Exemple #1
    //Update player position
    public void UpdatePosition()
        if ((Input.GetButton("Aim") || (Mathf.Approximately(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), 0f) && Mathf.Approximately(Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"), 0f))) && currentCamera != null)
            //Positioning pointer behind camera, following forward and project it on xz
            cameraDirectionPosition   = currentCamera.transform.position - currentCamera.transform.forward;
            cameraDirectionPosition.y = currentCamera.transform.position.y;
            cameraDirection.position  = cameraDirectionPosition;

            //Looking the camera, camera will never be upside down
            cameraDirection.LookAt(currentCamera.transform, Vector3.up);
            playerVelocity = 0f;

            //If we are not targeting on a corner, player wall movement is none
            if (!(Input.GetButton("Aim") && playerWallMovement == PlayerWallMovement.LOOK) && !aimingFromWall)
                stickDirection     = Vector3.zero;
                playerWallMovement = PlayerWallMovement.NONE;
            //Calculate direction point from the center of the joystick

            //Player move in the direction and write velocity (if not aiming from the wall)
            //If the player is against a wall, we reduce its speed
            if (!aimingFromWall)
                switch (playerWallMovement)
                case PlayerWallMovement.NONE:
                    transform.position += stickDirection * Time.deltaTime * maxSpeed;
                    playerVelocity      = Vector3.Distance(Vector3.zero, stickDirection * maxSpeed);

                case PlayerWallMovement.MOVE:
                    transform.position += stickDirection * Time.deltaTime * speedAgainstWall;
                    playerVelocity      = Vector3.Distance(Vector3.zero, stickDirection * speedAgainstWall);

                    playerVelocity = 0f;

            //Orientation regarding if the player is against a wall or not
            playerRotation.position = transform.position;
            if (playerWallMovement >= PlayerWallMovement.COLLIDE)
                //The player turns his back on the wall
                playerRotation.LookAt(transform.position + wallDirection);
                playerRotation.LookAt(transform.position + stickDirection);
 void Start()
     #region instanciando
     _playerAnimation     = GetComponent <PlayerAnimation>();
     _playerInput         = GetComponent <PlayerInput>();
     _rigidbody2D         = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     _playerSpriteHandler = GetComponent <PlayerSpriteHandler>();
     _playerWallMovement  = GetComponent <PlayerWallMovement>();
     _playerJump          = GetComponent <PlayerJump>();
     #endregion instanciando
 void Start()
     #region Instanciando
     _hasExtraJump        = true;
     _playerAnimation     = GetComponent <PlayerAnimation>();
     _playerInput         = GetComponent <PlayerInput>();
     _rigidbody2D         = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     _playerSpriteHandler = GetComponent <PlayerSpriteHandler>();
     _playerAttack        = GetComponent <PlayerAttack>();
     _playerShoot         = GetComponent <PlayerShoot>();
     _playerWallMovement  = GetComponent <PlayerWallMovement>();
Exemple #4
    //Upload player position after aim/shoot
    public void LateUpdatePosition()
        //Player look in the direction (with a quick smooth)
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, playerRotation.rotation, speedRotationSmooth);

        if (Input.GetButton("Aim") && GetEquipedWeapon() != null)
            //If the player is looking at the corner and he wants to shoot from the corner
            if (!aimingFromWall && playerWallMovement == PlayerWallMovement.LOOK && Vector3.Angle(playerRotation.forward, -wallDirection) < 90f)
                aimingFromWall      = true;
                startDecalPosition  = transform.position;
                aimingDecalPosition = transform.position + (stickDirection * decalRaycastDistance * 2f);

            //If we are aiming from the wall, the player decal his position
            if (aimingFromWall)
                transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, aimingDecalPosition, speedRotationSmooth);
                playerWallMovement = PlayerWallMovement.NONE;
            //If we stop aiming from the wall, the player returns to its original position (we force him to)
            if (aimingFromWall)
                playerRotation.position = transform.position;
                playerRotation.forward  = wallDirection;

                transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, startDecalPosition, speedRotationSmooth);
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, playerRotation.rotation, speedRotationSmooth);

                //To prevent the animation being long
                if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, startDecalPosition) < 0.01f)
                    transform.position = startDecalPosition;
                    aimingFromWall     = false;
                    playerWallMovement = PlayerWallMovement.LOOK;
Exemple #5
    //Refresh stick position related to the camera orientation.
    //Most of this is basicly a way to redone the Rigidbody.MovePosition, because I never trust f*****g physics.
    //Use 3 very short raycast at least, 4 at worst. Pretty optimized.
    void RefreshStickDirection()
        //First, let's calculate the stick orientation and his normal
        stickDirection       = (cameraDirection.right * Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal")) + (cameraDirection.forward * Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"));
        stickNormalDirection = (cameraDirection.forward * Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal")) - (cameraDirection.right * Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"));

        //This is a way to have a stickDirection point that is inside a circle, and not a square.
        if (stickDirection.magnitude > 1f)

        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + (stickDirection * collisionDistance), Color.blue, Time.deltaTime, false);
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + (stickNormalDirection * collisionDistance), Color.gray, Time.deltaTime, false);

        //Wall is detected in front of the user, or on the right, or on the left, in this order
        //If the player is already against a wall, we double the collision distance to check out the wall collision
        frontDetection = HitWallTest(stickDirection, Vector3.zero, playerWallMovement == PlayerWallMovement.NONE ? collisionDistance : collisionDistance * 2f, out frontHit, Color.red);
        rightDetection = HitWallTest(stickDirection, stickNormalDirection, collisionDistance, out rightHit, Color.magenta);
        leftDetection  = HitWallTest(stickDirection, -stickNormalDirection, collisionDistance, out leftHit, Color.cyan);

        //If one of these detection has been made
        if (frontDetection || rightDetection || leftDetection)
            //If the player is not against a wall, we do a second raycast but longer to catch the wall
            if (playerWallMovement == PlayerWallMovement.NONE)
                frontDetection = HitWallTest(stickDirection, Vector3.zero, collisionDistance * 2f, out frontHit, Color.red);

            //If there's a wall in front of the player, we get the normal and the right vector of the wall
            if (frontDetection)
                wallDirection = frontHit.normal;
            wallRightDirection = Vector3.Cross(wallDirection, Vector3.up);

            //Projecting the stick direction into the wall to know in which direction the player can go
            stickDirection = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(stickDirection, wallDirection);

            //If the stick is nearly the opposite of the wall, we notice that the player collide with the wall
            if (Vector3.Distance(stickDirection, Vector3.zero) <= wallDirectionDeadZone)
                stickDirection = Vector3.zero;
                //If there's a front detection, it's a wall, if not, it's just a corner, the player won't turn against the wall
                playerWallMovement = frontDetection ? PlayerWallMovement.COLLIDE : PlayerWallMovement.NONE;

                //Else, if the player was already against a wall...
            else if (playerWallMovement != PlayerWallMovement.NONE)
                //Wall left and right are not the same, we are at a corner, we stop the player
                if ((rightDetection && Vector3.Angle(stickDirection, wallRightDirection) > 90f && rightHit.normal != wallDirection) ||
                    (leftDetection && Vector3.Angle(stickDirection, wallRightDirection) < 90f && leftHit.normal != wallDirection))
                    stickDirection     = Vector3.zero;
                    playerWallMovement = PlayerWallMovement.COLLIDE;
                //If we are moving along the wall, we test if we are at a side of a wall or not. We need to test the current direction to prevent player being stucked at wall side.
                else if ((Vector3.Angle(stickDirection, wallRightDirection) < 90f && !HitWallTest(-wallDirection, wallRightDirection, collisionDistance * 2f, Color.yellow)) ||
                         (Vector3.Angle(stickDirection, wallRightDirection) > 90f && !HitWallTest(-wallDirection, -wallRightDirection, collisionDistance * 2f, Color.yellow)))
                    //If there's a hit missing, the player is looking on the side of the wall
                    playerWallMovement = PlayerWallMovement.LOOK;

                //Else the player is moving along the wall
                    playerWallMovement = PlayerWallMovement.MOVE;

            //If the player wasn't already against a wall, we let the player run along the wall (without being against it)
                //Huh ! A Wild wall angle appears ! If both of the right and left cast has touch, we have nowhere to go
                if (rightDetection && leftDetection)
                    stickDirection = Vector3.zero;
                    //We normalize again the stick direction (maybe shorten by the projection)
                playerWallMovement = PlayerWallMovement.NONE;

        //No detection ? All right !
            playerWallMovement = PlayerWallMovement.NONE;

        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + (stickDirection * collisionDistance), Color.green, Time.deltaTime, false);