public void InitialPieceLocationSetToBottomOfBoardFacingNorth()
            PieceClass Result = new PieceClass();

            Assert.That(Result.getX(), Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(Result.getY(), Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(Result.getFDS(), Is.EqualTo("N"));
        public void ShouldDisplayInitialPieceLocation()
            PieceClass TestPiece = new PieceClass();

            var Result = TestPiece.Output();

            Assert.That(Result, Contains.Substring("0 0 N"));
Exemple #3
    public int EvalClassBench()
        PieceClass[] boardClass = new PieceClass[64];
        for (int i = 0; i < boardClass.Length; i++)
            boardClass[i] = new PieceClass(i, 'p');

        return(SearchClass(boardClass, targetDepth));
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked when the chess engine has responded with a move to apply to the
        /// local board
        /// </summary>
        private void OnEngineBestMoveResponse()
            thinkingIndex = 0;  // reset index counter for simple progress text

            // Get the best move from the engine
            string bestMove = engine.BestMove;

            if ((String.Compare(bestMove, "(none)") == 0) || // Stockfish (and converted ones)
                (String.Compare(bestMove, "a1a1") == 0) ||   // Rybka
                (board.HalfMoveCount >= HalfMovesUntilDraw)) // Propably spinning on self play or just a draw
                if (board.HalfMoveCount >= HalfMovesUntilDraw)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Draw by 50 moves rule...");
            else if (GetInputState() == InputState.WaitingOnOpponentMove)
                // Extract the board location from the move string
                PieceFile startFile = new PieceFile(bestMove[0]);
                int       startRank = Convert.ToInt16(bestMove[1]) - Convert.ToInt16('0');
                PieceFile destFile  = new PieceFile(bestMove[2]);
                int       destRank  = Convert.ToInt16(bestMove[3]) - Convert.ToInt16('0');

                ChessPiece      foundPiece = board.FindPieceAt(startFile, startRank);
                MoveInformation moveInfo   = new MoveInformation(
                    new BoardSquare(startFile, startRank),
                    new BoardSquare(destFile, destRank),
                    foundPiece.Deployed, board.CurrentFEN);

                moveInfo.Color          = foundPiece.Color;
                moveInfo.CastlingRights = board.ActivePlayerCastlingRights;

                // When coming from the engine, we get the promotion detection for free
                if (bestMove.Length == 5)
                    // Applied on the next move
                    PieceClass promotionJob = ChessBoard.PieceClassFromFen(bestMove[4]);
                    board.PromotePiece(startFile, startRank, destFile, destRank, promotionJob, ref moveInfo);

                // Move the piece on the board, and add it to the official moves list
                board.MovePiece(ref moveInfo);

                // trigger a redraw

                // Apply the move the engine just gave us with the engine (update it's own move)
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Load piece images from a bitmap sheet.  This overrides the unicode
        /// text drawing for the pieces
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pieceImages">Bitmap image that contains the piece data.
        /// It is assumed the pieces are arranged in 2 rows, with white on top
        /// and black on bottom.  The piece order should be K Q R B N P</param>
        /// <param name="pieceSize">The size of a single piece</param>
        void IChessBoardView.SetBitmapImages(Bitmap pieceImages, Size pieceSize)
            // Extract each image from the bitmap and store it in a map (job+color:image)
            chessPieceImageMap = new Dictionary <string, Bitmap>();

            // This will not change in the loop (all destinations are the same size)
            Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, pieceSize.Width, pieceSize.Height);

            // This one will based on where we are in the image loop
            Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, pieceSize.Width, pieceSize.Height);

            // Array of jobs in the order we expect to find them in the image
            // This is the same for each row (top white, bottom black)
            PieceClass[] jobs = new PieceClass[] { PieceClass.King, PieceClass.Queen,
                                                   PieceClass.Rook, PieceClass.Bishop, PieceClass.Knight, PieceClass.Pawn };

            // Init loop variables
            int        jobIndex   = 0;
            PieceColor pieceColor = PieceColor.White;

            // Loop over the assumed layout (2x6)
            for (int imageRow = 0; imageRow < 2; imageRow++)
                for (int imageCol = 0; imageCol < 6; imageCol++)
                    // Create a new bitmap of the reequired size
                    Bitmap b = new Bitmap(pieceSize.Width, pieceSize.Height);
                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b))
                        // Draw the portion of the larger image into the smaller one
                        // we just created for the piece
                        g.DrawImage(pieceImages, destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                    // Add the image to the map (mangle the color and the job for the key)
                    chessPieceImageMap.Add(GetPieceImageKey(jobs[jobIndex++], pieceColor), b);

                    // Shift over to the right by one piece width
                    srcRect.X += pieceSize.Width;

                // Reset row variables
                jobIndex   = 0;
                srcRect.X  = 0;
                srcRect.Y += pieceSize.Height;

                // Switch colors
                pieceColor = PieceColor.Black;
    public string GetPieceType(int[] PiecePosition)
        int i = 0;

        while (i < Pieces.Count)
            PieceClass piece = Pieces.ToArray()[i];
            if (piece.GetLocation() == PiecePosition)
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new ChessPiece
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pieceColor">Color</param>
        /// <param name="pieceClass">King, Queen, Rook, etc</param>
        /// <param name="pieceFile">file location</param>
        /// <param name="pieceRank">rank location</param>
        public ChessPiece(PieceColor pieceColor, PieceClass pieceClass, PieceFile pieceFile, int pieceRank)
            if (pieceClass == PieceClass.EnPassantTarget)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            // Save the parameters as fields
            color               = pieceColor;
            job                 = pieceClass;
            rank                = pieceRank;
            file                = pieceFile;
            deployed            = false;
            captured            = false;
            isReadyForPromotion = false;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the input when waiting for the current player to select a move
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">x coordinate in form</param>
        /// <param name="y">y coordinate in form</param>
        private void OnWaitingForMoveSelection(int x, int y)
            BoardSquare square = ((IChessBoardView)view).GetSquare(x, y);

            foreach (BoardSquare move in legalMoves)
                if (move == square)
                    // Done - this is the move
                    MoveInformation moveInfo = new MoveInformation(
                        new BoardSquare(selectedPiece.File, selectedPiece.Rank), move, selectedPiece.Deployed, board.CurrentFEN);

                    moveInfo.Color          = selectedPiece.Color;
                    moveInfo.CastlingRights = board.ActivePlayerCastlingRights;

                    Debug.WriteLine("Valid Move Detected: [{0},{1}]=>[{2},{3}]",
                                    selectedPiece.File, selectedPiece.Rank, move.File, move.Rank);

                    // Need to detect promotion and launch dialog for it...
                    bool isPawnMovingToBackRank = (selectedPiece.Color == PieceColor.White) ? (moveInfo.End.Rank == 8) : (moveInfo.End.Rank == 1);
                    if ((selectedPiece.Job == PieceClass.Pawn) && isPawnMovingToBackRank)
                        PieceClass promotionJob = view.ChoosePromotionJob();
                        board.PromotePiece(moveInfo.Start.File, moveInfo.Start.Rank, moveInfo.End.File, moveInfo.End.Rank, promotionJob, ref moveInfo);

                    // Always returns true now
                    board.MovePiece(ref moveInfo);

                    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Fullmoves: {0}", board.FullMoveCount));
                    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Halfmoves: {0}", board.HalfMoveCount));
                    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("WhCastle: {0}", board.WhiteCastlingRights.ToString()));
                    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("BlCastle: {0}", board.BlackCastlingRights.ToString()));

                    // Update the position with the engine

            // Either way this gets cleared
            selectedPiece = null;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper to return a FEN char for a job, color matters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pieceClass">Class to convert</param>
        /// <param name="color">PieceColor Black is lowercase</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static char FenCharFromPieceClass(PieceClass pieceClass, PieceColor color)
            char result;

            switch (pieceClass)
            case PieceClass.King:
                result = 'k';

            case PieceClass.Queen:
                result = 'q';

            case PieceClass.Rook:
                result = 'r';

            case PieceClass.Bishop:
                result = 'b';

            case PieceClass.Knight:
                result = 'n';

            case PieceClass.Pawn:
                result = 'p';

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            if (color == PieceColor.White)
                result = Char.ToUpper(result);
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts a class to its character.  This does not need to differentiate
 /// case for color like FEN does, it's just needed to update the engine.
 /// The starting position or FEN for the engine determines the active player
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="job">Job to convert</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static char PieceClassToPromotionChar(PieceClass job)
     if (job == PieceClass.Queen)
     if (job == PieceClass.Rook)
     if (job == PieceClass.Knight)
     if (job == PieceClass.Bishop)
     // King and Pawn are missing from the normal list, as this is only
     // used in promotion, and you cannot promote to yourself or to the king
     throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            public void BasicTests()
                // Valid: { k, q, r, b, n, p }
                // Others: ArgumentOutOfRangeException
                Tuple <char, PieceClass>[] testDataValid =
                    new Tuple <char, PieceClass>('k', KING),
                    new Tuple <char, PieceClass>('q', QUEN),
                    new Tuple <char, PieceClass>('r', ROOK),
                    new Tuple <char, PieceClass>('b', BISH),
                    new Tuple <char, PieceClass>('n', KNHT),
                    new Tuple <char, PieceClass>('p', PAWN),

                foreach (Tuple <char, PieceClass> tuple in testDataValid)
                    Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Verifying {0} == {1}", tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2.ToString()));
                    Assert.AreEqual(ChessBoard.PieceClassFromFen(tuple.Item1), tuple.Item2);

                // Not a complete list, but the rest of [a-z][A-Z] that isn't valid plus some others
                string testDataInvalid = "acdefghijlmostuvwxyzACDEFGHIJLMOSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*";

                foreach (char c in testDataInvalid)
                    bool caught = false;
                        Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Verifying {0} throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException", c));
                        PieceClass neverGetsAssigned = ChessBoard.PieceClassFromFen(c);
                    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                        caught = true;
Exemple #12
    public void Move(GameObject Piece, int[] newPosition)
        int i = 0;

        GameObject[] pieces = InGamePieces.ToArray();
        while (i < InGamePieces.Count)
            if (pieces[i] == Piece)
        int[] PiecePosition = Pieces.ToArray()[i].GetLocation();
        i = 0;
        while (i < Pieces.Count)
            PieceClass piece = Pieces.ToArray()[i];
            if (piece.GetLocation() == PiecePosition)
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Small helper to get the mangled key for an image
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="job"></param>
 /// <param name="color"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static string GetPieceImageKey(PieceClass job, PieceColor color)
     return(String.Concat(job.ToString(), color.ToString()));
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// When a pawn has made it to the back rank, it can be promoted.  This method
        /// will mark a piece as needing promotion on the next move.  We don't want to
        /// change the job until it has moved to keep inline with the rest of the logic
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startFile"></param>
        /// <param name="startRank"></param>
        /// <param name="targetFile"></param>
        /// <param name="targetRank"></param>
        /// <param name="promotionClass"></param>
        /// <param name="moveInfo">Detailed move info</param>
        public void PromotePiece(PieceFile startFile, int startRank, PieceFile targetFile, int targetRank, PieceClass promotionClass, ref MoveInformation moveInfo)
            ChessPiece piece     = FindPieceAt(startFile, startRank);
            int        validRank = (piece.Color == PieceColor.White) ? 8 : 1;

            if (targetRank != validRank)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            // Find the pawn and mark it
            if (piece.Job != PieceClass.Pawn)
                // Logic check
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            moveInfo.PromotionJob = promotionClass;
Exemple #15
            public void BasicPropertiesTests()
                BoardSquare startSquare        = new BoardSquare(new PieceFile('b'), 6);
                BoardSquare endSquare          = new BoardSquare(new PieceFile('e'), 3);
                bool        previouslyDeployed = true;

                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Constucting default MoveInformation[{0}:{1}->{2}:{3}] Deployed: {4}",
                                              startSquare.File.ToString(), startSquare.Rank, endSquare.File.ToString(), endSquare.Rank, previouslyDeployed));
                MoveInformation testMove = new MoveInformation(startSquare, endSquare, previouslyDeployed, ChessBoard.InitialFENPosition);

                // First verify the basic properties set on creation
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Verifying start and end squares..."));
                Assert.AreEqual(testMove.Start, startSquare);
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Verifying FirstMove..."));

                // Now set some extraneous properties
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Verifying Color set/get..."));
                PieceColor testColor = PieceColor.Black;

                testMove.Color = testColor;
                Assert.AreEqual(testMove.Color, testColor);

                // CastlingRights
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Verifying CastlingRights set/get..."));
                BoardSide testCastlingRights = BoardSide.Queen;

                testMove.CastlingRights = testCastlingRights;
                Assert.AreEqual(testMove.CastlingRights, testCastlingRights);

                // PromotionClass
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Verifying PromotionJob set/get..."));
                PieceClass testPromotionClass = PieceClass.Knight;

                testMove.PromotionJob = testPromotionClass;
                Assert.AreEqual(testMove.PromotionJob, testPromotionClass);

                // CapturedPiece and CastlingRook are mutually exclusive Properties
                // neither can be checked without first being set or an exception is
                // thrown. Also, if one is set and you check the other, an exception
                // is thrown
                // IsCapture and IsCastle can be used to check if either is set
                // without the exception
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Verifying IsCapture and IsCastle initially false..."));

                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Set a capture piece and verify IsCapture and CapturedPiece..."));
                ChessPiece testPiece = new ChessPiece(PieceColor.White, PieceClass.Pawn, new PieceFile('c'), 2);

                testMove.CapturedPiece = testPiece;
                Assert.AreEqual(testMove.CapturedPiece, testPiece);

                    Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Attempting to get the CastlingRook (invalid)..."));
                    ChessPiece rook = testMove.CastlingRook;
                catch (InvalidOperationException)
                    Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Caught InvalidOperationException..."));

                // Recreate the test move to clear the captured piece
                testMove = new MoveInformation(startSquare, endSquare, previouslyDeployed, ChessBoard.InitialFENPosition);

                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Set a castling rook and verify IsCastle and CsatlingRook..."));
                ChessPiece testRook = new ChessPiece(PieceColor.White, PieceClass.Rook, new PieceFile('a'), 1);

                testMove.CastlingRook = testRook;
                Assert.AreEqual(testMove.CastlingRook, testRook);

                    Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Attempting to get the CapturedPiece (invalid)..."));
                    ChessPiece capture = testMove.CapturedPiece;
                catch (InvalidOperationException)
                    Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Caught InvalidOperationException..."));

                // Setting a non-Rook to a castling rook will throw
                testMove = new MoveInformation(startSquare, endSquare, previouslyDeployed, ChessBoard.InitialFENPosition);

                    testMove.CastlingRook = testPiece;
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Caught ArgumentException..."));
Exemple #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Promote the piece to a new class
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newLotInLife">PieceClass after promotion e.g. Queen
 /// 99.99999% of the time</param>
 public void PromoteOnNextMove(PieceClass newLotInLife)
     isReadyForPromotion = true;
     promotionClass      = newLotInLife;