private void LstPhotos_MeasureItem(object sender, MeasureItemEventArgs e) { Photograph p = Manager.Album[e.Index]; Rectangle scaleRect = ImageUtility.ScaleToFit(p.Image, DrawRect);//当图像根据它的绘图矩形进行缩放时,确定它的正确大小 Font f = lstPhotos.Font; string text = lstPhotos.GetItemText(p); int textWidth = (int)e.Graphics.MeasureString(text, f).Width; e.ItemWidth = scaleRect.Width + textWidth + 2; e.ItemHeight = Math.Max(scaleRect.Height, f.Height) + 2; }
public PhotoEditDialog(Photograph photo) : this() { if (photo == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException( "The photo parameter cannot be null"); } InitializeDialog(photo); }
private void AssignSubItems(ListViewItem item, Photograph photo) { item.SubItems.Clear(); item.Text = photo.Caption; item.Tag = photo; ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subitem; item.SubItems.Add(photo.Photographer); subitem = item.SubItems.Add(photo.DateTaken.ToString("dd MMM yyyy")); subitem.Tag = photo.DateTaken; item.SubItems.Add(photo.FileName); }
private void UpdateDialog() { int index = trackAlbum.Value; if (index < Manager.Album.Count) { Photograph p = Manager.Album[index]; pbxSlide.Image = p.Image; Text = p.caption; } }
public void SelectChild(AlbumNode node, Photograph photo) { foreach (TreeNode n in node.Nodes) { PhotoNode pNode = n as PhotoNode; if (pNode != null && pNode.Photograph == photo) { SelectedNode = n; break; } } }
public async Task <IImageResolver> GetAsync(HttpContext context) { var photoId = ExtractPhotographId(context.Request.Path); this.logger.LogInformation($"Resolving {photoId}"); Photograph photograph = await this.photographRepository.GetPhotographByIdAsync(photoId); this.logger.LogInformation($"Got Photograph for {photoId}"); return(this.mongoDbResolverFactory.CreateResolver(photograph)); }
private void treeViewPhoto_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { if (e.Node.Level == 1) { setVisible(true); currentPhotograph = Photos.Photographs.Where(p => p.Name == e.Node.Name && p.Category == e.Node.Parent.Name).First(); pictureBoxPhoto.Image = ClassConvert.ConvertBase64ToImage(currentPhotograph.Photo); tbKeyWorlds.Text = ClassConvert.getKeyString(currentPhotograph.KeyWords); rtbDescription.Text = currentPhotograph.Description; } }
public PhotoNode(Photograph photo) : base() { if (photo == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("photo"); } _photo = photo; Text = photo.Caption; ImageKey = "Photo"; SelectedImageKey = "Photo"; }
private void SaveSettings() { Photograph photo = Photo; if (photo != null) { photo.Caption = txtCaption.Text; photo.Photographer = comboPhotographer.Text; photo.Notes = txtNotes.Text; photo.DateTaken = dtpDateTaken.Value; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Next(string searchString, string accessionNo, string direction, string searchOption, string searchArea, string classNo, bool classSearch) { var cacheKey = string.Empty; if (classSearch) { cacheKey = classNo.Trim(); } else { cacheKey = searchString.Trim() + searchOption + searchArea; // + classNo.Trim(); } if (!_memoryCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out IndexViewModel searchResults)) { searchResults = await search.SearchPhotographsByTitle(searchString, searchOption, searchArea); var cachExpirationOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions { AbsoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now.AddHours(6), Priority = CacheItemPriority.Normal, SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5) }; _memoryCache.Set(cacheKey, searchResults, cachExpirationOptions); } Photograph nextPhotograph = searchResults.Photographs.FirstOrDefault(); try { Photograph currentPhotograph = searchResults.Photographs.Where(x => x.AccessionNo.Trim() == accessionNo.Trim()).FirstOrDefault(); int indexOfCurrentImage = searchResults.Photographs.IndexOf(currentPhotograph); if (direction == "next") { nextPhotograph = searchResults.Photographs[indexOfCurrentImage + 1]; } else { nextPhotograph = searchResults.Photographs[indexOfCurrentImage - 1]; } } catch (Exception) { if (direction == "next") { nextPhotograph = searchResults.Photographs.Last(); } } return(RedirectToAction("Photograph", new { accessionno = nextPhotograph.AccessionNo.Trim(), searchString = searchString, searchOption = searchOption, searchArea = searchArea, classSearch = classSearch })); }
public void OverlayEvidence(string _identifier, Photograph _photo) { foreach (BookEvidence _evidence in evidencePhotos) { if (_evidence._evidenceIdentifier == _identifier && _evidence.gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().sprite == null) { _evidence.gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = _photo.Image; _evidence.gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255); GameManager.Instance.cryptidStats[0].EvidencePhotos.Add(_photo); } } }
protected override void ResetDialog() { Photograph photo = Photo; if (photo != null) { txtPhotoFile.Text = photo.FileName; mskDateTaken.Text = photo.Caption; mskDateTaken.Text = photo.DateTaken.ToString(); txtPhotographer.Text = photo.Photographer; txtNotes.Text = photo.Notes; } }
public MongoDbResolver CreateResolver(Photograph photograph) { if (this.resolverCache.ContainsKey(photograph.Id)) { return(this.resolverCache[photograph.Id]); } var resolver = new MongoDbResolver(this.photographRepository, photograph); this.resolverCache.Add(photograph.Id, resolver); return(resolver); }
/// <summary> /// this method will select photograph information given its unique ID /// </summary> /// <param name="imageUID">unique ID of the photograph in question</param> /// <returns>Photograph Entity</returns> public Photograph GetFlickrPhotographByImageUID(string imageUID) { try { PhotoInfo imageInfo = flickr.PhotosGetInfo(imageUID); Photograph photo = new Photograph(imageUID, imageInfo.ThumbnailUrl, imageInfo.MediumUrl, imageInfo.Title); return(photo); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
//convert photo taken in game to content to display on page public PageContent PhotoToPage(Photograph photo) { PageContent content = new PageContent(); content.image = photo.pic; = photo.subjectName; content.photoScore = photo.finalScore; if (Constants.tedsWriting.ContainsKey(photo.subjectName)) { content.flavorText = Constants.tedsWriting[photo.subjectName]; } return(content); }
private void mnuFilePageSetup_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Photograph photo = Manager.Current; if (photo != null) { DataObject data = new DataObject(); string[] fileArray = new string[1]; fileArray[0] = photo.FileName; data.SetData(DataFormats.FileDrop, fileArray); data.SetData(DataFormats.Text, photo.Caption); pbxPhoto.DoDragDrop(data, DragDropEffects.Copy); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> GetFullPhoto(int pId, int cId) { Photograph photo = await _db.Photographs .FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.PhotoId == pId && p.Category.CategoryId == cId); if (photo == null) { return(new JsonResult(string.Empty)); } else { return(File(photo.LargeImage, photo.FileType)); } }
public ActionResult Details(int?galleryId, int?id, string resolution) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } Photograph photograph = db.Photograph.Find(id); if (photograph == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(photograph)); }
public ActionResult genrePhoto(Photograph photo) { var photomanager = new PhotoManager(); var issucced = List <Photograph> genrePhoto); if (issucced) { return(View(genrePhoto)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Photograph", "genrePhoto")); } }
public ActionResult Delete(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } Photograph photograph = db.Photograph.Find(id); if (photograph == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(photograph)); }
/// <summary> /// this method will get photograph info and context information (previous/next thumbnail URLs) given its unique image ID /// </summary> /// <param name="imageUID">unique ID of image</param> /// <param name="setUID">unique ID of set</param> /// <returns>Photograph Entity</returns> public Photograph GetFlickrPhotoContextByImageUID(string imageUID, string setUID) { try { Photograph photo = new Photograph(); //HACK NOTE: for some reaon GetFlickrPhotographByImageUID wasn't working here so I decided to get the whole set List <Photograph> photoList = GetPhotoSetPhotoListBySetID(setUID); //get the correct photo out of the collection foreach (Photograph p in photoList) { if (p.ImageUID == imageUID) { //photo = GetFlickrPhotographByImageUID(imageUID); photo = p; break; } } //add attributes to photo meta data Context photosetContext = flickr.PhotosetsGetContext(imageUID, setUID); if (photosetContext.PreviousPhoto.PhotoId != "0") { photo.PreviousThumbnailURL = photosetContext.PreviousPhoto.ThumbnailUrl; photo.PreviousImageUID = photosetContext.PreviousPhoto.PhotoId; } if (photosetContext.NextPhoto.PhotoId != "0") { photo.NextThumbnailURL = photosetContext.NextPhoto.ThumbnailUrl; photo.NextImageUID = photosetContext.NextPhoto.PhotoId; } return(photo); } catch (Exception ex) { System.IO.StreamWriter sw = System.IO.File.AppendText(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ErrorLogPath"].ToString() + "SkiChairErrorLogFile.txt"); try { string logLine = System.String.Format("{0:G}: {1}.", System.DateTime.Now, "Error: " + ex.Message); sw.WriteLine(logLine); } finally { sw.Close(); } return(null); } }
public async Task <Photograph> PublishPhotograph(string id) { Photograph photograph = await this.photographRepository.GetPhotographByIdAsync(id); if (photograph == null) { return(null); } photograph.IsPublished = true; photograph.PublishedDate = DateTime.Now; await this.photographRepository.UpdatePhotographAsync(photograph); return(photograph); }
public async Task <Photograph> RetractPhotograph(string id) { Photograph photograph = await this.photographRepository.GetPhotographByIdAsync(id); if (photograph == null) { return(null); } photograph.IsPublished = false; photograph.PublishedDate = null; await this.photographRepository.UpdatePhotographAsync(photograph); return(photograph); }
private void lstPhotos_DrawItem(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs e) { Graphics g = e.Graphics; Photograph p = _album[e.Index]; Rectangle scaledRect = p.ScaleToFit(_drawRect); Rectangle imageRect = e.Bounds; imageRect.Y += 1; imageRect.Height = scaledRect.Height; imageRect.X += 2; imageRect.Width = scaledRect.Width; g.DrawImage(p.Thumbnail, imageRect); g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, imageRect); Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle( imageRect.Right + 2, imageRect.Y + ((imageRect.Height - e.Font.Height) / 2), e.Bounds.Width - imageRect.Width - 4, e.Font.Height); if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected) { _textBrush.Color = SystemColors.Highlight; g.FillRectangle(_textBrush, textRect); _textBrush.Color = SystemColors.HighlightText; } else { _textBrush.Color = SystemColors.Window; g.FillRectangle(_textBrush, textRect); _textBrush.Color = SystemColors.WindowText; } // Note that DisplayMember can be null here, causing pi to be null PropertyInfo pi = typeof(Photograph).GetProperty(lstPhotos.DisplayMember); if (pi != null) { object propValue = pi.GetValue(p, null); g.DrawString(propValue.ToString(), e.Font, _textBrush, textRect); } else { g.DrawString(p.ToString(), e.Font, _textBrush, textRect); } }
void DrawPhoto(CGContext ctx) { ctx.SaveState(); ctx.AddPath(PhotoBorder); ctx.Clip(); Photograph.Draw(PhotoRect); ctx.AddPath(PhotoBorder); ctx.SetStrokeColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); ctx.SetLineWidth(0.5f); ctx.StrokePath(); ctx.RestoreState(); }
private void SaveSettings() { Photograph photo = Photo; if (photo != null) { photo.Caption = txtCaption.Text; photo.Photographer = cmbPhotographer.Text; photo.Notes = txtNotes.Text; try { photo.DateTaken = dtpDateTaken.Value; } catch (FormatException) { } } }
/// <summary> /// Constructs an instance of Completed screen with the set of pictures to put /// onto the photographs. /// </summary> public CompletedScreen( PictureSet pictureSet ) { this.pictureSet = pictureSet; Audio.Play( "Puzzle Completed" ); photographs = new List<Photograph>(); int photographCount = 40; for( int i = 0; i < photographCount; i++ ) { Photograph newphotograph = new Photograph(); ResetPhotograph( newphotograph ); photographs.Add( newphotograph ); } TransitionOnTime = Puzzle3D.TransitionTime; TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.75f ); }
public PhotoViewModel BuildViewModel(Photograph repositoryModel) { PhotoViewModel viewModel = new PhotoViewModel(); viewModel.PhotoId = repositoryModel.PhotoId; viewModel.Orientation = repositoryModel.Orientation; if (repositoryModel.Category.StatusCode == CategoryStatusCodes.Completed) { viewModel.Title = $"'{repositoryModel.AnonymousPhotoName}' by {repositoryModel.Photographer.Nickname}"; } else { viewModel.Title = $"'{repositoryModel.AnonymousPhotoName}'"; } return(viewModel); }
protected void SaveSettings() { Photograph photo = Photo; if (photo != null) { photo.Caption = txtCaption.Text; photo.Photographer = txtPhotographer.Text; photo.Notes = txtNotes.Text; try { photo.DateTaken = DateTime.Parse(txtDateTaken.Text); } catch (FormatException) { } } }
private void lstPhotos_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e) { Graphics g = e.Graphics; if (e.Index < 0 || e.Index > Manager.Album.Count - 1) { return; } Photograph p = Manager.Album[e.Index]; // Determine image rectangle Rectangle imageRect = ImageUtility.ScaleToFit(p.Image, DrawRect); imageRect.X = e.Bounds.X + 2; imageRect.Y = e.Bounds.Y + 1; // Draw text image g.DrawImage(p.Image, imageRect); g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, imageRect); p.ReleaseImage(); // Determine text rectangle Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle(); textRect.X = imageRect.Right + 2; textRect.Y = imageRect.Y + ((imageRect.Height - e.Font.Height) / 2); textRect.Width = e.Bounds.Width - imageRect.Width - 4; textRect.Height = e.Font.Height; // Determine text brush (handle selection) Brush textBrush; if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected) { g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Highlight, textRect); textBrush = SystemBrushes.HighlightText; } else { g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Window, textRect); textBrush = SystemBrushes.WindowText; } // Draw the text g.DrawString(lstPhotos.GetItemText(p), e.Font, textBrush, textRect); }
public ActionResult Add(Book bookView, HttpPostedFileBase image) { var category = db.Categories.ToList(); if (ModelState.IsValid == false) { ViewBag.Category = new SelectList(category, "categoryID", "name"); return(View()); } Photograph photograph = new Photograph(); if (image != null) { string returnValue = photograph.Add(image, "/Content/Photograph/Book/"); if (returnValue == "extention") { ViewBag.Hata = "Resim uzantısı jpg ve png den başka olamaz"; ViewBag.Category = new SelectList(category, "categoryID", "name"); return(View()); } else if (returnValue == "length") { ViewBag.Hata = "Resmin boyutu maksimum 3MB olabilir"; ViewBag.Category = new SelectList(category, "categoryID", "name"); return(View()); } bookView.imageName = returnValue; } else { bookView.imageName = "default.jpg"; } Book book = new Book(); = CultureInfo("tr-TR", false)); book.writer = bookView.writer.ToUpper(new CultureInfo("tr-TR", false)); book.publisher = bookView.publisher.ToUpper(new CultureInfo("tr-TR", false)); book.numberOfPages = bookView.numberOfPages; book.statusID = 1; book.categoryID = bookView.categoryID; book.imageName = bookView.imageName; db.Books.Add(book); db.SaveChanges(); TempData["Basari"] = "Kayıt başarı ile oluşturulmuştur"; ViewBag.Category = new SelectList(category, "categoryID", "name"); return(RedirectToAction("Add")); }
/// <summary> /// Resets a photograph for another fall. Also puts a random picture on it. /// </summary> /// <param name="photograph">The photograph to reset.</param> void ResetPhotograph( Photograph photograph ) { photograph.Texture = pictureSet.GetTexture( RandomHelper.Random.Next( pictureSet.Count ) ); photograph.Reset(); }