.Name;
     this.field            = field;
     this.connectionType   = attribute.connectionType;
     this.valueProp        = attribute.valueProp;
     this.knobeColor       = attribute.color;
     Connections           = new List <ConnectionPoint>();
     OutputStyle           = new GUIStyle();
     OutputStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;
        public async Task <Attribute> AddPointAttribute(int userId, PointAttributeInput attributeInput)
            using (var db = new DbContext())
                if (await db.Categories.FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id == attributeInput.CategoryId && c.IsPoint) == null)
                    throw new BadInputException(101, "wrong category");

                if (await db.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.Id == userId) == null)
                    throw new BadInputException(102, "user with such id was not found");

                // inserting attribute into database
                var attribute = mapper.Map <Attribute>(attributeInput);
                attribute.UserId  = userId;
                attribute.IsPoint = true;
                int attributeId = await db.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync(attribute);

                var pointAttribute = new PointAttribute()
                    Id       = attributeId,
                    Location = new Point(attributeInput.Location.Longitude, attributeInput.Location.Latitude)
                        SRID = 4326
                    Radius = attributeInput.Radius

                await db.InsertAsync(pointAttribute);

                // searching for the collisions
                var collisonParameters = new
                    id_attribute = new DataParameter {
                        Value = attributeId
                    lon = new DataParameter {
                        Value = attributeInput.Location.Longitude
                    lat = new DataParameter {
                        Value = attributeInput.Location.Latitude
                    radius = new DataParameter {
                        Value = attributeInput.Radius

                var collisions = await db.QueryToListAsync <WaysAttributes>(@"select id as id_way, @id_attribute as id_attribute, 
                                                        St_length(ST_Intersection(ST_Buffer(St_Point(@lon, @lat)::geography, @radius), the_geom::geography)) / St_length(the_geom::geography) as coverage 
                                                        from ways where st_DWithin(the_geom, St_Point(@lon, @lat)::geography, @radius)", collisonParameters);


                // calculating new weights of the edges
                var edgesParameters = new
                    category = new DataParameter {
                        Value = attributeInput.CategoryId
                    id_attribute = new DataParameter {
                        Value = attributeId

                await db.ExecuteAsync(@"update ways set cost = cost * (1 - coverage + coeff * coverage), 
                                                        reverse_cost = reverse_cost * (1 - coverage + coeff * coverage),
                                                        maxspeed_forward = maxspeed_forward / (1 - coverage + coeff * coverage), 
                                                        maxspeed_backward = maxspeed_backward / (1 - coverage + coeff * coverage) 
                                        from (select id_way, coverage, coeff 
                                            from (select id_way, @category as category, coverage from ways_attributes where id_attribute = @id_attribute) as t1
                                        inner join categories on category = as t2 where = t2.id_way", edgesParameters);

                return(await db.Attributes.FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id == attributeId));