/// <summary> /// Computes number of summons to make and subtract the resource from stat. returns 0 if can't afford. /// </summary> public int ApplySummon(PlayerStat stat) { if(isReady) { int available = GetNumSummonable(stat.flockGroup); int numSummonable = available > data.summonAmount ? data.summonAmount : available; float cost = data.resource*((float)numSummonable); //adjust cost and summon amount if too expensive if(cost > stat.curResource) { numSummonable = Mathf.FloorToInt(stat.curResource/data.resource); cost = data.resource*((float)numSummonable); } if(numSummonable > 0) { //assumes there's nothing that will cancel the summon queue while player is alive stat.curResource -= cost; UpdateSummonQueueAmount(numSummonable); curTime = 0; return numSummonable; } } return 0; }
void KillEventTrigger(PlayerStat playerStat) { if (playerStat != null) { TryStopLifeChange(); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { m_RigidBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> (); m_PlayerStat = GetComponent<PlayerStat> (); InputManager.Instance.OnInputUpdated += OnInputUpdated; SetDefaultSpeedAndDrag (); }
IEnumerator ChangeLife(PlayerStat aPlayerStat) { do { aPlayerStat.ChangeHealth(m_QuantityToChange); yield return new WaitForSeconds(m_WaitingTimeSec); } while(true); }
private void Start() { IsCollected = false; timeToLife = 1f; _levelManager = Camera.main.GetComponent<LevelManager>(); _light = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Light"); _playerStat = Camera.main.GetComponent<PlayerStat>(); }
void DispatchEventTrigger(PlayerStat playerStat) { if (playerStat != null) { TryStopLifeChange(); m_CoroutineLifeChanger = ChangeLife(playerStat); StartCoroutine(m_CoroutineLifeChanger); } }
private void Awake() { if (_pStat == null){ _pStat = Camera.main.GetComponent<PlayerStat>(); _pStat.LoadPersonalStats(); } _jumpCount = _pStat.DoubleJump + 1; var v = new Vector2 {x = (_pStat.MagnetPower + 1)*0.34f, y = (_pStat.MagnetPower + 1)*0.34f}; if (_pStat.MagnetPower == 2) v.x += 0.3f; GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>().size = v; }
private void Awake() { _hscores = GetComponent<Highscores>(); _playerStats = GetComponent<PlayerStat>(); _playerStats.LoadPersonalStats(); UsernameField.text = _playerStats.Username; MagnetBText = MagnetB.GetComponentInChildren<Text>(); DoubleJumpBText = DoubleJumpB.GetComponentInChildren<Text>(); ScoreBText = ScoreB.GetComponentInChildren<Text>(); UpdateHighscores(); }
private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { if (other.transform.tag == "Skill2" && !isOne) { if (tiber.Stat.Hp > 0) { PlayerStat playerStat = PlayerFSMManager.Instance.Stat; float damage = (playerStat.GetStr() * playerStat.dmgCoefficient[4] * 0.01f); StartCoroutine(display.DamageDisplaying(damage)); CharacterStat.ProcessDamage(playerStat, tiber.Stat, damage); } isOne = true; Invoke("isOneSet", 1f); } }
public void RecordClanChestStats() { Logger.Debug("Begin RecordClanChestStats"); var clan = GetClan(); var members = clan.members?.ToList(); var database = new CRClanStatsFactory().Create(); foreach (var member in members) { Logger.Debug($"Updating stats for {member.name}"); Logger.Debug($" Crowns: {clan.clanChest.crowns}"); Logger.Debug($" Role: {clan.clanChest.crowns}"); Logger.Debug($" Trophies: {clan.clanChest.crowns}"); Logger.Debug($" Arena: {clan.clanChest.crowns}"); Logger.Debug($" Current Donations: {clan.clanChest.crowns}"); Logger.Debug($" Current Donations Delta: {clan.clanChest.crowns}"); Logger.Debug($" Current Donations Received: {member.donationsReceived}"); try { var playerRecord = database.Players?.Single(p => p.Tag == member.tag); var playerStat = new PlayerStat() { RecordDate = DateTime.UtcNow, DonationsCount = member.donations ?? 0, DonationsReceivedCount = member.donationsReceived ?? 0, //DonationsDelta = member.donationsDelta ?? 0, PlayerRole = database.PlayerRoles?.Single(r => r.RoleName == member.role), ClanChestCrownsCount = member.clanChestCrowns ?? 0, Trophies = member.trophies }; playerRecord.PlayerStats.Add(playerStat); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("Update failed", ex); throw; } } database.SaveChanges(); Logger.Debug("End RecordClanChestStats"); }
protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); mControl = GetComponentInChildren<PlayerController>(); mPlayerStats = GetComponentInChildren<PlayerStat>(); mSprite = GetComponentInChildren<UnitSpriteController>(); mPlayerStats.statChangeCallback += OnStatChange; //hoook to hud mPlayers[(int)mPlayerStats.flockGroup - playerIndOfs] = this; if(summonDisplay != null) summonDisplay.SetActive(false); if(unsummonDisplay != null) unsummonDisplay.SetActive(false); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { thePlayerStat = FindObjectOfType <PlayerStat>(); itemList.Add(new Item(10001, "빨간 포션", "체력을 50 회복시켜주는 기적의 물약", Item.ItemType.Use)); itemList.Add(new Item(10002, "파란 포션", "마나를 15 회복시켜주는 기적의 물약", Item.ItemType.Use)); itemList.Add(new Item(10003, "농축 빨간 포션", "체력을 350 회복시켜주는 기적의 농축 물약", Item.ItemType.Use)); itemList.Add(new Item(10004, "농축 파란 포션", "마나를 80 회복시켜주는 기적의 농축 물약", Item.ItemType.Use)); itemList.Add(new Item(11001, "랜덤 상자", "랜덤으로 포션이 나온다. 낮은 확률로 꽝", Item.ItemType.Use)); itemList.Add(new Item(20001, "짧은 검", "기본적인 용사의 검", Item.ItemType.Equip, 3)); itemList.Add(new Item(20002, "무딘 도끼", "기본적인 용사의 도끼", Item.ItemType.Equip, 4)); itemList.Add(new Item(20003, "녹슨 창", "기본적인 용사의 창", Item.ItemType.Equip, 5)); itemList.Add(new Item(20301, "사파이어 반지", "1초에 hp 1을 회복시켜주는 마법 반지", Item.ItemType.Equip, 0, 0, 1)); itemList.Add(new Item(30001, "고대 유물의 조각 1", "반으로 쪼개진 고대 유물의 파편", Item.ItemType.Quest)); itemList.Add(new Item(30002, "고대 유물의 조각 2", "반으로 쪼개진 고대 유물의 파편", Item.ItemType.Quest)); itemList.Add(new Item(30003, "고대 유물", "고대 유적에 잠들어있던 고대의 유물", Item.ItemType.Quest)); }
IEnumerator WaitingCharacter() { do { yield return(0); GameObject playerGO = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); if (playerGO != null) { m_PlayerStat = playerGO.GetComponentInParent <PlayerStat> (); } } while(m_PlayerStat == null); m_PlayerStat.OnHealthChanged += OnHealthChanged; OnHealthChanged(); }
public bool Deserialize(ref PlayerStat serialized) { if (GetDataSize() == 0) { return(false); } bool ret = true; // 데이터의 요소별로 디시리얼라이즈합니다. ret &= Deserialize(ref serialized.PlayerId); ret &= Deserialize(ref serialized.HP); return(ret); }
private void OnStatChanged(PlayerStat changedStat, int oldValue, int newValue) { if (this.stat == changedStat) { if (newValue < oldValue) { text.fontSize = fontSizeOnStatChange; text.color = colorOnStatChangeNegative; } else if (newValue > oldValue) { text.fontSize = fontSizeOnStatChange; text.color = colorOnStatChangePositive; } } }
private void Start() { _colorToLerp = LightSource.LightColor; _lastSpawnUnits = 0; _spawnsCounter = 3; isStatsSended = false; _wasErrorNetwork = false; _playerStat = GetComponent <PlayerStat>(); _lightLogic = Light.GetComponent <LightLogic>(); _darkSpawn = 0; ProgressBar.SetActive(true); WinText.gameObject.SetActive(false); _shadowSource = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponentInChildren <BeatLightScaler>(); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(NewStart, transform.position); }
void OnCollisionStay2D(Collision2D aCollision) { PlayerStat playerStat = aCollision.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <PlayerStat> (); if (playerStat != null) { if (playerAction != null) { isActioning = playerAction.getIsActioning(); if (isActioning) { isBeingDragged = true; } } } }
public override void Init() { WorldObjectType = Define.WorldObject.Player; _guide = gameObject.transform.Find("UI_PlayerGuide").gameObject; _stat = gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerStat>(); _rigid = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); _nav = gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); __audioSources = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); _anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); _guide.SetActive(false); Managers.Input.KeyAction -= OnKeyBoard; Managers.Input.KeyAction += OnKeyBoard; Managers.Input.MouseAction -= OnMouseEvent; Managers.Input.MouseAction += OnMouseEvent; }
// Start is called before the first frame update public override void Init() { WorldObjectType = Define.eWorldObject.Player; _stat = gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerStat>(); //Managers.input.KeyAction -= OnKey; //Managers.input.KeyAction += OnKey; Managers.input.MouseAction -= OnMouseEvent; Managers.input.MouseAction += OnMouseEvent; if (gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <UI_HPBar>() == null) { Managers.UI.MakeWorldSpaceUI <UI_HPBar>(transform); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { agent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); player = PlayerManager.Instance.player; combat = GetComponent <CharacterCombat>(); agentStat = GetComponent <PlayerStat>(); anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); audio = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); // subscribe to the event in the player state script. agentStat.OnHealthReachedZero += Die; index = Random.Range(0, waypoints.Length - 1); InvokeRepeating("Patrol", 1.0f, 15f); }
/// <summary> /// Metodas kuris patikrina duomenų bazėje ar yra pasiektas naujas rekordas. /// </summary> /// <returns>Gražinama true jei rekordas buvo pasiektas, false - jei ne</returns> private bool NewRecord() { PlayerStat playerHighScores = new PlayerStat() { Point = Convert.ToInt32(game.GetPoints()), Name = "Gyvatėlė", Type = game.GetGameType(), Time = levelTime }; if (highScores.NewRecord(playerHighScores)) { return(true); } return(false); }
private int GetPlayerStatValueByStat(PlayerStat stat) { switch (stat) { case PlayerStat.STR: return(Str); case PlayerStat.DEX: return(Dex); case PlayerStat.INT: return(Int); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(stat), stat, null); } }
private PlayerStat ParsePlayer(JToken item, Guid matchID) { string name = item["name"].ToString(); int kills = item["kills"].ToObject <int>(); int damage = item["damageDealt"].ToObject <int>(); PlayerStat p = new PlayerStat() { MatchId = matchID, Name = name, Kills = kills, AvgKills = context.AverageKills(name, kills), Damage = damage, AvgDamage = context.AverageDamage(name, damage) // TODO - Get this information from the database }; return(p); }
//Start overrides the Start function of MovingObject protected override void Start() { //Check if instance already exists if (instance == null) { //if not, set instance to this instance = this; } //If instance already exists and it's not this: else if (instance != this) { //Then destroy this. This enforces our singleton pattern, meaning there can only ever be one instance of a GameManager. Destroy(gameObject); } inventory = GameObject.Find("ItemDatabase").GetComponent <Inventory>(); playerStat = GetComponent <PlayerStat>(); //Get a component reference to the Player's animator component animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); AllObjectInRadius = new List <GameObject>(); //Call the Start function of the MovingObject base class. base.Start(); if (LoadData.instance.dataLoaded) { Load(); } else//Delete soon ******************* { if (inField) { int generationSize = 14; for (int x = -generationSize; x < generationSize + 1; x++) { for (int y = -generationSize; y < generationSize + 1; y++) { //ManageTerrainGeneration((int)transform.position.x + x, (int)transform.position.y + y); } } } } }
public void EndGame() { var playerStats = CreatePlayerStats(); Array.Sort(playerStats, PlayerStat.ComparePlayerStatFromGoodToBad); writer.WriteLine("Game ends with the following stats:"); PlayerStat topPlayerStat = null; foreach (var playerStat in playerStats) { writer.Write(playerStat.Player.Name); writer.Write(" Victory Points:"); writer.Write(playerStat.TotalVictoryPoints); writer.Write(" Turns:"); writer.Write(playerStat.Player.ActiveCount); bool isWinner; if (topPlayerStat != null) { switch (playerStat.CompareWith(topPlayerStat)) { case PlayerStatComparison.Better: case PlayerStatComparison.Equal: isWinner = true; break; default: isWinner = false; break; } } else { topPlayerStat = playerStat; isWinner = true; } if (isWinner) { writer.Write(" [Winner]"); } writer.WriteLine(); } gameEnded = true; }
private bool collideDmg; //Damage player when it collide with boss // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { faceRight = false; Fight = false; stats = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <PlayerStat>(); collideDmg = true; rb = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); Attacking = false; spinMove = false; wallDetectRadius = 0.19f; counter = 0; jumpMove = false; originalPos = transform.position.x; hurtBySpin = true; flip(); //As player enters the room on the left hand side, so flip the boss first to face to player }
public override void Init() { WorldObjectType = Define.WorldObject.Player; _stat = gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerStat>(); Managers.Input.MouseAction -= OnMouseEvent; Managers.Input.MouseAction += OnMouseEvent; if (gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <UI_HPBar>() == null) { Managers.UI.MakeWorldSpaceUI <UI_HPBar>(transform); } redEffect.SetActive(false); blueEffect.SetActive(false); greenEffect.SetActive(false); }
protected override void Init() { WorldObjectType = Define.WorldObject.Player; _stat = gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerStat>(); // 구독신청. InputManager한테 혹시 무슨 키가 눌리면 이 함수를 실행해주세요 라고 맡기게 된다. // 혹시 실수로 다른부분에서 OnKeyboard를 두번 집어넣으면 두번호출되게 되므로 처음에 끊은 다음에 다시 추가 //Managers.Input.KeyAction -= OnKeyboard; //Managers.Input.KeyAction += OnKeyboard; Managers.Input.MouseAction -= OnMouseEvent; Managers.Input.MouseAction += OnMouseEvent; if (gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <UI_HPBar>() == null) { Managers.UI.MakeWorldSpaceUI <UI_HPBar>(transform); } }
public override void Init() { WorldObjectType = Define.WorldObject.Player; //Input Manager 구독 _stat = gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerStat>(); Managers.Input.MouseAction -= OnMouseEvent; //다른 곳에서 구독하고 있는 경우를 방지하기 위해 우선 -- 후 + Managers.Input.MouseAction += OnMouseEvent; Managers.UI.MakeWorldSpaceUI <UI_HPBar>(transform); /* * 키보드의 경우.. * Managers.Input.KeyAction -= OnKeyboard; * Managers.Input.KeyAction += OnKeyboard; */ }
private void OnPlayerStatChanged(PlayerStat stat, int oldValue, int newValue) { if (isGameOver) { // Don't update, the game is already ending, could lead to wrong ending return; } if (newValue >= 10) { gameController.globalFadeController.StartFadeOut(2f); gameController.globalFadeController.FadeOutComplete += OnFadeOutComplete; gameEndingStat = stat; isGameOver = true; } }
public void changePos(PlayerStat stat) { if (moving) { return; } if (curr == 0) { curr = 1; } else { curr = 0; } moving = true; this.stat = stat; }
public void AddToStat(PlayerStat stat, int value) { if (value == 0) { return; } switch (stat) { case (PlayerStat.Debt): { Debt = GetClampedValue(Debt + value); break; } case (PlayerStat.Depression): { Depression = GetClampedValue(Depression + value); break; } case (PlayerStat.Disease): { Disease = GetClampedValue(Disease + value); break; } case (PlayerStat.Distress): { Distress = GetClampedValue(Distress + value); break; } case (PlayerStat.Decay): { Decay = GetClampedValue(Decay + value); break; } default: { break; } } }
void Start() { Animationmanager = GetComponent <AnimationManager>(); image = GetComponentInChildren <Image>(); levelText = GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); rigidBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); playerStat = GameObject.FindWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <PlayerStat>(); health = maxHealth; currentSpeed = baseSpeed; image.fillAmount = health; level = Random.Range(1, 11); levelText.text = level.ToString(); }
public void OnGameEvent(LevelEvent levelEvent) { if (levelEvent.GetLevelIndex() == 0) { return; } if (levelEvent.IsEntered()) { m_Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); m_PlayerStat = (PlayerStat)SaveManagerProxy.Get().GetSavedObject(typeof(PlayerStat), m_PlayerStatSavePath); m_PlayerHealth = m_Player.GetComponent <Health>(); m_PlayerHealth.SetMaxHealth(m_PlayerStat.m_HP); } else { SaveStat(); } }
public void AssignTeam(PlayerStat pStat, int team) { RemovePlayerFromAllTeams(pStat); if (team == 1) { team1.Add(pStat); } else if (team == 2) { team2.Add(pStat); } team1Num.text = team1.Count.ToString(); team2Num.text = team2.Count.ToString(); pStat.Team = team; pStat.SetPlayerColor(team == 1 ? gamePreferences.team1Colors[Random.Range(0, gamePreferences.team1Colors.Count)] : gamePreferences.team2Colors[Random.Range(0, gamePreferences.team2Colors.Count)]); }
public void leaveConsole() { Vector3 new_r = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); stat.getCamPlayer().transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new_r); stat.getCamPlayer().transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0.686F, 0); stat.getCamPlayer().GetComponent <MouseLook>().enabled = true; answer.text = ""; save.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new_r); stat.rotateCam(new_r); stat.setOnInteract(false); move.enabled = true; move = null; stat = null; save = null; screenOn.SetActive(false); Cursor.visible = false; Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; }
public static Offset <PlayerStat> CreatePlayerStat(FlatBufferBuilder builder, Class cType = Class.Base, int HP = 0, int HPLim = 0, int MP = 0, int MPLim = 0, int LV = 0, int ID = 0) { builder.StartObject(7); PlayerStat.AddID(builder, ID); PlayerStat.AddLV(builder, LV); PlayerStat.AddMPLim(builder, MPLim); PlayerStat.AddMP(builder, MP); PlayerStat.AddHPLim(builder, HPLim); PlayerStat.AddHP(builder, HP); PlayerStat.AddCType(builder, cType); return(PlayerStat.EndPlayerStat(builder)); }
void Start() { plStat = GetComponent <PlayerStat>(); plStat.Setup(); rigidbody2D = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); SetupControls(); walkSpeed = (float)(plStat.Speed + (plStat.Agility / 5)); sprintSpeed = walkSpeed + (walkSpeed / 2); SetPlayerState(PlayerState.Idle); Physics2D.IgnoreLayerCollision(9, 8); throwMeterBG.enabled = false; throwMeterFill.enabled = false; }
public bool CanSummon(PlayerStat stat) { int available = GetNumSummonable(stat.flockGroup); int numSummonable = available > data.summonAmount ? data.summonAmount : available; if(numSummonable > 0) { float cost = data.resource*((float)numSummonable); //adjust cost and summon amount if too expensive if(cost > stat.curResource) { return Mathf.FloorToInt(stat.curResource/data.resource) > 0; } else { return true; } } return false; }
public Task SetStat(PlayerStat stat) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private void Start() { _colorToLerp = LightSource.LightColor; _lastSpawnUnits = 0; _spawnsCounter = 3; isStatsSended = false; _wasErrorNetwork = false; _playerStat = GetComponent<PlayerStat>(); _lightLogic = Light.GetComponent<LightLogic>(); _darkSpawn = 0; ProgressBar.SetActive(true); WinText.gameObject.SetActive(false); _shadowSource = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponentInChildren<BeatLightScaler>(); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(NewStart, transform.position); }
public void Update(PlayerStat stat, HUDUnitSlot hudSlot) { if(curTime < data.summonCooldown) { curTime += Time.deltaTime; hudSlot.UpdateCooldown(1.0f-cooldownScale); hudSlot.SetAvailable(false); } else { hudSlot.SetAvailable(CanSummon(stat)); } }
void OnLevelPointsChange(PlayerStat stat, float delta) { lvlBar.sliderValue = stat.curLevelPts/stat.maxLevelPts; }
void OnLevelChange(PlayerStat stat, int level) { levelLabel.text = string.Format(levelTextFormat, level+1); }
void OnLevelPointsChange(PlayerStat stat, float delta) { if(stat.curLevelPts >= stat.maxLevelPts) { //Debug.Log("level up!"); SceneWorld sw = SceneWorld.instance; sw.curLevel++; } else if(delta < 0) { Blink(hurtDelay); } }
private void Start() { _pStat = Camera.main.GetComponent<PlayerStat>(); }
public Task SetStat(PlayerStat stat) { this.stat = stat; return TaskDone.Done; }