public PieceSet(PieceSet pieceSet) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { this.isAvailable[i] = pieceSet.IsAvailable(i); } }
private PieceSet FindPieces() { PieceSet pieces = new PieceSet(); PointSet unsorted = new PointSet(); for (Int32 x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (Int32 y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (matrix[x, y]) { unsorted.Add(new Point(x, y)); } } } while (unsorted.Count > 0) { pieces.Add(CreatePiece(unsorted)); } return(pieces); }
private PixelMap ReduceOtherPieces() { if (bestPiece != null) { return(this); } PieceSet pieces = FindPieces(); Int32 maxCost = 0; Int32 maxIndex = 0; for (Int32 i = 0; i < pieces.Count; i++) { if (pieces[i].Cost() > maxCost) { maxCost = pieces[i].Cost(); maxIndex = i; } } for (Int32 i = 0; i < pieces.Count; i++) { if (i != maxIndex) { pieces[i].BleachPiece(ref matrix); } } if (pieces.Count != 0) { bestPiece = pieces[maxIndex]; } return(this); }
public PixelMap ReduceOtherPieces() { if (bestPiece != null) { return(this); } PieceSet pieces = FindPieces(); int maxCost = 0; int maxIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Count; i++) { if (pieces[i].Cost() > maxCost) { maxCost = pieces[i].Cost(); maxIndex = i; } } for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Count; i++) { if (i != maxIndex) { pieces[i].BleachPiece(); } } if (pieces.Count != 0) { bestPiece = pieces[maxIndex]; } return(this); }
public static Piece GetPiece(int index) { if (piece[0] == null) { PieceSet.CreatePieces(); } return(piece[index]); }
void Start() { //TODO: Fix this when we get to multi-piece puzzles puzzleSections = GetComponents <PolygonCollider2D>().ToList(); pieceSet = Instantiate(pieceSetPrefab).GetComponent <PieceSet>(); pieceSet.transform.SetParent(this.transform); TangramsSupervisor.GetInstance().DragController.PieceSet = pieceSet; }
public GameRules.MoveOutcomes applyMove(Move m, GameRules rules) // move must be legal { // apply the movement m.movingPiece.pos = m.ToCoord; this.PiecesLayout[m.FromCoord.X, m.FromCoord.Y] = null; this.PiecesLayout[m.ToCoord.X, m.ToCoord.Y] = null; // using a single battle function allows for easier customization // if a battle took place at all, reveal the pieces if (m.movingPiece != null && m.opponentPiece != null) { m.movingPiece.turnRevealed = TurnNumber; } if (m.opponentPiece != null) { m.opponentPiece.turnRevealed = TurnNumber; } m.outcome = rules.BattleFunction(m.movingPiece, m.opponentPiece); switch (m.outcome) { case GameRules.MoveOutcomes.Move: this.PiecesLayout[m.ToCoord.X, m.ToCoord.Y] = m.movingPiece; break; case GameRules.MoveOutcomes.Win: this.PiecesLayout[m.ToCoord.X, m.ToCoord.Y] = m.movingPiece; // remove the opponent m.opponentPiece.pos = Piece.removedPos; PieceSet.Remove(m.opponentPiece); break; case GameRules.MoveOutcomes.Lose: this.PiecesLayout[m.ToCoord.X, m.ToCoord.Y] = m.opponentPiece; // remove our piece m.movingPiece.pos = Piece.removedPos; PieceSet.Remove(m.movingPiece); break; case GameRules.MoveOutcomes.Tie: // remove the opponent m.opponentPiece.pos = Piece.removedPos; PieceSet.Remove(m.opponentPiece); // remove our piece m.movingPiece.pos = Piece.removedPos; PieceSet.Remove(m.movingPiece); break; } return(m.outcome); }
public bool IsInPieces(PieceSet pieces, int x, int y) { foreach (Piece piece in pieces) { foreach (Point point in piece) { if (point.Equals(x, y)) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public bool undoMove(Move m) { // undo the movement m.movingPiece.pos = m.FromCoord; this.PiecesLayout[m.ToCoord.X, m.ToCoord.Y] = m.opponentPiece; // remember, can be null this.PiecesLayout[m.FromCoord.X, m.FromCoord.Y] = m.movingPiece; // re-hide the pieces if they were just revealed if (m.movingPiece.turnRevealed == this.TurnNumber) { m.movingPiece.turnRevealed = null; } if (m.opponentPiece.turnRevealed == this.TurnNumber) { m.opponentPiece.turnRevealed = null; } // only add the moving piece back into the piece set IF it was removed previously if (m.outcome == GameRules.MoveOutcomes.Lose || m.outcome == GameRules.MoveOutcomes.Tie) { PieceSet.Add(m.movingPiece); } m.movingPiece.pos = m.FromCoord; if (m.opponentPiece != null) { m.opponentPiece.pos = m.ToCoord; // only add the opponent piece back into the piece set IF it was removed previously if (m.outcome == GameRules.MoveOutcomes.Win || m.outcome == GameRules.MoveOutcomes.Tie) { PieceSet.Add(m.opponentPiece); } } return(true); }
public void GetDiscoveredStraightAttackMoves_RookE1KnightE2TargetE7_AllKnightMoves() { // arrange var s = new Side("A1", new PieceSet<Queen>(), new PieceSet<Bishop>(), new PieceSet<Knight>(new Square("E2")), new PieceSet<Rook>(new Square("E1")), new WhitePawns() ); var expected = new PieceSet<Knight>(new Square("E2")).GetMoves(Bitboard.Empty, Bitboard.Empty); // act var result = s.GetDiscoverdStraightAttackMoves(new Square("E7"), Bitboard.Empty); // assert result.Should().Have.SameSequenceAs(expected); }
public void GetDiscoveredStraightAttackMoves_RookE1KingE3TargetE7() { // arrange var s = new Side("E3", new PieceSet<Queen>(), new PieceSet<Bishop>(), new PieceSet<Knight>(), new PieceSet<Rook>(new Square("E1")), new WhitePawns() ); IEnumerable<Move> expected = new PieceSet<King>(new Square("E3")).GetMoves(Bitboard.Empty, Bitboard.Empty, Bitboard.Full, ~Bitboard.With.FileE.Build()); // act IEnumerable<Move> result = s.GetDiscoverdStraightAttackMoves(new Square("E7"), Bitboard.Empty); // assert result.Should().Have.SameSequenceAs(expected); }
private void FixedUpdate() { if (solutionList.Count == 0 || done) { return; } bool skip = false; do { skip = false; if (sulotionIndex < solutionList.Count) { PieceInPosition[] solution = solutionList[sulotionIndex]; if (jammerPiece != null && enableSkip) { PieceInPosition possibleJammerPiece = solution[jammerPiece.slotIndex]; if (possibleJammerPiece.pieceIndex == jammerPiece.pieceIndex && possibleJammerPiece.rotationY == jammerPiece.rotationY && possibleJammerPiece.rotationX == jammerPiece.rotationX) { skip = true; } else { jammerPiece = null; } } if (!skip) { world.Clear(); bool wasted = false; for (int slotIndex = 0; slotIndex < 6; slotIndex++) { bool couldPlace = slots[slotIndex].CanPlaceInWorld(PieceSet.GetPiece(solution[slotIndex].pieceIndex), solution[slotIndex].rotationY, solution[slotIndex].rotationX, world); slots[slotIndex].ForcePlaceInWorld(PieceSet.GetPiece(solution[slotIndex].pieceIndex), solution[slotIndex].rotationY, solution[slotIndex].rotationX, world, wasted || !couldPlace); if (!couldPlace || wasted) { if (!wasted) { jammerPiece = solution[slotIndex]; jammerPiece.slotIndex = slotIndex; } wasted = true; if (enableSkip) { break; } } else { if (slotIndex + 1 > piecePlacedRecord) { piecePlacedRecord = slotIndex + 1; recordWorld = new World(world); if (piecePlacedRecord == solutionLimit) { break; } } } } } sulotionIndex++; if (sulotionIndex % 100 == 0) { float timeElapsed = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime; float timeLeft = (((float)solutionList.Count / (float)sulotionIndex) * timeElapsed - timeElapsed) / 60f; Debug.Log("Checking combination: " + sulotionIndex + " of " + solutionList.Count + ", Checked: " + 100f * ((float)sulotionIndex / (float)solutionList.Count) + " %, Record: " + piecePlacedRecord + " pieces, Estimated time left: < " + (timeLeft < 60 ? timeLeft + " minutes" : timeLeft / 60f + " hours")); } if (piecePlacedRecord == solutionLimit) { Debug.Log("Yey!! :) Solution found!!"); done = true; } visualWorld.Refresh(world); } else { Debug.Log("This puzzle is Shit! Every possible combination tried (" + solutionList.Count + "). Could only place " + piecePlacedRecord + " pieces. One of the best solutions is shown."); visualWorld.Refresh(recordWorld); done = true; } } while (skip); }
public ChessPiece(PieceType type, PieceSet set) { _type = type; _set = set; }
IEnumerator RepairInternal(PieceSet pieces) { var renderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); renderer.enabled = false; var sprite = renderer.sprite; var piecesMap = new Dictionary <Piece, List <Piece> >(); foreach (var p in pieces.Pieces) { piecesMap[p] = new List <Piece>(); } for (int y = (int)sprite.rect.y; y < sprite.rect.height; y++) { for (int x = (int)sprite.rect.x; x < sprite.rect.width; x++) { var color = sprite.texture.GetPixel(x, y); if (color.a <= 0) { continue; } var obj = Instantiate(GameSystem.Curernt.PiecePrefab); obj.transform.parent = pieces.transform; var piece = obj.GetComponent <Piece>(); if (!sprite || !sprite.texture) { Debug.Log(renderer); } piece.Color = color; var pos = new Vector2(x, y); piece.TargetPosition = transform.position + ((pos - sprite.pivot) / sprite.pixelsPerUnit).ToVector3(); piece.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true; var hostPiece = pieces.Pieces[Random.Range(0, pieces.Pieces.Count)]; if (!piecesMap.ContainsKey(hostPiece)) { piecesMap[hostPiece] = new List <Piece>(); } piecesMap[hostPiece].Add(piece); piece.transform.parent = hostPiece.transform; piece.transform.localPosition =; piece.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; } yield return(null); } while (piecesMap.Count > 0) { var count = Mathf.CeilToInt(piecesMap.Count * Random.value * .9f); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var host = piecesMap.Keys.RandomTake(1).First(); if (piecesMap[host].Count > 0) { var p = piecesMap[host][0]; piecesMap[host].RemoveAt(0); p.transform.parent = pieces.transform; p.StartRepair(); } if (piecesMap[host].Count <= 0) { piecesMap.Remove(host); Destroy(host.gameObject); } } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.1f)); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); Destroy(pieces.gameObject); renderer.enabled = true; }
public void RepairFrom(PieceSet pieces) { CurrentState = State.Repairing; StartCoroutine(RepairInternal(pieces)); }