Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides an image from an external API to be attached to a playlist
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PlaylistDTO">The DTO of the playlist the image will be assigned to</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the local file path the image was saved to</returns>
        public async Task <string> AssignImage(PlaylistDTO PlaylistDTO)
            var jsonString = await client.GetAsync(startUrl).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var    pixaBayImageCollection = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <PixaBayImageCollection>(jsonString);
            int    imgIndex = new Random().Next(0, pixaBayImageCollection.PixaBayImages.Count);
            string imgUrl   = pixaBayImageCollection.PixaBayImages[imgIndex].WebFormatURL;

            (string, string)paths = GetFilePathForImage(PlaylistDTO);
            string filePath     = paths.Item1;
            string physicalPath = paths.Item2;

            using (WebClient c = new WebClient())
                byte[] imageData = c.DownloadData(imgUrl.ToString())
                                   ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("Image not found.");

                using MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(imageData);
                using (var yourImage = Image.FromStream(mem))
                    yourImage.Save($"{physicalPath}.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);

Exemple #2
        public async Task Throw_When_NoPlaylistsExistToAttachImageTo()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(Throw_When_NoPlaylistsExistToAttachImageTo));

            PlaylistDTO firstPlaylistDTO = new PlaylistDTO
                Id               = 91,
                Title            = "Home",
                PlaylistPlaytime = 5524,
                UserId           = 2,
                Rank             = 552348,

            var dateTimeProviderMock = new Mock <IDateTimeProvider>();
            var mockImageService     = new Mock <IPixaBayImageService>();

            using (var assertContext = new RidePalDbContext(options))
                var sut = new PlaylistService(assertContext, dateTimeProviderMock.Object, mockImageService.Object);

                await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <ArgumentNullException>(() => sut.AttachImage(firstPlaylistDTO));
        public async Task DeleteThrowsWhenIdAlreadyDeleted()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(DeleteThrowsWhenIdAlreadyDeleted));

            var playlist = new PlaylistDTO
                Title    = "In Utero",
                Duration = 1600,
                //PixabayImage = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Utero_(album)#/media/File:In_Utero_(Nirvana)_album_cover.jpg",

            using (var arrangeContext = new PGDbContext(options))
                var sut = new PlaylistService(arrangeContext);
                await sut.Create(playlist);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            using (var assertContext = new PGDbContext(options))
                var sut = new PlaylistService(assertContext);

                await sut.Delete(1);

                await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <ArgumentException>(() => sut.Delete(1));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a playlist
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playlistDTO">Playlist to create</param>
        public async Task <Playlist> Create(PlaylistDTO playlistDTO)
            if (playlistDTO == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Null Playlist");
            if (playlistDTO.Title.Length > 50)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Playlist's title needs to be shorter than 50 characters.");

            var existingPlaylist = await _context.Playlists.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Title == playlistDTO.Title);

            if (existingPlaylist != null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Playlist with title '{playlistDTO.Title}' already exists.");

            Playlist playlistToAdd = playlistDTO.ToEntity();

            var playlist = await _context.Playlists.AddAsync(playlistToAdd);

            Log.Logger.Information($"Playlist with title '{playlist.Entity.Title}' has been created.");

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Exemple #5
        public IEnumerable <IPlaylist> GetAllPlaylists()

            String        query   = "Select * From Playlist";
            SqlCommand    command = new SqlCommand(query, _connection.SqlConnection);
            SqlDataReader reader  = command.ExecuteReader();

            var playlistList = new List <IPlaylist>();

            while (reader.Read())
                var playlist = new PlaylistDTO
                    ID          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID"]),
                    UserID      = Convert.ToInt32(reader["PlaylistID"]),
                    Title       = reader["Title"].ToString(),
                    Description = reader["Description"].ToString(),
                    Image       = (byte[])reader["Image"]


Exemple #6
        public async Task <OperationDetails> Update(PlaylistDTO playlistDTO)
            var playlist = Database.PlaylistManager.Get(playlistDTO.Id);

            if (playlist != null)
                playlist = new Playlist
                    Id     = playlistDTO.Id,
                    Name   = playlistDTO.Name,
                    UserId = playlistDTO.UserId
                List <PlaylistMusic> playlistMusics = playlistDTO.Musics.Select(x =>
                                                                                new PlaylistMusic()
                    Id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    PlaylistId = playlist.Id,
                    MusicId    = x.Id
                foreach (var pm in playlistMusics)
                await Database.SaveAsync();

                return(new OperationDetails(true, "Playlist update successfully", ""));
            return(new OperationDetails(false, "Playlist is not exist", "Name"));
        public async Task UpdatePlaylistNameAsync(PlaylistDTO playlistDTO, string NewName)
            var userPlaylist = mapper.Map <UserPlaylist>(playlistDTO);

            userPlaylist.PlaylistName = NewName;
            await unitOfWork.UserPlaylistRepository.Update(userPlaylist);
Exemple #8
        public async Task <OperationDetails> Create(PlaylistDTO playlistDTO)
            var playlists = Database.PlaylistManager.GetAll().ToList();
            var playlist  = playlists.Find(x => x.Name == playlistDTO.Name);

            if (playlist == null && playlistDTO.Name != null && playlistDTO.UserId != null)
                playlist = new Playlist
                    Id     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    Name   = playlistDTO.Name,
                    UserId = playlistDTO.UserId
                List <PlaylistMusic> playlistMusics = playlistDTO.Musics.Select(x =>
                                                                                new PlaylistMusic()
                    Id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    PlaylistId = playlist.Id,
                    MusicId    = x.Id
                foreach (var pm in playlistMusics)
                await Database.SaveAsync();

                return(new OperationDetails(true, "Playlist added successfully", ""));
            return(new OperationDetails(false, "Playlist is exist or empty", "Name"));
Exemple #9
        public ActionResult PlaylistConcrete(int playlistId)
            PlaylistConcreteViewModel modelPlaylist = new PlaylistConcreteViewModel();

            using (IPlaylistService playlistService = ServiceCreator.CreatePlaylistService(Connection))
                PlaylistDTO playlistDto = playlistService.GetById(playlistId);
                if (playlistDto != null)
                    if (playlistDto.ApplicationUser.UserName != User.Identity.Name)

                    modelPlaylist.Id          = playlistDto.Id;
                    modelPlaylist.Name        = playlistDto.Name;
                    modelPlaylist.Description = playlistDto.Description;
                    modelPlaylist.Videos      = playlistDto.Videos;

            if (modelPlaylist == null)

        public async Task DeleteCorrectly()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(DeleteCorrectly));

            var playlist = new PlaylistDTO
                Title    = "In Utero",
                Duration = 1600,
                //PixabayImage = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Utero_(album)#/media/File:In_Utero_(Nirvana)_album_cover.jpg",

            using (var arrangeContext = new PGDbContext(options))
                var sut = new PlaylistService(arrangeContext);
                await sut.Create(playlist);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            using (var assertContext = new PGDbContext(options))
                var sut = new PlaylistService(assertContext);
                await sut.Delete(1);

                var playlists = await sut.GetAllPlaylists();

                int playlistsCount = playlists.Count();

                Assert.AreEqual(0, playlistsCount);
Exemple #11
        public void Init()
            var guid = _userAccountService.CreateAccount("Martin", "Password", "*****@*****.**");


            _playlist1Id = 1;
            _playlist1   = new PlaylistDTO
                Name    = "Favorite songs",
                Created = new DateTime(2016, 10, 10),
                ID      = _playlist1Id,
                UserId  = 1

            _playlist2Id = 2;
            _playlist2   = new PlaylistDTO
                Name    = "Christmas songs",
                Created = new DateTime(2016, 1, 1),
                ID      = _playlist2Id,
                UserId  = 1

            _playlistService.CreatePlaylist(_playlist1, 1);
            _playlistService.CreatePlaylist(_playlist2, 1);
Exemple #12
        public IEnumerable <IPlaylist> GetAllPlaylistsByUserID(int id)

            String        query = "Select * From Playlist WHERE Playlist.UserID = @UserID";
            SqlDataReader reader;

            using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, _connection.SqlConnection))
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", id);
                reader = command.ExecuteReader();

            var playlistList = new List <IPlaylist>();

            while (reader.Read())
                var playlist = new PlaylistDTO
                    Title       = reader["Title"].ToString(),
                    Description = reader["Description"].ToString(),
                    Image       = (byte[])reader["Image"]


Exemple #13
        public async Task CreateCorrectly()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(CreateCorrectly));

            var playlist = new PlaylistDTO
                Title    = "In Utero",
                Duration = 1600,
                //PixabayImage = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Utero_(album)#/media/File:In_Utero_(Nirvana)_album_cover.jpg",

            using (var arrangeContext = new PGDbContext(options))
                var sut = new PlaylistService(arrangeContext);
                await sut.Create(playlist);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            using (var assertContext = new PGDbContext(options))
                var result = await assertContext.Playlists.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Title == playlist.Title);

                Assert.AreEqual(playlist.Title, result.Title);
                Assert.AreEqual(playlist.Duration, result.Duration);
                //Assert.AreEqual(playlist.PixabayImage, result.Picture);
        public async Task <IActionResult> Playlist(int id)
            PlaylistDTO playlistDTO = await _playlistService.GetPlaylistById(id);

            PlaylistViewModel playlistViewModel = playlistDTO.ToViewModel();

        public async Task ReturnCorrectPlaylist_WhenParamsAreValid()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(ReturnCorrectPlaylist_WhenParamsAreValid));

            Playlist firstPlaylist = new Playlist
                Id               = 1,
                Title            = "Home",
                PlaylistPlaytime = 5524,
                UserId           = 2,
                Rank             = 552348,
                IsDeleted        = false

            Playlist secondPlaylist = new Playlist
                Id               = 2,
                Title            = "Metal",
                PlaylistPlaytime = 5024,
                UserId           = 2,
                Rank             = 490258,
                IsDeleted        = false

            var playlistDTO = new PlaylistDTO
                Id               = 2,
                Title            = "Metal",
                PlaylistPlaytime = 5024,
                UserId           = 2,
                Rank             = 490258,

            var dateTimeProviderMock = new Mock <IDateTimeProvider>();
            var mockImageService     = new Mock <IPixaBayImageService>();

            using (var arrangeContext = new RidePalDbContext(options))

            using (var assertContext = new RidePalDbContext(options))
                var sut    = new PlaylistService(assertContext, dateTimeProviderMock.Object, mockImageService.Object);
                var result = await sut.GetPlaylistByIdAsync(2);

                Assert.AreEqual(playlistDTO.Id, result.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(playlistDTO.Title, result.Title);
                Assert.AreEqual(playlistDTO.Rank, result.Rank);
                Assert.AreEqual(playlistDTO.UserId, result.UserId);
                Assert.AreEqual(playlistDTO.PlaylistPlaytime, result.PlaylistPlaytime);
        public async Task GetAllPlaylistsByUserCorrectly()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(GetAllPlaylistsByUserCorrectly));

            var nirvanaPlaylist = new PlaylistDTO
                Title    = "In Utero",
                Duration = 1600,
                //PixabayImage = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Utero_(album)#/media/File:In_Utero_(Nirvana)_album_cover.jpg",
                UserId = "153a257-526504u",

            var acdcPlaylist = new PlaylistDTO
                Title    = "Back in Black",
                Duration = 2531,
                //PixabayImage = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/92/ACDC_Back_in_Black.png/220px-ACDC_Back_in_Black.png",
                UserId = "153a257-526504u",

            var scorpionsPLaylist = new PlaylistDTO
                Title    = "Lovedrive",
                Duration = 2190,
                //PixabayImage = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lovedrive#/media/File:Scorpions-album-lovedrive.jpg",
                UserId = "68910y78a-89as1568",

            using (var arrangeContext = new PGDbContext(options))
                var sut = new PlaylistService(arrangeContext);

                await sut.Create(nirvanaPlaylist);

                await sut.Create(acdcPlaylist);

                await sut.Create(scorpionsPLaylist);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            using (var assertContext = new PGDbContext(options))
                var sut = new PlaylistService(assertContext);

                var firstUserPalylists = await sut.GetPlaylistsByUser("153a257-526504u");

                int firstUserPalylistsCount = firstUserPalylists.Count();

                var secondUserPalylists = await sut.GetPlaylistsByUser("68910y78a-89as1568");

                int secondUserPalylistsCount = secondUserPalylists.Count();

                Assert.AreEqual(2, firstUserPalylistsCount);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, secondUserPalylistsCount);
Exemple #17
        public UsersController()
            services = new GoogleDriveServices(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/"));
            Uri uri = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url;

            dto         = new UserInfoDTO(uri);
            playlistDto = new PlaylistDTO(uri);
            songDto     = new SongDTO(uri);
Exemple #18
 public void CreatePlaylist(PlaylistDTO playlistDto, int userId)
     using (var uow = UnitOfWorkProvider.Create())
         var playlist = Mapper.Map <Playlist>(playlistDto);
         playlist.User = GetPlaylistUser(userId);
        public PlaylistDTO GetById(int id)
            Playlist playlist = Database.Playlists.Get(id);

            if (playlist != null)
                PlaylistDTO playlistDto = getDTOFromPlaylist(playlist);
Exemple #20
 public static ApiModel.Playlist FromDTO(PlaylistDTO playlistDTO)
     return(playlistDTO == null ? null : new ApiModel.Playlist()
         Id = playlistDTO.Id,
         Title = playlistDTO.Title,
         IsGeneral = playlistDTO.IsGeneral,
         Owner = UserMapper.ToApi.FromData(playlistDTO.Owner),
         Audios = playlistDTO.Audios.Select(x => AudioMapper.ToApi.FromDTO(x)),
        public PlaylistDTO GetLastByName(string name)
            Playlist playlist = Database.Playlists.GetAll().Where(p => p.Name == name).Last();

            if (playlist != null)
                PlaylistDTO playlistDTO = getDTOFromPlaylist(playlist);
Exemple #22
 public void EditPlaylist(PlaylistDTO playlistDto, int userId)
     using (var uow = UnitOfWorkProvider.Create())
         var playlist = playlistRepository.GetById(playlistDto.ID);
         Mapper.Map(playlistDto, playlist);
         playlist.User = GetPlaylistUser(userId);
        private Playlist getPlaylistFromDTO(PlaylistDTO playlistDto)
            var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
                cfg.CreateMap <PlaylistDTO, Playlist>();
                cfg.CreateMap <VideoDTO, Video>();
                cfg.CreateMap <UserDTO, ApplicationUser>();
            var mapper = config.CreateMapper();

            return(mapper.Map <PlaylistDTO, Playlist>(playlistDto));
        public async Task <ActionResult> DeletePlaylist(int Id)
            PlaylistDTO playlistDTO = await playlistService.GetPlaylistAsync(Id);

            if (playlistDTO == null)
            await playlistService.DeletePlaylistAsync(playlistDTO);

Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides a physical and local file path to an image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PlaylistDTO">The DTO of the playlist the image will be assigned to</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the physical and local path to an image</returns>
        public (string, string) GetFilePathForImage(PlaylistDTO PlaylistDTO)
            var playlistImagesUploadFolder = Path.Combine(_env.WebRootPath, "assets\\img\\playlist");


            var newFileName = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}_{PlaylistDTO.Title.Trim().Replace(" ", "_")}";

            string playlistDBImageLocationPath = $"/assets/img/playlist/{newFileName}.jpg";

            return(playlistDBImageLocationPath, $"{playlistImagesUploadFolder}\\{newFileName}");
Exemple #26
        public async Task <OperationDetails> Delete(PlaylistDTO playlistDTO)
            var playlist = Database.PlaylistManager.Get(playlistDTO.Id);

            if (playlist != null)
                await Database.SaveAsync();

                return(new OperationDetails(true, "Playlist deleted successfully", ""));
            return(new OperationDetails(false, "Playlist is not exist", "Name"));
Exemple #27
 public static Playlist ToEntity(this PlaylistDTO playlistDTO)
     return(new Playlist()
         Id = playlistDTO.Id,
         UserId = playlistDTO.UserId,
         Title = playlistDTO.Title,
         Duration = playlistDTO.Duration,
         Rank = playlistDTO.Rank,
         //PixabayImage = playlistDTO.PixabayImage.ToEntity(),
         PlaylistsSongs = playlistDTO.PlaylistsSongs,
Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs search for a playlist by a given ID in the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the playlist to search for</param>
        /// <returns>If successful, returns a DTO of the found playlist</returns>
        public async Task <PlaylistDTO> AdminGetPlaylistByIdAsync(int id)
            var playlist = await this.context.Playlists
                           .FirstOrDefaultAsync(playlist => playlist.Id == id);

            if (playlist == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("No such playlist was found in the database.");

            var playlistDTO = new PlaylistDTO(playlist);

        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Title," +
                                                       "StartLocationName, DestinationName," +
                                                       "RepeatArtist, TopTracks," +
                                                       "MetalPercentage, RockPercentage, PopPercentage, JazzPercentage")]
                                                 GeneratePlaylistViewModel genPlView)
            if ((genPlView.MetalPercentage + genPlView.RockPercentage +
                 genPlView.PopPercentage + genPlView.JazzPercentage) > 100)
                return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Playlists", new { error = TempData["Error"] = "Combined genre percentage must not exceed 100%" }));

            var userId = int.Parse(userManager.GetUserId(HttpContext.User));

            var genres = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            genres.Add("metal", genPlView.MetalPercentage);
            genres.Add("rock", genPlView.RockPercentage);
            genres.Add("pop", genPlView.PopPercentage);
            genres.Add("jazz", genPlView.JazzPercentage);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var genPlaylistDTO = new GeneratePlaylistDTO()
                    PlaylistName    = genPlView.Title,
                    StartLocation   = genPlView.StartLocationName,
                    Destination     = genPlView.DestinationName,
                    RepeatArtist    = genPlView.RepeatArtist,
                    UseTopTracks    = genPlView.TopTracks,
                    GenrePercentage = genres,
                    UserId          = userId

                PlaylistDTO playlistDTO = await generateService.GeneratePlaylist(genPlaylistDTO);

                if (playlistDTO == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("Something went wrong with playlist creation.");

                var playlistDtoWithImg = await this.service.AttachImage(playlistDTO);

                return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = playlistDtoWithImg.Id }));

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { error = TempData["Error"] = "Playlist creation failed." }));
Exemple #30
        public void CreatePlaylistTest()
            Assert.AreEqual(2, _playlistService.ListPlaylists(null).Count());

            var playlist = new PlaylistDTO
                Name    = "My playlist",
                Created = new DateTime(2016, 11, 1),
                UserId  = 1

            _playlistService.CreatePlaylist(playlist, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, _playlistService.ListPlaylists(null).Count());