Exemple #1
        public void Setup()

            PipelineState.InputDirectory  = InputDir;
            PipelineState.OutputDirectory = OutputDir;
        public List <LoopPair> FindLoops()
            List <int> done = new List <int>();

            DependentNode[] nodes = dependencyGraph.Values.ToArray();

            //sanity check for existing loops
            bool loopEnds = false;

            foreach (DependentNode node in nodes)
                if (node.Type == LoopEnd.TypeName)
                    loopEnds = true;

            if (!loopEnds)
                return(new List <LoopPair>());

            //find end points
            for (int i = nodes.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                DependentNode node = nodes[i];
                if (PluginStore.isOutputPlugin(node.Type))
                    FindLoopEnd(node, ref done);

        public void PluginFileTest()
            PluginStore target = new PluginStore();

            #region insert and retrieve a plugin file
            int oldCount = target.Plugins.Count();
            // store a new entry in the db
            string name = RandomName();
            target.Persist(new PluginDescription(name, new Version(0, 1)), enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name));
            int newCount = target.Plugins.Count();
            // make sure the new entry was added to the db
            Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

            // get matching description from db and try to retrieve the stored file
            PluginDescription pluginDescription = target.Plugins.Where(p => p.Name == name).Single();
            byte[]            expected          = enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name);
            byte[]            actual            = target.PluginFile(pluginDescription);
            // check retrieved file
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, actual.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected[i], actual[i]);
        public void InsertProductPerformanceTest()
            int nProducts         = 50;
            int avgProductPlugins = 30;

            var       store     = new PluginStore();
            Version   vers01    = new Version(0, 1);
            Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
            Random    r         = new Random();
            var       plugins   = store.Plugins.ToList();

            // create products
            for (int i = 0; i < nProducts; i++)
                string name = RandomName();
                List <PluginDescription> prodPlugins = new List <PluginDescription>();
                for (int j = 0; j < avgProductPlugins; j++)
                    var selectedPlugin = plugins[r.Next(0, plugins.Count)];
                    if (!prodPlugins.Contains(selectedPlugin))
                var prod = new ProductDescription(name, vers01, prodPlugins);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Created " + nProducts + " products in " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds +
                                " ms (" + (double)stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / nProducts + " ms / product )");
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the registration of a plugin host class
        /// </summary>
        public static void UnRegisterHost(PluginHosts hostType, Type pluginClass)
            ArrayList pluginsList;

            if (_pluginsClassType.TryGetValue(hostType, out pluginsList))
                // remove from registered list

            // remove from loaded list
            Dictionary <PluginHosts, List <PluginStore> > loadedList = LoadedPluginsList;
            List <PluginStore> plugins;

            if (loadedList != null &&
                loadedList.TryGetValue(hostType, out plugins))
                for (int i = 0; i < plugins.Count; i++)
                    PluginStore plugin = plugins[i];
                    if (plugin.ClassType == pluginClass)
Exemple #6
 public void Setup()
        static void Main(string[] args)

            Console.WriteLine("Starting Listener");
            while (AsyncServer.IsListening)
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls specified method of all specified hosts.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void CallPluginMethod(PluginHosts hostType, Enum methodNameEnum, params object[] arguments)
            // Gets the available plugins list
            List <PluginStore> plugins = GetPluginsInstances(hostType);

            if (plugins != null && plugins.Count > 0)
                // method name as enum
                string methodName = methodNameEnum.ToString();

                for (int i = 0; i < plugins.Count; i++)
                    PluginStore pluginStore = plugins[i];
                        // getting requested method info using reflection
                        MethodInfo info = pluginStore.ClassType
                                                     BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);

                        // call plugin with specifed arguments
                        info.Invoke(pluginStore.Instance, arguments);
                    catch (EPluginStopRequest)
                        // The plugin requested to stop the process
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // the plugin requested to stop any operation
                        if (ex.InnerException is EPluginStopRequest)

                        if (Systems.LogSystem.ErrorLogEnabled)
                            Systems.LogSystem.LogError(ex, "Plugin method failed. IPluginEngine Plugin=" + plugins[i].ClassType + " MethodName=" + methodName, string.Empty);
        private static InputData[] FindStartLocations()
            List <InputData> inputNodes = new List <InputData>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, DependentNode> node in dependencyGraph)
                if (!PluginStore.isRegisteredPlugin(node.Value.Type))
                    throw new MissingPluginException(node.Value.Type + " could not be found");

                if (node.Value.Dependencies.Length == 0 && PluginStore.isInputPlugin(node.Value.Type))
                    inputNodes.Add(new InputData(node.Key, PluginStore.getInputPlugin(dependencyGraph[node.Key].Type)));

        /// <summary>
        /// Start processing the active graph
        /// </summary>
        public static void Start()
            if (inputs.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("No start locations could be found");
                Console.WriteLine("Starting Execution Preparation");

            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            //gather static data
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, DependentNode> pair in dependencyGraph)
                if (PluginStore.isGeneratorPlugin(pair.Value.Type))
                    IGeneratorPlugin plugin = PluginStore.getPlugin(pair.Value.Type) as IGeneratorPlugin;
                    staticData.StoreResults(plugin.StaticData(pair.Value.Value), pair.Key, true);

            PipelineExecutor[] pipes = BuildPipelines();

            Console.WriteLine("Preparation duration: " + stopwatch.Elapsed + " ms");

            //start the first wave of dependencies
            Console.WriteLine("Starting Processing");
            for (int p = 0; p < pipes.Length; p++)
                for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Length; i++)
Exemple #11
        public void Finalize(ComputerStateType state = ComputerStateType.Shutdown)
            if (IsDisposed)

            Logger.Info($"{new string('=', 64)}");


            if (_deviceManager != null)



            _timerManager  = null;
            _sensorManager = null;
            _deviceManager = null;
            _configManager = null;

            _pluginStore = null;
            _cache       = null;

            IsDisposed = true;

            Logger.Info("Finalizing done!");
            Logger.Info($"{new string('=', 64)}");
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches for sync blocks in the graph and initializes them in preparation for execution
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependencyGraph">graph representation of the pipeline</param>
        /// <param name="staticData">data object used by all pipelines for initialization of sync blocks</param>
        /// <returns>array of initialized sync blocks</returns>
        private static SyncNode[] PrepareSyncBlocks(Dictionary <int, DependentNode> dependencyGraph, DataStore staticData)
            List <SyncNode> syncBlocks = new List <SyncNode>();

            foreach (DependentNode node in dependencyGraph.Values)
                if (node.Type == SyncNode.TypeName)
                    //check if the node is connected to a generator
                    foreach (NodeSlot dependencies in node.Dependencies)
                        if (PluginStore.isGeneratorPlugin(dependencyGraph[dependencies.NodeId].Type))
                            throw new InvalidConnectionException("Generators don't need to be synced as they are inherently consistent");

                    syncBlocks.Add(new SyncNode(node, staticData));

        public void InsertPluginPerformanceTest()
            int nPlugins         = 100;
            int maxDependencies  = 10;
            int avgZipFileLength = 32000;

            var     store  = new PluginStore();
            Version vers01 = new Version(0, 1);

            // create a random byte array to represent file length
            byte[] zippedConstant = new byte[avgZipFileLength];
            Random r = new Random();


            Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

            // create plugins
            List <PluginDescription> plugins = new List <PluginDescription>();

            for (int i = 0; i < nPlugins; i++)
                string name         = RandomName();
                var    dependencies = store.Plugins;
                if (dependencies.Count() > maxDependencies)
                    dependencies = dependencies.Take(maxDependencies);
                var plugin = new PluginDescription(name, vers01, dependencies);
                store.Persist(plugin, zippedConstant);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Created " + nPlugins + " plugins in " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds +
                                " ms (" + (double)stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / nPlugins + " ms / plugin )");
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an assembly to the store
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">byte[] of the assembly</param>
        /// <param name="state">Signed or unsigned</param>
        /// <param name="pluginStore">Global or Custom Store</param>
        public void AddPlugin(byte[] buffer, AssemblySigningRequirement state, PluginStore pluginStore)
                Assembly     asm     = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(buffer);
                AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName(asm.FullName);

                string publicKeyToken = GetPublicToken(asm);
                if ((state == AssemblySigningRequirement.StoreSignedAssemblies) && (publicKeyToken == string.Empty))
                    throw new AssemblyNotSignedException();

                string pluginStoreDirectory = GetPluginDirectory(asmName, publicKeyToken, pluginStore);
                if (!Directory.Exists(pluginStoreDirectory))

                WriteFile(buffer, pluginStoreDirectory, asmName);
            catch (AssemblyNotSignedException ex)
                if (OnExceptionOccured != null)
                    OnExceptionOccured(this, new PluginManagerEventArgs(ex));
                if (OnExceptionOccured != null)
                    OnExceptionOccured(this, new PluginManagerEventArgs(new StoreAddingException()));
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Queues nodes for execution
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodes">node ids that will be triggered</param>
        /// <param name="triggeredBy">node that triggered the execution</param>
        private void StartNodes(int[] nodes, int triggeredBy)
            foreach (int id in nodes)
                string name = dependencyGraph[id].Type;

                //check if the node is a special type
                if (PluginStore.isInternalPlugin(name))
                    InternalPluginAction(id, triggeredBy);

                TaskRunner pluginTask = new TaskRunner(PluginStore.getPlugin(name), dependencyGraph[id], data, staticData, this, depth);

                Task task = pluginTask.getTask();
                if (task == null)

 public string Response(HttpListenerRequest request)
Exemple #17
 public void Clear()
Exemple #18
        public bool Initialize()
            Logger.Info($"{new string('=', 64)}");
            Logger.Info("Initializing service, version \"{0}\"", FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().Location)?.ProductVersion);
            PluginLoader.LoadAll(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Plugins"));

            var serializationContext = new TrackingSerializationContext();


            _configManager = new ConfigManager("config.json", serializationContext);
            if (!_configManager.LoadOrCreateConfig())

            _config      = _configManager.CurrentConfig;
            _cache       = new DataCache();
            _pluginStore = new PluginStore(serializationContext.Get <IPlugin>());

            _sensorManager = new SensorManager(_config);
            _deviceManager = new DeviceManager();

            _sensorManager.EnableSensors(_config.SensorConfigs.SelectMany(x => x.Sensors));
            foreach (var profile in _config.Profiles)
                Logger.Info("Processing profile \"{0}\"", profile.Name);
                if (_pluginStore.Get(profile).Any())
                    Logger.Fatal("Duplicate profile \"{0}\" found!", profile.Name);

                foreach (var effect in profile.Effects)
                    _pluginStore.Assign(effect, profile);

                foreach (var speedController in profile.SpeedControllers)
                    _pluginStore.Assign(speedController, profile);

                foreach (var port in profile.Ports)
                    _cache.StorePortConfig(port, PortConfig.Default);
                    _cache.StoreDeviceConfig(port, DeviceConfig.Default);

                    if (!_deviceManager.Controllers.SelectMany(c => c.Ports).Contains(port))
                        Logger.Warn("Could not find matching controller for port {0}!", port);

            _sensorManager.EnableSensors(serializationContext.Get <Identifier>());
            foreach (var sensor in _sensorManager.EnabledSensors)
                _cache.StoreSensorConfig(sensor, SensorConfig.Default);

            foreach (var controller in _deviceManager.Controllers)
                foreach (var port in controller.Ports)
                    _cache.StorePortConfig(port, PortConfig.Default);
                    _cache.StoreDeviceConfig(port, DeviceConfig.Default);


            if (_config.IpcServerEnabled && _config.IpcServer != null)
                _ipcClient = new ServiceIpcClient();

                foreach (var plugin in serializationContext.Get <IIpcClient>())


            _timerManager = new TimerManager();
            _timerManager.RegisterTimer(_config.SensorTimerInterval, SensorTimerCallback);
            _timerManager.RegisterTimer(_config.DeviceSpeedTimerInterval, DeviceSpeedTimerCallback);
            _timerManager.RegisterTimer(_config.DeviceRgbTimerInterval, DeviceRgbTimerCallback);

            if (_config.IpcClientTimerInterval > 0)
                _timerManager.RegisterTimer(_config.IpcClientTimerInterval, IpcClientTimerCallback);
            if (LogManager.Configuration.LoggingRules.Any(r => r.IsLoggingEnabledForLevel(LogLevel.Debug)))
                _timerManager.RegisterTimer(_config.DebugTimerInterval, DebugTimerCallback);


            Logger.Info("Initializing done!");
            Logger.Info($"{new string('=', 64)}");
    public void PersistPluginTest() {
      var vers01 = new Version(0, 1);
      PluginStore target = new PluginStore();

      #region persist single plugin without dependencies
        string name = RandomName();
        int oldCount = target.Plugins.Count();
        PluginDescription pluginDescription = new PluginDescription(name, vers01);
        byte[] pluginPackage = enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name);
        target.Persist(pluginDescription, pluginPackage);
        int newCount = target.Plugins.Count();
        Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

      #region persist a product with same name and version as an existent product
        string name = RandomName();
        int oldCount = target.Plugins.Count();
        PluginDescription pluginDescription = new PluginDescription(name, vers01);
        byte[] pluginPackage = enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name);
        target.Persist(pluginDescription, pluginPackage);
        int newCount = target.Plugins.Count();
        Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

        // insert same name and version
        oldCount = target.Plugins.Count();
        pluginDescription = new PluginDescription(name, vers01);
        pluginPackage = enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name);
        target.Persist(pluginDescription, pluginPackage);
        newCount = target.Plugins.Count();
        // make sure old entry was updated
        Assert.AreEqual(oldCount, newCount);

        // insert new with different version
        oldCount = target.Plugins.Count();
        pluginDescription = new PluginDescription(name, new Version(0, 2));
        pluginPackage = enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name);
        target.Persist(pluginDescription, pluginPackage);
        newCount = target.Plugins.Count();
        // make sure a new entry was created
        Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

      #region persist a plugin with an already persisted dependency
        string name = RandomName();
        PluginDescription dependency = new PluginDescription(name, vers01);
        // insert dependency first
        target.Persist(dependency, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name));

        // persist another plugin that has a dependency on the first plugin
        string name2 = RandomName();
        int oldCount = target.Plugins.Count();

        PluginDescription newEntity = new PluginDescription(name2, vers01, Enumerable.Repeat(dependency, 1));
        byte[] newEntityPackage = enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name2);
        target.Persist(newEntity, newEntityPackage);
        int newCount = target.Plugins.Count();
        Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount); // only one new plugin should be added

        // retrieve second plugin and check dependencies
        newEntity = target.Plugins.Where(p => p.Name == name2).Single();
        Assert.AreEqual(newEntity.Dependencies.Count(), 1);
        Assert.AreEqual(newEntity.Dependencies.First().Name, name);

      #region try to persist a new  plugin with a non-existant dependency and check the expected exception
        // try to persist a new plugin with a non-existant dependency
        try {
          string pluginName = RandomName();
          string dependencyName = RandomName();
          var dependency = new PluginDescription(dependencyName, vers01);
          var newEntity = new PluginDescription(pluginName, vers01, Enumerable.Repeat(dependency, 1));
          target.Persist(newEntity, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + pluginName));
          Assert.Fail("persist should fail with ArgumentException");
        catch (ArgumentException) {
          // this is expected
          Assert.IsTrue(true, "expected exception");

      #region update the plugin file of an existing plugin
        // insert new plugin
        string pluginName = RandomName();
        var newPlugin = new PluginDescription(pluginName, vers01);
        target.Persist(newPlugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + pluginName));

        // update the plugin file
        byte[] expected = enc.GetBytes("Zipped2 " + pluginName);
        target.Persist(newPlugin, expected);
        // check if the updated file is returned
        byte[] actual = target.PluginFile(newPlugin);
        // check retrieved file
        Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, actual.Length);
        for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++) {
          Assert.AreEqual(expected[i], actual[i]);

      #region update the dependencies of an existing plugin
        string dependency1Name = RandomName();
        var newDependency1 = new PluginDescription(dependency1Name, vers01);
        target.Persist(newDependency1, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + dependency1Name));

        string pluginName = RandomName();
        var newPlugin = new PluginDescription(pluginName, vers01, Enumerable.Repeat(newDependency1, 1));
        target.Persist(newPlugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + pluginName));

        // retrieve plugin
        var dbPlugin = target.Plugins.Where(p => p.Name == pluginName).Single();
        Assert.AreEqual(dbPlugin.Dependencies.Count(), 1);
        Assert.AreEqual(dbPlugin.Dependencies.First().Name, dependency1Name);

        // change dependencies 
        string dependency2Name = RandomName();
        var newDependency2 = new PluginDescription(dependency2Name, vers01);
        target.Persist(newDependency2, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + pluginName));

        newPlugin = new PluginDescription(pluginName, vers01, new PluginDescription[] { newDependency1, newDependency2 });
        target.Persist(newPlugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + pluginName));
        // retrieve plugin
        dbPlugin = target.Plugins.Where(p => p.Name == pluginName).Single();
        Assert.AreEqual(dbPlugin.Dependencies.Count(), 2);

      #region try to insert a plugin that references the same dependency twice and check if the correct exception is thrown
        string depName = RandomName();
        var depPlugin = new PluginDescription(depName, vers01);
        target.Persist(depPlugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + depName));

        // insert new plugin
        string pluginName = RandomName();
        var plugin = new PluginDescription(pluginName, vers01, new PluginDescription[] { depPlugin, depPlugin });
        try {
          target.Persist(plugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + depName));
          Assert.Fail("Expected ArgumentException");
        catch (ArgumentException) {
          Assert.IsTrue(true, "Exception thrown as expected");

      #region try to insert a plugin that with a cyclic reference
        string depName = RandomName();
        var depPlugin = new PluginDescription(depName, vers01);
        target.Persist(depPlugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + depName));

        // update the plugin so that it has a dependency on itself 
        var plugin = new PluginDescription(depName, vers01, new PluginDescription[] { depPlugin });
        try {
          target.Persist(plugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + depName));
          Assert.Fail("Expected ArgumentException");
        catch (ArgumentException) {
          Assert.IsTrue(true, "Exception thrown as expected");

    public void PersistProductTest() {
      Version vers01 = new Version(0, 1);
      PluginStore target = new PluginStore();

      #region persist a product without plugins to the db
        string prodName = RandomName();
        int oldCount = target.Products.Count();
        ProductDescription product = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01);
        int newCount = target.Products.Count();
        Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

      #region persist a product with the same name and version as an existant product
        string prodName = RandomName();
        int oldCount = target.Products.Count();
        ProductDescription product = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01);
        int newCount = target.Products.Count();
        Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

        // write a product with same name and version
        oldCount = target.Products.Count();
        product = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01);
        newCount = target.Products.Count();

        // make sure that the old entry was updated
        Assert.AreEqual(oldCount, newCount);

        // write a product with same name and different version
        oldCount = target.Products.Count();
        product = new ProductDescription(prodName, new Version(0, 2));
        newCount = target.Products.Count();

        // make sure that a new entry was created
        Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

      #region try to persist a product referencing an non-existant plugin and check the expected exception
        // try to persist a product referencing a non-existant plugin
        string prodName = RandomName();
        string pluginName = RandomName();
        var plugin = new PluginDescription(pluginName, vers01);
        var product = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01, Enumerable.Repeat(plugin, 1));
        try {
          Assert.Fail("persist should fail with ArgumentException");
        catch (ArgumentException) {
          // this is expected
          Assert.IsTrue(true, "expected exception");

      #region persist a product with a single plugin reference
        string prodName = RandomName();
        string pluginName = RandomName();
        var plugin = new PluginDescription(pluginName, vers01);
        var product = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01, Enumerable.Repeat(plugin, 1));

        // persist the plugin first
        int oldCount = target.Products.Count();
        target.Persist(plugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + plugin.Name));
        int newCount = target.Products.Count();
        // make sure the store went through
        Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);
        // retrieve the product and check if the plugin list was stored/retrieved correctly
        var dbProd = target.Products.Where(p => p.Name == prodName).Single();
        Assert.AreEqual(dbProd.Plugins.Count(), 1);
        Assert.AreEqual(dbProd.Plugins.First().Name, pluginName);

      #region update the plugin list of an existing product
        string prodName = RandomName();
        string plugin1Name = RandomName();
        var plugin1 = new PluginDescription(plugin1Name, vers01);
        var product = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01, Enumerable.Repeat(plugin1, 1));

        // persist the plugin first
        int oldCount = target.Products.Count();
        target.Persist(plugin1, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + plugin1.Name));
        int newCount = target.Products.Count();
        // make sure the store went through
        Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

        var plugin2Name = RandomName();
        var plugin2 = new PluginDescription(plugin2Name, vers01);
        target.Persist(plugin2, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + plugin2.Name));
        product = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01, new PluginDescription[] { plugin1, plugin2 });
        oldCount = target.Products.Count();
        newCount = target.Products.Count();
        // make sure that a new entry was not created
        Assert.AreEqual(oldCount, newCount);

        // check the plugin list of the product
        var dbProduct = target.Products.Where(p => p.Name == prodName).Single();
        Assert.AreEqual(dbProduct.Plugins.Count(), 2);

      #region insert a product which references the same plugin twice and check if the correct exception is thrown
        string prodName = RandomName();
        string plugin1Name = RandomName();
        var plugin1 = new PluginDescription(plugin1Name, vers01);
        var product = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01, Enumerable.Repeat(plugin1, 2));

        // persist the plugin first
        target.Persist(plugin1, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + plugin1.Name));
        try {
          Assert.Fail("Expected ArgumentException");
        catch (ArgumentException) {
          Assert.IsTrue(true, "Expected exception was thrown.");
 public void Setup()
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds pipelines for data processing, will perform segregation of nodes to minimize node processing duplication
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>prepared pipelines</returns>
        private static PipelineExecutor[] BuildPipelines()
            if (specialNodes.SyncInformation.SyncNodes.Length == 0)

            //Build Pipelines with sync pipeline segregation

            int[] inputNodeIds = new int[inputs.Length];
            for (var i = 0; i < inputs.Length; i++)
                inputNodeIds[i] = inputs[i].nodeId;
            Dictionary <int, InputData[]>    groupInputLookup = new Dictionary <int, InputData[]>();
            Dictionary <int, SyncSplitGroup> nodeToGroup      = new Dictionary <int, SyncSplitGroup>();

            //find groups which have input nodes
            foreach (SyncSplitGroup group in specialNodes.SyncInformation.NodeGroups)
                List <InputData> inputs = new List <InputData>();

                foreach (int nodeId in group.ControllingNodes)
                    if (inputNodeIds.Contains(nodeId))
                        IInputPlugin plugin = PluginStore.getInputPlugin(dependencyGraph[nodeId].Type);
                        if (!group.Input)
                            // Gather initial quantity requirements
                            group.Input         = true;
                            group.RequiredPipes = plugin.InputDataQuantity(NodeValueOrInput(nodeId));
                        else if (group.RequiredPipes != plugin.InputDataQuantity(NodeValueOrInput(nodeId)))
                            throw new InputPluginQuantityMismatchException();

                        inputs.Add(new InputData(nodeId, plugin));

                    nodeToGroup.Add(nodeId, group);

                groupInputLookup.Add(group.SyncNodeId, inputs.ToArray());

            //check group dependencies are valid
            foreach (SyncSplitGroup group in specialNodes.SyncInformation.NodeGroups)
                if (group.SyncNodeId == -1)
                    continue;                         //nodes outside of sync blocks
                foreach (int dependent in group.Dependents)
                    SyncSplitGroup otherGroup = nodeToGroup[dependent];
                    if (otherGroup.Input)
                        throw new PipelineException("Co-dependent sync nodes with inputs are not supported");

                    if (group.linked == null)
                        otherGroup.linked = group;
                        throw new PipelineException("Multi-Sync segmentation is not supported");

            //create new pipelines
            bool postBuildLinkRequired        = false;
            List <PipelineExecutor> executors = new List <PipelineExecutor>();

            foreach (SyncSplitGroup group in specialNodes.SyncInformation.NodeGroups)
                if (group.linked != null)
                    group.RequiredPipes = group.linked.RequiredPipes;
                else if (group.linked == null && !group.Input)
                    group.RequiredPipes = 1;

                //Prepare pipelines
                if (group.linked == null)
                    group.pipes = new PipelineExecutor[group.RequiredPipes];
                    for (int i = 0; i < group.RequiredPipes; i++)
                        group.pipes[i] = new PipelineExecutor(dependencyGraph, staticData, i, specialNodes,
                                                              InputDirectory, OutputDirectory);
                    postBuildLinkRequired = true;

                if (group.Input)
                    PrepareInputData(groupInputLookup[group.SyncNodeId], group.pipes);
                if (group.pipes != null)

            if (postBuildLinkRequired)
                foreach (SyncSplitGroup group in specialNodes.SyncInformation.NodeGroups)
                    if (group.linked != null && group.pipes == null)
                        group.pipes = group.linked.pipes;

            //Update sync nodes with trigger pipelines
            for (var i = 0; i < specialNodes.SyncInformation.NodeGroups.Count; i++)
                SyncSplitGroup group = specialNodes.SyncInformation.NodeGroups[i];
                if (group.CalledBy == -2)

                int expectedPipes = ExtractSyncGroup(group.CalledBy).RequiredPipes;
                ExtractNodeSlot(group.CalledBy).StateInfo(expectedPipes, group.pipes);

Exemple #23
 public void Finish()
Exemple #24
        public void Clear()

            PipelineState.InputDirectory = PipelineState.OutputDirectory = "";
    public void InsertPluginPerformanceTest() {
      int nPlugins = 100;
      int maxDependencies = 10;
      int avgZipFileLength = 32000;

      var store = new PluginStore();
      Version vers01 = new Version(0, 1);
      // create a random byte array to represent file length
      byte[] zippedConstant = new byte[avgZipFileLength];
      Random r = new Random();

      Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
      // create plugins
      List<PluginDescription> plugins = new List<PluginDescription>();
      for (int i = 0; i < nPlugins; i++) {
        string name = RandomName();
        var dependencies = store.Plugins;
        if (dependencies.Count() > maxDependencies) dependencies = dependencies.Take(maxDependencies);
        var plugin = new PluginDescription(name, vers01, dependencies);
        store.Persist(plugin, zippedConstant);
      Assert.Inconclusive("Created " + nPlugins + " plugins in " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds +
        " ms (" + (double)stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / nPlugins + " ms / plugin )");
Exemple #26
        public bool Initialize()
            Logger.Info($"{new string('=', 64)}");
            PluginLoader.LoadAll(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Plugins"));

            const string key = "config-file";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AppSettingsHelper.ReadValue(key)))
                AppSettingsHelper.WriteValue(key, "config.json");

            _configManager = new ConfigManager(AppSettingsHelper.ReadValue(key));
            if (!_configManager.LoadOrCreateConfig())

            _config      = _configManager.CurrentConfig;
            _cache       = new DataCache();
            _pluginStore = new PluginStore();

            _sensorManager = new SensorManager(_config);
            _deviceManager = new DeviceManager();

            _sensorManager.EnableSensors(_config.SensorConfigs.SelectMany(x => x.Sensors));
            foreach (var profile in _config.Profiles)
                if (_pluginStore.Get(profile).Any())
                    Logger.Fatal("Duplicate profile \"{0}\" found!", profile.Name);

                foreach (var effect in profile.Effects)
                    _pluginStore.Add(profile, effect);

                foreach (var speedController in profile.SpeedControllers)
                    _pluginStore.Add(profile, speedController);

                profile.Ports.RemoveAll(p =>
                    var portExists = _deviceManager.Controllers.SelectMany(c => c.Ports).Contains(p);
                    if (!portExists)
                        Logger.Warn("Removing invalid port: {0}", p);


            foreach (var sensor in _sensorManager.EnabledSensors)
                _cache.StoreSensorConfig(sensor, SensorConfig.Default);

            foreach (var controller in _deviceManager.Controllers)
                foreach (var port in controller.Ports)
                    _cache.StorePortConfig(port, PortConfig.Default);
                    _cache.StoreDeviceConfig(port, DeviceConfig.Default);



            _timerManager = new TimerManager();
            _timerManager.RegisterTimer(_config.SensorTimerInterval, SensorTimerCallback);
            _timerManager.RegisterTimer(_config.DeviceSpeedTimerInterval, DeviceSpeedTimerCallback);
            _timerManager.RegisterTimer(_config.DeviceRgbTimerInterval, DeviceRgbTimerCallback);
            if (LogManager.Configuration.LoggingRules.Any(r => r.IsLoggingEnabledForLevel(LogLevel.Debug)))
                _timerManager.RegisterTimer(_config.LoggingTimerInterval, LoggingTimerCallback);


            Logger.Info("Initializing done!");
            Logger.Info($"{new string('=', 64)}");
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the directory for the assembly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblyName">Name of the assembly</param>
        /// <param name="publicKeyToken">Public token</param>
        /// <param name="pluginStore">Global or Custom Store</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the full directory name</returns>
        private string GetPluginDirectory(AssemblyName assemblyName, string publicKeyToken, PluginStore pluginStore)
            string versionName = string.Empty;

            if (publicKeyToken == String.Empty)
                versionName = Path.Combine(assemblyName.Name, assemblyName.Version.ToString());
                versionName = Path.Combine(assemblyName.Name, assemblyName.Version.ToString() + "__" + publicKeyToken);

            switch (pluginStore)
            case PluginStore.GlobalPluginStore:
                return(Path.Combine(globalPluginStore, versionName));

            case PluginStore.CustomPluginStore:
                return(Path.Combine(customPluginStore, versionName));
 public void Setup()
    public void InsertProductPerformanceTest() {
      int nProducts = 50;
      int avgProductPlugins = 30;

      var store = new PluginStore();
      Version vers01 = new Version(0, 1);
      Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
      Random r = new Random();
      var plugins = store.Plugins.ToList();
      // create products
      for (int i = 0; i < nProducts; i++) {
        string name = RandomName();
        List<PluginDescription> prodPlugins = new List<PluginDescription>();
        for (int j = 0; j < avgProductPlugins; j++) {
          var selectedPlugin = plugins[r.Next(0, plugins.Count)];
          if (!prodPlugins.Contains(selectedPlugin)) prodPlugins.Add(selectedPlugin);
        var prod = new ProductDescription(name, vers01, prodPlugins);
      Assert.Inconclusive("Created " + nProducts + " products in " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds +
        " ms (" + (double)stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / nProducts + " ms / product )");
Exemple #30
 public void Setup()
        public void PersistPluginTest()
            var         vers01 = new Version(0, 1);
            PluginStore target = new PluginStore();

            #region persist single plugin without dependencies
                string            name              = RandomName();
                int               oldCount          = target.Plugins.Count();
                PluginDescription pluginDescription = new PluginDescription(name, vers01);
                byte[]            pluginPackage     = enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name);
                target.Persist(pluginDescription, pluginPackage);
                int newCount = target.Plugins.Count();
                Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

            #region persist a product with same name and version as an existent product
                string            name              = RandomName();
                int               oldCount          = target.Plugins.Count();
                PluginDescription pluginDescription = new PluginDescription(name, vers01);
                byte[]            pluginPackage     = enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name);
                target.Persist(pluginDescription, pluginPackage);
                int newCount = target.Plugins.Count();
                Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

                // insert same name and version
                oldCount          = target.Plugins.Count();
                pluginDescription = new PluginDescription(name, vers01);
                pluginPackage     = enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name);
                target.Persist(pluginDescription, pluginPackage);
                newCount = target.Plugins.Count();
                // make sure old entry was updated
                Assert.AreEqual(oldCount, newCount);

                // insert new with different version
                oldCount          = target.Plugins.Count();
                pluginDescription = new PluginDescription(name, new Version(0, 2));
                pluginPackage     = enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name);
                target.Persist(pluginDescription, pluginPackage);
                newCount = target.Plugins.Count();
                // make sure a new entry was created
                Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

            #region persist a plugin with an already persisted dependency
                string            name       = RandomName();
                PluginDescription dependency = new PluginDescription(name, vers01);
                // insert dependency first
                target.Persist(dependency, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name));

                // persist another plugin that has a dependency on the first plugin
                string name2    = RandomName();
                int    oldCount = target.Plugins.Count();

                PluginDescription newEntity        = new PluginDescription(name2, vers01, Enumerable.Repeat(dependency, 1));
                byte[]            newEntityPackage = enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name2);
                target.Persist(newEntity, newEntityPackage);
                int newCount = target.Plugins.Count();
                Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount); // only one new plugin should be added

                // retrieve second plugin and check dependencies
                newEntity = target.Plugins.Where(p => p.Name == name2).Single();
                Assert.AreEqual(newEntity.Dependencies.Count(), 1);
                Assert.AreEqual(newEntity.Dependencies.First().Name, name);

            #region try to persist a new  plugin with a non-existant dependency and check the expected exception
                // try to persist a new plugin with a non-existant dependency
                try {
                    string pluginName     = RandomName();
                    string dependencyName = RandomName();
                    var    dependency     = new PluginDescription(dependencyName, vers01);
                    var    newEntity      = new PluginDescription(pluginName, vers01, Enumerable.Repeat(dependency, 1));
                    target.Persist(newEntity, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + pluginName));
                    Assert.Fail("persist should fail with ArgumentException");
                catch (ArgumentException) {
                    // this is expected
                    Assert.IsTrue(true, "expected exception");

            #region update the plugin file of an existing plugin
                // insert new plugin
                string pluginName = RandomName();
                var    newPlugin  = new PluginDescription(pluginName, vers01);
                target.Persist(newPlugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + pluginName));

                // update the plugin file
                byte[] expected = enc.GetBytes("Zipped2 " + pluginName);
                target.Persist(newPlugin, expected);
                // check if the updated file is returned
                byte[] actual = target.PluginFile(newPlugin);
                // check retrieved file
                Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, actual.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(expected[i], actual[i]);

            #region update the dependencies of an existing plugin
                string dependency1Name = RandomName();
                var    newDependency1  = new PluginDescription(dependency1Name, vers01);
                target.Persist(newDependency1, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + dependency1Name));

                string pluginName = RandomName();
                var    newPlugin  = new PluginDescription(pluginName, vers01, Enumerable.Repeat(newDependency1, 1));
                target.Persist(newPlugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + pluginName));

                // retrieve plugin
                var dbPlugin = target.Plugins.Where(p => p.Name == pluginName).Single();
                Assert.AreEqual(dbPlugin.Dependencies.Count(), 1);
                Assert.AreEqual(dbPlugin.Dependencies.First().Name, dependency1Name);

                // change dependencies
                string dependency2Name = RandomName();
                var    newDependency2  = new PluginDescription(dependency2Name, vers01);
                target.Persist(newDependency2, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + pluginName));

                newPlugin = new PluginDescription(pluginName, vers01, new PluginDescription[] { newDependency1, newDependency2 });
                target.Persist(newPlugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + pluginName));
                // retrieve plugin
                dbPlugin = target.Plugins.Where(p => p.Name == pluginName).Single();
                Assert.AreEqual(dbPlugin.Dependencies.Count(), 2);

            #region try to insert a plugin that references the same dependency twice and check if the correct exception is thrown
                string depName   = RandomName();
                var    depPlugin = new PluginDescription(depName, vers01);
                target.Persist(depPlugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + depName));

                // insert new plugin
                string pluginName = RandomName();
                var    plugin     = new PluginDescription(pluginName, vers01, new PluginDescription[] { depPlugin, depPlugin });
                try {
                    target.Persist(plugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + depName));
                    Assert.Fail("Expected ArgumentException");
                catch (ArgumentException) {
                    Assert.IsTrue(true, "Exception thrown as expected");

            #region try to insert a plugin that with a cyclic reference
                string depName   = RandomName();
                var    depPlugin = new PluginDescription(depName, vers01);
                target.Persist(depPlugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + depName));

                // update the plugin so that it has a dependency on itself
                var plugin = new PluginDescription(depName, vers01, new PluginDescription[] { depPlugin });
                try {
                    target.Persist(plugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + depName));
                    Assert.Fail("Expected ArgumentException");
                catch (ArgumentException) {
                    Assert.IsTrue(true, "Exception thrown as expected");
        public void PersistProductTest()
            Version     vers01 = new Version(0, 1);
            PluginStore target = new PluginStore();

            #region persist a product without plugins to the db
                string             prodName = RandomName();
                int                oldCount = target.Products.Count();
                ProductDescription product  = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01);
                int newCount = target.Products.Count();
                Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

            #region persist a product with the same name and version as an existant product
                string             prodName = RandomName();
                int                oldCount = target.Products.Count();
                ProductDescription product  = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01);
                int newCount = target.Products.Count();
                Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

                // write a product with same name and version
                oldCount = target.Products.Count();
                product  = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01);
                newCount = target.Products.Count();

                // make sure that the old entry was updated
                Assert.AreEqual(oldCount, newCount);

                // write a product with same name and different version
                oldCount = target.Products.Count();
                product  = new ProductDescription(prodName, new Version(0, 2));
                newCount = target.Products.Count();

                // make sure that a new entry was created
                Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

            #region try to persist a product referencing an non-existant plugin and check the expected exception
                // try to persist a product referencing a non-existant plugin
                string prodName   = RandomName();
                string pluginName = RandomName();
                var    plugin     = new PluginDescription(pluginName, vers01);
                var    product    = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01, Enumerable.Repeat(plugin, 1));
                try {
                    Assert.Fail("persist should fail with ArgumentException");
                catch (ArgumentException) {
                    // this is expected
                    Assert.IsTrue(true, "expected exception");

            #region persist a product with a single plugin reference
                string prodName   = RandomName();
                string pluginName = RandomName();
                var    plugin     = new PluginDescription(pluginName, vers01);
                var    product    = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01, Enumerable.Repeat(plugin, 1));

                // persist the plugin first
                int oldCount = target.Products.Count();
                target.Persist(plugin, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + plugin.Name));
                int newCount = target.Products.Count();
                // make sure the store went through
                Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);
                // retrieve the product and check if the plugin list was stored/retrieved correctly
                var dbProd = target.Products.Where(p => p.Name == prodName).Single();
                Assert.AreEqual(dbProd.Plugins.Count(), 1);
                Assert.AreEqual(dbProd.Plugins.First().Name, pluginName);

            #region update the plugin list of an existing product
                string prodName    = RandomName();
                string plugin1Name = RandomName();
                var    plugin1     = new PluginDescription(plugin1Name, vers01);
                var    product     = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01, Enumerable.Repeat(plugin1, 1));

                // persist the plugin first
                int oldCount = target.Products.Count();
                target.Persist(plugin1, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + plugin1.Name));
                int newCount = target.Products.Count();
                // make sure the store went through
                Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

                var plugin2Name = RandomName();
                var plugin2     = new PluginDescription(plugin2Name, vers01);
                target.Persist(plugin2, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + plugin2.Name));
                product  = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01, new PluginDescription[] { plugin1, plugin2 });
                oldCount = target.Products.Count();
                newCount = target.Products.Count();
                // make sure that a new entry was not created
                Assert.AreEqual(oldCount, newCount);

                // check the plugin list of the product
                var dbProduct = target.Products.Where(p => p.Name == prodName).Single();
                Assert.AreEqual(dbProduct.Plugins.Count(), 2);

            #region insert a product which references the same plugin twice and check if the correct exception is thrown
                string prodName    = RandomName();
                string plugin1Name = RandomName();
                var    plugin1     = new PluginDescription(plugin1Name, vers01);
                var    product     = new ProductDescription(prodName, vers01, Enumerable.Repeat(plugin1, 2));

                // persist the plugin first
                target.Persist(plugin1, enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + plugin1.Name));
                try {
                    Assert.Fail("Expected ArgumentException");
                catch (ArgumentException) {
                    Assert.IsTrue(true, "Expected exception was thrown.");
    public void PluginFileTest() {
      PluginStore target = new PluginStore();
      #region insert and retrieve a plugin file
      int oldCount = target.Plugins.Count();
      // store a new entry in the db
      string name = RandomName();
      target.Persist(new PluginDescription(name, new Version(0, 1)), enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name));
      int newCount = target.Plugins.Count();
      // make sure the new entry was added to the db
      Assert.AreEqual(oldCount + 1, newCount);

      // get matching description from db and try to retrieve the stored file 
      PluginDescription pluginDescription = target.Plugins.Where(p => p.Name == name).Single();
      byte[] expected = enc.GetBytes("Zipped " + name);
      byte[] actual = target.PluginFile(pluginDescription);
      // check retrieved file
      Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, actual.Length);
      for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++) {
        Assert.AreEqual(expected[i], actual[i]);