Exemple #1
        static bool HandleGroupListCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler)
            // Get ALL the variables!
            Player     playerTarget;
            ObjectGuid guidTarget;
            string     nameTarget;
            string     zoneName    = "";
            string     onlineState = "";

            // Parse the guid to uint32...
            ObjectGuid parseGUID = ObjectGuid.Create(HighGuid.Player, args.NextUInt64());

            // ... and try to extract a player out of it.
            if (Global.CharacterCacheStorage.GetCharacterNameByGuid(parseGUID, out nameTarget))
                playerTarget = Global.ObjAccessor.FindPlayer(parseGUID);
                guidTarget   = parseGUID;
            // If not, we return false and end right away.
            else if (!handler.extractPlayerTarget(args, out playerTarget, out guidTarget, out nameTarget))

            // Next, we need a group. So we define a group variable.
            Group groupTarget = null;

            // We try to extract a group from an online player.
            if (playerTarget)
                groupTarget = playerTarget.GetGroup();

            // If not, we extract it from the SQL.
            if (!groupTarget)
                PreparedStatement stmt = DB.Characters.GetPreparedStatement(CharStatements.SEL_GROUP_MEMBER);
                stmt.AddValue(0, guidTarget.GetCounter());
                SQLResult resultGroup = DB.Characters.Query(stmt);
                if (!resultGroup.IsEmpty())
                    groupTarget = Global.GroupMgr.GetGroupByDbStoreId(resultGroup.Read <uint>(0));

            // If both fails, players simply has no party. Return false.
            if (!groupTarget)
                handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.GroupNotInGroup, nameTarget);

            // We get the group members after successfully detecting a group.
            var members = groupTarget.GetMemberSlots();

            // To avoid a cluster f**k, namely trying multiple queries to simply get a group member count...
            handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.GroupType, (groupTarget.isRaidGroup() ? "raid" : "party"), members.Count);
            // ... we simply move the group type and member count print after retrieving the slots and simply output it's size.

            // While rather dirty codestyle-wise, it saves space (if only a little). For each member, we look several informations up.
            foreach (var slot in members)
                // Check for given flag and assign it to that iterator
                string flags = "";
                if (slot.flags.HasAnyFlag(GroupMemberFlags.Assistant))
                    flags = "Assistant";

                if (slot.flags.HasAnyFlag(GroupMemberFlags.MainTank))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(flags))
                        flags += ", ";
                    flags += "MainTank";

                if (slot.flags.HasAnyFlag(GroupMemberFlags.MainAssist))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(flags))
                        flags += ", ";
                    flags += "MainAssist";

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(flags))
                    flags = "None";

                // Check if iterator is online. If is...
                Player p      = Global.ObjAccessor.FindPlayer(slot.guid);
                string phases = "";
                if (p && p.IsInWorld)
                    // ... than, it prints information like "is online", where he is, etc...
                    onlineState = "online";
                    phases      = PhasingHandler.FormatPhases(p.GetPhaseShift());

                    AreaTableRecord area = CliDB.AreaTableStorage.LookupByKey(p.GetAreaId());
                    if (area != null)
                        AreaTableRecord zone = CliDB.AreaTableStorage.LookupByKey(area.ParentAreaID);
                        if (zone != null)
                            zoneName = zone.AreaName[handler.GetSessionDbcLocale()];
                    // ... else, everything is set to offline or neutral values.
                    zoneName    = "<ERROR>";
                    onlineState = "Offline";

                // Now we can print those informations for every single member of each group!
                handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.GroupPlayerNameGuid, slot.name, onlineState,
                                       zoneName, phases, slot.guid.ToString(), flags, LFGQueue.GetRolesString(slot.roles));

            // And finish after every iterator is done.