/// <summary>
        /// Creates the plots for the data to be added to.
        /// </summary>
        public override void CreatePlots()

            PlotSeries     plot     = new PlotSeries("line");
            PlotSeriesFlag plotFlag = new PlotSeriesFlag();

            ChartPlots[ToString()]           = plot;
            ChartPlots[ToString() + "label"] = plotFlag;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds data to the created plots for the indicator at the current bar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentBar"></param>
        public override void AddToPlots(int currentBar)

            PlotSeries     plot     = (PlotSeries)ChartPlots[ToString()];
            PlotSeriesFlag plotFlag = (PlotSeriesFlag)ChartPlots[ToString() + "label"];

            long ticks = UtilityMethods.UnixTicks(Data.Dates[currentBar]);

            plot.PlotData.Add(new List <object>()
                FifthWaveValue[currentBar] > 0.0 ? (object)Math.Round(FifthWaveValue[currentBar], 2) : null

            if (WaveLabels[currentBar] != null)
                plotFlag.PlotData.Add(new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "x", ticks },
                    { "title", WaveLabels[currentBar].Label }