protected override void ProcessRecord() { // iterate attempting to connect, send and receive to Chef node server. for (int tryIndex = 0; tryIndex < Constants.MAX_CLIENT_RETRIES; ++tryIndex) { ITransport transport = new JsonTransport(); PipeClient pipeClient = new PipeClient(Constants.CHEF_NODE_PIPE_NAME, transport); try { pipeClient.Connect(Constants.CHEF_NODE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MSECS); SetNodeValueRequestBase request = CreateRequest(); IDictionary responseHash = (IDictionary)transport.NormalizeDeserializedObject(pipeClient.SendReceive <object>(request)); if (null == responseHash) { if (tryIndex + 1 < Constants.MAX_CLIENT_RETRIES) { // delay retry a few ticks to yield time in case server is busy. Thread.Sleep(Constants.SLEEP_BETWEEN_CLIENT_RETRIES_MSECS); continue; } else { string message = String.Format("Failed to get expected response after {0} retries.", Constants.MAX_CLIENT_RETRIES); throw CreateException(message); } } if (ChefNodeCmdletExceptionBase.HasError(responseHash)) { throw CreateException(responseHash); } // done. break; } catch (TimeoutException e) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(e, "Connection timed out", ErrorCategory.OperationTimeout, pipeClient)); } catch (ChefNodeCmdletExceptionBase e) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(e, "ChefNodeCmdlet exception", ErrorCategory.InvalidResult, pipeClient)); } catch (Exception e) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(e, "Unexpected exception", ErrorCategory.NotSpecified, pipeClient)); } finally { pipeClient.Close(); pipeClient = null; } } }
public void RunSelectiveSearch() { Predict predict; PythonExecutor python = new PythonExecutor(@"C:\Users\kutiatore\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\python.exe"); python.AddStandartOutputErrorFilters("Using TensorFlow backend."); python.AddStandartOutputErrorFilters("CUDA_ERROR_NO_DEVICE: no CUDA-capable device is detected"); PipeClient client = new PipeClient(); predict = new Predict(client); try { python.RunScript(""); client.Connect("openstsm"); predict = new Predict(client); bool run = predict.LoadModel(@"E:\\Storage\\Python\\OpenSTSM\\ML\\models\\model.model"); run = predict.ImageDimessionCorrections("E:\\Libraries\\Desktop\\Visa Docs\\test_selective_1.png"); run = predict.RunSelectiveSearch(80, 1.0f); string results = predict.RunPrediction(5, 3, 5, 1, 8, 2, true); client.Close(); python.Close(); } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("---------------------"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("---------------------"); if (client.isConnected()) { client.Close(); } python.Close(); } }
public void Close() { if (client != null) { if (client.isConnected()) { client.Close(); } } if (python != null) { python.OnPythonError -= Python_OnPythonError; python.Close(); } }
static void Main(string[] _) { var cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); var pipeClient = new PipeClient(PipeConstants.PIPE_NAME, cancellation.Token); try { pipeClient.Connect(); Console.WriteLine("Client OK"); var requests = new List <string>() { PipeConstants.READ_DATE_TIME, PipeConstants.READ_COMPUTER_NAME, PipeConstants.END_COMMUNICATION }; foreach (var request in requests) { pipeClient.SendMessage(new { Type = request }); var message = pipeClient.ReadMessage(); ValidateMessage(message); var data = message.Value <string>("Data"); Console.WriteLine($"Server Response: {data}"); } Console.ReadKey(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { pipeClient.Close(); }
public void TestPipeIO() { PipeClient client; Thread thread; string value; client = new PipeClient(); thread = new Thread(() => OpenPipeServer("PipeTest")); thread.Start(); client.Connect("PipeTest"); client.Write("1"); value = client.Read(); Assert.AreEqual(1, Int32.Parse(value), "Pipe communication failed."); client.Close(); }
private void AAAA() { while (IsRun) { try { byte[] buff = ci.Read(12); if (buff.Length != 12) { throw new Exception("Pipe Read Length Error"); } ulong transportHeader = BitConverter.ToUInt64(buff, 0); if (transportHeader != 0x1122334455667788u) { throw new Exception("Pipe Read TransportHeader Error"); } uint transportLength = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buff, 8); buff = ci.Read(transportLength); if (buff.Length != transportLength) { throw new Exception("Pipe Read TransportLength Error"); } var str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buff, 1, buff.Length - 1); if (buff[0] == 1) { Console.Write(str); } else { Console.Write("Server failure:" + str); } } catch { } } ci.Close(); }
public void Start() { co.Connect(); ci.Connect(); Thread thread = new Thread(AAAA); thread.Start(); Console.WriteLine("input command"); while (true) { var strCmd = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strCmd)) { continue; } if (strCmd == "exit") { break; } var c = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strCmd); List <byte> vs = new List <byte>(); vs.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(0x1122334455667788u)); vs.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(c.Length + 1)); vs.Add(0);//type vs.AddRange(c); co.Write(vs.ToArray()); } co.Write(new byte[] { 0x88, 0x77, 0x66, 0x55, 0x44, 0x33, 0x22, 0x11, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 }); IsRun = false; co.Close(); ; }
// Summary: // implements required cmdlet processing method. protected override void ProcessRecord() { // iterate attempting to connect, send and receive to Chef node server. for (int tryIndex = 0; tryIndex < Constants.MAX_CLIENT_RETRIES; ++tryIndex) { ITransport transport = new JsonTransport(); PipeClient pipeClient = new PipeClient(Constants.CHEF_NODE_PIPE_NAME, transport); try { GetNodeValueRequestBase request = CreateRequest(); pipeClient.Connect(Constants.CHEF_NODE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MSECS); IDictionary responseHash = (IDictionary)transport.NormalizeDeserializedObject(pipeClient.SendReceive<object>(request)); if (null == responseHash) { if (tryIndex + 1 < Constants.MAX_CLIENT_RETRIES) { // delay retry a few ticks to yield time in case server is busy. Thread.Sleep(Constants.SLEEP_BETWEEN_CLIENT_RETRIES_MSECS); continue; } else { string message = String.Format("Failed to get expected response after {0} retries.", Constants.MAX_CLIENT_RETRIES); throw CreateException(message); } } if (ChefNodeCmdletExceptionBase.HasError(responseHash)) { throw CreateException(responseHash); } // can't write a null object to pipeline, so write nothing in the null case. object nodeValue = responseHash.Contains(Constants.JSON_NODE_VALUE_KEY) ? responseHash[Constants.JSON_NODE_VALUE_KEY] : null; if (null != nodeValue) { WriteObject(nodeValue, nodeValue is ICollection); } // done. break; } catch (TimeoutException e) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(e, "Connection timed out", ErrorCategory.OperationTimeout, pipeClient)); } catch (ChefNodeCmdletExceptionBase e) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(e, "ChefNodeCmdlet exception", ErrorCategory.InvalidResult, pipeClient)); } catch (Exception e) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(e, "Unexpected exception", ErrorCategory.NotSpecified, pipeClient)); } finally { pipeClient.Close(); pipeClient = null; } } }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { // iterate attempting to connect, send and receive to Chef node server. for (int tryIndex = 0; tryIndex < Constants.MAX_CLIENT_RETRIES; ++tryIndex) { ITransport transport = new JsonTransport(); PipeClient pipeClient = new PipeClient(PipeName, transport); try { GetNextActionRequest request = new GetNextActionRequest(LastActionExitCode, LastActionErrorMessage); pipeClient.Connect(Constants.NEXT_ACTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MSECS); IDictionary responseHash = (IDictionary)transport.NormalizeDeserializedObject(pipeClient.SendReceive <object>(request)); if (null == responseHash) { if (tryIndex + 1 < Constants.MAX_CLIENT_RETRIES) { // delay retry a few ticks to yield time in case server is busy. Thread.Sleep(Constants.SLEEP_BETWEEN_CLIENT_RETRIES_MSECS); continue; } else { string message = String.Format("Failed to get expected response after {0} retries.", Constants.MAX_CLIENT_RETRIES); throw new GetNextActionException(message); } } if (ChefNodeCmdletExceptionBase.HasError(responseHash)) { throw new GetNextActionException(responseHash); } // next action cannot be null. string nextAction = responseHash.Contains(Constants.JSON_NEXT_ACTION_KEY) ? responseHash[Constants.JSON_NEXT_ACTION_KEY].ToString() : null; if (null == nextAction) { throw new GetNextActionException("Received null for next action; expecting an exit command when finished."); } // enhance next action with try-catch logic to set the $global:RS_LastErrorRecord variable // in case of an exception thrown by a script. the try-catch block loses details of script // execution if caught by an outer block instead of the inner block which threw it. nextAction = NEXT_ACTION_PREFIX + nextAction + NEXT_ACTION_POSTFIX; // automagically convert next action into an invocable script block. // // example of use: // // while ($TRUE) // { // $Error.clear() // $nextAction = $NULL // $nextAction = get-NextAction $pipeName // if ($Error.Count -eq 0) // { // write-output $nextAction // Invoke-Command -scriptblock $nextAction // sleep 1 // } // else // { // break // } // } ScriptBlock scriptBlock = ScriptBlock.Create(nextAction); WriteObject(scriptBlock); // done. break; } catch (TimeoutException e) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(e, "Connection timed out", ErrorCategory.OperationTimeout, pipeClient)); } catch (GetNextActionException e) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(e, "get-NextAction exception", ErrorCategory.InvalidResult, pipeClient)); } catch (Exception e) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(e, "Unexpected exception", ErrorCategory.NotSpecified, pipeClient)); } finally { pipeClient.Close(); pipeClient = null; } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { App.args = args; mConsole = WinConsole.Initialize(TestArg("-console") || TestArg("-console-debug")); if (TestArg("-help") || TestArg("/?")) { ShowHelp(); return; } else if (TestArg("-dbg_wait")) { MessageBox.Show("Waiting for debugger. (press ok when attached)"); } Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Main"; Console.WriteLine("Starting..."); AppLog Log = new AppLog(); exePath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; FileVersionInfo fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(exePath); mVersion = fvi.FileMajorPart + "." + fvi.FileMinorPart; if (fvi.FileBuildPart != 0) { mVersion += (char)('a' + (fvi.FileBuildPart - 1)); } appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(exePath); mSession = Process.GetCurrentProcess().SessionId; Translate.Load(); svc = new Service(mSvcName); if (TestArg("-engine")) { engine = new Engine(); engine.Run(); return; } else if (TestArg("-svc")) { if (TestArg("-install")) { Console.WriteLine("Installing service..."); svc.Install(TestArg("-start")); Console.WriteLine("... done"); } else if (TestArg("-remove")) { Console.WriteLine("Removing service..."); svc.Uninstall(); Console.WriteLine("... done"); } else { engine = new Engine(); ServiceBase.Run(svc); } return; } tweaks = new Tweaks(); client = new PipeClient(); if (!AdminFunc.IsDebugging()) { Console.WriteLine("Trying to connect to Engine..."); if (!client.Connect(1000)) { if (!AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { Console.WriteLine("Trying to obtain Administrative proivilegs..."); if (AdminFunc.SkipUacRun(mName, App.args)) { return; } Console.WriteLine("Trying to start with 'runas'..."); // Restart program and run as admin var exeName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName; string arguments = "\"" + string.Join("\" \"", args) + "\""; ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(exeName, arguments); startInfo.UseShellExecute = true; startInfo.Verb = "runas"; try { Process.Start(startInfo); return; // we restarted as admin } catch { MessageBox.Show(Translate.fmt("msg_admin_rights", mName), mName); return; // no point in cintinuing without admin rights or an already running engine } } else if (svc.IsInstalled()) { Console.WriteLine("Trying to start service..."); if (svc.Startup()) { Console.WriteLine("Trying to connect to service..."); if (client.Connect()) { Console.WriteLine("Connected to service..."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to service..."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to start service..."); } } } } // if we couldn't connect to the engine start it and connect if (!client.IsConnected() && AdminFunc.IsAdministrator()) { Console.WriteLine("Starting Engine Thread..."); engine = new Engine(); engine.Start(); Console.WriteLine("... engine started."); client.Connect(); } // ToDo: use a more direct communication when running in one process itf = client; cb = client; /*if (TestArg("-console-debug")) * { * Console.WriteLine("Private WinTen reporting for duty, sir!"); * Console.WriteLine(""); * * for (bool running = true; running;) * { * String Line = Console.ReadLine(); * if (Line.Length == 0) * continue; * * String Command = TextHelpers.GetLeft(ref Line).ToLower(); * * if (Command == "quit" || Command == "exit") * running = false; * * if (Command == "test") * { * } * else * { * Console.WriteLine("Unknown Command, sir!"); * continue; * } * Console.WriteLine("Yes, sir!"); * } * * return; * }*/ Console.WriteLine("Preparing GUI..."); var app = new App(); app.InitializeComponent(); InitLicense(); mTray = new TrayIcon(); mTray.Action += TrayAction; mTray.Visible = GetConfigInt("Startup", "Tray", 0) != 0; mMainWnd = new MainWindow(); if (!App.TestArg("-autorun") || !mTray.Visible) { mMainWnd.Show(); } app.Run(); mTray.DestroyNotifyicon(); client.Close(); if (engine != null) { engine.Stop(); } }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { // iterate attempting to connect, send and receive to Chef node server. for (int tryIndex = 0; tryIndex < Constants.MAX_CLIENT_RETRIES; ++tryIndex) { ITransport transport = new JsonTransport(); PipeClient pipeClient = new PipeClient(PipeName, transport); try { // FIX: query the current value of $LastExitCode from powershell host. int lastExitCode = 0; GetNextActionRequest request = new GetNextActionRequest(lastExitCode); pipeClient.Connect(Constants.NEXT_ACTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MSECS); IDictionary responseHash = (IDictionary)transport.NormalizeDeserializedObject(pipeClient.SendReceive<object>(request)); if (null == responseHash) { if (tryIndex + 1 < Constants.MAX_CLIENT_RETRIES) { // delay retry a few ticks to yield time in case server is busy. Thread.Sleep(Constants.SLEEP_BETWEEN_CLIENT_RETRIES_MSECS); continue; } else { string message = String.Format("Failed to get expected response after {0} retries.", Constants.MAX_CLIENT_RETRIES); throw new GetNextActionException(message); } } if (ChefNodeCmdletExceptionBase.HasError(responseHash)) { throw new GetNextActionException(responseHash); } // can't write a null object to pipeline, so write nothing in the null case. string nextAction = responseHash.Contains(Constants.JSON_NEXT_ACTION_KEY) ? responseHash[Constants.JSON_NEXT_ACTION_KEY].ToString() : null; if (null == nextAction) { throw new GetNextActionException("Received null for next action; expecting an exit command when finished."); } // automagically convert next action into an invocable script block. // // example of use: // // while ($TRUE) // { // $Error.clear() // $nextAction = $NULL // $nextAction = get-NextAction // if ($Error.Count -eq 0) // { // write-output $nextAction // Invoke-Command -scriptblock $nextAction // sleep 1 // } // else // { // break // } // } ScriptBlock scriptBlock = ScriptBlock.Create(nextAction); WriteObject(scriptBlock); // done. break; } catch (TimeoutException e) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(e, "Connection timed out", ErrorCategory.OperationTimeout, pipeClient)); } catch (GetNextActionException e) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(e, "get-NextAction exception", ErrorCategory.InvalidResult, pipeClient)); } catch (Exception e) { ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(e, "Unexpected exception", ErrorCategory.NotSpecified, pipeClient)); } finally { pipeClient.Close(); pipeClient = null; } } }
void OnApplicationQuit() { PipeClient.Close(); }
public override void Close() { PC.Close(); }
public override void Disconnect() { _pipeClient.Close(); }