Exemple #1
    private void Awake()
        // Set up the reference to the aeroplane controller.
        m_Plane     = GetComponent <PlaneControleur>();
        m_Rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        // Add the audiosources and get the references.
        m_EngineSoundSource             = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
        m_EngineSoundSource.playOnAwake = false;
        m_WindSoundSource             = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
        m_WindSoundSource.playOnAwake = false;

        // Assign clips to the audiosources.
        m_EngineSoundSource.clip = m_EngineSound;
        m_WindSoundSource.clip   = m_WindSound;

        // Set the parameters of the audiosources.
        m_EngineSoundSource.minDistance  = m_AdvancedSetttings.engineMinDistance;
        m_EngineSoundSource.maxDistance  = m_AdvancedSetttings.engineMaxDistance;
        m_EngineSoundSource.loop         = true;
        m_EngineSoundSource.dopplerLevel = m_AdvancedSetttings.engineDopplerLevel;

        m_WindSoundSource.minDistance  = m_AdvancedSetttings.windMinDistance;
        m_WindSoundSource.maxDistance  = m_AdvancedSetttings.windMaxDistance;
        m_WindSoundSource.loop         = true;
        m_WindSoundSource.dopplerLevel = m_AdvancedSetttings.windDopplerLevel;

        // call update here to set the sounds pitch and volumes before they actually play

        // Start the sounds playing.
 private void Awake()
     // Set up the reference to the aeroplane controller.
     m_Plane = GetComponent <PlaneControleur>();
     // m_PropellorModelRenderer = m_PropellorModel.GetComponent<Renderer>();
     // m_PropellorBlurRenderer = m_PropellorBlur.GetComponent<Renderer>();
Exemple #3
    private Color m_OriginalStartColor; // The original starting colout of the particle system

    // Use this for initialization
    private void Start()
        // get the aeroplane from the object hierarchy
        m_Jet = FindAeroplaneParent();

        // get the particle system ( it will be on the object as we have a require component set up
        m_System = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();

        // set the original properties from the particle system
        m_OriginalLifetime   = m_System.main.startLifetime.constant;
        m_OriginalStartSize  = m_System.main.startSize.constant;
        m_OriginalStartColor = m_System.main.startColor.color;