Exemple #1
        static void PlaceBets(MarketCatalogue mc, MarketBook mb, List <CoreLib.Betfair.TO.Runner> runnersToBack)
            var     betPlaced = false;
            decimal unitSize  = decimal.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UnitSize"]);

            Log.Info($"Unit size for {mc.MarketId}-:{unitSize:c2}");

            foreach (var runner in runnersToBack)
                var betAmount = unitSize;

                List <PlaceInstruction> placeInstructions = new List <PlaceInstruction>();
                var placeInstructionBack = new PlaceInstruction();
                placeInstructionBack.Handicap    = 0;
                placeInstructionBack.SelectionId = runner.SelectionId;

                placeInstructionBack.OrderType                    = OrderType.MARKET_ON_CLOSE;
                placeInstructionBack.MarketOnCloseOrder           = new MarketOnCloseOrder();
                placeInstructionBack.MarketOnCloseOrder.Liability = (double)betAmount;
                placeInstructionBack.Side = Side.BACK;

                var customerRef          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 20);
                var placeExecutionReport = Program.Client.placeOrders(mc.MarketId, customerRef, placeInstructions);
                Log.Info($"Placement report for {mc.MarketId}-{runner.SelectionId} BACK bets\tStatus:{placeExecutionReport.Status}\tError Code:{placeExecutionReport.ErrorCode}");
                betPlaced = true;

            if (betPlaced)
Exemple #2
        public static void PlaceOrder(PlaceInstruction placeInstruction)
            List <PlaceInstruction> placeInstructions = new List <PlaceInstruction>();

            Thread thread = new Thread(() => ThreadPlaceOrder(placeInstructions));

Exemple #3
        public void PlaceBet(Component component) // component is a totall
            double maxPrice = 1.04;

            if (component.Name.Equals("Over/Under 4.5 Goals") || component.Name.Equals("Over/Under 5.5 Goals") || component.Name.Equals("Over/Under 6.5 Goals"))
                if (component.Name.Equals("Over/Under 6.5 Goals"))
                    maxPrice = 1.03;

                IList <PlaceInstruction> placeInstructions = new List <PlaceInstruction>();

                for (double price = 1.01; price < maxPrice; price += 0.01)
                    var limitOrder = new LimitOrder();
                    limitOrder.PersistenceType = PersistenceType.PERSIST; //save bet in-play
                    limitOrder.Price           = price;
                    limitOrder.Size            = 10;                      // placing a bet below minimum stake, expecting a error in report

                    var placeInstruction = new PlaceInstruction();
                    placeInstruction.Handicap    = 0;
                    placeInstruction.Side        = Side.LAY;
                    placeInstruction.OrderType   = OrderType.LIMIT;
                    placeInstruction.LimitOrder  = limitOrder;
                    placeInstruction.SelectionId = GetSelectionId(client, (component as TotallPatern).MarketId);


                var customerRef = (component as TotallPatern).MarketId;

                PlaceExecutionReport placeExecutionReport = client.placeOrders((component as TotallPatern).MarketId, customerRef, placeInstructions);

                foreach (PlaceInstructionReport placeInstructionReport in placeExecutionReport.InstructionReports)
                    var betId      = placeInstructionReport.BetId;
                    var placedDate = placeInstructionReport.PlacedDate;
                    var status     = placeInstructionReport.Status.ToString();
                    var price      = placeInstructionReport.Instruction.LimitOrder.Price;
                    var size       = placeInstructionReport.Instruction.LimitOrder.Size;

                    Bet bet = new Bet(betId, placedDate, status, price, size);

                    (component as TotallPatern).bets.Add(bet);

                    //component.childNode.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Pink;

                    bet.betNode.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a string command into an Instruction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The string command to parse</param>
        /// <returns>An concrete Instruction</returns>
        private Instruction ParseCommand(string command)
            // Check which regex matches the command, and therefore derive the command's type
            var matchingRegex = this.Regexes
                                .DefaultIfEmpty(KeyValuePair.Create(InstructionType.Unknown, new Regex("")))
                                .FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Value.IsMatch(command));

            var matchedType = matchingRegex.Key;
            var rgx         = matchingRegex.Value;

            switch (matchedType)
            case InstructionType.Unknown:

            case InstructionType.Place:
                var matches   = rgx.Match(command);
                int x         = int.Parse(matches.Groups.ElementAt(1).Value);
                int y         = int.Parse(matches.Groups.ElementAt(2).Value);
                var direction = Enum.Parse <MovementDirection>(matches.Groups.ElementAt(3).Value.ToTitleCase());
                return(PlaceInstruction.Create(x, y, direction, command));

            case InstructionType.Move:

            case InstructionType.Rotate:
                var matches           = rgx.Match(command);
                var rotationDirection = matches.Groups.ElementAt(1).Value.ToLower() == "right"
                                                        ? RotationDirection.Clockwise
                                                        : RotationDirection.CounterClockwise;
                return(RotateInstruction.Create(rotationDirection, command));

            case InstructionType.Report:
Exemple #5
        private void clickBack(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <PlaceInstruction> placeInstructions = new List <PlaceInstruction>();
            PlaceInstruction        Instruction       = new PlaceInstruction();
            LimitOrder order = new LimitOrder();

            order.Price = Utils.String2Double(this.lay.Text);
            order.Size  = 5;

            Instruction.OrderType  = OrderType.LIMIT;
            Instruction.LimitOrder = order;
            Instruction.Side       = Side.BACK;

            Instruction.SelectionId = this.selectionID;


Exemple #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //app key and session token are mandatory
            if (args.Length < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("wrong number of arguments");
            //first argument is the appkey
            var appkey = args[0];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appkey))
                Console.WriteLine("No App Key");
            Console.WriteLine("App Key being used: " + appkey);
            //second argument is the sessionToken
            var sessionToken = args[1];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionToken))
                Console.WriteLine("No Session Token");
            Console.WriteLine("Session token being used: " + sessionToken);
            //the third argument is which type of client to use, default is json-rpc
            IClient client     = null;
            string  clientType = null;

            if (args.Length == 3)
                clientType = args[2];
            // if rescript has been passed as the third argument use it otherwise default to json client
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientType) && clientType.Equals("rescript"))
                Console.WriteLine("Using RescriptClient");
                client = new RescriptClient(Url, appkey, sessionToken);
                Console.WriteLine("Using JsonRpcClient");
                client = new JsonRpcClient(Url, appkey, sessionToken);
            Console.WriteLine("\nBeginning sample run!\n");

                var marketFilter = new MarketFilter();

                var eventTypes = client.listEventTypes(marketFilter);
                // forming a eventype id set for the eventype id extracted from the result
                ISet <string> eventypeIds = new HashSet <string>();
                foreach (EventTypeResult eventType in eventTypes)
                    if (eventType.EventType.Name.Equals("Horse Racing"))
                        Console.WriteLine("\nFound event type for Horse Racing: " + JsonConvert.Serialize <EventTypeResult>(eventType));
                        //extracting eventype id

                //ListMarketCatalogue: Get next available horse races, parameters:
                var time = new TimeRange();
                time.From = DateTime.Now;
                time.To   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

                marketFilter = new MarketFilter();
                marketFilter.EventTypeIds    = eventypeIds;
                marketFilter.MarketStartTime = time;
                marketFilter.MarketCountries = new HashSet <string>()
                marketFilter.MarketTypeCodes = new HashSet <String>()

                var marketSort = MarketSort.FIRST_TO_START;
                var maxResults = "1";

                //as an example we requested runner metadata
                ISet <MarketProjection> marketProjections = new HashSet <MarketProjection>();

                Console.WriteLine("\nGetting the next available horse racing market");
                var marketCatalogues = client.listMarketCatalogue(marketFilter, marketProjections, marketSort, maxResults);
                //extract the marketId of the next horse race
                String marketId = marketCatalogues[0].MarketId;

                IList <string> marketIds = new List <string>();

                ISet <PriceData> priceData = new HashSet <PriceData>();
                //get all prices from the exchange

                var priceProjection = new PriceProjection();
                priceProjection.PriceData = priceData;

                Console.WriteLine("\nGetting prices for market: " + marketId);
                var marketBook = client.listMarketBook(marketIds, priceProjection);

                if (marketBook.Count != 0)
                    //get the first runner from the market
                    var runner = marketBook[0].Runners[0];
                    Console.WriteLine("\nUsing Runner: " + JsonConvert.Serialize <Runner>(runner));
                    var selectionId = runner.SelectionId;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nPreparing to place bet on runner with Selection Id: " + selectionId
                                      + "\nBelonging to marketId: " + marketId
                                      + "\nBelow minimum betsize and expecting a INVALID_BET_SIZE response");

                    IList <PlaceInstruction> placeInstructions = new List <PlaceInstruction>();
                    var placeInstruction = new PlaceInstruction();

                    placeInstruction.Handicap  = 0;
                    placeInstruction.Side      = Side.BACK;
                    placeInstruction.OrderType = OrderType.LIMIT;

                    var limitOrder = new LimitOrder();
                    limitOrder.PersistenceType = PersistenceType.LAPSE;
                    // place a back bet at rediculous odds so it doesn't get matched
                    limitOrder.Price = 1000;
                    limitOrder.Size  = 0.1; // placing a bet below minimum stake, expecting a error in report

                    placeInstruction.LimitOrder  = limitOrder;
                    placeInstruction.SelectionId = selectionId;

                    var customerRef          = "123456";
                    var placeExecutionReport = client.placeOrders(marketId, customerRef, placeInstructions);

                    ExecutionReportErrorCode   executionErrorcode  = placeExecutionReport.ErrorCode;
                    InstructionReportErrorCode instructionErroCode = placeExecutionReport.InstructionReports[0].ErrorCode;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nPlaceExecutionReport error code is: " + executionErrorcode
                                      + "\nInstructionReport error code is: " + instructionErroCode);

                    if (executionErrorcode != ExecutionReportErrorCode.BET_ACTION_ERROR && instructionErroCode != InstructionReportErrorCode.INVALID_BET_SIZE)

                    Console.Write("\nSorry the market has no runner to place a bet on, try again later");
            catch (APINGException apiExcepion)
                Console.WriteLine("Got an exception from Api-NG: " + apiExcepion.ErrorCode);
            catch (System.Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Unknown exception from application: " + e.Message);