Exemple #1
        public override void UseItem(Level world, Player player, BlockCoordinates blockCoordinates)
            base.UseItem(world, player, blockCoordinates);
            PlayerInteractEventArgs interactEvent = new PlayerInteractEventArgs((EPlayer)player, player.Inventory.GetItemInHand(), blockCoordinates, (BlockFace)0);

            if (interactEvent.OnCallEvent())
                base.UseItem(world, player, blockCoordinates);
Exemple #2
        private void OnPlayerInteract(object sender, PlayerInteractEventArgs args)
            Player player = args.Player;

            if (player.Inventory.MainHandItem.Item.ID != ItemIDs.WOODEN_AXE)

            args.IsCancel = true;

            Block        block = args.Target;
            Vector3      pos   = block.ToVector3();
            PositionData data  = WorldEdit.Instance.PositionManager.getPositionData(player.Name);

            data.FirstPosition = pos;

            player.SendMessage($"§b1つ目の位置 | x {pos.FloorX} | y {pos.FloorY} | z {pos.FloorZ} | 範囲 {data.GetRange()}");
            player.SendMessage($"§bブロック名 {block.Name} | ブロックID {block.ID}:{block.Damage}");
Exemple #3
        public void UseItem(Vector3 pos, Item item, BlockFace blockFace, Vector3 clickPos, Player player)
            Block clicked = this.GetBlock(pos);
            Block replace = clicked.GetSideBlock(blockFace);

            if (clicked.Y > 255 || clicked.Y < 0 || clicked.ID == BlockFactory.AIR)

            PlayerInteractEventArgs playerInteractEvent = new PlayerInteractEventArgs(player, item, clicked, blockFace);

            if (player.IsAdventure)
                playerInteractEvent.IsCancel = true;

            if (Server.ServerConfig.SpawnProtection > 0 || player.Op)

            if (playerInteractEvent.IsCancel)

            if (!player.Sneaking && clicked.CanBeActivated && clicked.Activate(player, item))

            if (!player.Sneaking && item.CanBeActivate && item.Activate(player, this, clicked, blockFace, clickPos))
                if (item.Count <= 0)

            if (!item.CanBePlace)
            Block hand = item.Block;

            hand.Position = replace.Position;

            if (clicked.CanBeReplaced)
                replace       = clicked;
                hand.Position = replace.Position;

            //TODO : near by entity check

            //TODO : check can place on

            BlockPlaceEventArgs blockPlaceEvent = new BlockPlaceEventArgs(player, hand, replace, clicked, item);

            //TODO : check spawn protection

            if (blockPlaceEvent.IsCancel)
            hand.Place(clicked, replace, blockFace, clickPos, player, item);

            LevelSoundEventPacket pk = new LevelSoundEventPacket();

            pk.Position  = (Vector3)hand.Position;
            pk.Sound     = LevelSoundEventPacket.SOUND_PLACE;
            pk.ExtraData = hand.RuntimeId;
            pk.Pitch     = 1;
            player.SendPacket(pk); //TODO : near players
Exemple #4
    private async Task OnPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEventArgs e)
        var item = e.Item;

        var block  = e.Block;
        var server = e.Server as Server;
        var player = e.Player as Player;

        if (e.Cancel)

        if (block.HasValue)
            if (e.BlockLocation is not Vector blockPosition)
            var interactedBlock = block.Value;

            player.LastClickedBlock = interactedBlock;

            var type = interactedBlock.Material;

            BaseContainer?container = type switch
                Material.Anvil or Material.SmithingTable => new AnvilContainer(type.ToString().ToSnakeCase())
                    Title = type == Material.Anvil ? "Anvil" : "Smithing Table"
                Material.EnchantingTable => new EnchantmentTable
                    BlockPosition = blockPosition
                Material.Dropper or Material.Dispenser => new Container(9)
                    Owner         = player.Uuid,
                    Title         = type.ToString(),
                    BlockPosition = blockPosition,
                    Id            = type is Material.Dropper ? "dropper" : "dispenser"
                Material.BrewingStand => new BrewingStand
                    BlockPosition = blockPosition
                Material.Hopper => new Container(5)
                    BlockPosition = blockPosition
                Material.CraftingTable => new CraftingTable(),
                Material.Loom => new Loom(),
                Material.CartographyTable => new CartographyTable(),
                Material.Stonecutter => new Stonecutter(),
                Material.Grindstone => new Grindstone(),

                _ => null
            //TODO check if container is cached if so get that container
            if (type == Material.Chest) // TODO check if chest its next to another single chest
                container = new Container
                    Owner         = player.Uuid,
                    Title         = "Chest",
                    BlockPosition = blockPosition,
                    Id            = "chest"

                await player.OpenInventoryAsync(container);

                await player.client.QueuePacketAsync(new BlockAction
                    Position    = blockPosition,
                    ActionId    = 1,
                    ActionParam = 1,
                    BlockType   = interactedBlock.Id

                await player.SendSoundAsync(Sounds.BlockChestOpen, blockPosition.SoundPosition, SoundCategory.Blocks);
            else if (type == Material.EnderChest)
                container = new Container
                    Owner = player.Uuid,
                    Title = "Ender Chest",
                    Id    = type.ToString().ToSnakeCase()

                await player.OpenInventoryAsync(container);

                await player.client.QueuePacketAsync(new BlockAction
                    Position    = blockPosition,
                    ActionId    = 1,
                    ActionParam = 1,
                    BlockType   = interactedBlock.Id

                await player.SendSoundAsync(Sounds.BlockEnderChestOpen, blockPosition.SoundPosition, SoundCategory.Blocks);
            else if (type == Material.Furnace || type == Material.BlastFurnace || type == Material.Smoker)
                InventoryType actualType = type switch
                    Material.Furnace => InventoryType.Furnace,
                    Material.BlastFurnace => InventoryType.BlastFurnace,
                    Material.Smoker => InventoryType.Smoker,
                    _ => InventoryType.Furnace

                container = new SmeltingContainer(actualType, actualType.ToString().ToSnakeCase())
                    BlockPosition = blockPosition,
                    Title         = actualType.ToString()
            else if (type >= Material.ShulkerBox && type <= Material.BlackShulkerBox)
                container = new Container // TODO shulker box functionality
                    Owner         = player.Uuid,
                    Title         = "Shulker Box",
                    BlockPosition = blockPosition,
                    Id            = "shulker_box"

                await player.client.QueuePacketAsync(new BlockAction
                    Position    = blockPosition,
                    ActionId    = 1,
                    ActionParam = 1,
                    BlockType   = interactedBlock.Id

                await player.SendSoundAsync(Sounds.BlockShulkerBoxOpen, blockPosition.SoundPosition, SoundCategory.Blocks);
            else if (type == Material.Barrel)
                container = new Container
                    //Owner = player.Uuid,
                    Title         = "Barrel",
                    BlockPosition = blockPosition,
                    Id            = "Barrel"
                await player.SendSoundAsync(Sounds.BlockBarrelOpen, blockPosition.SoundPosition, SoundCategory.Blocks);
            else if (type == Material.Lectern)
                //TODO open lectern??

            if (container is IBlockEntity)
                var tileEntity = await player.World.GetBlockEntityAsync(blockPosition);

                if (tileEntity == null)
                    tileEntity = new NbtCompound()
                        new NbtTag <string>("id", (container as IBlockEntity).Id),

                        new NbtTag <int>("x", blockPosition.X),
                        new NbtTag <int>("y", blockPosition.Y),
                        new NbtTag <int>("z", blockPosition.Z),

                        new NbtTag <string>("CustomName", container.Title.ToJson())

                    player.World.SetBlockEntity(blockPosition, tileEntity);
                else if (tileEntity is NbtCompound dataCompound)
                    if (dataCompound.TryGetTag("Items", out var tag))
                        var items = tag as NbtList;

                        foreach (NbtCompound i in items)
                            var inventoryItem = i.ItemFromNbt();

                            container.SetItem(inventoryItem.Slot, inventoryItem);

            await player.OpenInventoryAsync(container);
            //TODO check for other
 public static void OnPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEventArgs args)
    internal async ValueTask <PlayerInteractEventArgs> InvokePlayerInteractAsync(PlayerInteractEventArgs eventArgs)
        await PlayerInteract.InvokeAsync(eventArgs);

Exemple #7
 public void PlayerInteract(object sender, PlayerInteractEventArgs e)
Exemple #8
        public void UseItem(Vector3 pos, Item item, BlockFace blockFace, Vector3 clickPos, Player player)
            Block clicked = this.GetBlock(pos);
            Block replace = clicked.GetSideBlock(blockFace);

            if (clicked.Y > 255 || clicked.Y < 0 || clicked.ID == BlockIDs.AIR)

            PlayerInteractEventArgs args = new PlayerInteractEventArgs(player, item, clicked, blockFace);

            if (player.IsAdventure)
                args.IsCancel = true;

            /*if (Server.ServerConfig.SpawnProtection > 0 || player.Op)
             * {
             *  //TODO
             * }*/

            Server.Instance.Event.Player.OnPlayerInteract(this, args);
            if (args.IsCancel)

            if (!player.Sneaking && clicked.CanBeActivated && clicked.Activate(player, item))

            if (!player.Sneaking && item.Activate(player, this, clicked, blockFace, clickPos))
                if (item.Count <= 0)

            Block hand = item.Block;

            if (hand.ID == BlockIDs.AIR)

            hand.Damage = item.Damage;

            if (clicked.CanBeReplaced)
                replace = clicked;

            //TODO : near by entity check

            //TODO : check can place on

            BlockPlaceEventArgs args1 = new BlockPlaceEventArgs(player, hand, replace, clicked, item);

            //TODO : check spawn protection

            Server.Instance.Event.Block.OnBlockPlace(this, args1);
            if (args1.IsCancel)
                this.SendBlocks(Server.Instance.GetOnlinePlayers(), new Vector3[] { hand.ToVector3() });

            hand.Place(clicked, replace, blockFace, clickPos, player, item);

            LevelSoundEventPacket pk = new LevelSoundEventPacket
                Position  = hand.ToVector3(),
                Sound     = LevelSoundEventPacket.SOUND_PLACE,
                ExtraData = hand.RuntimeId

            Server.Instance.BroadcastSendPacket(pk); //TODO : near players