public IHttpActionResult PrintDocument(string tipo, [FromBody] string url) { pipe = new PipeService(); string respuesta = pipe.ComponentPipe(url); return(Ok(respuesta)); }
public IHttpActionResult GenerarCertificado([FromBody] CertificadoModel certificado) { pipe = new PipeService(); var oConfig = Configuracion.Instancia(); string respuesta = string.Empty; if (certificado != null) { var fIni = certificado.FechaInicio.Replace('/', '-'); var fFin = certificado.FechaTermino.Replace('/', '-'); DateTime fechaInicio = new DateTime(); DateTime fechaTermino = new DateTime(); fechaInicio = Convert.ToDateTime(fIni); fechaTermino = Convert.ToDateTime(fFin); string urlCertificado = oConfig.IpEndPoint + ':' + oConfig.PortEndPoint + oConfig.UrlRelativa + "SaesaCertificados/" + certificado.idEmp + "/" + certificado.NumCli + "/" + fechaInicio.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "/" + fechaTermino.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + '/' + certificado.TipCert + "/WS"; respuesta = pipe.ComponentPipeDownLoadFile(urlCertificado); } return(Ok(respuesta)); }
public IHttpActionResult PrintCertificado([FromBody] CertificadoModel certificado) { pipe = new PipeService(); var oConfig = Configuracion.Instancia(); string respuesta = string.Empty; if (certificado != null) { DateTime fechaInicio = new DateTime(); DateTime fechaTermino = new DateTime(); fechaInicio = Convert.ToDateTime(certificado.FechaInicio); fechaTermino = Convert.ToDateTime(certificado.FechaTermino); string urlCertificado = oConfig.IpEndPoint + ':' + oConfig.PortEndPoint + oConfig.UrlRelativa + "SaesaCertificados/" + certificado.idEmp + "/" + certificado.NumCli + "/" + fechaInicio + "/" + fechaTermino + '/' + certificado.TipCert + "WS"; respuesta = pipe.ComponentPipeDownLoadFile(urlCertificado); } return(Ok(respuesta)); }
public static void Terminate() { MagnitudeService.Teardown(); PipeService.Teardown(); ParentHeartbeatService.Teardown(); Environment.Exit(0); }
private void Dispose(Boolean safeToDisposeManagedObjects) { if (safeToDisposeManagedObjects == false) { return; } //we have no unmaaged objects to worry about for purposes of this class _ps = null; }
// A basic dispose. public void Dispose() { this.ServiceOff(); if (_ps != null) { _ps = null; } }
public void Init() { if ((Application.Current as App)?.OriginalInstance == true) { _pipeService = new PipeService(); _pipeService.CommandExecuted += PipeService_CommandExecuted; _pipeServer = new PipeServer(Config.PipeEndpoint); _pipeServer.StartServer(_pipeService); var args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (args.Length > 1 && !_commands.Contains(args[1], StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { PipeService_CommandExecuted(this, new CommandExecutedEventArgs(CmdlineCommands.Open, args[1])); } } }
public void Awake() { DontDestroyOnLoad(this); Debugger.WriteLine(LogLevel.Info, $"Starting up Maid Fiddler {Version}"); service = new MFService(this); service.eventServer.ConnectionLost += OnConnectionLost; Debugger.WriteLine(LogLevel.Info, "Starting server!"); pipeServer = new PipeService <MFService>(service, "MaidFiddlerService"); pipeServer.ConnectionLost += OnConnectionLost; pipeServer.Run(); Debugger.WriteLine(LogLevel.Info, "Started server!"); }
public IHttpActionResult PrintDctoTbk([FromBody] DetallePagoClienteModel detalle) { string msg = string.Empty; int ret; long jid; string aux; string printerName = "NII ExD NP-K205"; pipe = new PipeService(); var respuesta = pipe.ComponentPipePrintVoutcher(printerName, detalle.ResumenPago); Log.Write("Usabilidad", msg, Evento.Response, ServicioPago.Comandos.PagoTbk); return(Ok(new ApiResponse() { Code = 0, Message = "OK".ToString() })); }
public IHttpActionResult CierreTbk() { Movimiento movimiento = null; string msg = string.Empty; movimiento = new Movimiento(); msg = movimiento.ValidarTbk(ServicioPago.Comandos.CierreTbk, oConfig.IdKiosko); PipeService pipe = new PipeService(); var algo = msg.Split('~'); var respuesta = pipe.ComponentPipePrintVoutcher("", algo[2]); Log.Write("Usabilidad", msg, Evento.Response, ServicioPago.Comandos.PagoTbk); return(Ok(new ApiResponse() { Code = 0, Message = "OK".ToString() })); }
/// <summary> /// 初始化 /// </summary> static async Task <bool> Init() { var cmdParse = new CmdParseService("HmiPro", GlobalConfig.StartupArgs.HmiProPath); UnityIocService.RegisterGlobalDepend(cmdParse); UnityIocService.RegisterGlobalDepend <HttpParse>(); UnityIocService.RegisterGlobalDepend <AsylumService>(); UnityIocService.ResolveDepend <AsylumService>().Init(); if (!await UnityIocService.ResolveDepend <HttpParse>().Start("http://+:9988/")) { Logger.Error("Http 服务启动失败"); return(false); } var pipeService = new PipeService("Asylum"); UnityIocService.RegisterGlobalDepend(pipeService); return(pipeService.Start()); }
public IHttpActionResult PrintDctoPago([FromBody] DetallePagoClienteModel detalle) { pipe = new PipeService(); DetallePagoClienteDao cuponPago = new DetallePagoClienteDao(); cuponPago.NroCliente = detalle.NroCliente; cuponPago.Empresa = detalle.Empresa; cuponPago.NombreCliente = detalle.NombreCliente; cuponPago.RutCliente = detalle.RutCliente; cuponPago.DvCliente = detalle.DvCliente; cuponPago.Direccion = detalle.Direccion; cuponPago.Comuna = detalle.Comuna; cuponPago.Tarifa = detalle.Tarifa; cuponPago.TipoDocumento = Convert.ToInt32(detalle.TipoDocumento); cuponPago.TotalDoc = detalle.TotalDoc; cuponPago.TotalCancelado = detalle.TotalCancelado; if (detalle.DetallePagos.Count > 0) { var i = 0; cuponPago.DetallePagos = new List <DetallePagoDao>(); foreach (var d in detalle.DetallePagos) { var det = new DetallePagoDao(); det.FechaEmision = d.FechaEmision; det.Monto = d.Monto; det.NumDoc = d.NumDoc; det.TipoDoc = d.TipoDoc; cuponPago.DetallePagos.Add(det); string respuesta = pipe.ComponentPipe(cuponPago); i++; } } // string respuesta = pipe.ComponentPipe(cuponPago); return(Ok()); }
public IHttpActionResult PrintDctoPago(int idEmp, long idServ, [FromBody] DetallePagoClienteModel detalle) { string arreglo = string.Empty; string respuesta = string.Empty; string detalleCliente = string.Empty; var pagging = new PaginParameterModel() { _pageSize = 30 }; IHttpActionResult httpResp = new DocumentoController().DocumentoPago(idEmp, idServ, pagging); var items = ((OkNegotiatedContentResult <ResponseClient <DocumentoObj> >)httpResp).Content; if (detalle != null) { detalleCliente = detalle.NroCliente + ";" + detalle.Empresa + ";" + detalle.NombreCliente + ";" + detalle.RutCliente + ";" + detalle.DvCliente + ";" + detalle.Direccion + ";" + detalle.Comuna + ";" + detalle.Tarifa; } if (items.Items.Count > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < items.Items.Count; i++) { arreglo += items.Items[i].NroDocto.ToString() + ";" + items.Items[i].MontoPago.ToString() + ";" + items.Items[i].FechaPago.ToString() + ";" + items.Items[i].MedioPago.ToString() + "@"; } } pipe = new PipeService(); arreglo = arreglo.Substring(0, arreglo.Length - 1); arreglo = detalleCliente + "#" + arreglo; respuesta = pipe.ComponentPipe(arreglo, "historial"); return(Ok(respuesta)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; Console.WriteLine("starting"); Store.Data = new StoreInstance(); if (args.Length > 0) { int processId = -1; if (int.TryParse(args[0], out processId)) { Store.Data.App.ParentProcessId = processId; } else { Loggers.CliLogger.Error("No parent process ID argument detected."); } } ParentHeartbeatService.Monitor(); PipeService.Listen(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new pipe controller. /// </summary> /// <param name="pipeService">The pipe service.</param> public PipeController(PipeService pipeService) => _pipeService = pipeService;
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { BringToForeground(); NotificationsWin.AutoOpen = true; positionManager.RestoreSizeAndLocation(Config); Config.PropertyChanged += Config_PropertyChanged; Config.FilterSettings.PropertyChanged += FilterSettings_PropertyChanged; gamesStats = new GamesStats(GameDatabase.Instance); MenuMainMenu.DataContext = this; MenuViewSettings.DataContext = Config; FilterSelector.DataContext = new FilterSelectorConfig(gamesStats, Config.FilterSettings); CheckFilterView.DataContext = Config.FilterSettings; GridGamesView.AppSettings = Config; if (!Config.FirstTimeWizardComplete) { var window = new FirstTimeStartupWindow() { Owner = this }; if (window.ShowDialog() == true) { config.SteamSettings.IdSource = window.SteamImportLibByName ? SteamIdSource.Name : SteamIdSource.LocalUser; Config.SteamSettings.AccountId = window.SteamIdLibImport; Config.SteamSettings.IntegrationEnabled = window.SteamEnabled; Config.SteamSettings.LibraryDownloadEnabled = window.SteamImportLibrary; Config.SteamSettings.AccountName = window.SteamAccountName; Config.GOGSettings.IntegrationEnabled = window.GOGEnabled; Config.GOGSettings.LibraryDownloadEnabled = window.GogImportLibrary; Config.OriginSettings.IntegrationEnabled = window.OriginEnabled; Config.OriginSettings.LibraryDownloadEnabled = window.OriginImportLibrary; Config.UplaySettings.IntegrationEnabled = window.UplayEnabled; importSteamCatWizard = window.SteamImportCategories; importSteamCatWizardId = window.SteamIdCategoryImport; if (window.DatabaseLocation == FirstTimeStartupWindow.DbLocation.Custom) { Config.DatabasePath = window.DatabasePath; } else { FileSystem.CreateFolder(Paths.UserProgramDataPath); Config.DatabasePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Paths.UserProgramDataPath, "games.db"); } GameDatabase.Instance.OpenDatabase(Config.DatabasePath); AddInstalledGames(window.ImportedGames); Config.FirstTimeWizardComplete = true; PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Config")); } } if (!Config.EmulatorWizardComplete) { GameDatabase.Instance.OpenDatabase(Config.DatabasePath); var window = new EmulatorImportWindow(DialogType.Wizard) { Owner = this }; if (window.ShowDialog() == true) { Config.EmulatorWizardComplete = true; } } if (!Config.MigrationV2PcPlatformAdded) { GameDatabase.Instance.OpenDatabase(Config.DatabasePath); var db = GameDatabase.Instance; foreach (var game in db.GamesCollection.Find(a => a.Provider != Provider.Custom).ToList()) { db.AssignPcPlatform(game); db.UpdateGameInDatabase(game); } Config.MigrationV2PcPlatformAdded = true; } LoadGames(Config.UpdateLibStartup); CheckUpdate(); SendUsageData(); Focus(); pipeService = new PipeService(); pipeService.CommandExecuted += PipeService_CommandExecuted; pipeServer = new PipeServer(Settings.GetAppConfigValue("PipeEndpoint")); pipeServer.StartServer(pipeService); var args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (args.Count() > 0 && args.Contains("-command")) { var commandArgs = args[2].Split(new char[] { ':' }); var command = commandArgs[0]; var cmdArgs = commandArgs.Count() > 1 ? commandArgs[1] : string.Empty; PipeService_CommandExecuted(this, new CommandExecutedEventArgs(command, cmdArgs)); } }
protected override void Initialize() { this.discovery = netPeerGroup.DiscoveryService; this.pipeservice = netPeerGroup.PipeService; }