public void AddBomb() { if (!_isDead && _currentBombCount > 0) { OnPlantBomb?.Invoke(this); OnBombCountChange?.Invoke(this); } }
void OnJoin(NetworkAction action) { Debug.Log("OnJoin data " +; string ip = action.senderIp; string session = action.senderSession; RegisterPlayer(ip, session); playerListChanged.Invoke(GetEnemies()); }
private void AddPlayer(ConnectionInfos infos) { for (int i = 0; i < connectedPlayers.Length; i++) { if (connectedPlayers[i] == null) { keysPressed[infos.accessKey] = true; connectedPlayers[i] = infos; OnPlayerEvent.Invoke(i, infos, true); break; } } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider) { if (collider.gameObject.CompareTag("enemybullet")) { OnHit.Invoke(); } }
void OnReady(PlayerBehavior player) { if (PlayerReady != null) { PlayerReady.Invoke(this); } }
public void RemovePlayer(Player player) { players.Remove(player); playerDisplayed[playerCount] = null; playerCount++; OnPlayerRemove.Invoke(player); }
private void CheckForItemInLineOfSight() { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, out hit, pickupRange)) { if (hit.collider.tag == itemTag) { Debug.Log("Seeing " +; ItemSeenEvent.Invoke(hit.collider.gameObject); if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.E)) { // call item event to add to inventory ItemPickupEvent.Invoke(hit.collider.gameObject); // play Pickup Animation PlayPickupAnim(); } } } else { UIHandler.DisableItemPickup.Invoke(null); } }
public virtual void Kill(Player killer) { if (_isDead) { return; } _isDead = true; // Suicide? if (killer != null) { if (killer.Id == Id) { //Debug.Log($"Player just suicide himself..."); UpdateScore(-2); } else { Debug.Log($"Player killed by {killer.Id}"); } } SoundManager.Instance.PlaySound("PlayerDeath"); _animator.SetBool("IsDead", _isDead); OnDeath?.Invoke(this); }
/// <summary> /// Remove Player by Name /// </summary> /// <param name="Name">Player Name</param> /// <param name="Reason">Reason</param> public void Remove(string Name, string Reason) { Player Player = GetPlayer(Name); Player.Network.IsActive = false; if (Player.isGameJoltPlayer) { Core.Player.SendToAllPlayer(new Package(Package.PackageTypes.ChatMessage, Core.Setting.Token("SERVER_GAMEJOLT", Player.Name, Player.GameJoltID.ToString(), "left the server."), null)); Core.Logger.Log(Core.Setting.Token("SERVER_GAMEJOLT", Player.Name, Player.GameJoltID.ToString(), "left the server with the following reason: " + Reason), Logger.LogTypes.Info); OnlineSetting OnlineSetting = (from OnlineSetting p in Core.Setting.OnlineSettingListData where p.GameJoltID == Player.GameJoltID select p).FirstOrDefault(); OnlineSetting.Save(); Core.Setting.OnlineSettingListData.Remove(OnlineSetting); } else { Core.Player.SendToAllPlayer(new Package(Package.PackageTypes.ChatMessage, Core.Setting.Token("SERVER_NOGAMEJOLT", Player.Name, "left the server."), null)); Core.Logger.Log(Core.Setting.Token("SERVER_NOGAMEJOLT", Player.Name, "left the server with the following reason: " + Reason), Logger.LogTypes.Info); } Core.Player.SendToAllPlayer(new Package(Package.PackageTypes.DestroyPlayer, Player.ID.ToString(), null)); if (Reason != Core.Setting.Token("SERVER_PLAYERLEFT")) { Core.Player.SentToPlayer(new Package(Package.PackageTypes.Kicked, Reason, Player.Network.Client)); } Core.RCONPlayer.SendToAllPlayer(new RCON_Client_Listener.Packages.Package(RCON_Client_Listener.Packages.Package.PackageTypes.RemovePlayer, $"{Player.ID},{Player.ToString()}", null)); Player.Network.ThreadPool3.WaitForIdle(); PlayerEvent.Invoke(PlayerEvent.Types.Remove, $"{Player.ID},{Player.ToString()}"); Core.Player.Remove(Player); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.tag == "Enemy") { IDied?.Invoke(); } }
/// <summary> /// Stop method /// </summary> public void Stop() { if(CanStop) { PlayerEvent?.Invoke(this, new PlayerEngineEvent() { EventType = PlayerEventType.Stop, Message = "Stopped" }); OnStop(); } }
public void AddDamage(int damageAmount) { this.currentHp -= damageAmount; if (this.currentHp <= 0) { onDead.Invoke(this.player); } }
public void AddPlayer(Player player) { Debug.Log($"JOINED: {player.Name}"); players.Add(player); playerDisplayed[playerCount] = player; playerCount++; OnPlayerAdd.Invoke(player); }
/// <summary> /// Pause method /// </summary> public void Pause() { if(CanPause) { PlayerEvent?.Invoke(this, new PlayerEngineEvent() { EventType = PlayerEventType.Pause, Message = "Paused" }); OnPause(); } }
void OnTriggerExit(Collider collider) { Entity_Player player = collider.GetComponent <Entity_Player>(); if (player != null) { ExitEvent.Invoke(player); } }
private void Update() { if (transform.position != _previousPosition) { OnMove?.Invoke(this); } _previousPosition = transform.position; }
void PlayerInput() { if (PlayerEnabled) { float sw = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel"); if (sw != 0) { DigSizeClick = Mathf.Clamp(DigSizeClick + 0.5f * sw, 1.5f, 8f); DigSize = Mathf.Floor(DigSizeClick * 10) / 10.0f; } moveInput.x = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); moveInput.y = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"); mc.InputMove = moveInput; mc.InputJump |= Input.GetButton("Jump"); mc.InputSprint = Input.GetButton("Sprint"); if (Input.GetButton("Fire1")) { if (digIntervalTimer <= 0 && !IsOverHeating) { Dig(); } } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2")) { if (InRangeState != InRange.Nothing && GrappleTimer >= grappleInterval) { grapplingHook.Grapple(hit.point); } } else if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire2") && grapplingHook.isGrappled) { GrappleTimer = 0; grapplingHook.UnGrapple(); } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Interact") && InRangeState == InRange.Interactible) { hit.collider.GetComponent <Interactible>().Interact(); } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Sonar")) { OnListenSonar?.Invoke(this); } else if (Input.GetButtonUp("Sonar")) { OnStopListenSonar?.Invoke(this); } } }
void Damage(PlayerLife life) { CurrentLife -= m_currentDamage; print("Damage " + playerNumber + " " + CurrentLife); //animação e audio de dano if (CurrentLife <= 0) { OnDeath.Invoke(this); } }
private void OnReceiveAuthenticate(NetworkConnection arg1, ReceiveAuthenticateMessage arg2) { var conn = _connections.Find(c => c.ConnectionId == arg1.connectionId); if (conn != null) { conn.PlayFabId = arg2.PlayFabId; conn.IsAuthenticated = true; OnPlayerAdded.Invoke(arg2.PlayFabId); } }
private void OnReceiveAuthenticate(NetworkConnection nconn, ReceiveAuthenticateMessage message) { var conn = _connections.Find(c => c.ConnectionId == nconn.connectionId); if (conn != null) { conn.PlayFabId = message.PlayFabId; conn.IsAuthenticated = true; OnPlayerAdded.Invoke(message.PlayFabId); } }
/// <summary> /// Add New Player to the collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="p">Package Data</param> public void Add(Package p) { if (p.IsValid && p.IsFullPackageData()) { int ID = GetNextValidID(); Player Player = new Player(p, ID); Core.RCONPlayer.SendToAllPlayer(new RCON_Client_Listener.Packages.Package(RCON_Client_Listener.Packages.Package.PackageTypes.AddPlayer, $"{ID},{Player.ToString()}", null)); PlayerEvent.Invoke(PlayerEvent.Types.Add, $"{ID},{Player.ToString()}"); } }
private void OnReceiveAuthenticate(NetworkMessage netMsg) { var conn = _connections.Find(c => c.ConnectionId == netMsg.conn.connectionId); if (conn != null) { var message = netMsg.ReadMessage <ReceiveAuthenticateMessage>(); conn.PlayFabId = message.PlayFabId; conn.IsAuthenticated = true; OnPlayerAdded.Invoke(message.PlayFabId); } }
public void Withdraw(int sum) { if (sum > Money) { PlayerEvent.Invoke($"Player {Index} has not enough money"); } else { Money -= sum; PlayerEvent.Invoke($"{sum} removed for Player {Index} account"); } }
private void OnReceiveAuthenticate(NetworkConnection connection, ReceiveAuthenticateMessage netMsg) { var conn = _connections.Find(c => c.ConnectionId == connection.connectionId); if (conn != null) { conn.PlayFabId = netMsg.PlayFabId; conn.IsAuthenticated = true; OnPlayerAdded.Invoke(netMsg.PlayFabId); Debug.Log($"Player {netMsg.PlayFabId} is added."); } }
private void OnReceiveAuthenticate(NetworkConnection netConn, ReceiveAuthenticateMessage netMsg) { Debug.Log("[UnityNetworkServer].Authenticate received"); var conn = _connections.Find(c => c.ConnectionId == netConn.connectionId); if (conn != null) { var message = netMsg; conn.PlayFabId = message.PlayFabId; conn.IsAuthenticated = true; OnPlayerAdded.Invoke(message.PlayFabId); } }
private void SetWinner() { gameOver = true; if (winEvent != null) { winEvent.Invoke(winner); } else { Debug.LogError("Cannot invoke win event: event is null!"); } }
public void UpdatePower(int amount, bool reset = false) { if (reset) { _bombPower = amount; } else { _bombPower += amount; } OnPowerChange?.Invoke(this); }
public void UpdateSpeedBonus(int amount, bool reset = false) { if (reset) { _speedBonus = amount; } else { _speedBonus += amount; } OnSpeedChange?.Invoke(this); }
private void OnServerDisconnect(NetworkMessage netMsg) { var conn = _connections.Find(c => c.ConnectionId == netMsg.conn.connectionId); if (conn != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conn.PlayFabId)) { OnPlayerRemoved.Invoke(conn.PlayFabId); } _connections.Remove(conn); } }
public override void OnServerDisconnect(NetworkConnection conn) { base.OnServerDisconnect(conn); var uconn = _connections.Find(c => c.ConnectionId == conn.connectionId); if (uconn != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uconn.PlayFabId)) { OnPlayerRemoved.Invoke(uconn.PlayFabId); } _connections.Remove(uconn); } }