 *   Title:          Xbox 360 Forensic Toolkit.
 *   Description:    Xbox 360 Forensic Toolkit is built on top of the Party buffalo application. It allows users to read and
 *                   write to Xbox 360 devices, with support for reading Xbox 360 STFS package names. A number of Forensic Tools have
 *                   been added to extract/view sectors, extract partitions, view file details, examine files in HEX. It also incorporates the wxPIRS
 *                   Application so that we can sissamble STFS packages and see their contents.
 *   Original Author: Party Buffalo - [email protected], wxPIRS - gael360
 *   Another Author: [email protected]
 *   License:        http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 *   Link:           https://code.google.com/p/party-buffalo/
 *                  http://gael360.free.fr/
 *   Note:           All Code that follows to the End point was added by [email protected]
 private void getFilesSTFS(TreeNode tn)
     int num = 0;
     long offset = 0;
     while (true)
         offset = this.pirs_start + (num * 0x40);
         PirsEntry entry = new PirsEntry();
         entry = this.getEntrySTFS(offset);
         if (entry.Filename.Trim() == "")
         if (((entry.Cluster == 0) && (entry.Size == 0)) && (entry.Parent == Convert.ToUInt16(tn.Tag)))
             ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem();
             item.Text = entry.Filename;
             item.ImageIndex = 0;
             item.Tag = num;
     num = 0;
     while (true)
         offset = this.pirs_start + (num * 0x40);
         PirsEntry entry2 = new PirsEntry();
         entry2 = this.getEntrySTFS(offset);
         if (entry2.Filename.Trim() == "")
         if ((entry2.Cluster != 0) && (entry2.Parent == Convert.ToUInt16(tn.Tag)))
             ListViewItem item2 = new ListViewItem();
             item2.Text = entry2.Filename;
             item2.ImageIndex = 1;
             item2.ToolTipText = string.Format("Offset : 0x{0:X8}", this.getOffset((long)entry2.Cluster));
        *   Title:          Xbox 360 Forensic Toolkit.
        *   Description:    Xbox 360 Forensic Toolkit is built on top of the Party buffalo application. It allows users to read and
        *                   write to Xbox 360 devices, with support for reading Xbox 360 STFS package names. A number of Forensic Tools have
        *                   been added to extract/view sectors, extract partitions, view file details, examine files in HEX. It also incorporates the wxPIRS
        *                   Application so that we can sissamble STFS packages and see their contents.
        *   Original Author: Party Buffalo - [email protected], wxPIRS - gael360
        *   Another Author: [email protected]
        *   License:        http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
        *   Link:           https://code.google.com/p/party-buffalo/
        *                  http://gael360.free.fr/
        *   Note:           All Code that follows to the End point was added by [email protected]
        private PirsEntry getEntrySTFS(long num)
            CLKsFATXLib.Streams.Reader io2 = new CLKsFATXLib.Streams.Reader(xFile.GetStream());
            io2.BaseStream.Position = (num);
            PirsEntry entry = new PirsEntry();
            char ch;
            string str = "";
            for (uint i = 0; i < 0x26; i++)
                ch = io2.ReadChar();
                if (ch != '\0')
                    str = str + Convert.ToString(ch);

            entry.Filename = str;
            if (entry.Filename.Trim() != "")
                entry.Unknow = io2.ReadInt32();
                entry.BlockLen = io2.ReadInt32();
                int x = io2.ReadInt32();
                entry.Cluster = (x >> 16);
                entry.Parent = io2.ReadUInt16();
                entry.Size = io2.ReadInt32();
                entry.DateTime1 = this.dosDateTime(io2.ReadInt32());
                entry.DateTime2 = this.dosDateTime(io2.ReadInt32());
            return entry;
 private PirsEntry getEntry()
     PirsEntry entry = new PirsEntry();
     entry.Filename = this.wr.readString(this.br, 0x26);
     if (entry.Filename.Trim() != "")
         entry.Unknow = this.wr.readInt32(this.br);
         entry.BlockLen = this.wr.readInt32(this.br);
         entry.Cluster = this.br.ReadInt32() >> 8;
         entry.Parent = this.wr.readUInt16(this.br);
         entry.Size = this.wr.readInt32(this.br);
         entry.DateTime1 = this.dosDateTime(this.wr.readInt32(this.br));
         entry.DateTime2 = this.dosDateTime(this.wr.readInt32(this.br));
     return entry;
 *   Title:          Xbox 360 Forensic Toolkit.
 *   Description:    Xbox 360 Forensic Toolkit is built on top of the Party buffalo application. It allows users to read and
 *                   write to Xbox 360 devices, with support for reading Xbox 360 STFS package names. A number of Forensic Tools have
 *                   been added to extract/view sectors, extract partitions, view file details, examine files in HEX. It also incorporates the wxPIRS
 *                   Application so that we can sissamble STFS packages and see their contents.
 *   Original Author: Party Buffalo - [email protected], wxPIRS - gael360
 *   Another Author: [email protected]
 *   License:        http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 *   Link:           https://code.google.com/p/party-buffalo/
 *                  http://gael360.free.fr/
 *   Note:           All Code that follows to the End point was added by [email protected]
 private void getDirectoriesSTFS(TreeNode tn)
     int num = 0;
     long offset = 0;
     while (true)
         offset = this.pirs_start + (num * 0x40);
         PirsEntry entry = new PirsEntry();
         entry = this.getEntrySTFS(offset);
         if (entry.Filename.Trim() == "")
         if (((entry.Size == 0) && (entry.Cluster == 0)) && (entry.Parent == Convert.ToUInt16(tn.Tag)))
             TreeNode node = new TreeNode(entry.Filename);
             node.Tag = num;
             node.ToolTipText = string.Format("0x{0:X4}", node.Tag);
 private void getDirectories(TreeNode tn)
     int num = 0;
     while (true)
         this.br.BaseStream.Seek(this.pirs_start + (num * 0x40), SeekOrigin.Begin);
         PirsEntry entry = new PirsEntry();
         entry = this.getEntry();
         if (entry.Filename.Trim() == "")
         if (((entry.Size == 0) && (entry.Cluster == 0)) && (entry.Parent == Convert.ToUInt16(tn.Tag)))
             TreeNode node = new TreeNode(entry.Filename);
             node.Tag = num;
             node.ToolTipText = string.Format("0x{0:X4}", node.Tag);
        private void extractFolder(ushort tag, string foldername, string pathname)
            ushort num = 0;
            long offset = 0;
            while (true)
                PirsEntry entry = new PirsEntry();
                if (STFSFile)
                    offset = ((PIRS_BASE + this.pirs_offset) + (num * 0x40));
                    entry = this.getEntrySTFS(offset);
                    this.br.BaseStream.Seek((PIRS_BASE + this.pirs_offset) + (num * 0x40), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    entry = this.getEntry();

                if (entry.Filename.Trim() == "")
                if (((entry.Cluster == 0) && (entry.Size == 0)) && (entry.Parent == tag))
                    this.extractFolder(num, entry.Filename, pathname + @"\" + foldername);
                else if ((entry.Cluster != 0) && (entry.Parent == tag))
                    this.extractFile((long) entry.Cluster, (long) entry.Size, pathname + @"\" + foldername + @"\" + entry.Filename);
                num = (ushort) (num + 1);