public virtual void damage(GameBase sourceobject, Point3F position, float damage, string damagetype)
     if (!isObject())
     ShapeBaseData datablock = getDataBlock();
     datablock.damage(this, position, sourceobject, damage, damagetype);
 public override void onExplode(Projectile proj, Point3F pos, float fade)
     // Damage objects within the projectiles damage radius
     float radius = this["damageRadius"].AsFloat();
     if (radius <= 0)
     string damageType = this["damageType"];
     float areaImpulse = this["areaImpulse"].AsFloat();
     float radiusDamage = this["radiusDamage"].AsFloat();
     CustomObjects.Utilities.radiusDamage.RadiusDamage(proj, pos, radius, radiusDamage, damageType, areaImpulse);
 public override void onCollision(Projectile proj, SceneObject col, float fade, Point3F pos, Point3F normal)
     // Apply damage to the object all shape base objects
     if (this["directDamage"].AsFloat() > 0)
         if ((console.getTypeMask(col) & (uint) SceneObjectTypesAsUint.ShapeBaseObjectType) == (uint) SceneObjectTypesAsUint.ShapeBaseObjectType)
             ShapeBase shapebase = col._ID;
             shapebase.damage(proj, pos, this["directDamage"].AsFloat(), this["damageType"]);
        public override void onCollision(ShapeBase obj, SceneObject collObj, Point3F vec, float len)
            if (!((collObj.GetType() == typeof (Player)) || (collObj.GetType() == typeof (AIPlayer))))
            Player player = (Player) collObj;

            if (player.getDamageLevel() <= 0.00 || player.getState() == "Dead")


            obj.schedule((100).AsString(), "startFade", "1000", "0", "true");
            obj.schedule((1200).AsString(), "delete");
            Audio.AudioServerPlay3D("HealthUseSound", player.getTransform());
Exemple #5
        public SpotLight(Color diffuseColor, Point3F position, Vector3F direction, float diffuse, float specular)
            Color     = diffuseColor;
            Position  = position;
            Direction = direction;
            Diffuse   = diffuse;
            Specular  = specular;

            Range = float.PositiveInfinity;
            ConstantAttenuation  = 1;
            LinearAttenuation    = 0.007f;
            QuadraticAttenuation = 0.0002f;

            OuterConeAngle = 90;
            InnerConeAngle = 45;
Exemple #6
 public EntityChangedEvent(FFXIVProcess.EntityData e)
     if (e != null)
         id        =;
         level     = e.level;
         name      =;
         job       = e.job.ToString();
         currentHP = e.hp;
         maxHP     = e.max_hp;
         currentMP =;
         maxMP     = e.max_mp;
         pos       = new Point3F(e.pos_x, e.pos_y, e.pos_z);
         distance  = e.distance;
        public void DemoPlayerDamage(coPlayerData datablock, coAIPlayer npc, string position, coPlayer sourceobject, float damage, string damageType)
            if (!npc.isObject())
            if (npc.getState() == "Dead")
            if (damage == 0.0)


            if (npc.getState() == "Dead")

            Point3F ejectvel = npc.getVelocity();

            if (ejectvel.z <= 0)
                ejectvel += new Point3F(0, 0, 5);
                ejectvel  = ejectvel.vectorScale(datablock["mass"].AsFloat());
                npc.applyImpulse(npc.getPosition(), ejectvel);

            Point3F currentpos = npc.getPosition();

            currentpos.x += r.Next(-5, 5);
            currentpos.y += r.Next(-5, 5);

            if (npc.getDamageLevel() > 50)
                currentpos.x += r.Next(-50, 50);
                currentpos.y += r.Next(-50, 50);

            npc.setMoveDestination(currentpos, false);
        public void AnimateCubeRotation(Graphics g)
            snh    = Math.Sin(H);
            csh    = Math.Cos(H);
            a      = 0;
            cs     = Math.Cos(a);
            sn     = Math.Sin(a);
            z      = new Point3F(cub[0].x, cub[0].y, 0);
            cs     = Math.Cos(a);
            sn     = Math.Sin(a);
            cubs   = new Point3F[n];
            cubpro = new Point[n];
            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                cubs[i] = new Point3F(0, 0, 0);
            Color clr;
            var   pause = 50;
            var   k     = 0;

            while (true)
                if (a >= Math.PI)
                if ((k % 2) == 0)
                    clr = Color.White;
                    clr = Color.Red;
                ApplyCubeRotation(sn, cs);
                for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    cubpro[i].X = (int)Math.Round(cubs[i].y - rd * cubs[i].z);
                    cubpro[i].Y = (int)Math.Round(cubs[i].x - rd * cubs[i].z);
                DrawCube(g, new Pen(clr, 1));
                cs = cs * csh - sn * snh; sn = cs * snh + sn * csh; a = a + H;
            public override void undo()
                DecalEditorGui DecalEditorGui = "DecalEditorGui";

                int count = Util.getWordCount(this["oldTransformData"]);
                if (this["instanceId"] != "" && count == 7)
                    string[] data = this["newTransformData"].Split(' ');
                    Point3F pos = new Point3F(data[0].AsFloat(), data[1].AsFloat(), data[2].AsFloat());
                    Point3F tan = new Point3F(data[3].AsFloat(), data[4].AsFloat(), data[5].AsFloat());
                    float size = data[6].AsFloat();

                    DecalEditorGui.editDecalDetails(this["instanceId"].AsUint(), pos, tan, size);
Exemple #10
        private static Polyline adjust_closed_startpoint(Polyline poly, Point2F startpoint)
            Vector2F normal      = Vector2F.Undefined;
            int      nearest_seg = 0;
            Point3F  nearest_pt  = poly.GetNearestPoint(startpoint, ref normal, ref nearest_seg, true);

            if (nearest_seg >= 0)
                int seg = poly.InsertPoint((Point2F)nearest_pt, (double)CamBamConfig.Defaults.GeneralTolerance);
                if (seg >= 0)
                    poly = poly.ToNewStartPoint(seg);

Exemple #11
            public override void undo()
                DecalEditorGui DecalEditorGui = "DecalEditorGui";

                int count = Util.getWordCount(this["oldTransformData"]);

                if (this["instanceId"] != "" && count == 7)
                    string[] data = this["newTransformData"].Split(' ');
                    Point3F  pos  = new Point3F(data[0].AsFloat(), data[1].AsFloat(), data[2].AsFloat());
                    Point3F  tan  = new Point3F(data[3].AsFloat(), data[4].AsFloat(), data[5].AsFloat());
                    float    size = data[6].AsFloat();

                    DecalEditorGui.editDecalDetails(this["instanceId"].AsUint(), pos, tan, size);
        public override void damage(ShapeBase obj, Point3F position, GameBase source, float damage, string damagetype)
            if (obj.getDamageState() == "Dead")


            for (int i = 0; i < this["numMountPoints"].AsInt(); i++)
                Player player = obj.getMountNodeObject(i);
                if (player != 0)
                    player.damage(source, position, 10000.0f, "");
Exemple #13
        private List <Polyline> calc_visual_rapids(List <Toolpath> toolpaths)
            List <Polyline> rapids = new List <Polyline>();

            double thres = base.GetDistanceThreshold();

            Point3F lastpt = Point3F.Undefined;

            // rapids are possible only between depth levels of pocket and separate pockets
            foreach (Toolpath path in toolpaths)
                if (!lastpt.IsUndefined)
                    Point3F to;

                    if (path.Leadin != null)
                        to = path.Leadin.FirstPoint;
                        to = (Point3F)path.Trajectory[0].FirstPoint;

                    double dist = Point2F.Distance((Point2F)lastpt, (Point2F)to);

                    if (dist > thres + (double)CamBamConfig.Defaults.GeneralTolerance)
                        // rapid here from last to first point of pocket
                        Polyline p = new Polyline();
                        p.Add(new Point3F(lastpt.X, lastpt.Y, ClearancePlane.Cached));
                        p.Add(new Point3F(to.X, to.Y, ClearancePlane.Cached));
                        p.Add(new Point3F(to.X, to.Y, path.Bottom + to.Z));

                lastpt = path.Trajectory[path.Trajectory.Count - 1].LastPoint;
                lastpt = new Point3F(lastpt.X, lastpt.Y, path.Bottom);

        /// <summary>
        ///   Customized container radius search which returns a list of simobject ID's in the radius.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"> </param>
        /// <param name="searchradius"> </param>
        /// <param name="searchmask"> </param>
        /// <param name="useclientcontainer"> </param>
        /// <returns> </returns>
        internal List <UInt32> ContainerRadiusSearch(Point3F p, double searchradius, UInt32 searchmask, bool useclientcontainer)
            uint[] foundid = new UInt32[100];

            List <uint> lid = new List <uint>();

            Int32 countof = SafeNativeMethods.mContainerRadiusSearch(p.x, p.y, p.z, (float)searchradius, searchmask, useclientcontainer, foundid);

            if (countof > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < foundid.GetUpperBound(0); i++)

Exemple #15
        public void ReadNormalVector(ref Point3F vec, byte angleBitCount, byte zBitCount)
            if (ReadFlag())
                vec.Z = ReadFlag() ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
                vec.X = 0.0f;
                vec.Y = 0.0f;
                vec.Z = ReadSignedFloat(zBitCount);

                var angle = Float2Pi * ReadSignedFloat(angleBitCount);

                var mult = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f - vec.Z * vec.Z);
                vec.X = mult * (float)Math.Cos(angle);
                vec.X = mult * (float)Math.Sin(angle);
Exemple #16
        public void RadiusDamage(coShapeBase sourceobject, Point3F position, float radius, float damage, string damageType, float impulse)
            // Use the container system to iterate through all the objects
            // within our explosion radius.  We'll apply damage to all ShapeBase
            // objects.
            Dictionary <uint, float> r = console.initContainerRadiusSearch(new Point3F(position), radius, (uint)SceneObjectTypesAsUint.ShapeBaseObjectType);
            float halfRadius           = radius / (float)2.0;

            foreach (coPlayer targetObject in r.Keys)
                // Calculate how much exposure the current object has to
                // the explosive force.  The object types listed are objects
                // that will block an explosion.  If the object is totally blocked,
                // then no damage is applied.

                UInt32 mask = (uint)SceneObjectTypesAsUint.TerrainObjectType | (uint)SceneObjectTypesAsUint.StaticShapeObjectType | (uint)SceneObjectTypesAsUint.VehicleObjectType;

                float coverage = Util.calcExplosionCoverage(new Point3F(position), targetObject, mask);
                if (!coverage.AsBool())
                float dist = r[targetObject];
                // Calculate a distance scale for the damage and the impulse.
                // Full damage is applied to anything less than half the radius away,
                // linear scale from there.
                float distScale = (float)((dist < halfRadius) ? 1.0 : 1 - ((dist - halfRadius) / halfRadius));
                // Apply the damage
                ShapeBaseDamage(targetObject, sourceobject, position, (((damage) * coverage * distScale)), damageType);

                // Apply the impulse
                if (!impulse.AsBool())
                TransformF impulseVec = new TransformF(targetObject.getWorldBoxCenter()) - new TransformF(position);
                impulseVec = impulseVec.normalizeSafe();
                impulseVec = impulseVec.vectorScale(impulse * distScale);
                targetObject.applyImpulse(new Point3F(position), impulseVec.MPosition);
Exemple #17
        public string ShapeBaseTossPatch(coShapeBase thisobj)
            if (!thisobj.isObject())

            coItem item = console.Call_Classname("ItemData", "CreateItem", new[] { "HealthKitPatch" });

            item["istemp"] = true.AsString();

            item["sourceObject"] = thisobj;
            item["static"]       = false.AsString();

            (( coSimSet)"MissionCleanup").pushToBack(item);

            Random r = new Random();

            Point3F vec = new Point3F(-1 + (float)r.NextDouble() * 2, -1 * (float)r.NextDouble() * 2, (float)r.NextDouble());

            vec = vec.vecotrScale(10);
            Point3F eye = thisobj.getEyeVector();
            float   dot = new Point3F("0 0 1 ").vectorDot(eye);

            if (dot < 0)
                dot = -dot;

            vec = vec + new Point3F("0 0 8").vecotrScale(1 - dot);
            vec = vec + thisobj.getVelocity();

            TransformF pos = new TransformF(thisobj.getWorldBox().minExtents);

            item.applyImpulse(pos.MPosition, vec);


        public string tossPatch()
            if (!isObject())

            Item item = ItemData.createItem("HealthKitPatch");

            item["istemp"] = true.AsString();

            item["sourceObject"] = this;
            item["static"]       = false.AsString();


            Random r = new Random();

            Point3F vec = new Point3F(-1 + (float)r.NextDouble() * 2, -1 * (float)r.NextDouble() * 2, (float)r.NextDouble());

            vec = vec.vecotrScale(10);
            Point3F eye = getEyeVector();
            float   dot = new Point3F("0 0 1 ").vectorDot(eye);

            if (dot < 0)
                dot = -dot;

            vec = vec + new Point3F("0 0 8").vecotrScale(1 - dot);
            vec = vec + getVelocity();

            TransformF pos = new TransformF(getWorldBox().Get_MinExtents());

            item.applyImpulse(pos.GetPosition(), vec);


Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all the points along a line, using linear interpolation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertexA"></param>
        /// <param name="vertexB"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable <HexagonCell> GetLine(HexagonCell vertexA, HexagonCell vertexB)
            float n = this.GetDistance(vertexA, vertexB);
            List <HexagonCell> results = new List <HexagonCell>();

            for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
                float       t           = 1.0F / n * i;
                Point3F     cubeLerped  = this.GetLerpCube(vertexA.Location, vertexB.Location, t);
                Point3I     cubeRounded = this.GetCubeRounded(cubeLerped);
                HexagonCell oCell       = this.GetCell(cubeRounded);

                if (oCell != null)

Exemple #20
        public void ServerCmdcarUnmountObj(coGameConnection client, coPlayer obj)

            TransformF ejectpos = obj.getTransform();

            ejectpos += new TransformF(0, 0, 5);

            coVehicle mvehicle = obj["mVehicle"];

            Point3F ejectvel = mvehicle.getVelocity();

            ejectvel += new Point3F(0, 0, 10);

            ejectvel = ejectvel.vectorScale(((coSimDataBlock)(obj.getDataBlock()))["mass"].AsFloat());

            obj.applyImpulse(ejectpos.MPosition, ejectvel);
Exemple #21
        private Vector3 computeNorm(int[] triangle, List <Point3F> Vertics)
            Point3F a = Vertics[triangle[0]];
            Point3F b = Vertics[triangle[1]];
            Point3F c = Vertics[triangle[2]];

            Vector3 U = new Vector3(
                b.x - a.x,
                b.y - a.y,
                b.z - a.z

            Vector3 V = new Vector3(
                c.x - a.x,
                c.y - a.y,
                c.z - a.z

Exemple #22
 public PlayerChangedEvent(FFXIVProcess.EntityData e)
     id        =;
     level     = e.level;
     name      =;
     job       = e.job.ToString();
     currentHP = e.hp;
     maxHP     = e.max_hp;
     currentMP =;
     maxMP     = e.max_mp;
     maxTP     = 1000;
     currentGP =;
     maxGP     = e.max_gp;
     currentCP = e.cp;
     maxCP     = e.max_cp;
     pos       = new Point3F(e.pos_x, e.pos_y, e.pos_z);
     jobDetail = null;
     bait      = e.bait;
     debugJob  = e.debug_job;
        public override void onCollision(ShapeBase obj, SceneObject collObj, Point3F vec, float len)
            if (!((collObj.GetType() == typeof(Player)) || (collObj.GetType() == typeof(AIPlayer))))
            Player player = (Player)collObj;

            if (player.getDamageLevel() <= 0.00 || player.getState() == "Dead")


            obj.schedule((100).AsString(), "startFade", "1000", "0", "true");
            obj.schedule((1200).AsString(), "delete");
            Audio.AudioServerPlay3D("HealthUseSound", player.getTransform());
Exemple #24
        void bezier_01(Point3F[] p)
            int i, k, n = p.Length;

            for (k = n - 1; k > 0; k--)
                Point3F p0 = p [0];
                trace("bezier: " + p0.ToString());
                for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    p [i] = midpoint(p [i], p [i + 1]);
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                Point3F p0 = p [i];
                trace("bezier: " + p0.ToString());
Exemple #25
    void OnGUI()
        if (GUILayout.Button("Invoke C++ Dll"))
            IntPtr ptr = hd_init(null);

            Point3F   hand_center = new Point3F();
            Point3F[] fingertips  = new Point3F[5];
            IntPtr    fingersPtr  = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(fingertips, 0);

            IntPtr ir_img    = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(2); //IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr depth_img = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(2); //IntPtr.Zero;
            int    fingerNum = hd_get_fingers(ptr, ir_img, depth_img, 224, 171, ref hand_center, fingertips, 5);
            Debug.Log("fingernum : " + fingerNum);

            // 释放

        public void DrawPixel(int x, int y, Point3F point1, Point3F point2, Point3F point3, float[,] pointsColors, ref int zBuf)
            Color   pixelValue;
            Point3F drawingPoint;

            drawingPoint.x = x;
            drawingPoint.y = y;
            float l1, l2, l3;

            l1 = ((point2.y - point3.y) * (x - point3.x) + (point3.x - point2.x) * (y - point3.y)) /
                 ((point2.y - point3.y) * (point1.x - point3.x) + (point3.x - point2.x) * (point1.y - point3.y));
            l2 = ((point3.y - point1.y) * (x - point3.x) + (point1.x - point3.x) * (y - point3.y)) /
                 ((point2.y - point3.y) * (point1.x - point3.x) + (point3.x - point2.x) * (point1.y - point3.y));
            l3 = 1 - l1 - l2;

            if (l1 >= 0 && l2 >= 0 && l3 >= 0)
                drawingPoint.z = (float)(point1.z * l1 + point2.z * l2 + point3.z * l3);
                pixelValue     = textureBitmap.GetPixel(((int)(pointsColors[0, 0] * l1 + pointsColors[1, 0] * l2 + pointsColors[2, 0] * l3) % textureBitmap.Width),
                                                        (textureBitmap.Height - (int)(pointsColors[0, 1] * l1 + pointsColors[1, 1] * l2 + pointsColors[2, 1] * l3)) % textureBitmap.Height);
                SetPixel(drawingPoint, pixelValue, ref zBuf);
Exemple #27
        public virtual void autoFocus()
            GameConnection serverconnection = "ServerConnection";
            ShapeBase      camera           = serverconnection.getCameraObject();

            const uint mask = (uint)(SceneObjectTypesAsUint.StaticObjectType | SceneObjectTypesAsUint.TerrainObjectType);

            Point3F fvec  = camera.getEyeVector();
            Point3F start = camera.getEyePoint();
            Point3F end   = Util.VectorAdd(start, Util.VectorScale(fvec, fGlobal["$Param::FarDist"]));

            string result = Util.containerRayCast(start, end, mask, camera, true);

            string hitPos  = Util.getWords(result, 1, 3);
            string focDist = sGlobal["$Param::FarDist"];

            if (hitPos != string.Empty)
                focDist = Util.VectorDist(new Point3F(hitPos), start).AsString();

            this["focalDist"] = focDist;
        public static void RadiusDamage(GameBase sourceobject, Point3F position, float radius, float damage, string damageType, float impulse)
            // Use the container system to iterate through all the objects
            // within our explosion radius.  We'll apply damage to all ShapeBase
            // objects.
            Dictionary<uint, float> r = tst.console.initContainerRadiusSearch(position, radius, (uint) SceneObjectTypesAsUint.ShapeBaseObjectType);
            float halfRadius = radius/(float) 2.0;
            foreach (ShapeBase targetObject in r.Keys)
                // Calculate how much exposure the current object has to
                // the explosive force.  The object types listed are objects
                // that will block an explosion.  If the object is totally blocked,
                // then no damage is applied.

                UInt32 mask = (uint) SceneObjectTypesAsUint.TerrainObjectType | (uint) SceneObjectTypesAsUint.StaticShapeObjectType | (uint) SceneObjectTypesAsUint.VehicleObjectType;

                float coverage = tst.Util.calcExplosionCoverage(new Point3F(position), targetObject, mask);
                if (!coverage.AsBool())
                float dist = r[targetObject];
                // Calculate a distance scale for the damage and the impulse.
                // Full damage is applied to anything less than half the radius away,
                // linear scale from there.
                float distScale = (float) ((dist < halfRadius) ? 1.0 : 1 - ((dist - halfRadius)/halfRadius));
                // Apply the damage

                targetObject.damage(sourceobject, position, (((damage)*coverage*distScale)), damageType);

                // Apply the impulse
                if (!impulse.AsBool())
                TransformF impulseVec = new TransformF(targetObject.getWorldBoxCenter()) - new TransformF(position);
                impulseVec = impulseVec.normalizeSafe();
                impulseVec = impulseVec.vectorScale(impulse*distScale);
                targetObject.applyImpulse(new Point3F(position), impulseVec.GetPosition());
        public void DrawTriangle(VertexParam coordinate1, VertexParam coordinate2, VertexParam coordinate3, VertexParam point1texture, VertexParam point2texture, VertexParam point3texture, ref int[,] zbuffer)
            Point3F point1 = ConvertToRange(coordinate1);
            Point3F point2 = ConvertToRange(coordinate2);
            Point3F point3 = ConvertToRange(coordinate3);

            int x0 = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Min(point1.x, Math.Min(point2.x, point3.x)));
            int x1 = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Max(point1.x, Math.Max(point2.x, point3.x)));
            int y0 = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Min(point1.y, Math.Min(point2.y, point3.y)));
            int y1 = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Max(point1.y, Math.Max(point2.y, point3.y)));

            float[,] convertedTextureCoordinates = new float[3, 2];
            VertexParam[] verticesTextures = new VertexParam[3];
            verticesTextures[0]         = point1texture;
            verticesTextures[1]         = point2texture;
            verticesTextures[2]         = point3texture;
            convertedTextureCoordinates = ConvertToTexture(verticesTextures);

            if ((x1 > width && y1 > height && x0 > height && y0 > height) || (x0 < 0 && x1 < 0 && y0 < 0 && y1 < 0))
                return;                                                                                                      // Проверка выхода прямоугольника за пределы рисуемого объекта
                x0 = x0 < 0 ? 0 : x0;   // Проверка частичного выхода прямоугольника за пределы рисуемого объекта (и исправление)
                y0 = y0 < 0 ? 0 : y0;
                x1 = x1 > width ? width : x1;
                y1 = y1 > height ? height : y1;
                for (int x = x0; x < x1; x++)
                    for (int y = y0; y < y1; y++)
                        DrawPixel(x, y, point1, point2, point3, convertedTextureCoordinates, ref zbuffer[x, y]);
Exemple #30
        public void DOFPostEffectautoFocus(coPostEffect thisobj)
                coGameConnection serverconnection = "ServerConnection";
                coCamera         camera           = serverconnection.getCameraObject();

                uint mask = (uint)(WinterLeaf.Enums.SceneObjectTypesAsUint.StaticObjectType | WinterLeaf.Enums.SceneObjectTypesAsUint.TerrainObjectType);

                //string control = GameConnection.getCameraObject("ServerConnection"); //console.Call("ServerConnection", "getCameraObject");

                Point3F fvec  = camera.getEyeVector();
                Point3F start = camera.getEyePoint();

                //Point3F fvec = ShapeBase.getEyeVector(control); // console.Call(control, "getEyeVector");
                //Point3F start = ShapeBase.getEyePoint(control); // console.Call(control, "getEyePoint");

                Point3F end = Util.VectorAdd(start, Util.VectorScale(fvec, fGlobal["$Param::FarDist"]));

                string result = Util.containerRayCast(start, end, mask, camera, true);

                string hitPos  = Util.getWords(result, 1, 3);
                string focDist = sGlobal["$Param::FarDist"];
                if (hitPos != "")
                    focDist = Util.VectorDist(new Point3F(hitPos), start).AsString();

                thisobj["focalDist"] = focDist;
            catch (Exception)
                //Do nothing, this only gets hit when it can't find the serverconnection or the camera.
public virtual  void onCollision(ShapeBase obj, SceneObject collObj, Point3F vec, float len){}
        public override void damage(ShapeBase obj, Point3F position, GameBase source, float damage, string damagetype)
            if (obj.getDamageState() == "Dead")


            for (int i = 0; i < this["numMountPoints"].AsInt(); i++)
                Player player = obj.getMountNodeObject(i);
                if (player != 0)
                    player.damage(source, position, 10000.0f, "");
public virtual  void onCollision(Projectile proj, SceneObject col, float fade, Point3F pos, Point3F normal){}
public virtual  void onExplode(Projectile proj, Point3F pos, float fade){}
        public override void onAdd(GameBase obj)
            WheeledVehicle vehicle = obj._ID;

            WheeledVehicleTire CheetahCarTire = "CheetahCarTire";
            WheeledVehicleTire CheetahCarTireRear = "CheetahCarTireRear";
            WheeledVehicleSpring CheetahCarSpring = "CheetahCarSpring";

            //int nsd = (nameSpaceDepth.AsInt() + 1);
            //console.ParentExecute(datablock, "onAdd", nsd, new string[] { datablock, vehicle.ID });
            vehicle.setWheelTire(0, CheetahCarTire);
            vehicle.setWheelTire(1, CheetahCarTire);
            vehicle.setWheelTire(2, CheetahCarTireRear);
            vehicle.setWheelTire(3, CheetahCarTireRear);

            // Setup the car with some tires & springs
            for (int i = vehicle.getWheelCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                vehicle.setWheelPowered(i, true);
                vehicle.setWheelSpring(i, CheetahCarSpring);
            // Steer with the front tires
            vehicle.setWheelSteering(0, 1);
            vehicle.setWheelSteering(1, 1);

            // Add tail lights
            ObjectCreator tc = new ObjectCreator("PointLight", "");
            tc["radius"] = 1;
            tc["isEnabled"] = false;
            tc["color"] = new ColorF(1, 0, 0.141176f, 1); // , @"""1 0 0.141176 1""");
            tc["brightness"] = 2;
            tc["castShadows"] = true;
            tc["priority"] = 1;
            tc["animate"] = false;
            tc["animationPeriod"] = 1;
            tc["animationPhase"] = 1;
            tc["flareScale"] = 1;
            tc["attenuationRatio"] = new Point3F(0, 1, 1); //, @"""0 1 1""");
            tc["shadowType"] = "\"DualParaboloidSinglePass\"";
            tc["texSize"] = 512;
            tc["overDarkFactor"] = new Point4F(2000, 1000, 500, 100); //, @"""2000 1000 500 100""");
            tc["shadowDistance"] = 400; // "400");
            tc["shadowSoftness"] = 0.15;
            tc["numSplits"] = 1; //, "1");
            tc["logWeight"] = 0.91;
            tc["fadeStartDistance"] = 0; //, "0");
            tc["lastSplitTerrainOnly"] = false;
            tc["representedInLightmap"] = false; //, "0");
            tc["shadowDarkenColor"] = new ColorF(0, 0, 0, -1); //, @"""0 0 0 -1""");
            tc["includeLightmappedGeometryInShadow"] = false; //, "0");
            tc["rotation"] = new AngAxisF(1, 0, 0, 0); //, @"""1 0 0 0 """);
            tc["canSave"] = true; //, "1");
            tc["canSaveDynamicFields"] = true; //, "1");
            tc["splitFadeDistances"] = "10 20 30 40";

            vehicle["rightBrakeLight"] = ((PointLight) tc.Create());
            vehicle["leftBrakeLight"] = ((PointLight) tc.Create());
            vehicle["inv[BulletAmmo]"] = "1000";

            // Mount a ShapeBaseImageData
            vehicle.mountImage("TurretImage", this["turretSlot"].AsInt(), true, string.Empty);

            // Mount the brake lights
            vehicle.mountObject(vehicle["rightBrakeLight"], this["rightBrakeSlot"].AsInt(), new TransformF());
            vehicle.mountObject(vehicle["leftbrakelight"], this["leftBrakeSlot"].AsInt(), new TransformF());
Exemple #36
 public virtual void applyTorque(Point3F torque)
     InternalUnsafeMethods.applyTorque(ObjectPtr, torque.ToStruct());
 public virtual void damage(ShapeBase obj, Point3F position, GameBase source, float damage,
                            string damagetype)
     // Ignore damage by default. This empty method is here to
     // avoid console warnings.
public  void setLightDirection(Point3F direction){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnGuiObjectView_setLightDirection(_ID, direction.AsString());
Exemple #39
 public void renderSphere(Point3F pos, float radius, int sphereLevel = 0)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fnEditTSCtrl_renderSphere(_ID, pos.AsString(), radius, sphereLevel);
public  void setNodePosition(Point3F pos){

pInvokes.m_ts.fn_GuiRiverEditorCtrl_setNodePosition(_ID, pos.AsString());
 public override void damage(GameBase sourceobject, Point3F position, float damage, string damagetype)
     ((TurretShapeData) (getDataBlock())).damage(this, position, sourceobject, damage, damagetype);
public  void attach(Point3F start, Point3F direction, float maxDist){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnPhysicsForce_attach(_ID, start.AsString(), direction.AsString(), maxDist);
public virtual  void onImpact(ShapeBase obj, SceneObject collObj, Point3F vec, float len){}
public  int addLink(Point3F from, Point3F to, uint flags = 0){

return pInvokes.m_ts.fnNavMesh_addLink(_ID, from.AsString(), to.AsString(), flags);
public  void detach(Point3F force = null ){
if (force== null) {force = new Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);}

pInvokes.m_ts.fnPhysicsForce_detach(_ID, force.AsString());
 public override void onExplode(ProximityMine obj, Point3F pos)
     if (this["damageRadius"].AsFloat() > 0)
         radiusDamage.RadiusDamage(obj, pos, this["damageRadius"].AsFloat(), this["radiusDamage"].AsFloat(), this["damageType"], this["areaImpulse"].AsFloat());
public  void setNodeNormal(Point3F normal){

pInvokes.m_ts.fn_GuiRiverEditorCtrl_setNodeNormal(_ID, normal.AsString());
 public override void damage(ShapeBase obj, Point3F position, GameBase source, float damage, string damagetype)
     // Explode if any damage is applied to the mine
     int r = 50 + (new Random().Next(0, 50));
     schedule(r.AsString(), "explode");
 public static void clientCmdPlayTeleportEffect(Point3F position, SimDataBlock effectDataBlock)
     if (!effectDataBlock.isObject())
     ObjectCreator tch = new ObjectCreator("Explosion");
     tch["position"] = position.AsString();
     tch["datablock"] = effectDataBlock;
 public virtual void damage(ShapeBase obj, Point3F position, GameBase source, float damage, string damagetype)
     // Ignore damage by default. This empty method is here to
     // avoid console warnings.
        public override void damage(GameBase sourceobject, Point3F position, float damage, string damagetype)
            if (!isObject())
            if (getState() == "Dead")
            if (damage == 0.0)


            if (getState() == "Dead")

            Point3F ejectvel = getVelocity();

            if (ejectvel.z <= 0)
                ejectvel += new Point3F(0, 0, 5);
                SimDataBlock d = getDataBlock();
                if (d.isObject())
                    ejectvel = ejectvel.vectorScale(d["mass"].AsFloat());
                applyImpulse(getPosition(), ejectvel);

            Point3F currentpos = getPosition();
            currentpos.x += r.Next(-5, 5);
            currentpos.y += r.Next(-5, 5);

            if (getDamageLevel() > 50)
                currentpos.x += r.Next(-50, 50);
                currentpos.y += r.Next(-50, 50);

            setMoveDestination(currentpos, false);
public  Point3F project(Point3F worldPosition){

return new Point3F ( pInvokes.m_ts.fnGuiTSCtrl_project(_ID, worldPosition.AsString()));
Exemple #53
 public void renderTriangle(Point3F a, Point3F b, Point3F c)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fnEditTSCtrl_renderTriangle(_ID, a.AsString(), b.AsString(), c.AsString());
public  Point3F unproject(Point3F screenPosition){

return new Point3F ( pInvokes.m_ts.fnGuiTSCtrl_unproject(_ID, screenPosition.AsString()));
Exemple #55
 public virtual void applyForce(Point3F force)
     InternalUnsafeMethods.applyForce(ObjectPtr, force.ToStruct());
public  void setTurretEulerRotation(Point3F rot){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnTurretShape_setTurretEulerRotation(_ID, rot.AsString());
public  void drawLine(Point3F a, Point3F b, ColorF color = null ){
if (color== null) {color = new ColorF(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,1.0f);}

pInvokes.m_ts.fnDebugDrawer_drawLine(_ID, a.AsString(), b.AsString(), color.AsString());
public  int getLink(Point3F pos){

return pInvokes.m_ts.fnNavMesh_getLink(_ID, pos.AsString());
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the object's scale.
 ///    @param scale object scale to set )
 /// </summary>
 public void setScale(Point3F scale)
     TorqueScriptTemplate.m_ts.fnSceneObject_setScale(_mSimObjectId, scale.AsString());
public  TransformF getDeployTransform(Point3F pos, Point3F normal){

return new TransformF ( pInvokes.m_ts.fnShapeBaseData_getDeployTransform(_ID, pos.AsString(), normal.AsString()));