Exemple #1
            private static string GetLanguageDisplayMode(int portalId)
                string viewTypePersonalizationKey = "LanguageDisplayMode:ViewType" + portalId;
                PersonalizationController personalizationController = new PersonalizationController();
                PersonalizationInfo       personalization           = personalizationController.LoadProfile(PortalSettings.Current.UserInfo.UserID, portalId);

                string viewType = Convert.ToString(personalization.Profile[viewTypePersonalizationKey]);

                return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewType) ? "NATIVE" : viewType);
        private PersonalizationDictionary MergeCustomProperties(PersonalizationInfo sharedInfo, PersonalizationInfo userInfo, bool isWebPartManager, WebPart hasDataWebPart, ref PersonalizationDictionary customInitialProperties)
            PersonalizationDictionary dictionary = null;
            bool flag  = (sharedInfo != null) && (sharedInfo._customProperties != null);
            bool flag2 = (userInfo != null) && (userInfo._customProperties != null);

            if (flag && flag2)
                dictionary = new PersonalizationDictionary();
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in sharedInfo._customProperties)
                    dictionary[(string)entry.Key] = (PersonalizationEntry)entry.Value;
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry2 in userInfo._customProperties)
                    dictionary[(string)entry2.Key] = (PersonalizationEntry)entry2.Value;
            else if (flag)
                dictionary = sharedInfo._customProperties;
            else if (flag2)
                dictionary = userInfo._customProperties;
            if ((this.PersonalizationScope == System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared) && flag)
                customInitialProperties = sharedInfo._customProperties;
            else if ((this.PersonalizationScope == System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.User) && flag2)
                customInitialProperties = userInfo._customProperties;
            if (flag && !isWebPartManager)
            if (flag2 && !isWebPartManager)
 private void ApplyPersonalizationState(Control control, PersonalizationInfo info)
     ITrackingPersonalizable personalizable = control as ITrackingPersonalizable;
     IPersonalizable personalizable2 = control as IPersonalizable;
     if (personalizable != null)
     if (((personalizable2 != null) && (info.CustomProperties != null)) && (info.CustomProperties.Count > 0))
     if ((info.Properties != null) && (info.Properties.Count > 0))
         BlobPersonalizationState.SetPersonalizedProperties(control, info.Properties);
     if (personalizable != null)
Exemple #4
        private void ApplyPersonalizationState(Control control, PersonalizationInfo info)
            ITrackingPersonalizable personalizable  = control as ITrackingPersonalizable;
            IPersonalizable         personalizable2 = control as IPersonalizable;

            if (personalizable != null)
            if (((personalizable2 != null) && (info.CustomProperties != null)) && (info.CustomProperties.Count > 0))
            if ((info.Properties != null) && (info.Properties.Count > 0))
                BlobPersonalizationState.SetPersonalizedProperties(control, info.Properties);
            if (personalizable != null)
Exemple #5
        private PersonalizationInfo ExtractPersonalizationState(Control control)
            ITrackingPersonalizable personalizable  = control as ITrackingPersonalizable;
            IPersonalizable         personalizable2 = control as IPersonalizable;

            if (personalizable != null)
            PersonalizationInfo info = new PersonalizationInfo();

            if (personalizable2 != null)
                info.CustomProperties = new PersonalizationDictionary();
            info.Properties = BlobPersonalizationState.GetPersonalizedProperties(control, PersonalizationScope.Shared);
            if (personalizable != null)
Exemple #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles reset button click. Resets zones of specified type to default settings.
    /// </summary>
    protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Security check
        if (!DisplayResetButton || !resetAllowed)

        PageInfo pi = DocumentContext.CurrentPageInfo;

        if (pi == null)

        // Delete user personalization info
        PersonalizationInfo up = PersonalizationInfoProvider.GetDashBoardPersonalization(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, PortalContext.DashboardName, PortalContext.DashboardSiteName);


        // Clear cached page template
        if (pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo != null)
            CacheHelper.TouchKey("cms.pagetemplate|byid|" + pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo.PageTemplateId);

        // Make redirect to see changes after load
        string url = RequestContext.CurrentURL;

        if (ViewMode.IsEdit(true) || ViewMode.IsEditLive())
            // Ensure that the widgets will be loaded from the session layer (not from database)
            url = URLHelper.UpdateParameterInUrl(url, "cmscontentchanged", "true");

        // Returns a PersonalizationDictionary containing a merged view of the custom properties
        // in both the sharedInfo and the userInfo.
        private PersonalizationDictionary MergeCustomProperties(PersonalizationInfo sharedInfo,
                                                                PersonalizationInfo userInfo,
                                                                bool isWebPartManager, WebPart hasDataWebPart,
                                                                ref PersonalizationDictionary customInitialProperties) {
            PersonalizationDictionary customProperties = null;

            bool hasSharedCustomProperties = (sharedInfo != null && sharedInfo._customProperties != null);
            bool hasUserCustomProperties = (userInfo != null && userInfo._customProperties != null);

            // Fill or set the customProperties dictionary
            if (hasSharedCustomProperties && hasUserCustomProperties) {
                customProperties = new PersonalizationDictionary();
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in sharedInfo._customProperties) {
                    customProperties[(string)entry.Key] = (PersonalizationEntry)entry.Value;
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in userInfo._customProperties) {
                    customProperties[(string)entry.Key] = (PersonalizationEntry)entry.Value;
            else if (hasSharedCustomProperties) {
                customProperties = sharedInfo._customProperties;
            else if (hasUserCustomProperties) {
                customProperties = userInfo._customProperties;

            // Set the customInitialProperties dictionary
            if (PersonalizationScope == PersonalizationScope.Shared && hasSharedCustomProperties) {
                customInitialProperties = sharedInfo._customProperties;
            else if (PersonalizationScope == PersonalizationScope.User && hasUserCustomProperties) {
                customInitialProperties = userInfo._customProperties;

            // Set the HasSharedData and HasUserData flags
            if (hasSharedCustomProperties && !isWebPartManager) {
            if (hasUserCustomProperties && !isWebPartManager) {

            return customProperties;
        /// <devdoc>
        /// Does the actual work of extracting personalizated data from a control
        /// </devdoc>
        private void ExtractPersonalization(Control control, string personalizationID, bool isWebPartManager,
                                            PersonalizationScope scope, bool isStatic, GenericWebPart genericWebPart) {
            Debug.Assert(control != null);

            if (_extractedState == null) {
                _extractedState = new HybridDictionary(/* caseInsensitive */ false);

            if (_personalizedControls == null) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.BlobPersonalizationState_NotApplied));

            ControlInfo ci = (ControlInfo)_personalizedControls[personalizationID];
            // The ControlInfo should always have been already created in ApplyPersonalization().
            // However, it  will be null if the Control's ID has changed since we loaded personalization data.
            // This is not supported, but we should throw a helpful exception. (VSWhidbey 372354)
            if (ci == null) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.BlobPersonalizationState_CantExtract, personalizationID));

            ITrackingPersonalizable trackingPersonalizable = control as ITrackingPersonalizable;
            IPersonalizable customPersonalizable = control as IPersonalizable;

            IDictionary properties = ci._initialProperties;
            PersonalizationDictionary customProperties = ci._customInitialProperties;
            bool changed = false;

            try {
                if (trackingPersonalizable != null) {

                if (!IsPostRequest) {
                    // In non-POST requests, we only save those WebParts that indicated explicitely that
                    // they have changed. For other WebParts, we just round-trip the initial state
                    // that was loaded.
                    if (ci._dirty) {
                        // Always save IPersonalizable data if the WebPart has indicated that it is dirty
                        if (customPersonalizable != null) {
                            PersonalizationDictionary tempCustomProperties = new PersonalizationDictionary();

                            if ((tempCustomProperties.Count != 0) ||
                                ((customProperties != null) && (customProperties.Count != 0))) {
                                if (scope == PersonalizationScope.User) {
                                customProperties = tempCustomProperties;

                        if (!isWebPartManager) {
                            // WebPartManager does not have personalizable properties
                            properties =
                                GetPersonalizedProperties(control, ci._personalizableProperties,
                                                          ci._defaultProperties, ci._initialProperties, scope);
                        changed = true;
                else {
                    bool extractProperties = true;
                    bool diffWithInitialProperties = true;

                    if (ci._dirty) {
                        // WebPart is indicating that it is dirty, so there is no need
                        // for us to perform a diff
                        diffWithInitialProperties = false;
                    else if ((trackingPersonalizable != null) &&
                             (trackingPersonalizable.TracksChanges) &&
                             (ci._dirty == false)) {
                        // WebPart is indicating that it is not dirty, and since it
                        // tracks dirty-ness, theres no need to do additional work.
                        extractProperties = false;

                    if (extractProperties) {
                        // Always save IPersonalizable data if the WebPart has indicated that it is dirty
                        if (customPersonalizable != null && (ci._dirty || customPersonalizable.IsDirty)) {
                            PersonalizationDictionary tempCustomProperties = new PersonalizationDictionary();

                            // The new custom properties should be used either if they are
                            // non-empty, or they are, but the original ones weren't, since
                            // that implies a change as well.
                            if ((tempCustomProperties.Count != 0) ||
                                ((customProperties != null) && (customProperties.Count != 0))) {
                                if (tempCustomProperties.Count != 0) {
                                    if (scope == PersonalizationScope.User) {
                                    customProperties = tempCustomProperties;
                                else {
                                    customProperties = null;

                                // No point doing the diff, since we've already determined that the
                                // custom properties are dirty.
                                diffWithInitialProperties = false;
                                changed = true;

                        if (!isWebPartManager) {
                            // WebPartManager does not have personalizable properties

                            IDictionary newProperties =
                                GetPersonalizedProperties(control, ci._personalizableProperties,
                                                          ci._defaultProperties, ci._initialProperties, scope);

                            if (diffWithInitialProperties) {
                                bool different = CompareProperties(newProperties, ci._initialProperties);
                                if (different == false) {
                                    extractProperties = false;

                            if (extractProperties) {
                                properties = newProperties;
                                changed = true;
            finally {
                if (trackingPersonalizable != null) {

            PersonalizationInfo extractedInfo = new PersonalizationInfo();
            extractedInfo._controlID = personalizationID;
            if (isStatic) {
                UserControl uc = control as UserControl;
                if (uc != null) {
                    extractedInfo._controlType = typeof(UserControl);
                    extractedInfo._controlVPath = uc.TemplateControlVirtualPath;
                else {
                    extractedInfo._controlType = control.GetType();
            extractedInfo._isStatic = isStatic;
            extractedInfo._properties = properties;
            extractedInfo._customProperties = customProperties;
            _extractedState[personalizationID] = extractedInfo;

            if (changed) {

            if ((properties != null && properties.Count > 0) ||
                (customProperties != null && customProperties.Count > 0)) {

                // The WebPart on which to set HasSharedData and HasUserData
                WebPart hasDataWebPart = null;
                if (!isWebPartManager) {
                    if (genericWebPart != null) {
                        hasDataWebPart = genericWebPart;
                    else {
                        Debug.Assert(control is WebPart);
                        hasDataWebPart = (WebPart)control;

                if (hasDataWebPart != null) {
                    if (PersonalizationScope == PersonalizationScope.Shared) {
                    else {
        /// <devdoc>
        /// Deserializes personalization data packed as a blob of binary data
        /// into a dictionary with personalization IDs mapped to
        /// PersonalizationInfo objects.
        /// </devdoc>
        private static IDictionary DeserializeData(byte[] data) {
            IDictionary deserializedData = null;

            if ((data != null) && (data.Length > 0)) {
                Exception deserializationException = null;
                int version = -1;

                object[] items = null;
                int offset = 0;

                // Deserialize the data
                try {
                    ObjectStateFormatter formatter =
                        new ObjectStateFormatter(null /* Page(used to determine encryption mode) */, false /*throwOnErrorDeserializing*/);

                    if (!HttpRuntime.DisableProcessRequestInApplicationTrust) {
                        // This is more of a consistency and defense-in-depth fix.  Currently we believe
                        // only user code or code with restricted permissions will be running on the stack.
                        // However, to mirror the fix for Session State, and also to hedge against future
                        // scenarios where our current assumptions may change, we should restrict the running
                        // thread to only the permission set currently defined for the app domain.
                        // VSWhidbey 427533
                        if (HttpRuntime.NamedPermissionSet != null && HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestInApplicationTrust) {

                    items = (object[])formatter.DeserializeWithAssert(new MemoryStream(data));
                    if (items != null && items.Length != 0) {
                        version = (int)items[offset++];
                catch (Exception e) {
                    deserializationException = e;

                if (version == (int)PersonalizationVersions.WhidbeyBeta2 || version == (int)PersonalizationVersions.WhidbeyRTM) {
                    try {
                        // Build up the dictionary of PersonalizationInfo objects
                        int infoListCount = (int)items[offset++];

                        if (infoListCount > 0) {
                            deserializedData = new HybridDictionary(infoListCount, /* caseInsensitive */ false);

                        for (int i = 0; i < infoListCount; i++) {
                            string controlID;
                            bool isStatic;
                            Type controlType = null;
                            VirtualPath controlVPath = null;

                            // If this is a dynamic WebPart or control, the Type is not saved in personalization,
                            // so the first item is the controlID.  If this is a static WebPart or control, the
                            // first item is the control Type.
                            object item = items[offset++];
                            if (item is string) {
                                controlID = (string)item;
                                isStatic = false;
                            else {
                                controlType = (Type)item;
                                if (controlType == typeof(UserControl)) {
                                    controlVPath = VirtualPath.CreateNonRelativeAllowNull((string)items[offset++]);
                                controlID = (string)items[offset++];
                                isStatic = true;

                            IDictionary properties = null;
                            int propertyCount = (int)items[offset++];
                            if (propertyCount > 0) {
                                properties = new HybridDictionary(propertyCount, /* caseInsensitive */ false);
                                for (int j = 0; j < propertyCount; j++) {
                                    string propertyName = ((IndexedString)items[offset++]).Value;
                                    object propertyValue = items[offset++];

                                    properties[propertyName] = propertyValue;

                            PersonalizationDictionary customProperties = null;
                            int customPropertyCount = (int)items[offset++];
                            if (customPropertyCount > 0) {
                                customProperties = new PersonalizationDictionary(customPropertyCount);
                                for (int j = 0; j < customPropertyCount; j++) {
                                    string propertyName = ((IndexedString)items[offset++]).Value;
                                    object propertyValue = items[offset++];
                                    PersonalizationScope propertyScope =
                                        (bool)items[offset++] ? PersonalizationScope.Shared : PersonalizationScope.User;
                                    bool isSensitive = false;
                                    if (version == (int)PersonalizationVersions.WhidbeyRTM) {
                                        isSensitive = (bool)items[offset++];

                                    customProperties[propertyName] =
                                        new PersonalizationEntry(propertyValue, propertyScope, isSensitive);

                            PersonalizationInfo info = new PersonalizationInfo();
                            info._controlID = controlID;
                            info._controlType = controlType;
                            info._controlVPath = controlVPath;
                            info._isStatic = isStatic;
                            info._properties = properties;
                            info._customProperties = customProperties;

                            deserializedData[controlID] = info;
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        deserializationException = e;

                // Check that there was no deserialization error, and that
                // the data conforms to our known version
                if ((deserializationException != null) ||
                    (version != (int)PersonalizationVersions.WhidbeyBeta2 && version != (int)PersonalizationVersions.WhidbeyRTM)) {
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.BlobPersonalizationState_DeserializeError),
                                                "data", deserializationException);

            if (deserializedData == null) {
                deserializedData = new HybridDictionary(/* caseInsensitive */ false);

            return deserializedData;
Exemple #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles reset button click. Resets zones of specified type to default settings.
    /// </summary>
    protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Disable the reset action when document editing is not allowed (i.e. non-editable workflow step)
        if (!WidgetActionsEnabled)
            resetAllowed = false;

        // Security check
        if (!DisplayResetButton || !resetAllowed)

        PageInfo pi = CurrentPageInfo;

        if (pi == null)

        if ((zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor) || (zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Group))
            // Clear document webparts/group webparts
            TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(pi.DocumentID, TreeProvider);

            if (node != null)
                bool updateDocument = true;

                if (zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor)
                    if (ViewMode.IsEdit(true) || ViewMode.IsEditLive())
                        // Do not save the document to the database, keep it in only in the memory
                        updateDocument = false;

                        // Get the default template widgets
                        PortalContext.SaveEditorWidgets(pi.DocumentID, pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo.TemplateInstance.GetZonesXML(WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor));
                        node.SetValue("DocumentWebParts", String.Empty);

                    ClearEditorWidgetsContent(node, pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo.TemplateInstance, updateDocument);

                    // Delete all variants
                    if (pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo != null)
                        foreach (WebPartZoneInstance zoneInstance in zoneInstances)
                            if (zoneInstance.WebPartsContainVariants)
                                VariantHelper.DeleteWidgetVariants(zoneInstance.ZoneID, pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo.PageTemplateId, node.DocumentID);
                else if (zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Group)
                    node.SetValue("DocumentGroupWebParts", String.Empty);

                if (updateDocument)
                    // Save the document
                    DocumentHelper.UpdateDocument(node, TreeProvider);
        else if (zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.User)
            // Delete user personalization info
            PersonalizationInfo up = PersonalizationInfoProvider.GetUserPersonalization(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, pi.DocumentID);

            // Clear cached values
            TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(pi.DocumentID, TreeProvider);
            if (node != null)
        else if (zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Dashboard)
            // Delete user personalization info
            PersonalizationInfo up = PersonalizationInfoProvider.GetDashBoardPersonalization(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, PortalContext.DashboardName, PortalContext.DashboardSiteName);

            // Clear cached page template
            if (pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo != null)
                CacheHelper.TouchKey("cms.pagetemplate|byid|" + pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo.PageTemplateId);

        // Make redirect to see changes after load
        string url = RequestContext.CurrentURL;

        if (ViewMode.IsEdit(true) || ViewMode.IsEditLive())
            // Ensure that the widgets will be loaded from the session layer (not from database)
            url = URLHelper.UpdateParameterInUrl(url, "cmscontentchanged", "true");

        // Helper method used by CopyPersonalizationState()
        private void ApplyPersonalizationState(Control control, PersonalizationInfo info) {
            ITrackingPersonalizable trackingPersonalizable = control as ITrackingPersonalizable;
            IPersonalizable customPersonalizable = control as IPersonalizable;

            if (trackingPersonalizable != null) {

            // If customPersonalizable is null, then info.CustomProperties should also be null
            Debug.Assert(!(customPersonalizable == null && info.CustomProperties != null));

            if (customPersonalizable != null && info.CustomProperties != null && info.CustomProperties.Count > 0) {

            if (info.Properties != null && info.Properties.Count > 0) {
                BlobPersonalizationState.SetPersonalizedProperties(control, info.Properties);

            if (trackingPersonalizable != null) {
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles reset button click. Resets zones of specified type to default settings.
    /// </summary>
    protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Security check
        if (!DisplayResetButton || !resetAllowed)

        if (pi == null)

        if ((zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor) || (zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Group))
            // Clear document webparts/group webparts
            TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(pi.DocumentID, TreeProvider);

            if (node != null)
                if (zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor)
                    node.SetValue("DocumentWebParts", String.Empty);

                    // Delete all variants
                    if (pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo != null)
                        foreach (WebPartZoneInstance zoneInstance in zoneInstances)
                            if (zoneInstance.WebPartsContainVariants)
                                ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingResetMVTWidgetZone(zoneInstance.ZoneID, pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo.PageTemplateId, node.DocumentID);
                                ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingResetContentPersonalizationWidgetZone(zoneInstance.ZoneID, pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo.PageTemplateId, node.DocumentID);
                else if (zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Group)
                    node.SetValue("DocumentGroupWebParts", String.Empty);

                // Save the document
                DocumentHelper.UpdateDocument(node, TreeProvider);
        else if (zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.User)
            // Delete user personalization info
            PersonalizationInfo up = PersonalizationInfoProvider.GetUserPersonalization(CMSContext.CurrentUser.UserID, pi.DocumentID);

            // Clear cached values
            TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(pi.DocumentID, TreeProvider);
            if (node != null)
                CacheHelper.TouchKeys(TreeProvider.GetDependencyCacheKeys(node, CMSContext.CurrentSiteName));
        else if (zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Dashboard)
            // Delete user personalization info
            PersonalizationInfo up = PersonalizationInfoProvider.GetDashBoardPersonalization(CMSContext.CurrentUser.UserID, PortalContext.DashboardName, PortalContext.DashboardSiteName);

            // Clear cached page template
            if (pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo != null)
                CacheHelper.TouchKey("cms.pagetemplate|byid|" + pi.UsedPageTemplateInfo.PageTemplateId);

        // Make redirect to see changes after load
        string url = URLRewriter.CurrentURL;

        private static byte[] SerializeData(IDictionary data)
            byte[] buffer = null;
            if ((data == null) || (data.Count == 0))
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in data)
                PersonalizationInfo info = (PersonalizationInfo)entry.Value;
                if (((info._properties != null) && (info._properties.Count != 0)) || ((info._customProperties != null) && (info._customProperties.Count != 0)))
            if (list.Count == 0)
            ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList();

            foreach (PersonalizationInfo info2 in list)
                if (info2._isStatic)
                    if (info2._controlVPath != null)
                int count = 0;
                if (info2._properties != null)
                    count = info2._properties.Count;
                if (count != 0)
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry entry2 in info2._properties)
                        list2.Add(new IndexedString((string)entry2.Key));
                int num2 = 0;
                if (info2._customProperties != null)
                    num2 = info2._customProperties.Count;
                if (num2 != 0)
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry entry3 in info2._customProperties)
                        list2.Add(new IndexedString((string)entry3.Key));
                        PersonalizationEntry entry4 = (PersonalizationEntry)entry3.Value;
                        list2.Add(entry4.Scope == System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared);
            if (list2.Count == 0)
            ObjectStateFormatter formatter    = new ObjectStateFormatter(null, false);
            MemoryStream         outputStream = new MemoryStream(0x400);

            object[] stateGraph = list2.ToArray();
            if ((!HttpRuntime.DisableProcessRequestInApplicationTrust && (HttpRuntime.NamedPermissionSet != null)) && HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestInApplicationTrust)
            formatter.SerializeWithAssert(outputStream, stateGraph);
        private void ExtractPersonalization(Control control, string personalizationID, bool isWebPartManager, System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope scope, bool isStatic, GenericWebPart genericWebPart)
            if (this._extractedState == null)
                this._extractedState = new HybridDictionary(false);
            if (this._personalizedControls == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Web.SR.GetString("BlobPersonalizationState_NotApplied"));
            ControlInfo info = (ControlInfo)this._personalizedControls[personalizationID];

            if (info == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Web.SR.GetString("BlobPersonalizationState_CantExtract", new object[] { personalizationID }));
            ITrackingPersonalizable   personalizable  = control as ITrackingPersonalizable;
            IPersonalizable           personalizable2 = control as IPersonalizable;
            IDictionary               dictionary      = info._initialProperties;
            PersonalizationDictionary dictionary2     = info._customInitialProperties;
            bool flag = false;

                if (personalizable != null)
                if (!this.IsPostRequest)
                    if (info._dirty)
                        if (personalizable2 != null)
                            PersonalizationDictionary state = new PersonalizationDictionary();
                            if ((state.Count != 0) || ((dictionary2 != null) && (dictionary2.Count != 0)))
                                if (scope == System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.User)
                                dictionary2 = state;
                        if (!isWebPartManager)
                            dictionary = GetPersonalizedProperties(control, info._personalizableProperties, info._defaultProperties, info._initialProperties, scope);
                        flag = true;
                    bool flag2 = true;
                    bool flag3 = true;
                    if (info._dirty)
                        flag3 = false;
                    else if (((personalizable != null) && personalizable.TracksChanges) && !info._dirty)
                        flag2 = false;
                    if (flag2)
                        if ((personalizable2 != null) && (info._dirty || personalizable2.IsDirty))
                            PersonalizationDictionary dictionary4 = new PersonalizationDictionary();
                            if ((dictionary4.Count != 0) || ((dictionary2 != null) && (dictionary2.Count != 0)))
                                if (dictionary4.Count != 0)
                                    if (scope == System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.User)
                                    dictionary2 = dictionary4;
                                    dictionary2 = null;
                                flag3 = false;
                                flag  = true;
                        if (!isWebPartManager)
                            IDictionary newProperties = GetPersonalizedProperties(control, info._personalizableProperties, info._defaultProperties, info._initialProperties, scope);
                            if (flag3 && !this.CompareProperties(newProperties, info._initialProperties))
                                flag2 = false;
                            if (flag2)
                                dictionary = newProperties;
                                flag       = true;
                if (personalizable != null)
            PersonalizationInfo info2 = new PersonalizationInfo {
                _controlID = personalizationID

            if (isStatic)
                UserControl control2 = control as UserControl;
                if (control2 != null)
                    info2._controlType  = typeof(UserControl);
                    info2._controlVPath = control2.TemplateControlVirtualPath;
                    info2._controlType = control.GetType();
            info2._isStatic         = isStatic;
            info2._properties       = dictionary;
            info2._customProperties = dictionary2;
            this._extractedState[personalizationID] = info2;
            if (flag)
            if (((dictionary != null) && (dictionary.Count > 0)) || ((dictionary2 != null) && (dictionary2.Count > 0)))
                WebPart part = null;
                if (!isWebPartManager)
                    if (genericWebPart != null)
                        part = genericWebPart;
                        part = (WebPart)control;
                if (part != null)
                    if (this.PersonalizationScope == System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared)
        private static IDictionary DeserializeData(byte[] data)
            IDictionary dictionary = null;

            if ((data != null) && (data.Length > 0))
                Exception innerException = null;
                int       num            = -1;
                object[]  objArray       = null;
                int       num2           = 0;
                    ObjectStateFormatter formatter = new ObjectStateFormatter(null, false);
                    if ((!HttpRuntime.DisableProcessRequestInApplicationTrust && (HttpRuntime.NamedPermissionSet != null)) && HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestInApplicationTrust)
                    objArray = (object[])formatter.DeserializeWithAssert(new MemoryStream(data));
                    if ((objArray != null) && (objArray.Length != 0))
                        num = (int)objArray[num2++];
                catch (Exception exception2)
                    innerException = exception2;
                switch (num)
                case 1:
                case 2:
                        int initialSize = (int)objArray[num2++];
                        if (initialSize > 0)
                            dictionary = new HybridDictionary(initialSize, false);
                        for (int i = 0; i < initialSize; i++)
                            string      str;
                            bool        flag;
                            Type        type = null;
                            VirtualPath path = null;
                            object      obj2 = objArray[num2++];
                            if (obj2 is string)
                                str  = (string)obj2;
                                flag = false;
                                type = (Type)obj2;
                                if (type == typeof(UserControl))
                                    path = VirtualPath.CreateNonRelativeAllowNull((string)objArray[num2++]);
                                str  = (string)objArray[num2++];
                                flag = true;
                            IDictionary dictionary2 = null;
                            int         num5        = (int)objArray[num2++];
                            if (num5 > 0)
                                dictionary2 = new HybridDictionary(num5, false);
                                for (int j = 0; j < num5; j++)
                                    string str2 = ((IndexedString)objArray[num2++]).Value;
                                    object obj3 = objArray[num2++];
                                    dictionary2[str2] = obj3;
                            PersonalizationDictionary dictionary3 = null;
                            int num7 = (int)objArray[num2++];
                            if (num7 > 0)
                                dictionary3 = new PersonalizationDictionary(num7);
                                for (int k = 0; k < num7; k++)
                                    string str3 = ((IndexedString)objArray[num2++]).Value;
                                    object obj4 = objArray[num2++];
                                    System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope scope = ((bool)objArray[num2++]) ? System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.User;
                                    bool isSensitive = false;
                                    if (num == 2)
                                        isSensitive = (bool)objArray[num2++];
                                    dictionary3[str3] = new PersonalizationEntry(obj4, scope, isSensitive);
                            PersonalizationInfo info = new PersonalizationInfo {
                                _controlID        = str,
                                _controlType      = type,
                                _controlVPath     = path,
                                _isStatic         = flag,
                                _properties       = dictionary2,
                                _customProperties = dictionary3
                            dictionary[str] = info;
                    catch (Exception exception3)
                        innerException = exception3;
                if ((innerException != null) || ((num != 1) && (num != 2)))
                    throw new ArgumentException(System.Web.SR.GetString("BlobPersonalizationState_DeserializeError"), "data", innerException);
            if (dictionary == null)
                dictionary = new HybridDictionary(false);
        private void ApplyPersonalization(Control control, string personalizationID, bool isWebPartManager, System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope extractScope, GenericWebPart genericWebPart)
            if (this._personalizedControls == null)
                this._personalizedControls = new HybridDictionary(false);
            else if (this._personalizedControls.Contains(personalizationID))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Web.SR.GetString("BlobPersonalizationState_CantApply", new object[] { personalizationID }));
            IDictionary personalizablePropertyEntries = PersonalizableAttribute.GetPersonalizablePropertyEntries(control.GetType());

            if (this.SharedState == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Web.SR.GetString("BlobPersonalizationState_NotLoaded"));
            PersonalizationInfo       sharedInfo              = (PersonalizationInfo)this.SharedState[personalizationID];
            PersonalizationInfo       userInfo                = null;
            IDictionary               dictionary2             = null;
            IDictionary               dictionary3             = null;
            PersonalizationDictionary customInitialProperties = null;
            ControlInfo               info3 = new ControlInfo {
                _allowSetDirty = false

            this._personalizedControls[personalizationID] = info3;
            if (((sharedInfo != null) && sharedInfo._isStatic) && !sharedInfo.IsMatchingControlType(control))
                sharedInfo = null;
                if (this.PersonalizationScope == System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared)
                    this.SetControlDirty(control, personalizationID, isWebPartManager, true);
            IPersonalizable         personalizable  = control as IPersonalizable;
            ITrackingPersonalizable personalizable2 = control as ITrackingPersonalizable;
            WebPart hasDataWebPart = null;

            if (!isWebPartManager)
                if (genericWebPart != null)
                    hasDataWebPart = genericWebPart;
                    hasDataWebPart = (WebPart)control;
                if (personalizable2 != null)
                if (this.PersonalizationScope == System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.User)
                    if (this.UserState == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Web.SR.GetString("BlobPersonalizationState_NotLoaded"));
                    userInfo = (PersonalizationInfo)this.UserState[personalizationID];
                    if (((userInfo != null) && userInfo._isStatic) && !userInfo.IsMatchingControlType(control))
                        userInfo = null;
                        this.SetControlDirty(control, personalizationID, isWebPartManager, true);
                    if (personalizable != null)
                        PersonalizationDictionary state = this.MergeCustomProperties(sharedInfo, userInfo, isWebPartManager, hasDataWebPart, ref customInitialProperties);
                        if (state != null)
                            info3._allowSetDirty = true;
                            info3._allowSetDirty = false;
                    if (!isWebPartManager)
                        IDictionary dictionary6 = null;
                        IDictionary dictionary7 = null;
                        if (sharedInfo != null)
                            IDictionary propertyState = sharedInfo._properties;
                            if ((propertyState != null) && (propertyState.Count != 0))
                                dictionary6 = SetPersonalizedProperties(control, personalizablePropertyEntries, propertyState, System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared);
                        dictionary2 = GetPersonalizedProperties(control, personalizablePropertyEntries, null, null, extractScope);
                        if (userInfo != null)
                            IDictionary dictionary9 = userInfo._properties;
                            if ((dictionary9 != null) && (dictionary9.Count != 0))
                                dictionary7 = SetPersonalizedProperties(control, personalizablePropertyEntries, dictionary9, extractScope);
                            if ((personalizable2 == null) || !personalizable2.TracksChanges)
                                dictionary3 = dictionary9;
                        if ((dictionary6 != null) || (dictionary7 != null))
                            IVersioningPersonalizable personalizable3 = control as IVersioningPersonalizable;
                            if (personalizable3 != null)
                                IDictionary unknownProperties = null;
                                if (dictionary6 != null)
                                    unknownProperties = dictionary6;
                                    if (dictionary7 != null)
                                        foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in dictionary7)
                                            unknownProperties[entry.Key] = entry.Value;
                                    unknownProperties = dictionary7;
                                info3._allowSetDirty = true;
                                info3._allowSetDirty = false;
                                this.SetControlDirty(control, personalizationID, isWebPartManager, true);
                    if (personalizable != null)
                        PersonalizationDictionary dictionary11 = this.MergeCustomProperties(sharedInfo, userInfo, isWebPartManager, hasDataWebPart, ref customInitialProperties);
                        if (dictionary11 != null)
                            info3._allowSetDirty = true;
                            info3._allowSetDirty = false;
                    if (!isWebPartManager)
                        IDictionary dictionary12 = null;
                        dictionary2 = GetPersonalizedProperties(control, personalizablePropertyEntries, null, null, extractScope);
                        if (sharedInfo != null)
                            IDictionary dictionary13 = sharedInfo._properties;
                            if ((dictionary13 != null) && (dictionary13.Count != 0))
                                dictionary12 = SetPersonalizedProperties(control, personalizablePropertyEntries, dictionary13, System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared);
                            if ((personalizable2 == null) || !personalizable2.TracksChanges)
                                dictionary3 = dictionary13;
                        if (dictionary12 != null)
                            IVersioningPersonalizable personalizable4 = control as IVersioningPersonalizable;
                            if (personalizable4 != null)
                                info3._allowSetDirty = true;
                                info3._allowSetDirty = false;
                                this.SetControlDirty(control, personalizationID, isWebPartManager, true);
                info3._allowSetDirty = true;
                if (personalizable2 != null)
            info3._control = control;
            info3._personalizableProperties = personalizablePropertyEntries;
            info3._defaultProperties        = dictionary2;
            info3._initialProperties        = dictionary3;
            info3._customInitialProperties  = customInitialProperties;
        private void CopyPersonalizationState(Control controlA, Control controlB)
            PersonalizationInfo info = ExtractPersonalizationState(controlA);

            ApplyPersonalizationState(controlB, info);
        // Helper method used by CopyPersonalizationState()
        private PersonalizationInfo ExtractPersonalizationState(Control control) {
            ITrackingPersonalizable trackingPersonalizable = control as ITrackingPersonalizable;
            IPersonalizable customPersonalizable = control as IPersonalizable;

            if (trackingPersonalizable != null) {

            PersonalizationInfo info = new PersonalizationInfo();
            if (customPersonalizable != null) {
                info.CustomProperties = new PersonalizationDictionary();
            info.Properties = BlobPersonalizationState.GetPersonalizedProperties(control, PersonalizationScope.Shared);

            if (trackingPersonalizable != null) {

            return info;