Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes a character from the game scene, usually when logging out
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player"></param>
        public void RemoveCharacter(PlayerCharacter player)
            PlayerCharacterSprite toRemove = new PlayerCharacterSprite(_content, player, _camera);

            foreach (PlayerCharacterSprite sprite in _characterSprites)
                if (player == sprite.PlayerCharacter)
                    toRemove = sprite;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// adds a character into the game scene. Expected when a player logs in to the game
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">player to be added</param>
        public void AddCharacter(PlayerCharacter player)
            PlayerCharacterSprite sprite = new PlayerCharacterSprite(_content, player, _camera)
                IsVisible       = true,
                Texture         = _content.Load <Texture2D>("Images/Characters/base"),
                Width           = 48,
                Height          = 48,
                Size            = new Point(48, 48),
                Location        = new Point(player.X, player.Y),
                PlayerCharacter = player,
                InGame          = true,

            sprite.HealthBar.SetHP(player.Health, player.MaxHealth);
Exemple #3
        public override void Initialise(ContentManager content)
            Texture2D baseCharacterTexture = content.Load <Texture2D>("Images/Characters/base");

            Controls = new List <Control>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                _charBox[i] = new Rect()
                    Name            = "rectCharacterBorder" + i,
                    BackColor       = Color.White,
                    Size            = new Point(200, 200),
                    BorderThickness = 2,
                    BorderColor     = Color.Red
            _charBox[1].Location = new Point(GameClient.WIDTH / 2 - (_charBox[1].Size.X / 2), GameClient.HEIGHT / 2 - (_charBox[1].Size.Y / 2) - 50);
            _charBox[0].Location = new Point(_charBox[1].Location.X - (_charBox[1].Size.X + (_charBox[1].Size.X / 2)), _charBox[1].Location.Y);
            _charBox[2].Location = new Point(_charBox[1].Location.X + (_charBox[1].Size.X + (_charBox[1].Size.X / 2)), _charBox[1].Location.Y);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                _lblCharNames[i] = new Label()
                    Name       = "lblCharName" + i,
                    BackColor  = Color.White,
                    FrontColor = Color.Red,
                    Font       = GameClient.DEFAULT_FONT,
                    Location   = new Point(_charBox[i].Location.X + (_charBox[i].Size.X / 2), _charBox[i].Destination.Top - (int)GameClient.DEFAULT_FONT.MeasureString(" ").Y - 10),

                _lblCharLvls[i] = new Label()
                    Name       = "lblCharLvl" + i,
                    BackColor  = Color.White,
                    FrontColor = Color.Red,
                    Font       = GameClient.DEFAULT_FONT,
                    Location   = new Point(_charBox[i].Destination.Right, _charBox[i].Destination.Bottom - (int)GameClient.DEFAULT_FONT.MeasureString(" ").Y - 2),

                _btnPlayChar[i] = new Button()
                    IsVisible  = false,
                    Name       = "btnPlayChar" + i,
                    BackColor  = Color.Red,
                    FrontColor = Color.White,
                    Font       = GameClient.GW2_FONT,
                    Text       = "Play",
                    Size       = new Point((int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Create").X + 10, (int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Create").Y + 10),
                    Location   = new Point(_charBox[i].Destination.Left + (_charBox[i].Size.X / 2) - ((int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Create").X / 2), _charBox[i].Destination.Bottom + 10)
                _btnPlayChar[i].OnClick += btnPlayChar_OnClick;

                _btnDeleteChar[i] = new Button()
                    IsVisible  = false,
                    Name       = "btnDeleteChar" + i,
                    BackColor  = Color.Red,
                    FrontColor = Color.White,
                    Font       = GameClient.GW2_FONT,
                    Text       = "Delete",
                    Size       = new Point((int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Create").X + 10, (int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Create").Y + 10),
                    Location   = new Point(_charBox[i].Destination.Left + (_charBox[i].Size.X / 2) - ((int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Create").X / 2), _btnPlayChar[i].Destination.Bottom + 10)
                _btnDeleteChar[i].OnClick += btnDeleteChar_OnClick;

                _btnCreateChar[i] = new Button()
                    IsVisible  = true,
                    Name       = "btnCreateChar" + i,
                    BackColor  = Color.Red,
                    FrontColor = Color.White,
                    Font       = GameClient.GW2_FONT,
                    Text       = "Create",
                    Size       = new Point((int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Create").X + 10, (int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Create").Y + 10),
                    Location   = new Point(_charBox[i].Destination.Left + (_charBox[i].Size.X / 2) - ((int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Create").X / 2), _charBox[i].Destination.Bottom + 10)
                _btnCreateChar[i].OnClick += btnCreateChar_OnClick;

                _characterSprites[i] = new PlayerCharacterSprite(content, null, null)
                    IsVisible = true,
                    Width     = 48,
                    Height    = 48,
                    Size      = new Point(48, 48),
                    Location  = new Point(_charBox[i].Destination.Left + (_charBox[i].Size.X / 2) - 24, _charBox[i].Destination.Top + (_charBox[i].Size.Y / 2) - 24),
                    Texture   = baseCharacterTexture
Exemple #4
        public override void Initialise(ContentManager content)
            //creating all the controls and adding them to the list to be updated/drawn.
            _characterSprite = new PlayerCharacterSprite(content, null, null);
            Texture2D baseCharacterTexture = content.Load <Texture2D>("Images/Characters/base");

            Controls = new List <Control>();

            _charBox = new Rect()
                Name            = "rectCharacterBorder",
                BackColor       = Color.White,
                Size            = new Point(200, 200),
                BorderThickness = 2,
                BorderColor     = Color.Red
            _charBox.Location = new Point(GameClient.WIDTH / 2 - (_charBox.Size.X / 2), GameClient.HEIGHT / 2 - (_charBox.Size.Y / 2) - 50);

            _btnCreateChar = new Button()
                IsVisible  = true,
                Name       = "btnCreateChar",
                BackColor  = Color.Red,
                FrontColor = Color.White,
                Font       = GameClient.GW2_FONT,
                Text       = "Create",
                Size       = new Point((int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Create").X + 10, (int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Create").Y + 10),
                Location   = new Point(_charBox.Destination.Left + (_charBox.Size.X / 2) - ((int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Create").X) - 10, _charBox.Destination.Bottom + 10)
            _btnCreateChar.OnClick += _btnCreateChar_OnClick;

            _btnBack = new Button()
                IsVisible  = true,
                Name       = "btnBack",
                BackColor  = Color.Red,
                FrontColor = Color.White,
                Font       = GameClient.GW2_FONT,
                Text       = "Back",
                Size       = new Point((int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Back").X + 10, (int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Back").Y + 10),
                Location   = new Point(_charBox.Destination.Left + (_charBox.Size.X / 2) + 10, _charBox.Destination.Bottom + 10)
            _btnBack.OnClick += _btnBack_OnClick;

            _btnMale = new Button()
                IsVisible  = true,
                Name       = "btnMale",
                BackColor  = Color.Red,
                FrontColor = Color.White,
                Font       = GameClient.GW2_FONT,
                Text       = "Male",
                Size       = new Point((int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Male").X + 10, (int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Male").Y + 10),
                Location   = new Point(_charBox.Destination.Left + (_charBox.Size.X / 2) - ((int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Male").X) - 20, _charBox.Destination.Top - 20 - (int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Male").Y)
            _btnMale.OnClick += _btnMale_OnClick;

            _btnFemale = new Button()
                IsVisible  = true,
                Name       = "btnFemale",
                BackColor  = Color.Red,
                FrontColor = Color.White,
                Font       = GameClient.GW2_FONT,
                Text       = "Female",
                Size       = new Point((int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Female").X, (int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Female").Y + 10),
                Location   = new Point(_charBox.Destination.Left + (_charBox.Size.X / 2) + 10, _charBox.Destination.Top - 20 - (int)GameClient.GW2_FONT.MeasureString("Female").Y)
            _btnFemale.OnClick += _btnFemale_OnClick;

            _characterSprite = new PlayerCharacterSprite(content, null, null)
                IsVisible = true,
                Width     = 48,
                Height    = 48,
                Size      = new Point(48, 48),
                Location  = new Point(_charBox.Destination.Left + (_charBox.Size.X / 2) - 24, _charBox.Destination.Top + (_charBox.Size.Y / 2) - 24),
                Texture   = baseCharacterTexture

            _txtCharacterName = new TextBox()
                Name                     = "txtCharacterName",
                Text                     = "",
                BackColor                = Color.White,
                FrontColor               = Color.Black,
                BorderColor              = Color.Black,
                BorderThickness          = 2,
                CharacterLimit           = 20,
                Font                     = GameClient.DEFAULT_FONT,
                Size                     = new Point(300, (int)GameClient.DEFAULT_FONT.MeasureString(" ").Y + 10),
                Location                 = new Point((GameClient.WIDTH / 2) - 150, _btnFemale.Destination.Top - ((int)GameClient.DEFAULT_FONT.MeasureString(" ").Y + 20)),
                SpacesAllowed            = false,
                NumbersAllowed           = true,
                SpecialCharactersAllowed = false
            _txtCharacterName.OnClick += Control_OnClick;

            _lblCharacter = new Label()
                Name       = "lblCharacter",
                BackColor  = Color.White,
                FrontColor = Color.Red,
                Font       = GameClient.DEFAULT_FONT,
                Text       = "Name",
                Location   = new Point(_txtCharacterName.Location.X, _txtCharacterName.Destination.Top - (int)GameClient.DEFAULT_FONT.MeasureString("Name").Y - 10),
                Size       = new Point((int)GameClient.DEFAULT_FONT.MeasureString("Name").X, (int)GameClient.DEFAULT_FONT.MeasureString("Name").Y),
                IsVisible  = true

            _lblError = new Label()
                Name       = "lblError",
                BackColor  = Color.White,
                FrontColor = Color.Red,
                Font       = GameClient.DEFAULT_FONT_BOLD,
                Text       = "",
                Location   = new Point(GameClient.WIDTH / 2, _btnBack.Destination.Bottom + (int)GameClient.DEFAULT_FONT.MeasureString("Name").Y),
                Size       = new Point((int)GameClient.DEFAULT_FONT.MeasureString("").X, (int)GameClient.DEFAULT_FONT.MeasureString("").Y),
                IsVisible  = false

            playerCharacter = new PlayerCharacter()
                Gender = Gender.MALE

            _characterSprite.PlayerCharacter = playerCharacter;