public ActionResult ForgotPassword(UserLoginVM vm) { string emailid = vm.UserName; var _user = db.UserRegistrations.Where(cc => cc.UserName == emailid).FirstOrDefault(); if (_user != null) { PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); string newpassword = _dao.RandomPassword(6); _user.Password = newpassword; db.Entry(_user).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); EmailDAO _emaildao = new EmailDAO(); _emaildao.SendForgotMail(_user.UserName, "User", newpassword); TempData["SuccessMsg"] = "Reset Password Details are sent,Check Email!"; return(RedirectToAction("Home", "Home")); //return Json(new { status = "ok", message = "Reset Password Details are sent,Check Email" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } else { Session["ForgotStatus"] = "Forgot"; Session["StatusMessage"] = "Invalid EmailId!"; return(RedirectToAction("Home", "Home")); //return Json(new { status = "Failed", message = "Invalid EmailId!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
public ActionResult Create() { int depotid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentDepotID"].ToString()); int branchid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int userId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"].ToString()); ViewBag.depot = db.tblDepots.ToList(); //ViewBag.depot = (from c in db.tblDepots where c.ID == depotid select c).ToList(); ViewBag.employee = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.employeerec = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Customer = db.CustomerMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Movement = db.CourierMovements.ToList(); ViewBag.Employee = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.FAgent = db.ForwardingAgentMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Movement = db.CourierMovements.ToList(); ViewBag.ProductType = db.ProductTypes.ToList(); ViewBag.parceltype = db.ParcelTypes.ToList(); ViewBag.customerrate = db.CustomerRates.ToList(); ViewBag.TypeofGoods = db.TypeOfGoods.ToList(); ViewBag.CourierDescription = db.CourierDescriptions.ToList(); InScanMasterVM obj = new InScanMasterVM(); PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); string AWBNo = _dao.GetMaAWBNo(branchid); obj.AWBNo = AWBNo; obj.BranchID = branchid; obj.DepotID = depotid; obj.AcCompanyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); obj.DeviceID = "WebSite"; int pickedupid = (from e in db.EmployeeMasters where e.UserID == userId select e.EmployeeID).First(); obj.TransactionDate = DateTime.Now; return(View(obj)); }
public JsonResult GetRandomPassword() { PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); string passw = _dao.RandomPassword(6); return(Json(new { data = passw }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult Create() { var transtypes = new SelectList(new[] { new { ID = "Cr", trans = "Credit" }, new { ID = "Dr", trans = "Debit" }, }, "ID", "trans", 1); ViewBag.businessType = db.BusinessTypes.ToList(); = db.CountryMasters.ToList(); = db.CityMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.location = db.LocationMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.currency = db.CurrencyMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.employee = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.roles = db.RoleMasters.ToList(); int branchid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); PickupRequestDAO doa = new PickupRequestDAO(); ViewBag.CustomerNo = doa.GetMaxCustomerCode(branchid); CustmorVM obj = new CustmorVM(); obj.RoleID = 13; obj.Password = doa.RandomPassword(6); return(View(obj)); }
public JsonResult SaveRoleAccess(int RoleId, string menus) { try { PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); _dao.SaveMenuAccess(RoleId, menus); return(Json(new { status = "ok", message = "saved successfully" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { status = "faiiled", message = ex.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult Create(int id = 0) { var transtypes = new SelectList(new[] { new { ID = "Cr", trans = "Credit" }, new { ID = "Dr", trans = "Debit" }, }, "ID", "trans", 1); ViewBag.businessType = db.BusinessTypes.ToList(); = db.CountryMasters.ToList(); = db.CityMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.location = db.LocationMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.currency = db.CurrencyMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.employee = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.roles = db.RoleMasters.ToList(); int BranchID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); var data = db.tblDepots.Where(c => c.BranchID == BranchID).ToList(); ViewBag.Depot = data; int branchid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); ViewBag.UserRoleId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserRoleID"].ToString()); CustmorVM obj = new CustmorVM(); if (id == 0) { ViewBag.Title = "Customer - Create"; PickupRequestDAO doa = new PickupRequestDAO(); ViewBag.CustomerNo = "";// doa.GetMaxCustomerCode(branchid); obj.CustomerID = 0; obj.RoleID = 13; obj.CustomerType = "CS"; obj.Password = doa.RandomPassword(6); obj.ApprovedBy = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]); obj.ApprovedUserName = Convert.ToString(Session["UserName"]); obj.CurrenceyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrencyId"].ToString()); } else { ViewBag.Title = "Customer - Modify"; obj = GetDetail(id); } return(View(obj)); }
public JsonResult GetTDMAxNo(string vehicletype) { try { int FYearId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["fyearid"].ToString()); ViewBag.Currency = db.CurrencyMasters.ToList(); int branchid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int companyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); var maxno = _dao.GetTDSReceiptNo(companyId, branchid, vehicletype, FYearId); return(Json(new { status = "ok", TDNo = maxno }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { status = "failed", TDNo = 0 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult Create(int id = 0) { int BranchId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int depotid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentDepotID"].ToString()); int companyid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); //ViewBag.depot = db.tblDepots.ToList(); ViewBag.depot = (from c in db.tblDepots where c.BranchID == BranchId select c).ToList(); ViewBag.employee = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.employeerec = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Vehicles = db.VehicleMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Agents = db.AgentMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.CourierService = db.CourierServices.ToList(); if (id == 0) { ViewBag.Title = "InScan Import -Create"; InScanVM vm = new InScanVM(); vm.QuickInscanID = 0; PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); vm.InScanSheetNo = _dao.GetMaxInScanSheetNo(companyid, BranchId, "Import"); vm.DepotID = depotid; ViewBag.EditMode = "false"; return(View(vm)); } else { QuickInscanMaster qvm = db.QuickInscanMasters.Find(id); InScanVM vm = new InScanVM(); vm.QuickInscanID = qvm.QuickInscanID; vm.AgentID = Convert.ToInt32(qvm.AgentID); vm.ReceivedByID = Convert.ToInt32(qvm.ReceivedByID); vm.DriverName = qvm.DriverName; vm.InScanSheetNo = qvm.InscanSheetNumber; vm.VehicleId = Convert.ToInt32(qvm.VehicleId); vm.DepotID = Convert.ToInt32(qvm.DepotId); vm.BranchId = Convert.ToInt32(qvm.BranchId); ViewBag.EditMode = "true"; ViewBag.Title = "InScan Import - Modify"; return(View(vm)); } }
public ActionResult Index() { CustomerInvoiceSearch obj = (CustomerInvoiceSearch)Session["CustomerInvoiceSearch"]; CustomerInvoiceSearch model = new CustomerInvoiceSearch(); int branchid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int depotId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentDepotID"].ToString()); int yearid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["fyearid"].ToString()); if (obj == null) { DateTime pFromDate; DateTime pToDate; //int pStatusId = 0; pFromDate = CommanFunctions.GetFirstDayofMonth().Date; pToDate = CommanFunctions.GetLastDayofMonth().Date; obj = new CustomerInvoiceSearch(); obj.FromDate = pFromDate; obj.ToDate = pToDate; obj.InvoiceNo = ""; Session["CustomerInvoiceSearch"] = obj; model.FromDate = pFromDate; model.ToDate = pToDate; model.InvoiceNo = ""; } else { model = obj; } List <CustomerInvoiceVM> lst = PickupRequestDAO.GetInvoiceList(obj.FromDate, obj.ToDate, model.InvoiceNo, yearid); if (lst != null) { model.InvoiceTotal = Convert.ToDecimal(lst.Sum(cc => cc.InvoiceTotal).ToString()); // ReceiptDAO.GetCustomerInvoiceTotal(obj.FromDate, obj.ToDate); } model.Details = lst; return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Create(int id = 0) { int BranchId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int CompanyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); ViewBag.Deliverdby = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.vehicle = db.VehicleMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Checkedby = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); DRSVM v = new DRSVM(); if (id > 0) { DR d = db.DRS.Find(id); v.DRSID = d.DRSID; v.DRSNo = d.DRSNo; v.DRSDate = d.DRSDate; v.DeliveredBy = d.DeliveredBy; v.CheckedBy = d.CheckedBy; v.TotalAmountCollected = d.TotalAmountCollected; v.VehicleID = d.VehicleID; v.StatusDRS = d.StatusDRS; v.AcCompanyID = d.AcCompanyID; v.StatusInbound = d.StatusInbound; v.DrsType = d.DrsType; ViewBag.EditMode = "true"; ViewBag.Title = "OutScan - Modify"; } else { PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); v.DRSID = 0; v.DRSNo = _dao.GetMaxDRSNo(CompanyId, BranchId); ViewBag.EditMode = "false"; ViewBag.Title = "OutScan - Create"; } return(View(v)); }
public ActionResult Create(CustmorVM c) { string locationname = c.LocationName; string country = c.CountryName; string city = c.CityName; CustomerMaster obj = new CustomerMaster(); PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); if (c.CustomerID == 0) { int max = (from d in db.CustomerMasters orderby d.CustomerID descending select d.CustomerID).FirstOrDefault(); int accompanyid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); int branchid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); obj.CustomerID = max + 1; obj.AcCompanyID = accompanyid; obj.CustomerCode = c.CustomerCode; // _dao.GetMaxCustomerCode(branchid); // c.CustomerCode; } else { obj = db.CustomerMasters.Find(c.CustomerID); } obj.CustomerName = c.CustomerName; obj.CustomerType = c.CustomerType; obj.ReferenceCode = c.ReferenceCode; obj.ContactPerson = c.ContactPerson; obj.Address1 = c.Address1; obj.Address2 = c.Address2; obj.Address3 = c.Address3; obj.Phone = c.Phone; obj.Mobile = c.Mobile; obj.Fax = c.Fax; obj.Email = c.Email; obj.WebSite = c.Website; obj.CountryID = c.CountryID; if (c.CityID == 0) { obj.CityID = null; } else { obj.CityID = c.CityID; } if (c.LocationID == 0) { obj.LocationID = null; } else { obj.LocationID = c.LocationID; } obj.CountryName = c.CountryName; obj.CityName = c.CityName; obj.LocationName = c.LocationName; if (c.CurrenceyID == 0) { c.CurrenceyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrencyId"].ToString()); } else { obj.CurrencyID = c.CurrenceyID; } obj.StatusActive = c.StatusActive; obj.CreditLimit = c.CreditLimit; obj.StatusTaxable = c.StatusTaxable; obj.EmployeeID = c.EmployeeID; obj.statusCommission = c.StatusCommission; obj.VATTRN = c.VATTRN; obj.CourierServiceID = c.CourierServiceID; obj.BranchID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); obj.CustomerUsername = c.CustomerUsername; //obj.Password = c.Password; obj.Password = _dao.RandomPassword(6); obj.BusinessTypeId = c.BusinessTypeId; obj.Referal = c.Referal; obj.OfficeOpenTime = c.OfficeTimeFrom; obj.OfficeCloseTime = c.OfficeTimeTo; if (c.DepotID == null) { obj.DepotID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentDepotID"].ToString()); } else { obj.DepotID = c.DepotID; } if (c.CustomerType == "CR" && c.ChkApprovedBy) { obj.ApprovedBy = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]); obj.ApprovedOn = c.ApprovedOn; } //UserRegistration u = new UserRegistration(); //if (c.Email != null) //{ // if (c.Email != "") // { // UserRegistration x = (from a in db.UserRegistrations where a.UserName == c.Email select a).FirstOrDefault(); // if (x == null) // { // int max1 = (from c1 in db.UserRegistrations orderby c1.UserID descending select c1.UserID).FirstOrDefault(); // u.UserID = max1 + 1; // u.UserName = c.Email; // u.EmailId = c.Email; // u.Password = obj.Password; // u.Phone = c.Phone; // u.IsActive = true; // u.RoleID = c.RoleID; // } // try // { // db.UserRegistrations.Add(u); // db.SaveChanges(); // } // catch (DbEntityValidationException e) // { // foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors) // { // Console.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", // eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); // foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) // { // Console.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", // ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); // } // } // } // } //} try { // obj.UserID = u.UserID; if (c.CustomerID > 0) { db.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } else { db.CustomerMasters.Add(obj); db.SaveChanges(); ReceiptDAO.ReSaveCustomerCode(); } if (c.EmailNotify == true) { EmailDAO _emaildao = new EmailDAO(); _emaildao.SendCustomerEmail(c.Email, c.CustomerName, obj.Password); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException e) { foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } } TempData["SuccessMsg"] = "You have successfully added Customer."; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); return(View()); }
public ActionResult Create(int Id) { int FYearId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["fyearid"].ToString()); //ViewBag.Branch = db.BranchMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Routes = db.RouteMasters.ToList(); //ViewBag.Locations = db.LocationMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Currency = db.CurrencyMasters.ToList(); int branchid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int companyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); ViewBag.Achead = db.AcHeads.Where(d => d.AcBranchID == branchid).ToList(); ViewBag.Drivers = db.DriverMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Vehicles = db.VehicleMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Countries = db.CountryMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.parceltype = db.ParcelTypes.ToList(); ViewBag.Documents = db.DocumentSetups.ToList(); ViewBag.VehicleTypes = db.VehicleTypes.ToList(); ViewBag.FwdAgents = db.SupplierMasters.Where(c => c.SupplierTypeID == 2).ToList(); ViewBag.OtherCharge = db.OtherCharges.ToList(); var transtypes = new SelectList(new[] { new { ID = "N", trans = "Select" }, new { ID = "C", trans = "Cash" }, new { ID = "B", trans = "Bank" }, }, "ID", "trans", "N"); ViewBag.StatusPaymentMode = transtypes; ViewBag.Title = "Daily Trips - Create"; TruckDetailVM1 vm1 = new TruckDetailVM1(); var truckDetail = (from d in db.TruckDetails where d.TruckDetailID == Id select d).FirstOrDefault(); if (truckDetail == null) { truckDetail = new TruckDetail(); ViewBag.VehicleType = "H"; var Truck = db.TruckDetails.ToList().LastOrDefault(); var MaxId = 1000; if (Truck == null) { MaxId = 1; } else { MaxId = Truck.TruckDetailID + 1; } var ReceiptNo = "TDS-" + MaxId; PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); vm1.ReceiptNo = _dao.GetTDSReceiptNo(companyId, branchid, "H", FYearId); vm1.VehicleType = "H"; vm1.CurrencyIDRent = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrencyId"].ToString()); vm1.PaymentCurrencyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrencyId"].ToString()); var ac = db.AcHeadControls.Where(cc => cc.Pagecontrol == 1 && cc.AccountName == "Rent Account").FirstOrDefault(); if (ac != null) { vm1.RentAcHeadID = ac.AccountHeadID; vm1.RentAcHead = db.AcHeads.Where(cc => cc.AcHeadID == vm1.RentAcHeadID).FirstOrDefault().AcHead1; } List <TruckDetailOtherChargeVM> otherchargesvm = new List <TruckDetailOtherChargeVM>(); vm1.otherchargesVM = otherchargesvm; ViewBag.EditMode = "false"; } else { ViewBag.EditMode = "true"; List <TruckDetailOtherChargeVM> otherchargesvm = new List <TruckDetailOtherChargeVM>(); ViewBag.Title = "Daily Trips - Modify"; vm1.TruckDetailID = truckDetail.TruckDetailID; vm1.VehicleType = truckDetail.VehicleType; vm1.DriverName = truckDetail.DriverName; vm1.ReceiptNo = truckDetail.ReceiptNo; vm1.TDDate = truckDetail.TDDate; vm1.DriverID = truckDetail.DriverID; vm1.VehicleID = truckDetail.VehicleID; vm1.RouteID = truckDetail.RouteID; vm1.OriginName = truckDetail.OriginName; vm1.DestinationName = truckDetail.DestinationName; vm1.RegNo = truckDetail.RegNo; vm1.Rent = truckDetail.Rent; vm1.RentAcHeadID = truckDetail.RentAcHeadID; vm1.RentAcHead = db.AcHeads.Find(truckDetail.RentAcHeadID).AcHead1; vm1.ParcelTypeId = truckDetail.ParcelTypeId; vm1.TDRemarks = truckDetail.TDRemarks; vm1.VehicleType = truckDetail.VehicleType; vm1.OtherCharges = truckDetail.OtherCharges; vm1.StatusPaymentMode = truckDetail.StatusPaymentMode.Trim(); vm1.ChequeDate = truckDetail.ChequeDate; vm1.ChequeNo = truckDetail.ChequeNo; vm1.ConsignmentNoNote = truckDetail.ConsignmentNoNote; vm1.Amount = truckDetail.Amount; vm1.FYearID = truckDetail.FYearID; vm1.CurrencyIDRent = truckDetail.CurrencyIDRent; vm1.PaymentCurrencyID = truckDetail.PaymentCurrencyID; vm1.PaymentHeadID = truckDetail.PaymentHeadID; vm1.Remarks = truckDetail.Remarks; if (truckDetail.PaymentHeadID != null) { vm1.PaymentHead = db.AcHeads.Find(truckDetail.PaymentHeadID).AcHead1; } if (truckDetail.TDcontrolAcHeadID != null) { vm1.TDcontrolAcHeadID = truckDetail.TDcontrolAcHeadID; vm1.TDcontrolAcHead = db.AcHeads.Find(truckDetail.TDcontrolAcHeadID).AcHead1; } if (truckDetail.VehicleType == "F") { vm1.ForwardAgentID = truckDetail.ForwardAgentID; } otherchargesvm = (from c in db.TruckDetailOtherCharges join o in db.OtherCharges on c.OtherChargeID equals o.OtherChargeID where c.TruckDetailId == Id select new TruckDetailOtherChargeVM { TruckDetailId = Id, OtherChargeID = c.OtherChargeID, OtherChargeName = o.OtherCharge1, Amount = c.Amount }).ToList(); if (otherchargesvm == null) { otherchargesvm = new List <TruckDetailOtherChargeVM>(); vm1.otherchargesVM = otherchargesvm; } else { vm1.otherchargesVM = otherchargesvm; } } return(View(vm1)); }
//SaveSupplierInvoice public JsonResult SaveSupplierInvoice(int Id, int SupplierID, string InvoiceDate, string InvoiceNo, string Remarks, int SupplierTypeId, string Details) { try { var IDetails = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <SupplierInvoiceDetailVM> >(Details); List <SupplierInvoiceConsignmentVM> AWBAllocationall = new List <SupplierInvoiceConsignmentVM>(); List <SupplierInvoiceConsignmentVM> AWBAllocation = new List <SupplierInvoiceConsignmentVM>(); AWBAllocationall = (List <SupplierInvoiceConsignmentVM>)Session["SIAWBAllocation"]; var Supplierinvoice = (from d in db.SupplierInvoices where d.SupplierInvoiceID == Id select d).FirstOrDefault(); if (Supplierinvoice == null) { Supplierinvoice = new SupplierInvoice(); } else { var details = (from d in db.SupplierInvoiceDetails where d.SupplierInvoiceID == Supplierinvoice.SupplierInvoiceID select d).ToList(); db.SupplierInvoiceDetails.RemoveRange(details); db.SaveChanges(); var consignmentdetails = (from d in db.SupplierInvoiceConsignments where d.SupplierInvoiceId == Supplierinvoice.SupplierInvoiceID select d).ToList(); db.SupplierInvoiceConsignments.RemoveRange(consignmentdetails); db.SaveChanges(); } Supplierinvoice.SupplierID = SupplierID; Supplierinvoice.InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(InvoiceDate); Supplierinvoice.InvoiceNo = InvoiceNo; Supplierinvoice.AccompanyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"]); Supplierinvoice.BranchId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"]); Supplierinvoice.FyearID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["fyearid"]); Supplierinvoice.InvoiceTotal = IDetails.Sum(d => d.Value); Supplierinvoice.StatusClose = false; Supplierinvoice.IsDeleted = false; Supplierinvoice.Remarks = Remarks; Supplierinvoice.SupplierTypeId = SupplierTypeId; if (Supplierinvoice.SupplierInvoiceID == 0) { db.SupplierInvoices.Add(Supplierinvoice); } db.SaveChanges(); foreach (var item in IDetails) { var InvoiceDetail = new SupplierInvoiceDetail(); InvoiceDetail.SupplierInvoiceID = Supplierinvoice.SupplierInvoiceID; InvoiceDetail.AcHeadID = item.AcHeadId; InvoiceDetail.Particulars = item.Particulars; InvoiceDetail.Quantity = item.Quantity; InvoiceDetail.Rate = item.Rate; InvoiceDetail.CurrencyID = item.CurrencyID; InvoiceDetail.CurrencyAmount = item.CurrencyAmount; InvoiceDetail.Amount = item.Amount; InvoiceDetail.TaxPercentage = item.TaxPercentage; InvoiceDetail.Value = item.Value; db.SupplierInvoiceDetails.Add(InvoiceDetail); db.SaveChanges(); //adding consignment referece to this entry int acheadid = Convert.ToInt32(item.AcHeadId); if (AWBAllocationall != null) { var list = AWBAllocationall.Where(cc => cc.AcHeadId == acheadid).ToList(); if (list != null) { foreach (var item2 in list) { SupplierInvoiceConsignment accons = new SupplierInvoiceConsignment(); accons.SupplierInvoiceId = Supplierinvoice.SupplierInvoiceID; accons.SupplierInvoiceDetailId = item.SupplierInvoiceDetailID; accons.AcHeadId = acheadid; accons.InScanID = Convert.ToInt32(item2.InScanID); accons.Amount = item2.Amount; db.SupplierInvoiceConsignments.Add(accons); db.SaveChanges(); } } } } PickupRequestDAO dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); dao.GenerateSupplierInvoicePosting(Supplierinvoice.SupplierInvoiceID); return(Json(new { status = "ok", message = "Invoice Submitted Successfully!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception e) { return(Json(new { status = "failed", message = e.Message.ToString() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult Create(RevenueUpdateMasterVM vm) { ViewBag.Title = "Revenue Update - Create"; int userId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"].ToString()); ViewBag.employee = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.PaymentType = db.tblPaymentModes.ToList(); ViewBag.Currency = db.CurrencyMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Consignment = db.InScanMasters.ToList(); List <VoucherTypeVM> lsttype = new List <VoucherTypeVM>(); //lsttype.Add(new VoucherTypeVM { TypeName = "All" }); lsttype.Add(new VoucherTypeVM { TypeName = "Shipper" }); lsttype.Add(new VoucherTypeVM { TypeName = "Consignee" }); ViewBag.InvoiceTo = lsttype; int branchid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int fyearid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["fyearid"].ToString()); RevenueUpdateMaster v = new RevenueUpdateMaster(); bool duplicatecost = false; for (int i = 0; i < vm.DetailVM.Count; i++) { if (vm.DetailVM[i].IsDeleted != true) { for (int j = i + 1; j < vm.DetailVM.Count; j++) { if (vm.DetailVM[i].RevenueCostMasterID == vm.DetailVM[j].RevenueCostMasterID && vm.DetailVM[j].IsDeleted != true) { duplicatecost = true; TempData["ErrorMsg"] = "Revenue Component should not be Duplicated!"; Session["CreateRevenueUpdate"] = vm; ViewBag.Title = "Revenue Update - Modify"; return(View(vm)); } } } } if (vm.ID == 0) { ViewBag.Title = "Revenue Update - Create"; v.EntryDate = vm.EntryDate; v.EmployeeID = vm.EmployeeID; v.InScanID = vm.InScanID; v.BranchID = branchid; v.AcFinancialYearID = fyearid; v.CreatedBy = userId; v.CreatedDate = CommanFunctions.GetCurrentDateTime(); v.ModifiedBy = userId; v.ModifiedDate = CommanFunctions.GetCurrentDateTime(); db.RevenueUpdateMasters.Add(v); db.SaveChanges(); } else { ViewBag.Title = "Revenue Update - Modify"; v = db.RevenueUpdateMasters.Find(vm.ID); v.EntryDate = vm.EntryDate; v.EmployeeID = vm.EmployeeID; v.InScanID = vm.InScanID; v.BranchID = branchid; v.AcFinancialYearID = fyearid; v.ModifiedBy = userId; v.ModifiedDate = CommanFunctions.GetCurrentDateTime(); db.Entry(v).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } for (int i = 0; i < vm.DetailVM.Count; i++) { if (vm.DetailVM[i].IsDeleted != true) { if (vm.DetailVM[i].ID == 0) { RevenueUpdateDetail detail = new RevenueUpdateDetail(); detail.MasterID = v.ID; detail.RevenueCostMasterID = vm.DetailVM[i].RevenueCostMasterID; detail.AcHeadCreditId = vm.DetailVM[i].AcHeadCreditId; detail.AcHeadDebitId = vm.DetailVM[i].AcHeadDebitId; detail.Amount = vm.DetailVM[i].Amount; detail.CurrencyId = vm.DetailVM[i].CurrencyId; detail.CustomerId = vm.DetailVM[i].CustomerId; detail.ExchangeRate = vm.DetailVM[i].ExchangeRate; detail.TaxPercent = vm.DetailVM[i].TaxPercent; detail.TaxAmount = vm.DetailVM[i].TaxAmount; detail.TotalCharge = vm.DetailVM[i].TotalCharge; detail.PaymentModeId = vm.DetailVM[i].PaymentModeId; detail.InvoiceTo = vm.DetailVM[i].InvoiceTo; db.RevenueUpdateDetails.Add(detail); db.SaveChanges(); } else { RevenueUpdateDetail detail = db.RevenueUpdateDetails.Find(vm.DetailVM[i].ID); if (detail != null) { detail.MasterID = v.ID; detail.RevenueCostMasterID = vm.DetailVM[i].RevenueCostMasterID; detail.AcHeadCreditId = vm.DetailVM[i].AcHeadCreditId; detail.AcHeadDebitId = vm.DetailVM[i].AcHeadDebitId; detail.Amount = vm.DetailVM[i].Amount; detail.CurrencyId = vm.DetailVM[i].CurrencyId; detail.CustomerId = vm.DetailVM[i].CustomerId; detail.ExchangeRate = vm.DetailVM[i].ExchangeRate; detail.PaymentModeId = vm.DetailVM[i].PaymentModeId; detail.InvoiceTo = vm.DetailVM[i].InvoiceTo; db.Entry(detail).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } } } else { if (vm.DetailVM[i].ID > 0) { RevenueUpdateDetail detail = db.RevenueUpdateDetails.Find(vm.DetailVM[i].ID); db.RevenueUpdateDetails.Remove(detail); db.SaveChanges(); } } } //update inscan revenue update status var inscan = db.InScanMasters.Find(vm.InScanID); inscan.Remarks = vm.Remarks; inscan.RevenueUpdate = true; db.Entry(inscan).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); _dao.GenerateRevenueUpdatePosting(v.ID); Session["CreateRevenueUpdate"] = null; TempData["SuccessMsg"] = "Revenue of Consignment Updated Successfully!"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); //ViewBag.Title = "Revenue Update - Create"; //ViewBag.employee = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); //List<VoucherTypeVM> lsttype = new List<VoucherTypeVM>(); //lsttype.Add(new VoucherTypeVM { TypeName = "Pickup Cash" }); //lsttype.Add(new VoucherTypeVM { TypeName = "Customer" }); //lsttype.Add(new VoucherTypeVM { TypeName = "Shipper" }); //ViewBag.PaymentType = lsttype; //ViewBag.Currency = db.CurrencyMasters.ToList(); //return View(); }
public ActionResult Create(int id = 0) { int uid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"].ToString()); int branchid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int depotId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentDepotID"].ToString()); int companyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); ViewBag.Vehicle = db.VehicleMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Employee = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Customer = db.CustomerMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.RequestType = db.RequestTypes.ToList(); ViewBag.DocumentType = db.tblDocumentTypes.ToList(); ViewBag.PaymentMode = db.tblPaymentModes.ToList(); //ViewBag.PickupRequestStatus = db.PickUpRequestStatus.ToList(); ViewBag.PickupRequestStatus = db.CourierStatus.Where(cc => cc.StatusTypeID == 1).ToList(); ViewBag.PickupSubReason = db.SubStatus.ToList(); PickupRequestVM v = new PickupRequestVM(); UserRegistration u = (from c in db.UserRegistrations where c.UserID == uid select c).FirstOrDefault(); int empid = u.UserID; string empname = u.UserName; ViewBag.empname = empname; ViewBag.empid = empid; if (id == 0) { PickupRequestDAO doa = new PickupRequestDAO(); ViewBag.RequestNo = doa.GetMaxPickupRequest(companyId, branchid); ViewBag.StatusId = 1; int Customerid = 0; if (Session["UserType"].ToString() == "Customer") { Customerid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CustomerId"].ToString()); v.CustomerID = Customerid; var _cust = db.CustomerMasters.Find(Customerid); v.CustomerName = _cust.CustomerName; v.CustomerCode = _cust.CustomerCode; v.Consignor = _cust.CustomerName; v.ConsignorPhone = _cust.Phone; v.OfficeTimeFrom = _cust.OfficeOpenTime; v.OfficeTimeTo = _cust.OfficeCloseTime; v.ConsignorAddress = _cust.Address1; v.ConsignorAddress1 = _cust.Address2; v.ConsignorAddress2 = _cust.Address3; v.ConsignorCountryName = _cust.CountryName; v.ConsignorCityName = _cust.CityName; v.ConsignorContact = _cust.ContactPerson; } } else { v = GetPickupRequestDetail(id); ViewBag.AWBNo = v.AWBNo; ViewBag.StatusId = v.PickupRequestStatusId; ViewBag.SubReasonStatusId = v.SubReasonId; ViewBag.Status = db.CourierStatus.Where(cc => cc.CourierStatusID == v.PickupRequestStatusId).FirstOrDefault().CourierStatus; } return(View(v)); }
public ActionResult Create(PickupRequestVM v) { PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); int branchid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int depotId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentDepotID"].ToString()); int companyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); int uid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"].ToString()); UserRegistration u = (from c in db.UserRegistrations where c.UserID == uid select c).FirstOrDefault(); int empid = u.UserID; string empname = u.UserName; InScanMaster _enquiry = new InScanMaster(); if (v.InScanID == 0) { int id = (from c in db.InScanMasters orderby c.InScanID descending select c.InScanID).FirstOrDefault(); _enquiry.InScanID = id + 1; _enquiry.EnquiryNo = _dao.GetMaxPickupRequest(companyId, branchid); // (id + 1).ToString(); _enquiry.ConsignmentNo = _dao.GetMaAWBNo(companyId, branchid); _enquiry.AcCompanyID = companyId; _enquiry.BranchID = branchid; _enquiry.DepotID = depotId; _enquiry.TransactionDate = DateTime.Now; _enquiry.DeviceID = "WebSite"; _enquiry.IsDeleted = false; int statustypeid = db.tblStatusTypes.Where(c => c.Name == "PICKUP REQUEST").FirstOrDefault().ID; _enquiry.StatusTypeId = statustypeid; //pickuprequest } else { _enquiry = db.InScanMasters.Find(v.InScanID); } _enquiry.DocumentSetupID = v.DocumentTypeId; _enquiry.PickupRequestDate = Convert.ToDateTime(v.EnquiryDate); _enquiry.CustomerID = v.CustomerID; _enquiry.ConsignorCountryName = v.ConsignorCountryName; _enquiry.ConsignorCityName = v.ConsignorCityName; _enquiry.ConsigneeLocationName = v.ConsigneeLocationName; _enquiry.ConsignorLocationName = v.ConsignorLocationName; _enquiry.ConsigneeCountryName = v.ConsigneeCountryName; _enquiry.ConsigneeCityName = v.ConsigneeCityName; _enquiry.Weight = Convert.ToDecimal(v.Weight); _enquiry.Consignee = v.Consignee; _enquiry.Consignor = v.Consignor; _enquiry.ConsignorAddress1_Building = v.ConsignorAddress; _enquiry.ConsignorAddress2_Street = v.ConsignorAddress1; _enquiry.ConsignorAddress3_PinCode = v.ConsignorAddress2; _enquiry.ConsigneeAddress1_Building = v.ConsigneeAddress; _enquiry.ConsigneeAddress2_Street = v.ConsigneeAddress1; _enquiry.ConsigneeAddress3_PinCode = v.ConsigneeAddress2; _enquiry.ConsignorPhone = v.ConsignorPhone; _enquiry.ConsigneePhone = v.ConsigneePhone; _enquiry.AssignedEmployeeID = v.EmployeeID; _enquiry.Remarks = v.Remarks; _enquiry.PickedUpEmpID = v.CollectedEmpID; _enquiry.PickedupDate = v.CollectedTime; //_enquiry.ShipmentType = v.ShipmentType; //if (v.vehreq == true) //{ // _enquiry.Vehicle = v.Vehicle; // _enquiry.VehicleID = v.VehicleID; //} _enquiry.ConsigneeContact = v.ConsigneeContact; _enquiry.ConsignorContact = v.ConsignorContact; _enquiry.EnteredByID = empid; //userid _enquiry.IsEnquiry = true; _enquiry.PickupReadyTime = v.ReadyTime; //_enquiry.OfficeTimeFrom = v.OfficeTimeFrom; //_enquiry.OfficeTimeTo = v.OfficeTimeTo; _enquiry.RequestSource = v.RequestSource; if (_enquiry.StatusTypeId == 1) { if (_enquiry.AssignedEmployeeID == null) { _enquiry.CourierStatusID = 1; } else if (_enquiry.AssignedEmployeeID != null && _enquiry.PickedUpEmpID == null) { _enquiry.CourierStatusID = 2; } //else if (_enquiry.PickedUpEmpID != null) //{ // _enquiry.PickupRequestStatusId = 3; //} else if (_enquiry.StatusTypeId == 1 && _enquiry.CourierStatusID == null) { _enquiry.CourierStatusID = 1; //request } } //db.CustomerEnquiries.Add(_enquiry); if (v.InScanID == 0) { db.InScanMasters.Add(_enquiry); db.SaveChanges(); // AWBTrackStatu _awbstatus = new AWBTrackStatu(); int? id = (from c in db.AWBTrackStatus orderby c.AWBTrackStatusId descending select c.AWBTrackStatusId).FirstOrDefault(); if (id == null) { id = 1; } else { id = id + 1; } _awbstatus.AWBTrackStatusId = Convert.ToInt32(id); _awbstatus.AWBNo = _enquiry.ConsignmentNo; _awbstatus.EntryDate = DateTime.Now; _awbstatus.InScanId = _enquiry.InScanID; _awbstatus.StatusTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(_enquiry.StatusTypeId); _awbstatus.CourierStatusId = Convert.ToInt32(_enquiry.CourierStatusID); _awbstatus.ShipmentStatus = db.tblStatusTypes.Find(_enquiry.StatusTypeId).Name; _awbstatus.CourierStatus = db.CourierStatus.Find(_enquiry.CourierStatusID).CourierStatus; _awbstatus.UserId = uid; db.AWBTrackStatus.Add(_awbstatus); db.SaveChanges(); // SaveConsignee(v); TempData["SuccessMsg"] = "You have successfully added Pickup Request."; } else { SaveConsignee(v); db.Entry(_enquiry).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); TempData["SuccessMsg"] = "You have successfully updated Pickup Request."; } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); //} //else //{ // int uid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"].ToString()); // UserRegistration u = (from c in db.UserRegistrations where c.UserID == uid select c).FirstOrDefault(); // int empid = u.UserID; // string empname = u.UserName; // ViewBag.Country = db.CountryMasters.ToList(); // ViewBag.City = db.CityMasters.ToList(); // ViewBag.Location = db.LocationMasters.ToList(); // ViewBag.Vehicle = db.VehicleMasters.ToList(); // ViewBag.Employee = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); // ViewBag.Customer = db.CustomerMasters.ToList(); // ViewBag.RequestType = db.RequestTypes.ToList(); // ViewBag.empname = empname; // ViewBag.empid = empid; // PickupRequestDAO doa = new PickupRequestDAO(); // ViewBag.RequestNo = doa.GetMaxPickupRequest(); // return View(); //} }
public ActionResult Create(AgentVM item) { int companyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); int BranchID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int? max = (from c in db.AgentMasters orderby c.AgentID descending select c.AgentID).FirstOrDefault(); AgentMaster a = new AgentMaster(); PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); int roleid = db.RoleMasters.Where(t => t.RoleName == "Agent").FirstOrDefault().RoleID; UserRegistration u = new UserRegistration(); UserRegistration x = (from b in db.UserRegistrations where b.UserName == item.Email select b).FirstOrDefault(); if (x == null) { int max1 = (from c1 in db.UserRegistrations orderby c1.UserID descending select c1.UserID).FirstOrDefault(); u.UserID = max1 + 1; u.UserName = item.Email; u.EmailId = item.Email; if (item.Password == null) { u.Password = _dao.RandomPassword(6); } else { u.Password = item.Password; } u.Phone = item.Phone; u.IsActive = true; u.RoleID = roleid; db.UserRegistrations.Add(u); db.SaveChanges(); } if (max == null || max == 0) { a.AgentID = 1; a.Name = item.AgentName; a.AgentCode = item.AgentCode; a.Address1 = item.Address1; a.Address2 = item.Address2; a.Address3 = item.Address3; a.Phone = item.Phone; a.Fax = item.Fax; a.WebSite = item.WebSite; a.ContactPerson = item.ContactPerson; a.AcCompanyID = companyId; //a.CountryID = item.CountryID; //a.CityID = item.CityID; //a.LocationID = item.LocationID; a.CurrencyID = item.CurrencyID; a.ZoneCategoryID = item.ZoneCategoryID; a.AcHeadID = item.AcHeadID; a.CreditLimit = item.CreditLimit; a.CountryName = item.CountryName; a.CityName = item.CityName; a.LocationName = item.LocationName; a.Email = item.Email; a.Password = ""; a.AgentType = item.AgentType; a.UserID = u.UserID; if (item.StatusActive == null) { a.StatusActive = false; } else { a.StatusActive = Convert.ToBoolean(item.StatusActive); } a.BranchID = BranchID; } else { a.AgentID = Convert.ToInt32(max) + 1; a.Name = item.AgentName; a.AgentCode = item.AgentCode; a.Address1 = item.Address1; a.Address2 = item.Address2; a.Address3 = item.Address3; a.Phone = item.Phone; a.Fax = item.Fax; a.WebSite = item.WebSite; a.ContactPerson = item.ContactPerson; a.AcCompanyID = companyId; a.CountryName = item.CountryName; a.CityName = item.CityName; a.LocationName = item.LocationName; a.CurrencyID = item.CurrencyID; a.ZoneCategoryID = item.ZoneCategoryID; a.AcHeadID = item.AcHeadID; a.CreditLimit = item.CreditLimit; a.Email = item.Email; a.Password = ""; a.AgentType = item.AgentType; a.UserID = u.UserID; a.BranchID = BranchID; if (item.StatusActive == null) { a.StatusActive = false; } else { a.StatusActive = Convert.ToBoolean(item.StatusActive); } } try { db.AgentMasters.Add(a); db.SaveChanges(); if (item.EmailNotify == true) { EmailDAO _emaildao = new EmailDAO(); _emaildao.SendCustomerEmail(item.Email, item.Email, u.Password); } TempData["SuccessMsg"] = "You have successfully added Agent."; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.currency = db.CurrencyMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.zonecategory = db.ZoneCategories.ToList(); ViewBag.achead = db.AcHeads.ToList(); ViewBag.roles = db.RoleMasters.ToList(); TempData["WarningMsg"] = ex.Message; return(View(item)); } }
public ActionResult Create(InScanMasterVM v) { //PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { int depotid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentDepotID"].ToString()); int branchid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int uid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"].ToString()); InScanMaster _enquiry = new InScanMaster(); int id = (from c in db.CustomerEnquiries orderby c.EnquiryID descending select c.EnquiryID).FirstOrDefault(); PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); string AWBNo = _dao.GetMaAWBNo(branchid); _enquiry.ConsignmentNo = v.AWBNo; _enquiry.TransactionDate = DateTime.Now; _enquiry.Consignor = v.Consignor; _enquiry.ConsignorContact = v.ConsignorContact; _enquiry.ConsignorPhone = v.ConsignorPhone; _enquiry.ConsignorAddress1_Building = v.ConsignorAddress1_Building; _enquiry.ConsignorAddress2_Street = v.ConsignorAddress2_Street; _enquiry.ConsignorAddress3_PinCode = v.ConsignorAddress2_Pincode; _enquiry.ConsignorCityName = v.ConsignorCityName; _enquiry.ConsignorCountryName = v.ConsignorCountryName; _enquiry.ConsignorLocationName = v.ConsignorLocationName; _enquiry.Consignee = v.Consignee; _enquiry.ConsigneeContact = v.ConsigneeContact; _enquiry.ConsigneePhone = v.ConsigneePhone; _enquiry.ConsigneeLocationName = v.ConsigneeLocationName; _enquiry.ConsigneeCountryName = v.ConsigneeCountryName; _enquiry.ConsigneeCityName = v.ConsigneeCityName; _enquiry.Weight = v.Weight; _enquiry.AcCompanyID = 1; _enquiry.CustomerID = v.CustomerID; _enquiry.PickedupDate = v.PickupDateTime; _enquiry.PickedUpEmpID = v.PickupBy; _enquiry.Remarks = v.Remarks; _enquiry.DepotReceivedBy = v.ReceivedByID; db.InScanMasters.Add(_enquiry); db.SaveChanges(); TempData["SuccessMsg"] = "You have successfully added InScan Master"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { int depotid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentDepotID"].ToString()); int userId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentUserID"].ToString()); ViewBag.depot = db.tblDepots.ToList(); //ViewBag.depot = (from c in db.tblDepots where c.ID == depotid select c).ToList(); ViewBag.employee = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.employeerec = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Customer = db.CustomerMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Movement = db.CourierMovements.ToList(); ViewBag.Employee = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.FAgent = db.ForwardingAgentMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Movement = db.CourierMovements.ToList(); ViewBag.ProductType = db.ProductTypes.ToList(); ViewBag.parceltype = db.ParcelTypes.ToList(); ViewBag.customerrate = db.CustomerRates.ToList(); ViewBag.TypeofGoods = db.TypeOfGoods.ToList(); ViewBag.CourierDescription = db.CourierDescriptions.ToList(); //InScanMasterVM obj = new InScanMasterVM(); //obj.BranchID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); //obj.DepotID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentDepotID"].ToString()); //obj.AcCompanyID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); //obj.DeviceID = "WebSite"; //int pickedupid = (from e in db.EmployeeMasters where e.UserID == userId select e.EmployeeID).First(); //obj.TransactionDate = DateTime.Now; return(View(v)); } //else //{ // int uid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"].ToString()); // UserRegistration u = (from c in db.UserRegistrations where c.UserID == uid select c).FirstOrDefault(); // int empid = u.UserID; // string empname = u.UserName; // ViewBag.Country = db.CountryMasters.ToList(); // ViewBag.City = db.CityMasters.ToList(); // ViewBag.Location = db.LocationMasters.ToList(); // ViewBag.Vehicle = db.VehicleMasters.ToList(); // ViewBag.Employee = db.EmployeeMasters.ToList(); // ViewBag.Customer = db.CustomerMasters.ToList(); // ViewBag.RequestType = db.RequestTypes.ToList(); // ViewBag.empname = empname; // ViewBag.empid = empid; // PickupRequestDAO doa = new PickupRequestDAO(); // ViewBag.RequestNo = doa.GetMaxPickupRequest(); // return View(); //} }
public ActionResult Create() { int branchid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int companyid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); int yearid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["fyearid"].ToString()); DatePicker datePicker = SessionDataModel.GetTableVariable(); ViewBag.Token = datePicker; ViewBag.Movement = db.CourierMovements.ToList(); if (datePicker != null) { ViewBag.Customer = (from c in db.InScanMasters join cust in db.CustomerMasters on c.CustomerID equals cust.CustomerID where (c.TransactionDate >= datePicker.FromDate && c.TransactionDate < datePicker.ToDate) select new CustmorVM { CustomerID = cust.CustomerID, CustomerName = cust.CustomerName }).Distinct(); } CustomerInvoiceVM _custinvoice = new CustomerInvoiceVM(); PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); DateTime saveNow = DateTime.Now; DateTime myDt; myDt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(saveNow, DateTimeKind.Unspecified); _custinvoice.InvoiceDate = myDt;// DateTimeKind. DateTimeOffset.Now.UtcDateTime.AddHours(5.30); // DateTime.Now; _custinvoice.CustomerInvoiceNo = _dao.GetMaxInvoiceNo(companyid, branchid); //_custinvoice.FromDate = datePicker.FromDate; //_custinvoice.ToDate = datePicker.ToDate.Date.AddHours(23).AddMinutes(59).AddSeconds(59); List <CustomerInvoiceDetailVM> _details = new List <CustomerInvoiceDetailVM>(); if (datePicker != null) { if (datePicker.CustomerId != null) { _custinvoice.CustomerID = Convert.ToInt32(datePicker.CustomerId); } _details = RevenueDAO.GenerateInvoice(datePicker.FromDate, datePicker.ToDate, Convert.ToInt32(datePicker.CustomerId), yearid, 0); int _index = 0; _custinvoice.InvoiceTotal = 0; foreach (var item in _details) { _details[_index].AWBChecked = true; _custinvoice.TotalCharges = _custinvoice.TotalCharges + _details[_index].TotalCharges; _index++; } _custinvoice.InvoiceTotal = _custinvoice.TotalCharges; //_custinvoice.InvoiceTotal = Convert.ToDecimal(customerinvoice.TotalCharges) + Convert.ToDecimal(customerinvoice.ChargeableWT) + customerinvoice.AdminAmt + customerinvoice.FuelAmt + customerinvoice.OtherCharge; } ////CustomerInvoiceDetailVM _detail = new CustomerInvoiceDetailVM(); ////_detail.AWBNo = "1010"; ////_detail.CourierCharge = 100; ////_detail.OtherCharge = 2020; ////_details.Add(_detail); /// _custinvoice.CustomerInvoiceDetailsVM = _details; if (_details.Count == 0) { TempData["SuccessMsg"] = "No more Items pending to Invoice!"; } Session["InvoiceListing"] = _details; return(View(_custinvoice)); }
public ActionResult Create(CustomerInvoiceVM model) { int branchid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int companyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); var userid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]); int yearid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["fyearid"].ToString()); if (model.CustomerInvoiceID == 0) { CustomerInvoice _custinvoice = new CustomerInvoice(); var max = db.CustomerInvoices.Select(x => x.CustomerInvoiceID).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max() + 1; _custinvoice.CustomerInvoiceID = max; _custinvoice.CustomerInvoiceNo = model.CustomerInvoiceNo; _custinvoice.InvoiceDate = model.InvoiceDate; _custinvoice.CustomerID = model.CustomerID; //_custinvoice.CustomerInvoiceTax = model.CustomerInvoiceTax; //_custinvoice.ChargeableWT = model.ChargeableWT; //_custinvoice.AdminPer = model.AdminPer; //_custinvoice.AdminAmt = model.AdminAmt; //_custinvoice.FuelPer = model.FuelPer; //_custinvoice.FuelAmt = model.FuelAmt; //_custinvoice.OtherCharge = model.OtherCharge; _custinvoice.InvoiceTotal = model.InvoiceTotal; _custinvoice.AcFinancialYearID = yearid; _custinvoice.AcCompanyID = companyId; _custinvoice.BranchID = branchid; _custinvoice.Remarks = model.Remarks; _custinvoice.CreatedBy = userid; _custinvoice.CreatedDate = CommanFunctions.GetCurrentDateTime(); _custinvoice.ModifiedBy = userid; _custinvoice.ModifiedDate = CommanFunctions.GetCurrentDateTime(); db.CustomerInvoices.Add(_custinvoice); db.SaveChanges(); List <CustomerInvoiceDetailVM> e_Details = model.CustomerInvoiceDetailsVM; // Session["InvoiceListing"] as List<CustomerInvoiceDetailVM>; model.CustomerInvoiceDetailsVM = e_Details; if (model.CustomerInvoiceDetailsVM != null) { foreach (var e_details in model.CustomerInvoiceDetailsVM) { if (e_details.CustomerInvoiceDetailID == 0 && e_details.AWBChecked) { CustomerInvoiceDetail _detail = new CustomerInvoiceDetail(); _detail.CustomerInvoiceDetailID = db.CustomerInvoiceDetails.Select(x => x.CustomerInvoiceDetailID).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max() + 1; _detail.CustomerInvoiceID = _custinvoice.CustomerInvoiceID; _detail.ConsignmentNo = e_details.ConsignmentNo; _detail.InScanID = e_details.InScanID; //_detail.StatusPaymentMode = e_details.StatusPaymentMode; _detail.FreightCharge = e_details.FreightCharge; _detail.CustomsCharge = e_details.CustomsCharge; _detail.OtherCharge = e_details.OtherCharge; _detail.DocCharge = e_details.DocCharge; _detail.NetValue = e_details.TotalCharges; db.CustomerInvoiceDetails.Add(_detail); db.SaveChanges(); //inscan invoice modified InScanMaster _inscan = db.InScanMasters.Find(e_details.InScanID); _inscan.InvoiceID = _custinvoice.CustomerInvoiceID; db.Entry(_inscan).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); RevenueUpdateMaster _revenueupdate = db.RevenueUpdateMasters.Where(cc => cc.InScanID == e_details.InScanID).FirstOrDefault(); var revenuedetails = db.RevenueUpdateDetails.Where(cc => cc.MasterID == _revenueupdate.ID && cc.InvoiceId == null).ToList(); foreach (var revdetail in revenuedetails) { revdetail.InvoiceId = _custinvoice.CustomerInvoiceID; db.Entry(revdetail).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } _revenueupdate.InvoiceId = _custinvoice.CustomerInvoiceID; db.Entry(_revenueupdate).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } } } //Accounts Posting PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); _dao.GenerateInvoicePosting(_custinvoice.CustomerInvoiceID); TempData["SuccessMsg"] = "You have successfully Saved the Customer Invoice"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
public ActionResult Edit(AgentVM item) { UserRegistration u = new UserRegistration(); PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); int BranchID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int accompanyid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); AgentMaster a = db.AgentMasters.Find(item.ID); a.AcCompanyID = accompanyid; a.Name = item.AgentName; a.AgentCode = item.AgentCode; a.Address1 = item.Address1; a.Address2 = item.Address2; a.Address3 = item.Address3; a.Phone = item.Phone; a.Fax = item.Fax; a.WebSite = item.WebSite; a.ContactPerson = item.ContactPerson; a.CountryName = item.CountryName; a.CityName = item.CityName; a.LocationName = item.LocationName; a.CurrencyID = item.CurrencyID; // a.ZoneCategoryID = item.ZoneCategoryID; //a.AcHeadID = item.AcHeadID; a.CreditLimit = item.CreditLimit; a.AgentType = item.AgentType; if (item.StatusActive != null) { a.StatusActive = Convert.ToBoolean(item.StatusActive); } if (a.BranchID == null) { a.BranchID = BranchID; } UserRegistration x = null; if (a.UserID != null && a.UserID > 0) { x = (from b in db.UserRegistrations where b.UserID == a.UserID select b).FirstOrDefault(); } if (a.Email != item.Email || x == null) { if (x == null) { int max1 = (from c1 in db.UserRegistrations orderby c1.UserID descending select c1.UserID).FirstOrDefault(); int roleid = db.RoleMasters.Where(t => t.RoleName == "Agent").FirstOrDefault().RoleID; u.UserID = max1 + 1; u.UserName = item.Email; u.EmailId = item.Email; if (item.Password == "" || item.Password == null) { u.Password = _dao.RandomPassword(6); } else { u.Password = item.Password; } u.Phone = item.Phone; u.IsActive = true; u.RoleID = roleid; db.UserRegistrations.Add(u); db.SaveChanges(); a.Email = item.Email; a.UserID = u.UserID; } else { //checking duplicate UserRegistration x1 = (from b in db.UserRegistrations where b.UserName == item.Email && b.UserID != a.UserID select b).FirstOrDefault(); if (x1 == null) { x.EmailId = item.Email; if (item.Password == "") { x.Password = _dao.RandomPassword(6); } else { x.Password = item.Password; } db.Entry(x).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } a.Email = item.Email; a.UserID = x.UserID; } } else { if (a.UserID == null || a.UserID == 0) { int max1 = (from c1 in db.UserRegistrations orderby c1.UserID descending select c1.UserID).FirstOrDefault(); int roleid = db.RoleMasters.Where(t => t.RoleName == "Agent").FirstOrDefault().RoleID; u.UserID = max1 + 1; u.UserName = item.Email; u.EmailId = item.Email; if (item.Password == "") { u.Password = _dao.RandomPassword(6); } else { u.Password = item.Password; } u.Phone = item.Phone; u.IsActive = true; u.RoleID = roleid; db.UserRegistrations.Add(u); db.SaveChanges(); a.UserID = u.UserID; } else { u = (from b in db.UserRegistrations where b.UserID == a.UserID select b).FirstOrDefault(); if (item.Password != u.Password) { u.Password = item.Password; } db.Entry(u).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } } if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(a).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); if (item.EmailNotify == true) { EmailDAO _emaildao = new EmailDAO(); _emaildao.SendCustomerEmail(item.Email, item.Email, u.Password); } TempData["SuccessMsg"] = "You have successfully Updated Agent."; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Create(EmployeeVM v) { int BranchID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int companyid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); //if (ModelState.IsValid) //{ EmployeeMaster a = new EmployeeMaster(); int max = (from c in db.EmployeeMasters orderby c.EmployeeID descending select c.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault(); a.EmployeeID = max + 1; a.EmployeeName = v.EmployeeName; a.EmployeeCode = "";// v.EmployeeCode; a.Address1 = v.Address1; a.Address2 = v.Address2; a.Address3 = v.Address3; a.Phone = v.Phone; a.Fax = v.Fax; a.Email = v.Email; a.Mobile = v.MobileNo; a.AcCompanyID = companyid; a.CountryName = v.CountryName; a.CityName = v.CityName; a.DesignationID = v.DesignationID; a.JoinDate = Convert.ToDateTime(v.JoinDate); a.BranchID = BranchID; a.DepotID = v.Depot; a.Password = v.Password; a.MobileDeviceID = v.MobileDeviceID; a.MobileDevicePwd = v.MobileDevicePWD; a.StatusCommission = v.StatusCommision; a.statusDefault = v.StatusDefault; a.StatusActive = v.StatusActive; a.Type = "E"; UserRegistration u = new UserRegistration(); UserRegistration x = (from b in db.UserRegistrations where b.UserName == v.Email select b).FirstOrDefault(); if (x == null) { int max1 = (from c1 in db.UserRegistrations orderby c1.UserID descending select c1.UserID).FirstOrDefault(); u.UserID = max + 1; u.UserName = v.Email; u.EmailId = v.Email; u.Password = v.Password; u.Phone = v.Phone; u.IsActive = true; u.RoleID = v.RoleID; db.UserRegistrations.Add(u); db.SaveChanges(); } a.UserID = u.UserID; db.EmployeeMasters.Add(a); db.SaveChanges(); ReceiptDAO.ReSaveEmployeeCode(); TempData["SuccessMsg"] = "You have successfully added Employee."; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); //} }
public ActionResult Edit(CustomerInvoiceVM model) { var userid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]); if (model.CustomerInvoiceID > 0) { CustomerInvoice _custinvoice = new CustomerInvoice(); _custinvoice = db.CustomerInvoices.Find(model.CustomerInvoiceID); _custinvoice.InvoiceDate = model.InvoiceDate; _custinvoice.TaxPercent = model.TaxPercent; _custinvoice.InvoiceTotal = model.InvoiceTotal; _custinvoice.Remarks = model.Remarks; _custinvoice.ModifiedBy = userid; _custinvoice.ModifiedDate = CommanFunctions.GetCurrentDateTime(); db.Entry(_custinvoice).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); List <CustomerInvoiceDetailVM> e_Details = model.CustomerInvoiceDetailsVM; // Session["InvoiceListing"] as List<CustomerInvoiceDetailVM>; model.CustomerInvoiceDetailsVM = e_Details; if (model.CustomerInvoiceDetailsVM != null) { foreach (var e_details in model.CustomerInvoiceDetailsVM) { if (e_details.CustomerInvoiceDetailID == 0 && e_details.AWBChecked) { CustomerInvoiceDetail _detail = new CustomerInvoiceDetail(); _detail.CustomerInvoiceDetailID = db.CustomerInvoiceDetails.Select(x => x.CustomerInvoiceDetailID).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max() + 1; _detail.CustomerInvoiceID = _custinvoice.CustomerInvoiceID; _detail.ConsignmentNo = e_details.ConsignmentNo; _detail.InScanID = e_details.InScanID; //_detail.StatusPaymentMode = e_details.StatusPaymentMode; _detail.FreightCharge = e_details.FreightCharge; _detail.CustomsCharge = e_details.CustomsCharge; _detail.DocCharge = e_details.DocCharge; _detail.OtherCharge = e_details.OtherCharge; db.CustomerInvoiceDetails.Add(_detail); db.SaveChanges(); //inscan invoice modified InScanMaster _inscan = db.InScanMasters.Find(e_details.InScanID); _inscan.InvoiceID = _custinvoice.CustomerInvoiceID; db.Entry(_inscan).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); RevenueUpdateMaster _revenueupdate = db.RevenueUpdateMasters.Where(cc => cc.InScanID == e_details.InScanID).FirstOrDefault(); _revenueupdate.InvoiceId = _custinvoice.CustomerInvoiceID; db.Entry(_revenueupdate).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } else if (e_details.CustomerInvoiceDetailID == 0 && e_details.AWBChecked == false) { //CustomerInvoiceDetail _detail = new CustomerInvoiceDetail(); //_detail = db.CustomerInvoiceDetails.Find(e_details.CustomerInvoiceID); //_detail.CourierCharge = e_details.CourierCharge; //_detail.CustomCharge = e_details.CustomCharge; //_detail.OtherCharge = e_details.OtherCharge; //db.CustomerInvoiceDetails.Add(_detail); //db.SaveChanges(); ////inscan invoice modified //InScanMaster _inscan = db.InScanMasters.Find(e_details.InscanID); //_inscan.InvoiceID = _custinvoice.CustomerInvoiceID; //db.Entry(_inscan).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified; //db.SaveChanges(); } else if (e_details.CustomerInvoiceDetailID > 0 && e_details.AWBChecked == false) { CustomerInvoiceDetail _detail = new CustomerInvoiceDetail(); _detail = db.CustomerInvoiceDetails.Find(e_details.CustomerInvoiceDetailID); db.CustomerInvoiceDetails.Remove(_detail); db.SaveChanges(); ////inscan invoice modified InScanMaster _inscan = db.InScanMasters.Find(e_details.InScanID); _inscan.InvoiceID = null; db.Entry(_inscan).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); RevenueUpdateMaster _revenueupdate = db.RevenueUpdateMasters.Where(cc => cc.InScanID == e_details.InScanID).FirstOrDefault(); List <RevenueUpdateDetail> revenueUpdateDetails = db.RevenueUpdateDetails.Where(cc => cc.MasterID == _revenueupdate.ID).ToList(); foreach (RevenueUpdateDetail item in revenueUpdateDetails) { item.InvoiceId = null; db.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } //_revenueupdate.InvoiceId = null; //db.Entry(_revenueupdate).State = EntityState.Modified; //db.SaveChanges(); } } } //Accounts Posting PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); _dao.GenerateInvoicePosting(_custinvoice.CustomerInvoiceID); TempData["SuccessMsg"] = "You have successfully Updated the Customer Invoice"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
public ActionResult Edit(EmployeeVM a) { UserRegistration u = new UserRegistration(); PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); int BranchID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int companyid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); EmployeeMaster v = new EmployeeMaster(); v = db.EmployeeMasters.Find(a.EmployeeID); v.EmployeeName = a.EmployeeName; v.EmployeeCode = a.EmployeeCode; v.Address1 = a.Address1; v.Address2 = a.Address2; v.Address3 = a.Address3; v.Phone = a.Phone; //v.Email = a.Email; v.Fax = a.Fax; v.Mobile = a.MobileNo; v.CountryName = a.CountryName; v.AcCompanyID = companyid; v.DesignationID = a.DesignationID; v.BranchID = BranchID; v.DepotID = a.Depot; //if (v.Password!=a.Password) // v.Password = a.Password; v.MobileDeviceID = a.MobileDeviceID; v.MobileDevicePwd = a.MobileDevicePWD; v.JoinDate = a.JoinDate; v.StatusCommission = a.StatusCommision; v.statusDefault = a.StatusDefault; v.StatusActive = a.StatusActive; UserRegistration x = null; if (a.UserID != null && a.UserID > 0) { x = (from b in db.UserRegistrations where b.UserID == a.UserID select b).FirstOrDefault(); } if (v.Email != a.Email) { if (x == null) { int max1 = (from c1 in db.UserRegistrations orderby c1.UserID descending select c1.UserID).FirstOrDefault(); int roleid = db.RoleMasters.Where(t => t.RoleName == "Agent").FirstOrDefault().RoleID; u.UserID = max1 + 1; u.UserName = a.Email; u.EmailId = a.Email; if (a.Password == "") { u.Password = _dao.RandomPassword(6); } else { u.Password = a.Password; // _dao.RandomPassword(6); } u.Phone = a.Phone; u.IsActive = true; u.RoleID = roleid; db.UserRegistrations.Add(u); db.SaveChanges(); v.Email = a.Email; a.UserID = u.UserID; } else { //checking duplicate UserRegistration x1 = (from b in db.UserRegistrations where b.UserName == a.Email && b.UserID != a.UserID select b).FirstOrDefault(); if (x1 == null) { x.EmailId = a.Email; if (a.Password == "") { x.Password = _dao.RandomPassword(6); } else { x.Password = a.Password; // _dao.RandomPassword(6); } db.Entry(x).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } v.Email = a.Email; a.UserID = x.UserID; } } else { if (a.UserID == null || a.UserID == 0) { int max1 = (from c1 in db.UserRegistrations orderby c1.UserID descending select c1.UserID).FirstOrDefault(); int roleid = db.RoleMasters.Where(t => t.RoleName == "Agent").FirstOrDefault().RoleID; u.UserID = max1 + 1; u.UserName = a.Email; u.EmailId = a.Email; if (a.Password == "") { u.Password = _dao.RandomPassword(6); } else { u.Password = a.Password; // _dao.RandomPassword(6); } u.Phone = a.Phone; u.IsActive = true; u.RoleID = a.RoleID; db.UserRegistrations.Add(u); db.SaveChanges(); v.UserID = u.UserID; } else { u = (from b in db.UserRegistrations where b.UserID == a.UserID select b).FirstOrDefault(); if (u.Password != a.Password) { u.Password = a.Password; } if (u.RoleID != a.RoleID) { u.RoleID = a.RoleID; } if (u.Password == null) { u.Password = "******"; } db.Entry(u).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } } db.Entry(v).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); TempData["SuccessMsg"] = "You have successfully Update Employee."; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Create(TruckDetailVM1 data) { try { int branchid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); int companyId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentCompanyID"].ToString()); int FYearId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["fyearid"].ToString()); var TruckDetail = new TruckDetail(); var TruckDetailID = Convert.ToInt32(data.TruckDetailID); PickupRequestDAO _dao = new PickupRequestDAO(); TruckDetail = (from d in db.TruckDetails where d.TruckDetailID == TruckDetailID select d).FirstOrDefault(); if (TruckDetail == null) { TruckDetail = new TruckDetail(); var Truck = db.TruckDetails.ToList().LastOrDefault(); var MaxId = 1000; if (Truck == null) { MaxId = 1; } else { MaxId = Truck.TruckDetailID + 1; } TruckDetail.ReceiptNo = _dao.GetTDSReceiptNo(companyId, branchid, data.VehicleType, FYearId); } TruckDetail.VehicleID = Convert.ToInt32(data.VehicleID); var vehicle = db.VehicleMasters.Find(data.VehicleID); TruckDetail.FYearID = FYearId; TruckDetail.AcCompanyID = companyId; TruckDetail.BranchID = branchid; TruckDetail.VehicleType = Convert.ToString(data.VehicleType); if (TruckDetail.VehicleType == "F") { TruckDetail.ForwardAgentID = Convert.ToInt32(data.ForwardAgentID); TruckDetail.RegNo = Convert.ToString(data.RegNo); } else { TruckDetail.ForwardAgentID = null; TruckDetail.RegNo = vehicle.RegistrationNo; TruckDetail.DriverID = Convert.ToInt32(data.DriverID); TruckDetail.DriverName = Convert.ToString(data.DriverName); } TruckDetail.TDDate = Convert.ToDateTime(data.TDDate); if (data.StatusPaymentMode != null) { TruckDetail.StatusPaymentMode = Convert.ToString(data.StatusPaymentMode); } else { TruckDetail.StatusPaymentMode = "N"; } if (TruckDetail.StatusPaymentMode.Trim() == "B") { if (data.ChequeNo != null) { TruckDetail.ChequeNo = Convert.ToString(data.ChequeNo); } try { if (data.ChequeDate != null) { TruckDetail.ChequeDate = Convert.ToDateTime(data.ChequeDate); } } catch (Exception ex1) { TruckDetail.ChequeDate = null; } } if (data.RouteID != null) { TruckDetail.RouteID = Convert.ToInt32(data.RouteID); } TruckDetail.OriginName = Convert.ToString(data.OriginName); TruckDetail.DestinationName = Convert.ToString(data.DestinationName); TruckDetail.ParcelTypeId = data.ParcelTypeId; TruckDetail.Rent = Convert.ToDecimal(data.Rent); TruckDetail.CurrencyIDRent = Convert.ToInt32(data.CurrencyIDRent); TruckDetail.OtherCharges = Convert.ToDecimal(data.OtherCharges); TruckDetail.ConsignmentNoNote = Convert.ToString(data.ConsignmentNoNote); //TruckDetail.CurrencyRent = Convert.ToDecimal(data.CurrencyRent); TruckDetail.RentAcHeadID = Convert.ToInt32(data.RentAcHeadID); TruckDetail.TDRemarks = Convert.ToString(data.TDRemarks); if (TruckDetail.StatusPaymentMode.Trim() == "C" || TruckDetail.StatusPaymentMode.Trim() == "B") { TruckDetail.PaymentHeadID = Convert.ToInt32(data.PaymentHeadID); TruckDetail.TDcontrolAcHeadID = Convert.ToInt32(data.TDcontrolAcHeadID); TruckDetail.CurrencyAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(data.Amount); TruckDetail.Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(data.Amount); TruckDetail.PaymentCurrencyID = Convert.ToInt32(data.PaymentCurrencyID); TruckDetail.Remarks = Convert.ToString(data.Remarks); } else { TruckDetail.StatusPaymentMode = "N"; } TruckDetail.IsDeleted = false; if (TruckDetail.TruckDetailID == 0) { db.TruckDetails.Add(TruckDetail); } db.SaveChanges(); if (data.TruckDetailID > 0) { var details = (from d in db.TruckDetailOtherCharges where d.TruckDetailId == data.TruckDetailID select d).ToList(); db.TruckDetailOtherCharges.RemoveRange(details); db.SaveChanges(); } //Other charge data update into inscanothercharge table if (data.otherchargesVM != null) { for (int j = 0; j < data.otherchargesVM.Count; j++) { if (data.otherchargesVM[j].deleted == false) { //InscanOtherCharge objOtherCharge = new InscanOtherCharge(); int oid = Convert.ToInt32(data.otherchargesVM[j].OtherChargeID); TruckDetailOtherCharge objOtherCharge = db.TruckDetailOtherCharges.Where(cc => cc.TruckDetailId == TruckDetail.TruckDetailID && cc.OtherChargeID == oid).FirstOrDefault(); if (objOtherCharge == null) { objOtherCharge = new TruckDetailOtherCharge(); var maxid = (from c in db.TruckDetailOtherCharges orderby c.TruckDetailOtherChargeID descending select c.TruckDetailOtherChargeID).FirstOrDefault(); objOtherCharge.TruckDetailOtherChargeID = maxid + 1; objOtherCharge.TruckDetailId = TruckDetail.TruckDetailID; objOtherCharge.OtherChargeID = data.otherchargesVM[j].OtherChargeID; objOtherCharge.Amount = data.otherchargesVM[j].Amount; db.TruckDetailOtherCharges.Add(objOtherCharge); db.SaveChanges(); db.Entry(objOtherCharge).State = EntityState.Detached; } else { //objOtherCharge.OtherChargeID = v.otherchargesVM[j].OtherChargeID; objOtherCharge.Amount = data.otherchargesVM[j].Amount; db.Entry(objOtherCharge).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); db.Entry(objOtherCharge).State = EntityState.Detached; } } } //var otherchargeitems = db.TruckDetailOtherCharges.Where(cc => cc.TruckDetailId==data.TruckDetailID); //var exportdetailsid = data.otherchargesVM.Select(s => s.OtherChargeID).ToList(); //foreach (var e_details in otherchargeitems) //{ // var _found = data.otherchargesVM.Where(cc => cc.OtherChargeID == e_details.OtherChargeID).FirstOrDefault(); // if (_found == null) // { // db.Entry(e_details).State = EntityState.Deleted; // } //} //db.SaveChanges(); } /// other charges saving _dao.GenerateDailyTripsPosting(TruckDetail.TruckDetailID); TempData["SuccessMsg"] = "Daily Trips Saved Successfully!"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.parceltype = db.ParcelTypes.ToList(); ViewBag.Routes = db.RouteMasters.ToList(); ViewBag.Currency = db.CurrencyMasters.ToList(); int branchid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentBranchID"].ToString()); ViewBag.Achead = db.AcHeads.Where(d => d.AcBranchID == branchid).ToList(); ViewBag.Documents = db.DocumentSetups.ToList(); ViewBag.VehicleTypes = db.VehicleTypes.ToList(); ViewBag.FwdAgents = db.SupplierMasters.Where(c => c.SupplierTypeID == 2).ToList(); ViewBag.OtherCharge = db.OtherCharges.ToList(); TempData["ErrorMsg"] = e.Message; if (data.otherchargesVM == null) { data.otherchargesVM = new List <TruckDetailOtherChargeVM>(); } return(View(data)); } }