private void Update() { if (isTeleporterActive) { PlatformGameplay gameplayComponent = GetComponent <PlatformGameplay>(); float lerpValue = (gameplayComponent.delayBetweenMovements - gameplayComponent.DelayTimer) / gameplayComponent.delayBetweenMovements; meshRenderer.material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.Lerp(startColor,, lerpValue)); if (lerpValue >= 1.0f) { isTeleporterActive = false; if (teleportToMinigame) { LoadMinigame(); } else { Invoke("ResetPlatform", 0.1f); // WARNING! Should be call in any cases if we dont load scenes } } } if (teleportToMinigame) { if (lerpValueAnim < 1.0f) { lerpValueAnim += Time.deltaTime; transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(originPosition, endPosition, lerpValueAnim); } else { GetComponent <PlatformGameplay>().isATeleporter = true; isTeleporterActive = true; } } }
void ActivateTrap() { gameplay = GetComponent <PlatformGameplay>(); Material mat = GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().material; mat.SetColor("_EmissionColor",; if (gameplay == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Platform gameplay component is null and shouldn't"); return; } TrapType trapRand; // si la platforme est générée par le platformiste if (!isLevelDesignPlatform) { trapRand = (TrapType)Random.Range(0, (int)TrapType.Size); List <TrapType> usedIndex = new List <TrapType>(); int nbAttempts = 0; while (!TrapViabilityCheck(trapRand) || nbAttempts == 10) { usedIndex.Add(trapRand); bool isInList = true; while (isInList) { trapRand = (TrapType)Random.Range(0, (int)TrapType.Size); foreach (TrapType checkedType in usedIndex) { if (checkedType != trapRand) { isInList = false; } } } nbAttempts++; } if (nbAttempts == 10) { trapRand = TrapType.Flip; } } else // si la platforme a été posée en LevelDesign { trapRand = trapType; StartCoroutine(ResetTrap()); } switch (trapRand) { case TrapType.MoveHorizontal: MoveHorizontal(); break; case TrapType.MoveBackward: MoveBackward(); break; case TrapType.MoveDown: MoveDown(); break; case TrapType.RotateAroundY: RotateAroundY(); break; case TrapType.Flip: Flip(); break; } isTrapEnabled = true; }