Exemple #1
        public static void Main()
            const string basePath = "..\\..\\..\\..\\images";

            var destImageName = "pm1.png";
            var srcImageName  = "pm2.png";

            // this is our input data.
            var destImage = GetLabImage(basePath, destImageName);
            var srcImage  = GetLabImage(basePath, srcImageName);

            var input = new PmData(destImage, srcImage)
                Settings =
                    PatchSize        = 5,
                    IterationsAmount = 2

            var patchMatchNnfBuilder = new PatchMatchNnfBuilder();

            var pipeline = new PatchMatchPipeline(patchMatchNnfBuilder, ImagePatchDistance.Cie2000);


            var data = pipeline.Process()

            var nnf = data.Nnf;

            // Restore dest image from the NNF and source image.
            .RestoreImage(srcImage, 3, input.Settings.PatchSize)
            .SaveTo(@"..\..\..\restored.png", ImageFormat.Png);

            // Convert the NNF to an image, save and show it
            .SaveTo(@"..\..\..\nnf.png", ImageFormat.Png)

            Console.WriteLine($"PatchMatchPipeline processing is finished.");
        public void DrawMonth(int year)
            SoilData.Add(new PieModel {
                title = "", value = 0
            var data = Db.Table <DataModel>().ToList().Where(p => p.Time.Year == year);

            for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                var temp = data.Where(p => p.Time.Month == i);
                if (temp.Count() > 0)
                    AtomData.Add(new GraphModel {
                        Line = temp.Max(p => p.Temp), Line2 = temp.Average(p => p.Temp), Line3 = temp.Min(p => p.Temp)
            var count = data.Count();
            var soil  = (double)data.Count(p => p.Soil == 0) / count;
            var rain  = (double)data.Count(p => p.Rain == 0) / count;
            var pm    = (double)data.Count(p => p.Pm25 == 0) / count;

            SoilData.Add(new PieModel {
                title = "干燥", value = soil
            SoilData.Add(new PieModel {
                title = "湿润", value = 1 - soil
            RainData.Add(new PieModel {
                title = "有雨", value = 1 - rain
            RainData.Add(new PieModel {
                title = "无雨", value = rain
            PmData.Add(new PieModel {
                title = "超标", value = 1 - pm
            PmData.Add(new PieModel {
                title = "良好", value = pm
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the post mortem data on all known task graph executions. This data indicates the vertices
        /// and edges that fired and those that did not fire. It is typically fed into the Diagnostics class'
        /// DumpPostMortemData(...) API.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A Hashtable of postmortem data.</returns>
        public Hashtable GetPostMortems()
            Hashtable postmortems = new Hashtable();

            if (s_managePostMortemData)
                foreach (TaskProcessor tp in TaskProcessors)
                    foreach (IDictionary graphContext in tp.GraphContexts)
                        PmData pmData = (PmData)graphContext["PostMortemData"];
                        postmortems.Add(tp.Name, pmData);
#endif //DEBUG
        public void DrawHour(int year, int month, int day)
            SoilData.Add(new PieModel {
                title = "", value = 0
            var list = Db.Table <DataModel>().ToList();
            var data = list.Where(p => p.Time.Year == year && p.Time.Month == month && p.Time.Day == day);

            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                var temp = data.First(p => p.Time.Hour == i);
                AtomData.Add(new GraphModel {
                    Line = temp.Temp
            var count = data.Count();
            var soil  = (double)data.Count(p => p.Soil == 0) / count;
            var rain  = (double)data.Count(p => p.Rain == 0) / count;
            var pm    = (double)data.Count(p => p.Pm25 == 0) / count;

            SoilData.Add(new PieModel {
                title = "干燥", value = soil
            SoilData.Add(new PieModel {
                title = "湿润", value = 1 - soil
            RainData.Add(new PieModel {
                title = "有雨", value = 1 - rain
            RainData.Add(new PieModel {
                title = "无雨", value = rain
            PmData.Add(new PieModel {
                title = "超标", value = 1 - pm
            PmData.Add(new PieModel {
                title = "良好", value = pm
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// In a debug build, post-mortems of a task graph can be dumped, describing which
        /// vertices and edges fired. This method performs that activity. The post mortems
        /// are retrieved from the model through the GetPostMortems(){ ... } API.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="postMortems">PostMortem data that can be acquired from the model via the GetPostMortems() API.</param>
        public static void DumpPostMortems(Hashtable postMortems)
            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in postMortems)
                PmData pmData = (PmData)de.Value;
                _Debug.WriteLine("PostMortem of Context associated with " + de.Key);
                _Debug.WriteLine("Vertices that fired:");
                foreach (Vertex v in pmData.VerticesFired)
                    _Debug.WriteLine("\t" + v.Name);
                _Debug.WriteLine("Edges that fired:");
                foreach (Edge e in pmData.EdgesFired)
                    _Debug.WriteLine("\t" + e.Name);
Exemple #6
        private void SetLevelMessage()
            DateTime date = new DateTime(int.Parse(year), int.Parse(month), int.Parse(day));
            PmData   data = new PmData();

            data.Pdate = date;
            switch (service.GetPmLevelByDate(data))
            case 0:
                resultLabel.Text      = "优秀";
                resultLabel.ForeColor = Color.Green;

            case 1:
                resultLabel.Text      = "良好";
                resultLabel.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen;

            case 2:
                resultLabel.Text      = "轻度污染";
                resultLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black;

            case 3:
                resultLabel.Text      = "中度污染";
                resultLabel.ForeColor = Color.MediumVioletRed;

            case 4:
                resultLabel.Text      = "重度污染";
                resultLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red;

            case 5:
                resultLabel.Text      = "严重污染";
                resultLabel.ForeColor = Color.DarkRed;