Exemple #1
    public void SetColor()
        //get percentage of opposite color used based on health. Get that percentage of the dist from this and optimum color
        //and add that onto the optimum to get a blend of the 2 colors

        PlantRates pr = transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent <PlantRates>();
        float      colorPerc;

        if (pr.Health() >= healthToColorRatio)
            colorPerc     = NumOp.Cutoff(pr.Health() - GetComponent <Grow>().growthAmount, 0f, 1f);
            realTimeColor = NumOp.GetColorBlend(optimumColor, earlyColor, colorPerc);
            float tmp = (healthToColorRatio - pr.Health()) * (1f / healthToColorRatio);
            colorPerc     = NumOp.Cutoff(1f - (GetComponent <Grow>().growthAmount - tmp), 0f, 1f);
            realTimeColor = NumOp.GetColorBlend(optimumColor, lateColor, colorPerc);

        realTimeColor = new Color(realTimeColor[0], realTimeColor[1], realTimeColor[2], alphaValue);
        if (debug)
            print("percentage of opposite used: " + colorPerc.ToString());
Exemple #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //make sure variables stay in acceptable range
        expectedGrowTime = NumOp.Cutoff(expectedGrowTime, 1, expectedGrowTime);
        growthTimeSkew   = NumOp.Cutoff(growthTimeSkew, 0f, 1f);
        growthStages     = NumOp.Cutoff(growthStages, 0, expectedGrowTime);

        PlantRates pr = transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent <PlantRates>();

        //time till growth increases as efficiency lowers
        float actualGrowthEffic = (pr.currEfficiency - (pr.currEfficiency * growthTimeSkew));

        currGrowTime = expectedGrowTime + (expectedGrowTime - (int)((float)expectedGrowTime * actualGrowthEffic));

        int timeElapsed = transform.root.GetComponent <Timer>().timeElapsed;

        if (timeTillStart - timeElapsed <= 0)
            hasStarted = true;
            hasStarted = false;

        if (hasStarted)
            if (growthStages <= 0)
                growthAmount = 1f;
                int stageInterval = NumOp.Cutoff(currGrowTime, 0, currGrowTime) / growthStages;
                if (stageInterval <= 0)
                    growthAmount = 1f;
                    int stage = (timeElapsed - timeTillStart) / stageInterval;
                    growthAmount = NumOp.Cutoff((float)stage / growthStages, 0f, 1f);

        if (debug)
            print(String.Format("Name: {0}, Full Growth Time: {1}hrs, TimeElapsed: {2}hrs", name, currGrowTime, (timeElapsed - timeTillStart)));