Exemple #1
        private void handlePacket(int pid, Packet packet)
            switch (pid)
            case SynapseInfo.DISCONNECT_PACKET:
                DisconnectPacket disconnectPacket = (DisconnectPacket)packet;
                this.loggedIn = false;

                Message("Disconnect received: " + disconnectPacket.message);


            case SynapseInfo.INFORMATION_PACKET:
                InformationPacket packetInformation = (InformationPacket)packet;

                if (packetInformation.type == InformationPacket.TYPE_LOGIN)
                    if (packetInformation.message == InformationPacket.INFO_LOGIN_SUCCESS)
                        this.loggedIn = true;
                        Message("Login sucess to " + address + ":" + port);
                        Message("Login failed to " + address + ":" + port);
                else if (packetInformation.type == InformationPacket.TYPE_CLIENT_DATA)
                    var clientHash = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(packetInformation.message);
                    //TODO: pass into ClientData object


            case SynapseInfo.PLAYER_LOGIN_PACKET:
                PlayerLoginPacket packetLogin = (PlayerLoginPacket)packet;
                Message("Player joining...");
                //  Message("Player UUID: " + packetLogin.uuid.ToString());
                Message("Player address: " + packetLogin.address);

        public override void HandleMessageContents(NetworkMessage message, Connection connection)
            var playerLoginPacket = new PlayerLoginPacket(message);


            if (ServiceConfiguration.GetConfiguration().ReceivedClientVersionInt < ServiceConfiguration.GetConfiguration().ClientMinVersionInt ||
                playerLoginPacket.Version > ServiceConfiguration.GetConfiguration().ClientMaxVersionInt)
                ResponsePackets.Add(new GameServerDisconnectPacket {
                    Reason = $"You need client version in between {ServiceConfiguration.GetConfiguration().ClientMinVersionString} and {ServiceConfiguration.GetConfiguration().ClientMaxVersionString} to connect to this server."


            if (Game.Instance.Status == WorldState.Creating)
                ResponsePackets.Add(new GameServerDisconnectPacket
                    Reason = "The game is just starting.\nPlease try again in a few minutes."


            using (var otContext = new OpenTibiaDbContext())
                var failure = LoginFailureReason.None;

                var userRecord   = otContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Login == playerLoginPacket.AccountNumber && u.Passwd.Equals(playerLoginPacket.Password));
                var playerRecord = otContext.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Account_Nr == playerLoginPacket.AccountNumber && p.Charname.Equals(playerLoginPacket.CharacterName));

                if (userRecord == null || playerRecord == null)
                    failure = LoginFailureReason.AccountOrPasswordIncorrect;
                    // Check bannishment.
                    if (userRecord.Banished > 0 || userRecord.Bandelete > 0)
                        // Lift if time is up
                        if (userRecord.Bandelete > 0 || DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(userRecord.Banished_Until) > DateTime.Now)
                            failure = LoginFailureReason.Bannished;
                            userRecord.Banished = 0;

                    // Check that no other characters from this account are logged in.
                    var anotherCharacterIsLoggedIn = otContext.Players.Any(p => p.Account_Nr == playerLoginPacket.AccountNumber && p.Online > 0 && !p.Charname.Equals(playerLoginPacket.CharacterName));

                    if (anotherCharacterIsLoggedIn)
                        failure = LoginFailureReason.AnotherCharacterIsLoggedIn;

                    // Check if game is open to public
                    if (Game.Instance.Status != WorldState.Open)
                        ResponsePackets.Add(new GameServerDisconnectPacket
                            Reason = "The game is not open to the public yet.\nCheck for news on our webpage."


                if (failure == LoginFailureReason.None)
                        // Set player status to online.
                        // playerRecord.online = 1;

                        // otContext.SaveChanges();
                        var player = Game.Instance.Login(playerRecord, connection);

                        // set this to allow future packets from this connection.
                        connection.IsAuthenticated = true;
                        connection.PlayerId        = player.CreatureId;

                        ResponsePackets.Add(new SelfAppearPacket
                            CreatureId = player.CreatureId,
                            IsLogin    = true,
                            Player     = player

                        // Add MapDescription
                        ResponsePackets.Add(new MapDescriptionPacket
                            Origin           = player.Location,
                            DescriptionBytes = Game.Instance.GetMapDescriptionAt(player, player.Location)

                        ResponsePackets.Add(new MagicEffectPacket
                            Location = player.Location,
                            Effect   = EffectT.BubbleBlue

                        ResponsePackets.Add(new PlayerInventoryPacket {
                            Player = player
                        ResponsePackets.Add(new PlayerStatusPacket {
                            Player = player
                        ResponsePackets.Add(new PlayerSkillsPacket {
                            Player = player

                        ResponsePackets.Add(new WorldLightPacket {
                            Level = Game.Instance.LightLevel, Color = Game.Instance.LightColor

                        ResponsePackets.Add(new CreatureLightPacket {
                            Creature = player

                        // Adds a text message
                        ResponsePackets.Add(new TextMessagePacket
                            Type    = MessageType.StatusDefault,
                            Message = "This is a test message"

                        // std::string tempstring = g_config.getString(ConfigManager::LOGIN_MSG);
                        // if (tempstring.size() > 0)
                        // {
                        //    AddTextMessage(msg, MSG_STATUS_DEFAULT, tempstring.c_str());
                        // }

                        // if (player->getLastLoginSaved() != 0)
                        // {
                        //    tempstring = "Your last visit was on ";
                        //    time_t lastLogin = player->getLastLoginSaved();
                        //    tempstring += ctime(&lastLogin);
                        //    tempstring.erase(tempstring.length() - 1);
                        //    tempstring += ".";

                        // AddTextMessage(msg, MSG_STATUS_DEFAULT, tempstring.c_str());
                        // }
                        // else
                        // {
                        //    tempstring = "Welcome to ";
                        //    tempstring += g_config.getString(ConfigManager::SERVER_NAME);
                        //    tempstring += ". Please choose an outfit.";
                        //    sendOutfitWindow(player);
                        // }

                        // Add any Vips here.

                        // for (VIPListSet::iterator it = player->VIPList.begin(); it != player->VIPList.end(); it++)
                        // {
                        //    bool online;
                        //    std::string vip_name;
                        //    if (IOPlayer::instance()->getNameByGuid((*it), vip_name))
                        //    {
                        //        online = (g_game.getPlayerByName(vip_name) != NULL);
                        // msg->AddByte(0xD2);
                        // msg->AddU32(guid);
                        // msg->AddString(name);
                        // msg->AddByte(isOnline ? 1 : 0);
                        //    }
                        // }

                        // Send condition icons
                        ResponsePackets.Add(new PlayerConditionsPacket {
                            Player = player

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // TODO: propper logging

                        failure = LoginFailureReason.InternalServerError;

                if (failure != LoginFailureReason.None)
                    ResponsePackets.Add(new GameServerDisconnectPacket
                        Reason = failure.ToString() // TODO: implement correctly.