private void queueMovement(Vector3 platformPosition, PlayerMovementPath newPath = null) { if (newPath == null) { CollisionMap map = getCollisionMap(platformPosition); this.path = PathFindingLogic.ProcessSolution(map); } else { this.path = newPath; } moveToNewPosition(); }
public List <GameObject> getProposedPath(Vector3 clickCoordinatePosition) { CollisionMap map = getCollisionMap(clickCoordinatePosition); Coordinate playerCoordinate = new Coordinate(player.transform.position); GameObject possibleBallAtClickCoordinate = gameObjects.movableObjects.Find(x => new Coordinate(x.transform.position).Equals(new Coordinate(clickCoordinatePosition))); if (possibleBallAtClickCoordinate != null) { map.setBlock(new Coordinate(possibleBallAtClickCoordinate.transform.position), false); } PlayerMovementPath thePath = PathFindingLogic.ProcessSolution(map); List <GameObject> listOfGameObjects = new List <GameObject>(); if (thePath != null) { listOfGameObjects.Add(gameObjects.getPlatform(playerCoordinate)); while (true) { Coordinate nextCoordinate = thePath.getNext(); if (nextCoordinate == null) { break; } GameObject platform = gameObjects.getPlatform(nextCoordinate); if (platform != null) { listOfGameObjects.Add(platform); } } } return(listOfGameObjects); }
private void userClickEvent() { Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { GameObject selectedObject = hit.transform.gameObject; GameObject ball = null; // If the user selected a platform if ("platform")) { bool userIsMovingTheBall = false; List <GameObject> ballMovementCoordinates = new List <GameObject>(); if (GridHighlighter.Instance.BallMovementMode) { // Has the user selected a platform on the movement path? ballMovementCoordinates = getBallMovementModeCoordinates(GridHighlighter.Instance.BallMovementModeTargetBall.transform.position); userIsMovingTheBall = ballMovementCoordinates.Contains(selectedObject); } if (userIsMovingTheBall) { // Will need to travel in a straight line to the target location. PlayerMovementPath moveTheBallMovementPath = new PlayerMovementPath(); Coordinate ballCoordinate = new Coordinate(GridHighlighter.Instance.BallMovementModeTargetBall.transform.position); Coordinate playerCoordinate = new Coordinate(player.transform.position); char direction = playerCoordinate.getDirection(ballCoordinate); Coordinate clickedCoordinate = new Coordinate(hit.transform.gameObject.transform.position); Coordinate nextCoordinate = new Coordinate(playerCoordinate, direction); // While the next coordinate doesn't equal the click coordinate, add to movement path while (!nextCoordinate.Equals(clickedCoordinate)) { moveTheBallMovementPath.CoordinatePath.Add(nextCoordinate); nextCoordinate = new Coordinate(nextCoordinate, direction); } moveTheBallMovementPath.CoordinatePath.Add(clickedCoordinate); queueMovement(hit.transform.gameObject.transform.position, moveTheBallMovementPath); } else { GridHighlighter.Instance.BallMovementMode = false; Coordinate platformCoordinate = new Coordinate(hit.transform.gameObject.transform.position); ball = gameObjects.movableObjects.Find(x => new Coordinate(x.transform.position).Equals(platformCoordinate)); // If user has clicked the platform underneith the ball if (ball == null) { queueMovement(selectedObject.transform.position); } } } // User has clicked on a ball to move if ("ball")) { ball = hit.transform.gameObject; } //Maybe make generic - not just a ball // if the user selected a ball to move if (ball != null) { Coordinate ballCoordinate = new Coordinate(ball.transform.position); // Select the platform underneath the ball GameObject targetPlatform = gameObjects.getPlatform(ballCoordinate); if (targetPlatform != null) { CollisionMap map = getCollisionMap(targetPlatform.transform.position); // We want to find the path to the ball map.setBlock(ballCoordinate, false); PlayerMovementPath newPath = PathFindingLogic.ProcessSolution(map); if (newPath.CoordinatePath.Count > 1) { GridHighlighter.Instance.BallMovementMode = false; GridHighlighter.Instance.BallMovementModeTargetBall = null; // Move the player to the ball newPath.CoordinatePath.RemoveAt(newPath.CoordinatePath.Count - 1); queueMovement(targetPlatform.transform.position, newPath); } else { // User has clicked the ball, while standing next to it GridHighlighter.Instance.BallMovementMode = true; GridHighlighter.Instance.BallMovementModeTargetBall = ball; } } } } }
private void moveToNewPosition() { movingFromCoordinate = new Coordinate(player.transform.position).toVector3D(player.transform.position.y); Coordinate nextCoordinate = null; if (this.path != null) { nextCoordinate = this.path.getNext(); if (nextCoordinate != null) { movingToCoordinate = nextCoordinate.toVector3D(player.transform.position.y); } } if (nextCoordinate == null) { startTime = 0; journeyLength = 0; this.path = null; movingPlayer = false; ballToMove = null; GridHighlighter.Instance.BallMovementMode = false; GridHighlighter.Instance.BallMovementModeTargetBall = null; } else { bool playerCollidesWithBall = false; bool playerCannotMoveDueToBallBlock = false; Coordinate playerCoordinate = new Coordinate(player.transform.position); GameObject ball = gameObjects.movableObjects.Find(x => new Coordinate(x.transform.position).Equals(nextCoordinate)); playerCollidesWithBall = ball != null; if (playerCollidesWithBall) { // If we continue in this direction, will be ball collide with anything else? char dir = playerCoordinate.getDirection(nextCoordinate); Coordinate newCoord = new Coordinate(nextCoordinate, dir); CollisionMap map = getCollisionMap(movingToCoordinate); // if the next coordinate is blocked if (map.getElement(newCoord) == null || map.getElement(newCoord).Blocked) { playerCannotMoveDueToBallBlock = true; } else { ballToMove = ball; movingBallFromCoordinate = new Coordinate(ball.transform.position).toVector3D(ball.transform.position.y); movingBallToCoordinate = newCoord.toVector3D(ball.transform.position.y); } } if (!playerCollidesWithBall) { playerCannotMoveDueToBallBlock = false; } if (!playerCannotMoveDueToBallBlock) { startTime = Time.time; journeyLength = Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, movingToCoordinate); movingPlayer = true; } else { // The player cannot move because it is being blocked by a ball being blocked // by something else! startTime = 0; journeyLength = 0; this.path = null; movingPlayer = false; ballToMove = null; } } }