/// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task <IIotaRepository> CreateAsync(bool remotePoW = false)
            string nodeUri;

            if (remotePoW)
                nodeUri = await this.NodeSelector.GetHealthyRemotePoWNodeUriAsync();
                nodeUri = await this.NodeSelector.GetHealthyNodeUriAsync();

            var client = new RestIotaClient(new RestClient(nodeUri));

            IPoWService powService;

            if (remotePoW)
                powService = new RestPoWService(client);
                powService = new PoWService(new CpuPearlDiver());

            return(new RestIotaRepository(client, powService));
Exemple #2
        public void TestPowServiceAddsTimeStamps()
            var service = new PoWService(new PearlDiverStub());
            var result  = service.DoPoW(new Hash("BRANCH"), new Hash("TRUNK"), this.bundle.Transactions);

            foreach (var transaction in result)
                Assert.AreEqual(0, transaction.AttachmentTimestampLowerBound);
                Assert.AreEqual(PoWService.MaxTimestampValue, transaction.AttachmentTimestampUpperBound);
                var currentTime = Timestamp.UnixSecondsTimestamp * 1000;
                Assert.IsTrue(transaction.AttachmentTimestamp > currentTime - 10000 && transaction.AttachmentTimestamp < currentTime + 10000);
Exemple #3
        public void TestPowServiceChainsTransactionsCorrectly()
            var service = new PoWService(new PearlDiverStub());
            var result  = service.DoPoW(new Hash("BRANCH"), new Hash("TRUNK"), this.bundle.Transactions);

            for (var i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
                if (result[i].CurrentIndex == result[i].LastIndex)
                    Assert.AreEqual(new Hash("BRANCH").Value, result[i].BranchTransaction.Value);
                    Assert.AreEqual(new Hash("TRUNK").Value, result[i].TrunkTransaction.Value);
                    Assert.AreEqual(new Hash("TRUNK").Value, result[i].BranchTransaction.Value);
                    Assert.AreEqual(result[i + 1].Hash.Value, result[i].TrunkTransaction.Value);
Exemple #4
        public RestIotaRepository Create()
            var powService = new PoWService(new CpuPowDiver());
            var node       = new RestIotaRepository(new RestClient("https://field.carriota.com:443"), powService);

            if (NoteIsHealthy(node))

            foreach (var nodeUri in this.nodeUriList)
                node = new RestIotaRepository(new RestClient(nodeUri), powService);
                if (NoteIsHealthy(node))

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// The execute api example.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ExecuteApiExample()
            var nodeUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["nodeUri"]; // The node URI is saved in the projects App.config ... let's get it

            var iotaClient = new RestIotaClient(new RestClient(nodeUri));
            var powService = new PoWService(new CpuPearlDiver()); // the examples will use the CPU to do PoW for a transaction.

            // you could also use a remote node for PoW, if the node supports it. Uncomment this line and comment the line above to do so. Don't forget to change the node Uri in App.Config
            // var powService = new RestPoWService(iotaClient);

            var repository = new RestIotaRepository(
                powService); // compose the repository. all these steps would normally be done via DI container (ninject for example)

            // var factory = new RestIotaRepositoryFactory(); In an async context it is also possible to create a repository via factory as shown here.
            // var repository = await factory.CreateAsync(); This automatically picks a healthy node.

            var example = new GetAccountDataExample(repository); // get the example to execute. Change this to any example you want

            var result = example.Execute();

            Console.WriteLine(result); // print the example result to console. Set a breakpoint here if you want to see the result in debug mode.