void site_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            var  latLongCtl = (sender as Control).FindParent <LatLongInput>();
            bool setX1Y1    = true;

            if (latLongCtl != null)
                if (latLongCtl.Name == ctlX2.Name || latLongCtl.Name == ctlY2.Name)
                    setX1Y1 = false;

            var pinnable = e.Data.GetData(PinnableObject.DRAG_FORMAT_NAME) as PinnableObject;

            if (pinnable != null && pinnable.LookupType == LookupType.PlaceName)
                PlaceName placeName = pinnable.GetState <PlaceName>();
                if (!setX1Y1)
                    ctlY2.Value = placeName.Latitude;
                    ctlX2.Value = placeName.Longitude;
                    ctlY1.Value = placeName.Latitude;
                    ctlX1.Value = placeName.Longitude;

            e.Handled = true;
        private void DoSelect()
            PlaceName result = null;

            if (optFindLatLong.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(false))
                result = _offsetControl.OffsetPlace;

            if (result == null)
                var selected = lstResults.SelectedItem as PlaceNameViewModel;
                if (selected != null)
                    result = selected.Model;

            if (result != null && _selectionCallback != null)
                var selResult = new SelectionResult {
                    ObjectID    = null,
                    DataObject  = result,
                    Description = result.Name

        private void UpdateLocality(PlaceName placeName)
            string place = placeName.Name;

            if (placeName.PlaceNameType == PlaceNameType.OffsetAndDirection)
                place = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} of {3}", placeName.Offset, placeName.Units, placeName.Direction, placeName.Name);

            var updateLocality = OptionalQuestions.UpdateLocalityQuestion.Ask(this.FindParentWindow(), _viewModel.Locality, place);

            if (updateLocality)
                if (placeName.PlaceNameType == PlaceNameType.OffsetAndDirection)
                    optNearestPlace.IsChecked = true;
                    _viewModel.Locality       = placeName.Name;
                    txtDistanceFrom.Text      = string.Format("{0} {1}", placeName.Offset, placeName.Units);
                    txtDirectionFrom.Text     = placeName.Direction;
                    optLocality.IsChecked = true;
                _viewModel.Locality = placeName.Name;
Exemple #4
 public MapMarker(IXivSubRow sRow, Map map)
     SubKey    = sRow.Key;
     MapKey    = sRow.ParentKey;
     MapX      = map.ToMapCoordinate2d((Int16)sRow["X"], map.OffsetX);
     MapY      = map.ToMapCoordinate2d((Int16)sRow["Y"], map.OffsetY);
     IsRegion  = ((byte)sRow["Type"]) == 1;
     DataType  = (byte)sRow["Data{Type}"];
     PlaceName = (PlaceName)sRow["PlaceName{Subtext}"];
Exemple #5
 public override int GetHashCode()
         var hashCode = (PlaceName != null ? PlaceName.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (PlaceAddress != null ? PlaceAddress.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (PlaceUrl != null ? PlaceUrl.GetHashCode() : 0);
Exemple #6
        public List <PlaceName> FindPlaceNames(string find, int maxrows = 1000)
            List <PlaceName> list = new List <PlaceName>();

            try {
                string sql = "SELECT tPlace as Name, tType as PlaceType, tDivision as Division, tLatitude as LatitudeString, tLongitude as LongitudeString, dblLatitude as Latitude, dblLongitude as Longitude FROM tblGaz WHERE tPlace like @find ORDER BY tDivision, tPlace, tType LIMIT @limit";
                SelectReader(sql, (reader) => {
                    PlaceName place = new PlaceName();
                    MapperBase.ReflectMap(place, reader, null, null);
                }, new SQLiteParameter("@find", find + "%"), new SQLiteParameter("@limit", maxrows));
            } catch (Exception ex) {

Exemple #7
        public string Validate(string propertyName)
            string result = string.Empty;

            switch (propertyName)
            case nameof(PlaceName):
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PlaceName) || !PlaceName.ValidateFileName())
                    result = "Invalid filename.";
                else if (File.Exists(GetPath()))
                    result = "A place with that name already exists.";
        void PositionControl_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            var pinnable = e.Data.GetData(PinnableObject.DRAG_FORMAT_NAME) as PinnableObject;

            if (pinnable != null && pinnable.LookupType == LookupType.PlaceName)
                PlaceName placeName = pinnable.GetState <PlaceName>();
                this.lat.Value = placeName.Latitude;
                lon.Value      = placeName.Longitude;
                if (LocationChanged != null)
                    var locality = placeName.Name;
                    if (placeName.PlaceNameType == PlaceNameType.OffsetAndDirection)
                        locality = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} of {3}", placeName.Offset, placeName.Units, placeName.Direction, placeName.Name);
                    LocationChanged(placeName.Latitude, placeName.Longitude, null, null, locality, "EGaz");
            e.Handled = true;
Exemple #9
        public List <PlaceName> GetPlacesInBoundedBox(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, string placeType)
            var list = new List <PlaceName>();

            try {
                string sql = "SELECT tPlace as Name, tType as PlaceType, tDivision as Division, tLatitude as LatitudeString, tLongitude as LongitudeString, dblLatitude as Latitude, dblLongitude as Longitude FROM tblGaz WHERE (dblLatitude BETWEEN @y1 AND @y2) AND (dblLongitude BETWEEN @x1 AND @x2)";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(placeType))
                    sql += " and tType = @div";
                SelectReader(sql, (reader) => {
                    PlaceName place = new PlaceName();
                    MapperBase.ReflectMap(place, reader, null, null);
                }, new SQLiteParameter("@y1", y1), new SQLiteParameter("@y2", y2), new SQLiteParameter("@x1", x1), new SQLiteParameter("@x2", x2), new SQLiteParameter("@div", placeType));
            } catch (Exception ex) {

        void ReleaseDesignerOutlets()
            if (PlaceName != null)
                PlaceName = null;

            if (PlaceAddress != null)
                PlaceAddress = null;

            if (PlaceDistance != null)
                PlaceDistance = null;

            if (PlaceOpenHours != null)
                PlaceOpenHours = null;

            if (PlacePhone != null)
                PlacePhone = null;

            if (MapView != null)
                MapView = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Save a place record to the database. Use this if you have a connection open.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sUserUpdating">Name of the user who is saving the record.</param>
        public void Save(int iUserID)
            MethodBase lmth          = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod();
            string     lsRoutineName = lmth.DeclaringType + "." + lmth.Name;

            if (RecordStatus == RecordStatuses.Delete)
                if (CharacterPlaceID != -1)
                    SortedList sParam = new SortedList();
                    sParam.Add("@RecordID", CharacterPlaceID);
                    sParam.Add("@UserID", iUserID);
                    cUtilities.PerformNonQuery("uspDelCHCharacterPlaces", sParam, "LARPortal", iUserID.ToString());
                SortedList sParam = new SortedList();
                sParam.Add("@CharacterPlaceID", CharacterPlaceID);
                sParam.Add("@CharacterID", CharacterID);
                if (CampaignPlaceID.HasValue)
                    sParam.Add("@PlaceID", CampaignPlaceID.Value);
                    sParam.Add("@ClearCampaignPlaceID", 1);
                sParam.Add("@CampaignID", CampaignID);
                sParam.Add("@PlaceName", PlaceName.ToString());
                sParam.Add("@LocatedInPlaceID", LocaleID);
                sParam.Add("@StaffComments", StaffComments.ToString());
                sParam.Add("@PlayerComments", Comments.ToString());
                sParam.Add("@UserID", iUserID);
                cUtilities.PerformNonQuery("uspInsUpdCHCharacterPlaces", sParam, "LARPortal", iUserID.ToString());
 public FateTarget(Fate fate, PlaceName placeName)
     Fate = fate;
     PlaceName = placeName;
Exemple #13
 public override int GetHashCode()
        private Item GetItem(long key, int requiredAmount)
            Item item = _context.Items
                        .Where(_item => key == _item.Key)
                        .Select(_item => new Item
                key            = _item.Key,
                nameKo         = _item.UINameKo,
                nameEn         = _item.UINameEn,
                iconPath       = _item.IconPath,
                requiredAmount = requiredAmount,
                recipes        = _item.CraftRecipes.Select(recipe => new Recipe
                    key           = recipe.Key,
                    level         = recipe.LevelView,
                    totalCrafted  = recipe.CraftNum,
                    numStarsArray = new int[(int)recipe.LevelDiff],
                    craftingJob   = new Job
                        key      = recipe.CraftJob.Key,
                        nameKo   = recipe.CraftJob.NameKo,
                        nameEn   = recipe.CraftJob.NameEn,
                        iconPath = "/assets/ui/icon/062000/" + ((long)((recipe.CraftJob.Key) + 62100L)).ToString("D6") + ".tex.png"
                gatherings = _item.Gatherings.Select(gathering => new Gathering
                    key          = gathering.Key,
                    gatheringJob = new Job
                        key      = gathering.GatheringJob.Key,
                        nameKo   = gathering.GatheringJob.NameKo,
                        nameEn   = gathering.GatheringJob.NameEn,
                        iconPath = "/assets/ui/icon/062000/" + ((long)(gathering.GatheringJob.Key + 62100L)).ToString("D6") + ".tex.png"
                    numStarsArray        = new int[(int)gathering.LevelDiff],
                    isHidden             = gathering.IsHidden,
                    gatheringSubCategory =
                        gathering.GatheringSubCategory != null ?
                        new GatheringSubCategory
                        key    = gathering.GatheringSubCategory.Key,
                        nameKo = gathering.GatheringSubCategory.NameKo,
                        nameEn = gathering.GatheringSubCategory.NameEn
                    } : null,
                    gatheringPoints = gathering.GatheringPoints
                                      .Where(gatheringPoint => gatheringPoint.Level != null)
                                      .Select(gatheringPoint => new GatheringPoint
                        key         = gatheringPoint.Key,
                        level       = gatheringPoint.Level,
                        placeKey    = gatheringPoint.PlaceName.Key,
                        placeNameKo = gatheringPoint.PlaceName.SGLKo,
                        placeNameEn = gatheringPoint.PlaceName.SGLEn,
                        children    = new GatheringPoint[0]
                shops = _item.ItemShops.Select(itemShop => itemShop.Shop)
                        .Select(shop => new Shop
                    key        = shop.Key,
                    nameKo     = shop.NameKo,
                    nameEn     = shop.NameEn,
                    beastTribe = shop.BeastTribe != null ? new BeastTribe
                        key    = shop.BeastTribe.Key,
                        nameKo = shop.BeastTribe.SGLKo,
                        nameEn = shop.BeastTribe.SGLEn
                    } : null,
                    quest = shop.Quest != null ? new Quest
                        key    = shop.Quest.Key,
                        nameKo = shop.Quest.NameKo,
                        nameEn = shop.Quest.NameEn
                    } : null,
                    npcs = shop.ENpcShops.Select(eNpcShop => eNpcShop.ENpc)
                           .Select(eNpc => new Npc
                        key    = eNpc.Key,
                        nameKo = eNpc.SGLKo,
                        nameEn = eNpc.SGLEn

            if (item != null)
                List <Gathering> gatherings = new List <Gathering>();

                foreach (Gathering gathering in item.gatherings)
                    Gathering candidate = gatherings.Where(_gathering =>
                                                           _gathering.gatheringJob.key == gathering.gatheringJob.key &&
                                                           _gathering.numStarsArray.Length == gathering.numStarsArray.Length &&
                                                           _gathering.isHidden == gathering.isHidden &&
                                                           (_gathering.gatheringSubCategory == null ?
                                                            gathering.gatheringSubCategory == null :
                                                            _gathering.gatheringSubCategory.key == gathering.gatheringSubCategory.key)).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (candidate != null)
                        candidate.gatheringPoints = candidate.gatheringPoints.Concat(gathering.gatheringPoints).ToArray();

                item.gatherings = gatherings.ToArray();

                foreach (Gathering gathering in item.gatherings)
                    while (gathering.gatheringPoints.Any(gatheringPoint => _context.GatheringPoints.Any(_gatheringPoint => _gatheringPoint.Key == gatheringPoint.key && _gatheringPoint.Parent != null)))
                        List <GatheringPoint> newGatheringPoints = new List <GatheringPoint>();

                        foreach (GatheringPoint gatheringPoint in gathering.gatheringPoints)
                            GatheringPoint existingGatheringPoint = FindGatheringPointRecursively(newGatheringPoints, gatheringPoint.placeKey);

                            if (existingGatheringPoint != null)
                                if (existingGatheringPoint.level != null && gatheringPoint.level != null)
                                    existingGatheringPoint.level = Math.Min((long)existingGatheringPoint.level, (long)gatheringPoint.level);

                                existingGatheringPoint.children = existingGatheringPoint.children.Concat(gatheringPoint.children).ToArray();


                            FFXIVTranslator.PorierFFXIV.GatheringPoint parentGatheringPoint = _context.GatheringPoints.Where(_gatheringPoint => _gatheringPoint.Key == gatheringPoint.key)
                                                                                              .Select(_gatheringPoint => _gatheringPoint.Parent)

                            if (parentGatheringPoint == null)
                                GatheringPoint newGatheringPoint = new GatheringPoint
                                    key      = parentGatheringPoint.Key,
                                    level    = parentGatheringPoint.Level,
                                    children = new GatheringPoint[1]

                                PlaceName placeName = _context.GatheringPoints.Where(_gatheringPoint => _gatheringPoint.Key == parentGatheringPoint.Key)
                                                      .Select(_gatheringPoint => _gatheringPoint.PlaceName)

                                if (placeName != null)
                                    newGatheringPoint.placeKey    = placeName.Key;
                                    newGatheringPoint.placeNameKo = placeName.SGLKo;
                                    newGatheringPoint.placeNameEn = placeName.SGLEn;

                                GatheringPoint candidate = FindGatheringPointRecursively(newGatheringPoints, newGatheringPoint.placeKey);

                                if (candidate != null)
                                    if (candidate.level != null && newGatheringPoint.level != null)
                                        candidate.level = Math.Min((long)candidate.level, (long)newGatheringPoint.level);

                                    candidate.children = candidate.children.Concat(newGatheringPoint.children).ToArray();

                        gathering.gatheringPoints = newGatheringPoints.ToArray();

                foreach (Gathering gathering in item.gatherings)

                foreach (Shop shop in item.shops)
                    foreach (Npc npc in shop.npcs)
                        ENpcPlaceName eNpcPlaceName = _context.ENpcs
                                                      .Where(eNpc => eNpc.Key == npc.key)
                                                      .SelectMany(eNpc => eNpc.ENpcPlaceNames)
                                                      .Where(_eNpcPlaceName => _eNpcPlaceName.PlaceName != null)

                        if (eNpcPlaceName != null)
                            npc.x     = eNpcPlaceName.X;
                            npc.y     = eNpcPlaceName.Y;
                            npc.place = _context.ENpcPlaceNames
                                        .Where(_eNpcPlaceName => _eNpcPlaceName.Key == eNpcPlaceName.Key)
                                        .Select(_eNpcPlaceName => _eNpcPlaceName.PlaceName)
                                        .Select(placeName => new Place
                                key    = placeName.Key,
                                nameKo = placeName.SGLKo,
                                nameEn = placeName.SGLEn

                            Place currentPlace = npc.place;

                            while (true)
                                PlaceName region = _context.PlaceNames.Where(placeName => placeName.Key == currentPlace.key).Select(placeName => placeName.Region).FirstOrDefault();

                                if (region == null)

                                currentPlace.parent = new Place
                                    key    = region.Key,
                                    nameKo = region.SGLKo,
                                    nameEn = region.SGLEn

                                currentPlace = currentPlace.parent;

 public GenericLocation(PlaceName placeName, double x, double y) {
     this.MapX = x;
     this.MapY = y;
     this.PlaceName = placeName;
 internal void Clear()
     OffsetPlace = null;
        private PlaceName OffsetLatLong(double offset, string Units, string Direction, PlaceName source)
            // set degrees per unit as follows:
            // mean radius of earth is 3959 miles or 6371 kilometers.
            // circumference = 2 x Pi x radius.
            // DegsPerUnit = 360 / circumference.
            double DegsPerUnit = 0;

            if (Units.ToUpper()[0] == 'K')   // Units = Kilometers
                DegsPerUnit = 0.0089932;
            else if (Units.ToUpper().Substring(0, 2) == "MI")     // Units = Miles
                DegsPerUnit = 0.0144722;
            else                                              // Units undefined

            double DirDeg = 0;

            // change compass directions into degrees.  degrees are measured E & W from N and E & W from S. there are 32 compass points. 360/32 = 11.25 degrees each.
            switch (Direction)
            case "N":
            case "S":
                DirDeg = 0 * 11.25;

            case "NbyE":
            case "NbyW":
            case "SbyE":
            case "SbyW":
                DirDeg = 1 * 11.25;

            case "NNE":
            case "NNW":
            case "SSE":
            case "SSW":
                DirDeg = 2 * 11.25;

            case "NEbyN":
            case "NWbyN":
            case "SEbyS":
            case "SWbyS":
                DirDeg = 3 * 11.25;

            case "NE":
            case "NW":
            case "SE":
            case "SW":
                DirDeg = 4 * 11.25;

            case "NEbyE":
            case "NWbyW":
            case "SEbyE":
            case "SWbyW":
                DirDeg = 5 * 11.25;

            case "ENE":
            case "WNW":
            case "ESE":
            case "WSW":
                DirDeg = 6 * 11.25;

            case "EbyN":
            case "WbyN":
            case "EbyS":
            case "WbyS":
                DirDeg = 7 * 11.25;

            case "E":
            case "W":
                DirDeg = 8 * 11.25;

                // error in direction

            int NSHem = 0;
            int EWHem = 0;
            int NSDir = 0;
            int EWDir = 0;

            string InitLat  = source.LatitudeString;
            string InitLong = source.LongitudeString;

            // find what hemisphere we're in & set to positive or negative
            if (InitLat.EndsWith("N"))
                NSHem = 1;          // set to positive
                NSHem = -1;         // set to negative

            if (InitLong.EndsWith("E"))
                EWHem = 1;          // set to pos
                EWHem = -1;        // set to neg

            // find what quadrant we're in & set to positive or negative
            if (Direction.Contains("N"))
                NSDir = 1;         // set to pos
                NSDir = -1;         // set to neg

            if (Direction.Contains("E"))
                EWDir = 1;         // set to pos
                EWDir = -1;        // set to neg

            int NSCor = NSHem * NSDir;                                // set correction (adjustment) to pos or neg
            int EWCor = EWHem * EWDir;                                // pos*pos=pos, neg*neg=pos, pos*neg=neg

            string ILatDir = InitLat.Substring(InitLat.Length - 1);   // get lat direction
            string ILonDir = InitLong.Substring(InitLong.Length - 1); // get long direction

            string strError;
            double ILat = 0;
            double ILon = 0;

            if (!GeoUtils.DMSStrToDecDeg(InitLat, CoordinateType.Latitude, out ILat, out strError))

            if (!GeoUtils.DMSStrToDecDeg(InitLong, CoordinateType.Longitude, out ILon, out strError))

            ILon = Math.Abs(ILon);
            ILat = Math.Abs(ILat);

            double CosDir = Math.Cos(DirDeg * 0.017453292);         // get cosine of direction (.017+ is Pi/180, and changes degrees to radians as required by basic)
            double LatOff = CosDir * offset;                        // Latitude adj in units
            double LatAdj = LatOff * DegsPerUnit * NSCor;           // convert to degrees & make + or -
            double NewLat = ILat + LatAdj;                          // new latitude in degrees. a negative is minus

            if (NewLat < 0)                                         // we've crossed the Equator
                NewLat = Math.Abs(LatAdj) - ILat;                   // put remainder on other side
                if (ILatDir == "N")                                 // change hemispheres
                    ILatDir = "S";
                    ILatDir = "N";

            double SinDir    = Math.Sin(DirDeg * 0.017453292);      // get sine of direction
            double LonOff    = SinDir * offset;                     // Longitude adj in units
            double CosNewLat = Math.Cos(NewLat * 0.017453292);      // get cosine of new latitude
            double NewDPU    = DegsPerUnit / CosNewLat;             // correct DPU for new latitude
            double LonAdj    = LonOff * NewDPU * EWCor;             // convert to degrees & make + or -
            double NewLon    = ILon + LonAdj;                       // new longitude in degrees

            if (NewLon < 0 || NewLon > 180)                         // we've crossed 0 or 180 meridian
                if (NewLon < 0)
                    NewLon = Math.Abs(LonAdj) - ILon;               // put diff on other side

                if (NewLon > 180)
                    NewLon = 180 - (NewLon - 180);                  // subtract overage fm

                if (ILonDir == "E")                                 // change hemispheres          '180
                    ILonDir = "W";
                    ILonDir = "E";

            int intLongSign = 1;

            if (ILonDir == "W")
                intLongSign = -1;

            int intLatSign = 1;

            if (ILatDir == "S")
                intLatSign = -1;

            var pn = new PlaceName();

            pn.PlaceNameType = PlaceNameType.OffsetAndDirection;
            pn.Name          = source.Name;
            pn.Division      = source.Division;
            pn.PlaceType     = source.PlaceType;

            pn.Latitude  = NewLat * intLatSign;
            pn.Longitude = NewLon * intLongSign;

            pn.Offset    = offset + "";
            pn.Units     = Units;
            pn.Direction = Direction;

            pn.LatitudeString  = GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(pn.Latitude, CoordinateType.Latitude);
            pn.LongitudeString = GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(pn.Longitude, CoordinateType.Longitude);

 public Location(PlaceName zonePlace, PlaceName locationPlace)
     PlaceName = zonePlace;
     LocationPlaceName = locationPlace;
 public BNpcLocation(PlaceName regionPlaceName, PlaceName placeName, int minimumLevel, int maximumLevel) {
     this.RegionPlaceName = regionPlaceName;
     this.PlaceName = placeName;
     this.MinimumLevel = minimumLevel;
     this.MaximumLevel = maximumLevel;