Exemple #1
    public void RXInput(bool pGrid, Vector2 pos, CellStruct cs)
        //Don't need to ensure local player, grid only assigned to localplayer
        if (this.actionLocked)
            //Debug.Log("Got input, but we're already locked... ignoring");
        switch (this.apc)
        case ActionProcState.reject:
            Debug.Log("APC Reject: Ignoring input from grid");
            //Do nothing, we ignore the request

        case ActionProcState.multiTower:
            if (!pGrid)              // Only build on our side
                break;               // Our validator would catch this, but we do some more logic below that relies on this assumption
            int idx;
            Dictionary <pAction, CellStruct> buildDict = new Dictionary <pAction, CellStruct> {
                { pAction.buildOffenceTower, new CellStruct(CBldg.towerOffence) },
                { pAction.buildDefenceTower, new CellStruct(CBldg.towerDefence) },
                { pAction.buildIntelTower, new CellStruct(CBldg.towerIntel) }
            CellStruct[][,] currentGrids = this.pb2d.GetGridStates();
            ActionReq MultiTowerAR = new ActionReq(this.report.playerId, this.report.playerId, this.actionContext, new Vector2[] { pos });
            if (this.v.Validate(MultiTowerAR, currentGrids[0], currentGrids[1], pb2d.GetGridVec2Size(), this.report.latestCapitolLocs))
                idx = this.queuedActions.FindIndex(x => x.a == pAction.noAction);
                if (idx >= 0)
                    Debug.Log("Input processor: Valid Move: Add new AR at " + idx.ToString() + ", ar: " + MultiTowerAR.ToString());
                    this.queuedActions[idx] = MultiTowerAR;
                    this.pb2d.SetCellStruct(true, pos, buildDict[this.actionContext]);
                Debug.LogFormat("Input processor: Invalid request, don't add to list: {0}", MultiTowerAR.ToString());
            if (this.v.BldgIn(currentGrids[0], pos, buildDict.Values.ToList().Select(cstruct => cstruct.bldg).ToList()))              // Now, if there is a tower here already, remove it
                idx = this.queuedActions.FindIndex(x => buildDict.Keys.ToList().Contains(x.a) && x.loc != null && x.loc[0] == pos);
                if (idx >= 0)
                    Debug.Log("Input processor: Removing AR that is in this place");
                    this.queuedActions[idx] = new ActionReq(this.report.playerId, this.report.playerId, pAction.noAction, null);
                    this.pb2d.SetCellStruct(true, pos, new CellStruct(CBldg.empty));

        case ActionProcState.basicActions:
            ActionReq singleAR = new ActionReq(this.report.playerId, this.report.playerId, pAction.noAction, null); // NoAction should always fail eval
            int       target   = pGrid ? this.report.playerId : this.report.enemyId;
            switch (this.actionContext)                                                                             // May not need this to be a switch statement after refactor... lol TODO
            case pAction.noAction:
                break;                 // don't do nuthin if no action context

            case pAction.blockingShot: //These guys don't need a target, don't do anything here, assume handled by set action context
            case pAction.hellFire:
            case pAction.flare:

            case pAction.fireBasic:         // All of these single targeted actions can be handled the same way
            case pAction.scout:             // All differences in placement rules are handled by the validator
            case pAction.buildDefenceTower:
            case pAction.buildOffenceTower:
            case pAction.buildIntelTower:
            case pAction.buildWall:
            case pAction.fireAgain:
            case pAction.fireRow:             // this is multi location, but still single targeted shot
            case pAction.fireSquare:          // this is multi location, but still single targeted shot
            case pAction.placeMine:
            case pAction.buildDefenceGrid:
            case pAction.buildReflector:
            case pAction.firePiercing:
            case pAction.placeMole:
            case pAction.towerTakeover:
                singleAR = new ActionReq(this.report.playerId, target, this.actionContext, new Vector2[] { pos });

            case pAction.fireReflected:
                Debug.LogError("Player input should never be able to make this action! " + this.actionContext.ToString());

                Debug.LogError("Input processor unhandled actionContext: " + this.actionContext.ToString());
            if (this.v.Validate(singleAR, this.report.latestPlayerGrid, this.report.latestEnemyGrid, pb2d.GetGridVec2Size(), this.report.latestCapitolLocs))
                Debug.Log("Validated action: " + singleAR.ToString());
                if (singleAR.a == pAction.fireBasic)
                    this.queuedActions[0] = singleAR;
                    this.queuedActions[1] = singleAR;
                this.pb2d.SetActions(this.queuedActions);                 //add new action select
                Debug.Log("Bad action: " + singleAR.ToString());

            Debug.LogError("Input processor unhandled actionprocstate: " + this.apc.ToString());