private Attachment GetPoDetailsCard(PoDetails details)
            var receiptCard = new ReceiptCard
                Title = $"PO# {details.Number}",
                Facts = new List <Fact>
                    new Fact("Line", details.LineNumber.ToString()),
                    new Fact("Description", details.Description),
                    new Fact("To Be Invoiced", details.ToBeInvoiced),
                    new Fact("To Be Delivered", details.ToBeDelivered),
                    new Fact("Invoice #", details.InvoiceNumber.ToString()),
                    new Fact("Quantity", details.InvoiceQuantity),
                    new Fact("GR Posting Date", details.GrPostingDate.ToShortDateString()),
                    new Fact("Payment Date", details.PaymentDate.ToShortDateString())

        private async Task AfterPOChoiceSelected(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <string> result)
            var selectedPO = await result;

            var message = context.MakeMessage();

            var po1 = new PoDetails()
                Number          = 2515438,
                LineNumber      = 10,
                Description     = "Y1 3 Year Renewal Oracle OTM",
                ToBeInvoiced    = "N/A",
                ToBeDelivered   = "N/A",
                InvoiceNumber   = 438123,
                GrPostingDate   = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-10),
                PaymentDate     = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-8),
                InvoiceQuantity = "342,214"


            var po2 = new PoDetails()
                Number          = 2515438,
                LineNumber      = 20,
                Description     = "Y2 3 Year Renewal Oracle OTM",
                ToBeInvoiced    = "383,333",
                ToBeDelivered   = "383,333",
                InvoiceNumber   = 0,
                GrPostingDate   = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-10),
                PaymentDate     = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-8),
                InvoiceQuantity = "342,214"


            var po3 = new PoDetails()
                Number          = 2515438,
                LineNumber      = 20,
                Description     = "Y3 3 Year Renewal Oracle OTM",
                ToBeInvoiced    = "383,333",
                ToBeDelivered   = "383,333",
                InvoiceNumber   = 0,
                GrPostingDate   = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-10),
                PaymentDate     = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-8),
                InvoiceQuantity = "342,214"


            message.Attachments.Add(new Attachment()
                ContentUrl  = "",
                ContentType = "application/pdf",
                Name        = "Invoice.pdf"

            await context.PostAsync(message);

            //await this.StartOverAsync(context, message);