Exemple #1
 public PieceType(PieceTypeIdentifier identifier, string name)
     Identifier = identifier;
     Name = name;
     _Attack = 1;
     _Support = 1;
     _Defence = 3;
     _Movement = 2;
     _PassThrough = false;
Exemple #2
 public PiecePlacement(PieceTypeIdentifier type, Position position)
     Type = type;
     Position = position;
Exemple #3
 public PiecePromotion(Position location, PieceTypeIdentifier promotion)
     Position = location;
     Type = promotion;
Exemple #4
 public void PromotePiece(Position position, PieceTypeIdentifier type)
     if (CurrentTurnActions >= GameConstants.ActionsPerTurn)
         throw new GameException("You may not perform any more actions this turn");
     Hex hex = GetHex(position);
     Piece piece = hex.Piece;
     if (piece == null)
         throw new GameException("There is no piece to promote, the specified hex is empty");
     if (piece.Type.Identifier != PieceTypeIdentifier.Pawn)
         throw new GameException("Only pawns may be promoted");
     if (!piece.CanMove)
         throw new GameException("This piece has already been moved this turn and can hence not be promoted");
     if(type == PieceTypeIdentifier.Pawn)
         throw new GameException("Invalid promotion identifier");
     bool isClear = true;
     foreach (Hex neighbour in hex.Neighbours)
         Piece neighbourPiece = neighbour.Piece;
         if (neighbourPiece != null && !object.ReferenceEquals(neighbourPiece.Owner, CurrentTurnPlayer))
             isClear = false;
     if (!isClear)
         throw new GameException("You cannot promote a piece that is in direct proximity of an opponent's piece");
     Piece newPiece = new Piece(GameConstants.Pieces[type], CurrentTurnPlayer);
     hex.Piece = newPiece;
     newPiece.Hex = hex;
     newPiece.CanMove = false;
     piece.Hex = null;