// called from the rigidbody that collides.
    public void MissileCollided(Transform impactPoint)
        // load the correct audio mixer
        // AudioMixer mixer = dataComps.audioHandler_ref.mixer;
        // aSource.outputAudioMixerGroup = mixer.FindMatchingGroups("Enemies")[0];

        // activate effects, disable core, play imp[act sound
        elementalMissileEffects [elementIndex].missileCore.enabled = false;
        elementalMissileEffects [elementIndex].missileImpact.SetActive(true);
        elementalMissileEffects [elementIndex].missileImpact.transform.position = impactPoint.position;
        // AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(elementalMissileEffects[elementIndex].impactSound, impactPoint.position, 1.0f);
        AudioSource gs = PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(elementalMissileEffects[elementIndex].impactSound, impactPoint.position, 1.0f);

        gs.spatialBlend = (0.8f);
        // gs.outputAudioMixerGroup = mixer.FindMatchingGroups("Enemies")[0];

        // calculate distance with player to inflict damage
        distanceChecker = Vector3.Distance(impactPoint.position, player_Pos.position);

        // if impact missile is whithin  impact range.
        if (distanceChecker <= impactRange)
            // damage player

        Destroy(gameObject, 3.0f);
    void PickUpItem(GameObject user)
        FPSPlayerComponent = user.GetComponent <FPSPlayer>();

        if (FPSPlayerComponent.hitPoints < FPSPlayerComponent.maximumHitPoints)
            //heal player

            if (pickupSound)
                PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(pickupSound, myTransform.position, 0.75f);

            if (removeOnUse)
                //remove this pickup
            //player is already at max health, just play beep sound effect
            if (fullSound)
                PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(fullSound, myTransform.position, 0.75f);
 void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
     if (fenceRustles.Length > 0 && (col.gameObject.layer == 11 || col.gameObject.layer == 13))
         PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(fenceRustles[Random.Range(0, fenceRustles.Length)], transform.position, rustleVol);
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.CompareTag("BlockMagnet"))                    // checks for the player Block magnet in order to be picked up.
            FPSPlayerComponent = other.transform.parent.GetComponent <FPSPlayer> ();

            if (FPSPlayerComponent.hitPoints < FPSPlayerComponent.maximumHitPoints)
                //heal player

                if (pickupSound)
                    PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(pickupSound, myTransform.position, 0.75f);

                if (removeOnUse)
                    //remove this pickup
                //player is already at max health, just play beep sound effect
                if (fullSound)
                    PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(fullSound, myTransform.position, 0.75f);
Exemple #5
    //damage NPC
    public void ApplyDamage(float damage, Vector3 attackDir, Vector3 attackerPos, Transform attacker, bool isPlayer, bool isExplosion)
        if (AIComponent && AIComponent.CharacterDamageComponent)
            if (isPlayer)            //if attack is from player, pass damage info to main CharacterDamage.cs component

                AIComponent.CharacterDamageComponent.ApplyDamage(damage * damageMultiplier, attackDir, attackerPos, attacker, isPlayer, isExplosion, thisRigidBody, damageForce);

                if (headShot &&
                    !headShotState &&
                    AIComponent.CharacterDamageComponent.hitPoints <= 0.0f &&
                    Vector3.Distance(myTransform.position, attackerPos) < 15f &&
                    PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(headShot, myTransform.position, 0.6f, 0f);
                    if (sloMoKillChance >= Random.value && isPlayer)
                    headShotState = true;                    //only play head shot sound for one shot, so shotguns won't play many sound effects at once for each hit
            else              //attack is not from player, pass damage info to main CharacterDamage.cs component
                AIComponent.CharacterDamageComponent.ApplyDamage(damage, attackDir, attackerPos, attacker, isPlayer, isExplosion, thisRigidBody, damageForce);
            //body part collider hit without reference to its main AI.cs component
            Debug.Log("<color=red>LocationDamage.cs:</color> NPC body part hit without reference to its main AI.cs script component, please set reference in inspector.");
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
        string    colTag       = col.gameObject.tag;
        Transform colTransform = col.gameObject.transform;

        //play splash effects for player and objects thrown into water
        if ((colTag == "Player" && (FPSWalkerComponent.jumping || !FPSWalkerComponent.grounded)) ||    //play splash effects for player if they jumped into water
            ((colTag == "Usable" ||    //play splash effects for objects if they hit water
              colTag == "Metal" ||
              colTag == "Wood" ||
              colTag == "Glass" ||
              colTag == "Flesh" ||
              col.gameObject.name == "Chest") &&
             colTransform.position.y > myTransform.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.max.y - 0.4f) &&
            lastSplashTime + 0.6f < Time.time)
            if (colTag == "Player")
                if (FootstepsComponent.waterLand)
                    PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(FootstepsComponent.waterLand, col.gameObject.transform.position, 1.0f, 0.0f);                    //play splash sound
                if (FootstepsComponent.waterLand)
                    PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(FootstepsComponent.waterLand, colTransform.position, 1.0f);                    //play splash sound

            if (waterSplash)
                foreach (Transform child in waterSplash.transform)             //emit all particles in the particle effect game object group stored in impactObj var

                    if (child.name == "FastSplash")
                        splashPos = new Vector3(colTransform.position.x, myTransform.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.max.y - 0.15f, colTransform.position.z);
                        child.GetComponent <ParticleEmitter>().transform.position = splashPos;
                        splashPos = new Vector3(colTransform.position.x, myTransform.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.max.y + 0.01f, colTransform.position.z);
                        child.GetComponent <ParticleEmitter>().transform.position = splashPos;
                    child.GetComponent <ParticleEmitter>().transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, waterSplash.transform.up); //rotate impact effects so they are perpendicular to surface hit
                    child.GetComponent <ParticleEmitter>().Emit();                                                                               //emit the particle(s)

            lastSplashTime = Time.time;
Exemple #7
 void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
     //play a bounce sound when shell object collides with a surface
     if (soundState)
         if (shellSounds.Length > 0)
             PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(shellSounds[(int)Random.Range(0, (shellSounds.Length))], myTransform.position, 0.75f);
         soundState = false;
Exemple #8
    public void PickUpItem()
        //if player has less than max ammo for this weapon, give player ammoToAdd amount
        if (WeaponBehaviorComponent.ammo < WeaponBehaviorComponent.maxAmmo)
            if (WeaponBehaviorComponent.ammo + ammoToAdd > WeaponBehaviorComponent.maxAmmo)
                //just give player max ammo if they only are a few bullets away from having max ammo
                WeaponBehaviorComponent.ammo = WeaponBehaviorComponent.maxAmmo;
                //give player the ammoToAdd amount
                WeaponBehaviorComponent.ammo += ammoToAdd;

            //play pickup sound
            if (pickupSound)
                PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(pickupSound, myTransform.position, 0.75f);

            //equip/activate weapon if we picked up ammo for disposable, one-shot weapon like grenades
            if (!WeaponBehaviorComponent.doReload && !WeaponBehaviorComponent.haveWeapon && !WeaponBehaviorComponent.nonReloadWeapon)
                WeaponBehaviorComponent.haveWeapon = true;

            if (removeOnUse)
                if (objectPoolIndex == 0)
                    //remove this weapon pickup
                    AzuObjectPool.instance.RecyclePooledObj(objectPoolIndex, myTransform.gameObject);
            //if player is at max ammo, just play beep sound
            if (fullSound)
                PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(fullSound, myTransform.position, 0.75f);
Exemple #9
 void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
     if (col.gameObject.tag == "Player")
         FPSPlayer player = col.GetComponent <FPSPlayer>();
         if (player && !fxPlayed)
             player.ApplyDamage(player.maximumHitPoints + 1.0f);
             PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(squishSnd, player.transform.position, 0.75f);
             crushTime = Time.time;
             fxPlayed  = true;
    void RemovePickup()
        //play pickup sound
        if (pickupSound)
            PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(pickupSound, myTransform.position, 0.75f);

        if (removeOnUse)
            //remove this weapon pickup from the scene
Exemple #11
    public void PickUpItem()
        //if player is thirsty, apply thirstToRemove to thirstPoints
        if (FPSPlayerComponent.thirstPoints > 0.0f && FPSPlayerComponent.usePlayerThirst)
            if (FPSPlayerComponent.thirstPoints - thirstToRemove > 0.0)

            //restore player health by healthToRestore amount
            if (FPSPlayerComponent.hitPoints + healthToRestore < FPSPlayerComponent.maximumHitPoints)
                FPSPlayerComponent.HealPlayer(FPSPlayerComponent.maximumHitPoints - FPSPlayerComponent.hitPoints);

            //play pickup sound
            if (pickupSound)
                PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(pickupSound, myTransform.position, 0.75f);

            if (removeOnUse)
                //remove this drink pickup
            //if player not thirsty, just play beep sound
            if (fullSound)
                PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(fullSound, myTransform.position, 0.75f);
Exemple #12
    public void PickUpItem()
        //if player is hungry, apply hungerToRemove to hungerPoints
        if (FPSPlayerComponent.hungerPoints > 0.0f && FPSPlayerComponent.usePlayerHunger)
            if (FPSPlayerComponent.hungerPoints - hungerToRemove > 0.0)

            //restore player health by healthToRestore amount
            if (FPSPlayerComponent.hitPoints + healthToRestore < FPSPlayerComponent.maximumHitPoints)
                FPSPlayerComponent.HealPlayer(FPSPlayerComponent.maximumHitPoints - FPSPlayerComponent.hitPoints);

            //play pickup sound
            if (pickupSound)
                PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(pickupSound, myTransform.position, 0.75f);

            if (removeOnUse)
                //remove this food pickup
            //if player is not hungry, just play beep sound
            if (fullSound)
                PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(fullSound, myTransform.position, 0.75f);
Exemple #13
    //this method called if NPC has died and has more than one capsule collider for collision, so transition to ragdoll
    void RagDollDie(Rigidbody hitBody, float bodyForce)
        if (dieSound)
            randomNumber = Random.Range(0, painSounds.Length);
            PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(painSounds [randomNumber], transform.position, 1.0f);

        AIComponent.NPCRegistryComponent.UnregisterNPC(AIComponent);        //unregister NPC from main NPC registry
        if (AIComponent.spawned && AIComponent.NPCSpawnerComponent)
            AIComponent.NPCSpawnerComponent.UnregisterSpawnedNPC(AIComponent);            //unregister NPC from spawner registry
        if (!AIComponent.useMecanim)
            AIComponent.AnimationComponent.enabled = false;
            AIComponent.AnimatorComponent.enabled = false;
        ragdollActive = true;
        if (AIComponent.NPCAttackComponent.muzzleFlash)
            AIComponent.NPCAttackComponent.muzzleFlash.enabled = false;
        AIComponent.NPCAttackComponent.enabled = false;
        AIComponent.agent.enabled = false;
        AIComponent.enabled       = false;
        StartCoroutine(ApplyForce(hitBody, bodyForce));
        //initialize the RemoveBody.cs script attached to the NPC ragdoll
        if (RemoveBodyComponent)
            if (removeBody)
                RemoveBodyComponent.enabled      = true;
                RemoveBodyComponent.bodyStayTime = bodyStayTime;                //pass bodyStayTime to RemoveBody.cs script
                RemoveBodyComponent.enabled = false;
Exemple #14
    //this method called if the NPC dies and only has one capsule collider for collision
    //which will be instantiated in place of the main NPC object (which is removed from the scene)
    void Die()
        RaycastHit rayHit;

        // Play a dying audio clip
        if (dieSound)
            PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(dieSound, transform.position, 1.0f);

        AIComponent.NPCRegistryComponent.UnregisterNPC(AIComponent);        //unregister NPC from main NPC registry
        if (AIComponent.spawned && AIComponent.NPCSpawnerComponent)
            AIComponent.NPCSpawnerComponent.UnregisterSpawnedNPC(AIComponent);            //unregister NPC from spawner registry


        // Replace NPC object with the dead body
        if (deadReplacement)
            //drop arrows if corpse disappears
            ArrowObject[] arrows = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <ArrowObject>(true);
            foreach (ArrowObject arr in arrows)
                arr.transform.parent        = null;
                arr.myRigidbody.isKinematic = false;
                arr.myBoxCol.isTrigger      = false;
                arr.gameObject.tag          = "Usable";
                arr.falling = true;

            dead = Instantiate(deadReplacement, transform.position, transform.rotation) as Transform;
            RemoveBodyComponent = dead.GetComponent <RemoveBody>();

            // Copy position & rotation from the old hierarchy into the dead replacement
            CopyTransformsRecurse(transform, dead);

            Collider[] colliders = dead.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>();
            foreach (Collider col in colliders)
                Physics.IgnoreCollision(col, AIComponent.FPSWalker.capsule, true);

            //apply damage force to NPC ragdoll
            if (Physics.SphereCast(attackerPos2, 0.2f, attackDir2, out rayHit, 750.0f, raymask) &&
                rayHit.rigidbody &&
                attackDir2.x != 0)
                //apply damage force to the ragdoll rigidbody hit by the sphere cast (can be any body part)
                rayHit.rigidbody.AddForce(attackDir2 * 10.0f, ForceMode.Impulse);
            else              //apply damage force to NPC ragdoll if being damaged by an explosive object or other damage source without a specified attack direction

                Component[] bodies;
                bodies = dead.GetComponentsInChildren <Rigidbody>();
                foreach (Rigidbody body in bodies)
                    if (explosionCheck)
                        //if(body.transform.name == "Chest"){//only apply damage force to the chest of the ragdoll if damage is from non-player source
                        //calculate direction to apply damage force to ragdoll
                        body.AddForce((myTransform.position - (attackerPos2 + (Vector3.up * -2.5f))).normalized * Random.Range(4.5f, 7.5f), ForceMode.Impulse);
                        if (body.transform.name == "Chest")                        //only apply damage force to the chest of the ragdoll if damage is from non-player source
                        //calculate direction to apply damage force to ragdoll
                            body.AddForce((myTransform.position - attackerPos2).normalized * 10.0f, ForceMode.Impulse);

            //initialize the RemoveBody.cs script attached to the NPC ragdoll
            if (RemoveBodyComponent)
                if (removeBody)
                    RemoveBodyComponent.enabled      = true;
                    RemoveBodyComponent.bodyStayTime = bodyStayTime;                    //pass bodyStayTime to RemoveBody.cs script
                    RemoveBodyComponent.enabled = false;

            //Determine if this object or parent should be removed.
            //This is to allow for different hit detection collider types as children of NPC parent.
            if (notParent)
                if (AIComponent.factionNum == 3)
                    killEnemiesRef.EnemyCounter -= 1;
Exemple #15
    //Draw Impact Effects

    public bool ImpactEffects(Collider hitcol, Vector3 hitPoint, bool NpcAttack, bool meleeAttack, Vector3 rayNormal = default(Vector3))
        WeaponBehaviorComponent = PlayerWeaponsComponent.CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent;
//		if(!meleeAttack || NpcAttack){//not a melee weapon
        //find the tag name of the hit game object and emit the particle effects for the surface type
        switch (hitcol.gameObject.tag)
        case "Dirt":
            impactObj = dirtImpact;            //set impactObj to the particle effect game object group for this surface type
            if (!meleeAttack)
                if (defaultImpactSounds[0])
                    hitSound = defaultImpactSounds[Random.Range(0, defaultImpactSounds.Length)];                    //select random impact sound for this surface type
                if (defaultImpactSoundsMelee[0])
                    hitSound = defaultImpactSoundsMelee[Random.Range(0, defaultImpactSoundsMelee.Length)];                    //select random impact sound for this surface type

        case "Metal":
            impactObj = metalImpact;
            if (!meleeAttack)
                if (metalImpactSounds[0])
                    hitSound = metalImpactSounds[Random.Range(0, metalImpactSounds.Length)];                    //select random impact sound for this surface type
                if (metalImpactSoundsMelee[0])
                    hitSound = metalImpactSoundsMelee[Random.Range(0, metalImpactSoundsMelee.Length)];                    //select random impact sound for this surface type

        case "Wood":
            impactObj = woodImpact;
            if (!meleeAttack)
                if (woodImpactSounds[0])
                    hitSound = woodImpactSounds[Random.Range(0, woodImpactSounds.Length)];                    //select random impact sound for this surface type
                if (woodImpactSoundsMelee[0])
                    hitSound = woodImpactSoundsMelee[Random.Range(0, woodImpactSoundsMelee.Length)];                    //select random impact sound for this surface type

        case "Water":
            impactObj = waterImpact;
            if (waterImpactSounds[0])
                hitSound = waterImpactSounds[Random.Range(0, waterImpactSounds.Length)];

        case "Glass":
            impactObj = glassImpact;
            if (waterImpactSounds[0])
                hitSound = glassImpactSounds[Random.Range(0, glassImpactSounds.Length)];

        case "Flesh":
            impactObj = fleshImpact;
            if (!meleeAttack)
                if (fleshImpactSounds[0])
                    hitSound = fleshImpactSounds[Random.Range(0, fleshImpactSounds.Length)];                    //select random impact sound for this surface type
                if (fleshImpactSoundsMelee[0])
                    hitSound = fleshImpactSoundsMelee[Random.Range(0, fleshImpactSoundsMelee.Length)];                    //select random impact sound for this surface type

        case "Stone":
            impactObj = stoneImpact;
            if (!meleeAttack)
                if (stoneImpactSounds[0])
                    hitSound = stoneImpactSounds[Random.Range(0, stoneImpactSounds.Length)];                    //select random impact sound for this surface type
                if (stoneImpactSoundsMelee[0])
                    hitSound = stoneImpactSoundsMelee[Random.Range(0, stoneImpactSoundsMelee.Length)];                    //select random impact sound for this surface type

            impactObj = metalImpact;
            if (!meleeAttack)
                if (defaultImpactSounds[0])
                    hitSound = defaultImpactSounds[Random.Range(0, defaultImpactSounds.Length)];                    //select random impact sound for this surface type
                if (defaultImpactSoundsMelee[0])
                    hitSound = defaultImpactSoundsMelee[Random.Range(0, defaultImpactSoundsMelee.Length)];                    //select random impact sound for this surface type

        impactObj.transform.position = hitPoint;
        if (rayNormal != Vector3.zero)
            impactObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, rayNormal);
            impactObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.up);
        if (impactObj.GetComponent <ParticleEmitter>())
            impactObj.GetComponent <ParticleEmitter>().Emit();
        foreach (Transform child in impactObj.transform)     //emit all particles in the particle effect game object group stored in impactObj var
            child.GetComponent <ParticleEmitter>().Emit();   //emit the particle(s)

        //modify the weapon impact sounds based on the weapon type, so the multiple shotgun impacts and automatic weapons aren't so loud
        if (!NpcAttack && !WeaponBehaviorComponent.meleeActive)
            if (WeaponBehaviorComponent.projectileCount > 1)
                hitVolumeAmt = 0.2f;
            else if (!WeaponBehaviorComponent.semiAuto)
                hitVolumeAmt = 0.8f;
                hitVolumeAmt = 1.0f;
            hitVolumeAmt = 1.0f;

        //play sounds of bullets hitting surface/ricocheting
        PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(hitSound, hitPoint, hitVolumeAmt, 1.0f, 1.0f, 3.0f);
    void PickUpItem()
        //find the PlayerWeapons script in the FPS Prefab to access weaponOrder array
        PlayerWeapons  PlayerWeaponsComponent         = Camera.main.transform.GetComponent <CameraControl>().weaponObj.GetComponent <PlayerWeapons>();
        WeaponBehavior WeaponBehaviorComponent        = weaponObj.GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>();
        WeaponBehavior CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent = PlayerWeaponsComponent.CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent;

        //if player does not have this weapon, pick it up
        if (!WeaponBehaviorComponent.haveWeapon)
            //if the player is at max weapons and this weapon takes up an inventory space, drop the current weapon before equipping this one
            if (PlayerWeaponsComponent.totalWeapons == PlayerWeaponsComponent.maxWeapons && WeaponBehaviorComponent.addsToTotalWeaps)
                //determine if this weapon can be dropped (weapons like fists or a sidearm can be set to not be droppable)
                if (CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent.droppable)
                    //drop current weapon if dropCurrentWeapon is true
                    if (removeOnUse && !WeaponBehaviorComponent.dropWillDupe && !CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent.dropWillDupe)
                    else                      //replace current weapon if dropCurrentWeapon is false
                        CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent.haveWeapon   = false;
                        CurrentWeaponBehaviorComponent.dropWillDupe = false;
                        //prevent dropping this weapon and creating duplicated ammo by picking up the weapon again from the non-destroyable pickup item
                        WeaponBehaviorComponent.dropWillDupe = true;
                else                  //currently held weapon is not dropable, so find next item in the weaponOrder array that is droppable, and drop it

                    for (int i = PlayerWeaponsComponent.currentWeapon; i < PlayerWeaponsComponent.weaponOrder.Length; i++)
                        if (PlayerWeaponsComponent.weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>().haveWeapon &&
                            PlayerWeaponsComponent.weaponOrder[i].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>().droppable)
                            weaponToDrop = i;                            //found the weapon to drop, break loop
                            //no weapon found to drop counting up from current weapon number in weaponOrder array, so start at zero and count upwards
                        else if (i == PlayerWeaponsComponent.weaponOrder.Length - 1)
                            for (int n = 0; n < PlayerWeaponsComponent.weaponOrder.Length; n++)
                                if (PlayerWeaponsComponent.weaponOrder[n].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>().haveWeapon &&
                                    PlayerWeaponsComponent.weaponOrder[n].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>().droppable)
                                    weaponToDrop = n;
                                    break;                                    //found the weapon to drop, break loop

                    if (removeOnUse && !WeaponBehaviorComponent.dropWillDupe)                    //drop the next weapon if dropCurrentWeapon is true and current weapon is not droppable
                    else                      //replace the next weapon if dropCurrentWeapon is false and current weapon is not droppable
                        PlayerWeaponsComponent.weaponOrder[weaponToDrop].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>().haveWeapon   = false;
                        PlayerWeaponsComponent.weaponOrder[weaponToDrop].GetComponent <WeaponBehavior>().dropWillDupe = false;
                        //prevent dropping this weapon and creating duplicated ammo by picking up the weapon again from the non-destroyable pickup item
                        WeaponBehaviorComponent.dropWillDupe = true;

            //update haveWeapon value of new weapon's WeaponBehavior.cs component
            WeaponBehaviorComponent.haveWeapon = true;
            if (!removeOnUse)
                WeaponBehaviorComponent.dropWillDupe = true;
                WeaponBehaviorComponent.dropWillDupe = false;
            //select the weapon after picking it up
            //update the total weapon amount in PlayerWeapons.cs
            //remove pickup item from game world and play sound
        else          //the player already has this weapon, so give them ammo instead

            if ((WeaponBehaviorComponent.ammo < WeaponBehaviorComponent.maxAmmo && removeOnUse) &&         //player is not carrying max ammo for this weapon
                WeaponBehaviorComponent.meleeSwingDelay == 0)             //player is not trying to pick up a melee weapon they already have

                if (WeaponBehaviorComponent.ammo + WeaponBehaviorComponent.bulletsPerClip > WeaponBehaviorComponent.maxAmmo)
                    //just give player max ammo if they only are a few bullets away from having max ammo
                    WeaponBehaviorComponent.ammo = WeaponBehaviorComponent.maxAmmo;
                    //give player the bulletsPerClip amount if they already have this weapon
                    WeaponBehaviorComponent.ammo += WeaponBehaviorComponent.bulletsPerClip;

                RemovePickup();                //remove pickup item from game world and play sound
                //if player has weapon and is at max ammo, just play beep sound
                if (fullSound)
                    PlayAudioAtPos.PlayClipAt(fullSound, myTransform.position, 0.75f);