public Startview(ContentManager _content, Camera _camera, SpriteBatch _spritebatch, BallSimulation _ballsim, Playersimulation _playersim, Drawmap _drawmap, GraphicsDeviceManager _graphics)
            content     = _content; //Camera etc..
            camera      = _camera;
            spritebatch = _spritebatch;
            ballsim     = _ballsim;
            playersim   = _playersim;
            drawmap     = _drawmap;
            graphics    = _graphics;

            balltexture = content.Load <Texture2D>("BALL");                           //Balltexture
            ballcenter  = new Vector2(balltexture.Width / 2, balltexture.Height / 2); //Ballcenter

            playersprite = content.Load <Texture2D>("Player");
            playercenter = new Vector2(playersprite.Width / 2, playersprite.Height / 2);

            ballbackgroundtexture   = content.Load <Texture2D>("Ballground"); //Sprites
            playerbackgroundtexture = content.Load <Texture2D>("Playergroundtile");
            playercreatestexture    = content.Load <Texture2D>("Playercreatingground");

            maptextures.Add(ballbackgroundtexture); //Sprites added to list

            map        = lvlone.getmap();    //Gets the map
            totalballs = ballsim.getballs(); //Gets the amount of balls
            player     = playersim.getplayer();
        public void LoadContent(SpriteBatch _spritebatch, ContentManager _content, Camera _camera)
            spriteBatch = _spritebatch;
            Content     = _content;
            camera      = _camera;

            ballsim   = new BallSimulation();
            playersim = new Playersimulation();

            drawmap = new Drawmap();
            lvlone  = new LevelOne();

            startview = new Startview(Content, camera, spriteBatch, ballsim, playersim, drawmap, graphics);

            //Loads the map once when the application starts. Will use update function to call a function in drawmap that allows me to place new tiles..
            map      = lvlone.getmap();
            textures = startview.ReturnedTextures();
            drawmap.Drawlevel(map, textures, spriteBatch, camera);