private void TransferTreeToDoc(NGTreeNode rootnode, PlotItemCollection picoll)
            foreach (NGTreeNode node in rootnode.Nodes)
                IGPlotItem item = (IGPlotItem)node.Tag;
                if (item is PlotItemCollection) // if this is a plot item collection
                    TransferTreeToDoc(node, (PlotItemCollection)item);

        public bool Apply()
            if (!this.m_bDirty)
                return(true);     // not dirty - so no need to apply something
            _originalDoc.Clear(); // first, clear all Plot items
            TransferTreeToDoc(_plotItemsRootNode, _originalDoc);

            if (_useDocument == UseDocument.Copy)
                _doc = _originalDoc.Clone();
            SetElements(true); // Reload the applied contents to make sure it is synchronized

            return(true);      // all ok
    private void TransferTreeToDoc(NGTreeNode rootnode, PlotItemCollection picoll)
      foreach (NGTreeNode node in rootnode.Nodes)
        IGPlotItem item = (IGPlotItem)node.Tag;
        if (item is PlotItemCollection) // if this is a plot item collection
          TransferTreeToDoc(node, (PlotItemCollection)item);
