public void Test_Update02()
     int[] ints2 = new int[1];
     int[] ints3 = new int[1];
         (ints2, ints3, 1, 0, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, Optional <int> > >());
 public void Test_Update01()
     int[] ints  = new int[0];
     int[] ints1 = new int[0];
         (ints, ints1, 1, 0, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, Optional <int> > >());
        public static UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> > CreateGraphArrayOfNodesAndEdgesAssume([PexAssumeNotNull] int[] nodes,
                                                                                               [PexAssumeNotNull] bool[] edges)
            //PexAssume.IsTrue(nodes.Length <= 7 || nodes.Length > 7);
            PexAssume.IsTrue(edges.Length <= 6 || nodes.Length > 6);
            PexAssume.IsTrue(edges.Length <= nodes.Length);
            //PexAssume.TrueForAll(nodes, e => e != 0);

            UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> > g = new UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> >(false);

            foreach (int ele in nodes)

            int source = PexChoose.IndexValue("indexed value", nodes);

            for (int i = 0; i < edges.Length; i++)
                if (edges[i] == false)
                    g.AddEdge(new Edge <int>(nodes[source], nodes[i]));
Exemple #4
        public void PUT_IndexOfContract([PexAssumeUnderTest] BinaryHeap.BinaryHeap <int, int> bh, int value)
            // ahmad you can do this one: alternate semantics is that old ket and new key are the same; The same holds true for value

            int Old_bhCount        = bh.Count;
            int Old_bhMinimumKey   = bh.Count > 0 ? bh.Minimum().Key : PexChoose.Value <int>("old_bhMinimumKey");
            int Old_bhMinimumValue = bh.Count > 0 ? bh.Minimum().Value : PexChoose.Value <int>("old_bhMinimumValue");
            int Old_value          = value;

            int New_Ret = bh.IndexOf(value);

            int New_bhCount        = bh.Count;
            int New_bhMinimumKey   = bh.Count > 0 ? bh.Minimum().Key : PexChoose.Value <int>("new_bhMinimumKey");
            int New_bhMinimumValue = bh.Count > 0 ? bh.Minimum().Value : PexChoose.Value <int>("new_bhMinimumValue");

            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_bh_count", Old_bhCount);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_bh_count", New_bhCount);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_bh_minimum_key", Old_bhMinimumKey);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_bh_minimum_key", New_bhMinimumKey);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_bh_minimum_value", Old_bhMinimumValue);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_bh_minimum_value", New_bhMinimumValue);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_bh_value", Old_value);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_ret", New_Ret);

            Assert.True((((!(New_Ret == Old_bhCount)) && New_Ret <= Old_bhCount && Old_bhCount <= New_bhCount && New_bhCount <= Old_bhCount && New_Ret >= -1)));
Exemple #5
        public void PUT_ContainsContract([PexAssumeUnderTest] Stack.Stack <int> s1, int x)
            int undefinedTop = PexChoose.Value <int>("old_top");

            int Old_s1Count = s1.Count;
            int Old_Top     = s1.Count > 0 ? s1.Peek() : undefinedTop;
            //bool Old_Ret = PexChoose.Value<bool>("default_Ret");
            bool Old_s1ContainsX = s1.Contains(x);
            /*Code */
            bool New_Ret = s1.Contains(x);

            int New_s1Count = s1.Count;
            //int New_Top = s1.Count > 0 ? s1.Peek() : undefinedTop;
            int  New_Top         = s1.Count > 0 ? s1.Peek() : PexChoose.Value <int>("new_top");
            bool New_s1ContainsX = s1.Contains(x);

            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_Count", Old_s1Count);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_Count", New_s1Count);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_Peek", Old_Top);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_Peek", New_Top);
            //PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_ret", Old_Ret);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_ret", New_Ret);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_contains_x", Old_s1ContainsX);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_contains_x", New_s1ContainsX);

            Assert.True(((New_s1Count == Old_s1Count)));
Exemple #6
        public void PUT_IndexOfContract([PexAssumeUnderTest] BinaryHeap.BinaryHeap <int, int> bh, int value)

            int Old_bhCount        = bh.Count;
            int Old_bhCapacity     = bh.Capacity;
            int Old_bhMinimumKey   = bh.Count > 0 ? bh.Minimum().Key : PexChoose.Value <int>("old_bhMinimumKey");
            int Old_bhMinimumValue = bh.Count > 0 ? bh.Minimum().Value : PexChoose.Value <int>("old_bhMinimumValue");
            int Old_value          = value;

            int New_Ret = bh.IndexOf(value);

            int New_bhCount        = bh.Count;
            int New_bhCapacity     = bh.Capacity;
            int New_bhMinimumKey   = bh.Count > 0 ? bh.Minimum().Key : PexChoose.Value <int>("new_bhMinimumKey");
            int New_bhMinimumValue = bh.Count > 0 ? bh.Minimum().Value : PexChoose.Value <int>("new_bhMinimumValue");
            int New_value          = value;

            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_bh_count", Old_bhCount);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_bh_count", New_bhCount);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_bh_capacity", Old_bhCapacity);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_bh_capacity", New_bhCapacity);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_bh_minimum_key", Old_bhMinimumKey);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_bh_minimum_key", New_bhMinimumKey);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_bh_minimum_value", Old_bhMinimumValue);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_bh_minimum_value", New_bhMinimumValue);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_bh_value", Old_value);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_bh_value", New_value);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_ret", New_Ret);

Exemple #7
        public void PUT_EdgeCountContract([PexAssumeUnderTest] UndirectedGraph.UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> > ug)

            int  Old_ugVertexCount        = ug.VertexCount;
            int  Old_ugEdgeCount          = ug.EdgeCount;
            int  Old_Ret                  = PexChoose.Value <int>("old_Ret");
            bool Old_ugAllowParallelEdges = ug.AllowParallelEdges;

            int New_Ret = ug.EdgeCount;

            int  New_ugVertexCount        = ug.VertexCount;
            int  New_ugEdgeCount          = ug.EdgeCount;
            bool New_ugAllowParallelEdges = ug.AllowParallelEdges;

            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_ug_vertex_count", Old_ugVertexCount);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_ug_vertex_count", New_ugVertexCount);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_ug_edge_count", Old_ugEdgeCount);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_ug_edge_count", New_ugEdgeCount);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_ret", Old_Ret);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_ret", New_Ret);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_ug_allow_parallel_edges", Old_ugAllowParallelEdges);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_ug_allow_parallel_edges", New_ugAllowParallelEdges);

        public static UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> > CreateGraphArrayOfNodesAndEdges([PexAssumeNotNull] int[] nodes,
                                                                                         [PexAssumeNotNull] bool[] edges)
            PexAssume.IsTrue(edges.Length == nodes.Length);
            PexAssume.TrueForAll(nodes, e => e <= 10 || e > 10);
            PexAssume.TrueForAll(nodes, e => e != 0);
            UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> > g = new UndirectedGraph <int, Edge <int> >(false);

            foreach (int ele in nodes)
            for (int i = 0; i < edges.Length; i++)
                int source = PexChoose.IndexValue("indexed value", nodes);
                PexObserve.ValueForViewing("CANED_SRC", source);
                if (edges[source] == false)
                    g.AddEdge(new Edge <int>(nodes[source], nodes[i]));
                    g.AddEdge(new Edge <int>(nodes[i], nodes[i]));
Exemple #9
        public void PUT_EnqueueContract([PexAssumeUnderTest] Queue.Queue <int> s1, int x)

            int Old_s1Count = s1.Count;
            int Old_Top     = s1.Count > 0 ? s1.Peek() :  PexChoose.Value <int>("old_top");
            //int Old_Top = s1.Count > 0 ? s1.Peek() : x+1;

            //int Old_Top = PexChoose.Value<int>("old_top");
            int  Old_x           = x;
            bool Old_s1ContainsX = s1.Contains(x);


            int  New_s1Count     = s1.Count;
            int  New_Top         = s1.Peek();
            int  New_x           = x;
            bool New_s1ContainsX = s1.Contains(x);

            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_Count", Old_s1Count);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_Count", New_s1Count);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_Peek", Old_Top);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_Peek", New_Top);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_x", Old_x);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_x", New_x);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_contains_x", Old_s1ContainsX);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_contains_x", New_s1ContainsX);

            Assert.True(((New_s1ContainsX && New_s1Count == 1 + Old_s1Count && New_x == Old_x && (!(Old_Top == New_s1Count)))));
Exemple #10
        public void PUT_RemoveMinimumContract([PexAssumeUnderTest] BinaryHeap.BinaryHeap <int, int> bh)
            AssumePrecondition.IsTrue(bh.Count > 0);

            int Old_bhCount        = bh.Count;
            int Old_bhCapacity     = bh.Capacity;
            int Old_bhMinimumKey   = bh.Minimum().Key;
            int Old_bhMinimumValue = bh.Minimum().Value;

            var rm            = bh.RemoveMinimum();
            int New_Ret_Key   = rm.Key;
            int New_Ret_Value = rm.Value;

            int New_bhCount        = bh.Count;
            int New_bhCapacity     = bh.Capacity;
            int New_bhMinimumKey   = bh.Count > 0 ? bh.Minimum().Key : PexChoose.Value <int>("new_bhMinimumKey");
            int New_bhMinimumValue = bh.Count > 0 ? bh.Minimum().Value : PexChoose.Value <int>("new_bhMinimumValue");

            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_bh_count", Old_bhCount);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_bh_count", New_bhCount);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_bh_capacity", Old_bhCapacity);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_bh_capacity", New_bhCapacity);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_bh_minimum_key", Old_bhMinimumKey);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_bh_minimum_key", New_bhMinimumKey);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_bh_minimum_value", Old_bhMinimumValue);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_bh_minimum_value", New_bhMinimumValue);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_ret_key", New_Ret_Key);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_ret_value", New_Ret_Value);

        public void PUT_ContainsContract([PexAssumeUnderTest] Queue.Queue <int> s1, int x)
            int undefinedTop = PexChoose.Value <int>("old_top");


            int Old_s1Count = s1.Count;
            int Old_Top     = s1.Count > 0 ? s1.Peek() : undefinedTop;
            //bool Old_s1ContainsX = s1.Contains(x);

            /*Code */
            bool New_Ret = s1.Contains(x);

            int New_s1Count = s1.Count;
            int New_Top     = s1.Count > 0 ? s1.Peek() : PexChoose.Value <int>("new_top");

            //int New_Top = s1.Count > 0 ? s1.Peek() : Old_Top;

            //bool New_s1ContainsX = s1.Contains(x);

            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_Count", Old_s1Count);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_Count", New_s1Count);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_Peek", Old_Top);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_Peek", New_Top);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_ret", New_Ret);
            //PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_contains_x", Old_s1ContainsX);
            //PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_contains_x", New_s1ContainsX);

            Assert.True(((New_s1Count <= Old_s1Count && Old_s1Count <= New_s1Count && (!(New_Ret)) && New_s1Count >= 0) || (New_s1Count <= Old_s1Count && Old_s1Count <= New_s1Count && Old_Top <= New_Top && New_Top <= Old_Top && New_s1Count >= 1)));
Exemple #12
        public void PUT_PopContract([PexAssumeUnderTest] Stack.Stack <int> s1)
            AssumePrecondition.IsTrue(s1.Count > 0);
            int Old_s1Count = s1.Count;
            //int Old_Ret = PexChoose.Value<int>("old_ret");
            int Old_Top = s1.Peek();

            int New_Ret = s1.Pop();

            //Old_ret = New_ret;
            int New_Top = s1.Count > 0 ? s1.Peek() : PexChoose.Value <int>("old_top");
            //int New_Top = s1.Count > 0 ? s1.Peek() : Old_Top - 1;
            int  New_s1Count        = s1.Count;
            bool New_ContainsNewRet = s1.Contains(New_Ret);

            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$Old_s1_Count", Old_s1Count);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$New_s1_Count", New_s1Count);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$Old_s1_Peek", Old_Top);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_Peek", New_Top);
            //PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$Old_ret", Old_Ret);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$New_ret", New_Ret);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$New_ContainsNewRet", New_ContainsNewRet);

            Assert.True(((New_s1Count == -1 + Old_s1Count && New_Ret == Old_Top)));
 public void Test_Map03()
     int[] ints4 = new int[2];
     int[] ints5 = new int[2];
     ints4[0] = 1;
     this.Test_Map(ints4, ints5, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, int, int> >());
Exemple #14
        public void PUT_PushContract([PexAssumeUnderTest] Stack.Stack <int> s1, int x)

            int Old_s1Count = s1.Count;
            int Old_Top     = s1.Count > 0 ? s1.Peek() : PexChoose.Value <int>("old_top");
            //int Old_Top = s1.Count > 0 ? s1.Peek() : x--;
            //int Old_Top = s1.Peek();
            int  Old_x           = x;
            bool Old_s1ContainsX = s1.Contains(x);


            int  New_s1Count     = s1.Count;
            int  New_Top         = s1.Peek();
            int  New_x           = x;
            bool New_s1ContainsX = s1.Contains(x);

            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_Count", Old_s1Count);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_Count", New_s1Count);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_Peek", Old_Top);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_Peek", New_Top);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_x", Old_x);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_x", New_x);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$Old_s1ContainsX", Old_s1ContainsX);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$New_s1ContainsX", New_s1ContainsX);

            Assert.True(((New_s1ContainsX && New_s1Count == 1 + Old_s1Count && Old_x == New_Top && New_x == New_Top)));
        public void PUT_EnqueueContract([PexAssumeUnderTest] Queue.Queue <int> s1, int x)

            int Old_s1Count = s1.Count;

            int Old_Top = s1.Count > 0 ? s1.Peek() :  PexChoose.Value <int>("old_top");
            //int Old_Top = s1.Count > 0 ? s1.Peek() : x - 1; // OldTop = x; x updates x = x-1

            int  Old_x           = x;
            bool Old_s1ContainsX = s1.Contains(x);

            //bool Old_Empty = s1.Count == 0;


            int  New_s1Count     = s1.Count;
            int  New_Top         = s1.Peek();
            bool New_s1ContainsX = s1.Contains(x);

            //bool New_Empty = s1.Count == 0;

            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_Count", Old_s1Count);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_Count", New_s1Count);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_Peek", Old_Top);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_Peek", New_Top);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_x", Old_x);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$old_s1_contains_x", Old_s1ContainsX);
            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$new_s1_contains_x", New_s1ContainsX);
            //PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$Old_NotEmpty", Old_Empty);
            //PexObserve.ValueForViewing("$New_NotEmpty", New_Empty);
            Assert.True(((New_s1ContainsX && New_s1Count == 1 + Old_s1Count && (!(Old_s1ContainsX)) && New_s1Count >= 1) || (New_s1ContainsX && New_s1Count == 1 + Old_s1Count && New_Top == Old_Top && New_s1Count >= 2)));
        public void CaptureTest50503()
            string s;

            s = this.CaptureTest(PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Action>());
            PexAssert.AreEqual <string>("", s);
 public void Test_Map07()
     int[] ints12 = new int[3];
     int[] ints13 = new int[3];
     ints12[0] = 1;
     ints12[1] = 1073741824;
     this.Test_Map(ints12, ints13, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, int, int> >());
 public void Test_Update04()
     int[] ints6 = new int[1];
     int[] ints7 = new int[1];
     ints6[0] = 1;
         (ints6, ints7, 1, 0, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, Optional <int> > >());
 public void Test_MapPartial01()
     int[] ints  = new int[1];
     int[] ints1 = new int[1];
     ints[0] = 1;
         (ints, ints1, 0, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, int, Optional <int> > >());
 public void Test_Map04()
     int[] ints6 = new int[2];
     int[] ints7 = new int[2];
     ints6[0] = 1;
     ints6[1] = 1073741824;
     this.Test_Map(ints6, ints7, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, int, int> >());
 public void Test_Update05()
     int[] ints8 = new int[2];
     int[] ints9 = new int[2];
     ints8[0] = 1;
         (ints8, ints9, 1, 0, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, Optional <int> > >());
 public void Test_Update03()
     int[] ints4 = new int[1];
     int[] ints5 = new int[1];
     ints4[0] = 2;
         (ints4, ints5, 1, 0, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, Optional <int> > >());
 public void Test_Map12()
     int[] ints22 = new int[4];
     int[] ints23 = new int[4];
     ints22[0] = 8388609;
     ints22[2] = 25165824;
     ints22[3] = 1;
     this.Test_Map(ints22, ints23, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, int, int> >());
            protected internal override SyntaxTreeNode Visit(TextNode node)
                if (!PexChoose.Value <bool>("x"))

                return(new TextNode(node.Text, node.HtmlTemplate));
 public void Test_Update06()
     int[] ints10 = new int[3];
     int[] ints11 = new int[3];
     ints10[0] = 1;
     ints10[1] = 1073741824;
         (ints10, ints11, 1, 0, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, Optional <int> > >());
        public void Test_Map02()
            IPexChoiceRecorder choices = PexChoose.NewTest();

            int[] ints2 = new int[1];
            int[] ints3 = new int[1];
            ints3[0] = 1;
            this.Test_Map(ints2, ints3, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, int, int> >());
 public void Test_Map08()
     int[] ints14 = new int[3];
     int[] ints15 = new int[3];
     ints14[0] = 134217729;
     ints14[1] = 1;
     ints14[2] = 134217728;
     this.Test_Map(ints14, ints15, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, int, int> >());
 public void Test_Map09()
     int[] ints16 = new int[4];
     int[] ints17 = new int[4];
     ints16[0] = 134217729;
     ints16[1] = 1;
     ints16[2] = 134217728;
     this.Test_Map(ints16, ints17, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, int, int> >());
 public void Test_Map10()
     int[] ints18 = new int[4];
     int[] ints19 = new int[4];
     ints18[0] = 1191182337;
     ints18[2] = 1124106240;
     ints18[3] = 50364417;
     this.Test_Map(ints18, ints19, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, int, int> >());
 public void Test_MapPartial02()
     int[] ints2 = new int[2];
     int[] ints3 = new int[2];
     ints2[0] = 1;
     ints2[1] = 1073741824;
         (ints2, ints3, 0, PexChoose.CreateDelegate <Func <int, int, Optional <int> > >());