void LateUpdate() { if (updateMoveToLog) { Vector3 currentPos = new Vector3(Mathf.Round(transform.position.x), Mathf.Round(transform.position.y), Mathf.Round(transform.position.z)); // player moved to a new cell, log it PlayerActionsMovedToData tempObj = new PlayerActionsMovedToData { FromCell = myPreviousCell, CurrentCell = myCurrentCell, time = gamePlayManager.GetCurrentTime(), CurrentActualPos = currentPos }; if (gamePlayManager.LOG_ENABLED) { LogDB.instance.SetPlayerActionsMovedToData(tempObj); } updateMoveToLog = false; myPreviousCell = myCurrentCell; // set previous cell to current cell so we dont need to update the log with duplicates } if (updateLookToLog) { Vector3 localLookAtAngle = new Vector3(Mathf.Round(mainCamera.transform.eulerAngles.x), Mathf.Round(m_CharacterTargetRot.eulerAngles.y), Mathf.Round(m_CharacterTargetRot.eulerAngles.z)); Vector3 currentPos = new Vector3(Mathf.Round(transform.position.x), Mathf.Round(transform.position.y), Mathf.Round(transform.position.z)); // player moved to a new cell, log it PlayerActionsLookingAtData tempObj = new PlayerActionsLookingAtData { target = (currentLookAtTarget != null) ? currentLookAtTarget.name : "", CurrentCell = myCurrentCell, time = gamePlayManager.GetCurrentTime(), CurrentActualPos = currentPos, CurrentActualLookingDirection = localLookAtAngle }; if (gamePlayManager.LOG_ENABLED) { LogDB.instance.SetPlayerActionsLookingAtData(tempObj); } updateLookToLog = false; } }
public bool SetPlayerActionsMovedToData(PlayerActionsMovedToData pamtdata) { if (currentSecnarioMasterKey != "") { if (pamtdata != null) { JSON tempobj = JSON.Serialize(pamtdata); LogData.GetJSON(currentSecnarioMasterKey).GetJSON("PlayerActions").GetJArray("MovedTo").Add(tempobj); //currentPlayerMovedToData.Add(tempobj); logDataUpdated = true; return(true); } else { Debug.LogAssertion("Data for New attepmt to save Player Actions Moved To is empty or null or not set properly, please recheck"); return(false); } } Debug.LogAssertion("Please use SetScenarioMasterLogObject with appropriate key to start logging this into the correct scenario"); return(false); }