Exemple #1
        public static Bitmap ReadLZ77Image(BinaryReader reader, int bytesPerPixel)
            byte[] bufferPalette    = reader.ReadBytes(256 * sizeof(UInt32));
            Int32  sizeUncompressed = reader.ReadInt32();

            // TODO(adm244): check compressed size; or read buffer first and then decode
            Int32 sizeCompressed = reader.ReadInt32();

            byte[]      bufferPixels = AGSCompression.ReadLZ77(reader, sizeUncompressed, bytesPerPixel, out int width, out int height);
            PixelFormat format       = PixelFormatExtension.FromBytesPerPixel(bytesPerPixel);

            // CHECK(adm244): palette format in room files
            //PixelFormat paletteFormat = PixelFormat.Argb32;
            //if (format == PixelFormat.Indexed)
            PixelFormat paletteFormat = PixelFormat.Argb6666;

            Palette palette = Palette.FromBuffer(bufferPalette, paletteFormat);

            if (format == PixelFormat.Indexed)
                return(new Bitmap(width, height, bufferPixels, format, palette));

            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height, bufferPixels, format);

            // NOTE(adm244): removes null-alpha; see AGSGraphics.ReadSprite
            if (bitmap.Format == PixelFormat.Argb32)
                bitmap = bitmap.Convert(PixelFormat.Rgb24);

Exemple #2
        public static void WriteLZ77Image(BinaryWriter writer, Bitmap image, int bytesPerPixel)
            // CHECK(adm244): palette format in room files
            //PixelFormat paletteFormat = PixelFormat.Argb32;
            // CHECK(adm244): 2.54 crashes if palette is not 6-bits in some cases (if some >0x3F values are present)
            // maybe we don't care for 8-bits palette then? double check that
            //if (image.Format == PixelFormat.Indexed)
            PixelFormat paletteFormat = PixelFormat.Argb6666;

            Palette palette = image.Palette.HasValue ? image.Palette.Value : AGSSpriteSet.DefaultPalette;

            byte[] paletteBuffer = palette.ToBuffer(paletteFormat);

            //NOTE(adm244): convert bitmap to match requested bytesPerPixel
            PixelFormat targetFormat = PixelFormatExtension.FromBytesPerPixel(bytesPerPixel);

            if (image.Format != targetFormat)
                image = image.Convert(targetFormat, discardAlpha: true);

            byte[] pixels = image.GetPixels();
            Debug.Assert(pixels.Length == (image.Width * image.Height * bytesPerPixel));

            byte[] buffer           = PreAppendImageSize(image.Width, image.Height, bytesPerPixel, pixels);
            byte[] bufferCompressed = AGSCompression.LZ77Compress(buffer);

Exemple #3
        private static Bitmap ReadSprite(BinaryReader reader, SpriteSetHeader header)
            // TODO(adm244): maybe return PixelFormat instead of bytesPerPixel?
            byte[] buffer = ReadSprite(reader, header, out int width, out int height, out int bytesPerPixel);
            if (buffer == null)

            PixelFormat format = PixelFormatExtension.FromBytesPerPixel(bytesPerPixel);

            if (format == PixelFormat.Indexed)
                return(new Bitmap(width, height, buffer, format, header.Palette));

            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height, buffer, format);

            // NOTE(adm244): since AGS doesn't support 24bpp RLE images it converts them to 32bpp
            // (even if it won't be compressed, you know, 'just in case' case...)
            // in the process alpha channel gets set to 0 (transparent) instead of 255 (opaque)
            // which leads to a problem of fully transparent images (and "features" in GDI decoders)
            // to resolve this issue, we check if alpha channel is used and if not discard it
            if (format == PixelFormat.Argb32 && !IsAlphaChannelUsed(buffer))
                bitmap = bitmap.Convert(PixelFormat.Rgb24);

Exemple #4
        public static Bitmap ReadAllegroImage(BinaryReader reader)
            Int16 bytesPerPixel = 1;
            Int16 width         = reader.ReadInt16();
            Int16 height        = reader.ReadInt16();

            byte[] buffer = AGSCompression.ReadAllegro(reader, width, height);
            Debug.Assert(buffer.Length == (width * height * bytesPerPixel));

            PixelFormat format = PixelFormatExtension.FromBytesPerPixel(bytesPerPixel);

            // NOTE(adm244): in this case palette is always(?) rgb666
            Palette palette = ReadPalette(reader, PixelFormat.Rgb666);

            return(new Bitmap(width, height, buffer, format, palette));