public static void Run( [QueueTrigger("emails", Connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")] EmailDetails myQueueItem, TraceWriter log, [SendGrid(ApiKey = "SendGridApiKey")] out Mail mail) { log.Info($"C# Queue trigger function processed: {myQueueItem}"); mail = new Mail(); var personalization = new Personalization(); personalization.AddTo(new Email(myQueueItem.Email)); mail.AddPersonalization(personalization); var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append($"Hi {myQueueItem.Name},"); sb.Append($"<p>You're invited to join us on {myQueueItem.EventDateAndTime} at {myQueueItem.Location}.</p>"); sb.Append($"<p>Let us know if you can make it by clicking <a href=\"{myQueueItem.ResponseUrl}\">here</a></p>"); log.Info(sb.ToString()); var messageContent = new Content("text/html", sb.ToString()); mail.AddContent(messageContent); mail.Subject = "Your invitation..."; mail.From = new Email("*****@*****.**"); }
public static Mail RequestApproval([ActivityTrigger] ApprovalRequest approvalRequest, TraceWriter log) { // Orchestratorを再開するためのOrchestration ClientのエンドポイントとなるURL var approveURL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("APPROVE_URL"); // 承認者のメール。サンプルなので固定にしているが、承認者情報をDBに保存してそれを取得するべき var email = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("APPROVER_EMAIL"); var message = new Mail { Subject = $"{approvalRequest.CalendarDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")}のスタンプリクエスト" }; Content content = new Content { Type = "text/plain", Value = "承認するにはつぎのURLをクリックしてください。\n\n" + $"{approveURL}&isApproved=true&instanceId={approvalRequest.InstanceId}\n\n\n" + "却下するにはつぎのURLをクリックしてください。\n\n" + $"{approveURL}&isApproved=false&instanceId={approvalRequest.InstanceId}" }; message.AddContent(content); var personalization = new Personalization(); personalization.AddTo(new Email(email)); message.AddPersonalization(personalization); return(message); }
// Use NuGet to install SendGrid (Basic C# client lib) private async Task configSendGridasync(IdentityMessage message) { var apiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sendGridApiKey"]; dynamic sg = new SendGridAPIClient(apiKey); Mail mail = new Mail(); Content content = new Content(); content.Type = "text/plain"; content.Value = message.Body; mail.AddContent(content); content = new Content(); content.Type = "text/html"; content.Value = message.Body; mail.AddContent(content); mail.From = new Email("*****@*****.**", "ZenZoy"); mail.Subject = message.Subject; Personalization personalization = new Personalization(); var emailTo = new Email(); emailTo.Name = message.Destination; emailTo.Address = message.Destination; personalization.AddTo(emailTo); mail.AddPersonalization(personalization); dynamic response = mail.Get()); var status = response.StatusCode; var responseBody = await response.Body.ReadAsStringAsync(); }
Run([ActivityTrigger] RequestApplication request, TraceWriter log) { log.Info("Sending Mail....Please wait"); var ToAddress = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CustomerMail"); string storagePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("StorageaccountBaseURL") + Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("inputStorageContainer") +; string FunctionBasePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FunctionBasePath"); string mailTemplate = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MailTemplate"); string instanceid = request.InstanceId; Mail message = new Mail(); message = new Mail(); var personalization = new Personalization(); personalization.AddTo(new Email(ToAddress)); message.AddPersonalization(personalization); log.Info(request.LocationUrl + + request.InstanceId); var messageContent = new Content("text/html", string.Format(mailTemplate, storagePath, FunctionBasePath, instanceid)); message.AddContent(messageContent); message.Subject = "Request for Approval"; log.Info("Mail Sent....Please chek with your admin"); return(message); }
public static string Run( [ActivityTrigger] OrdiniAcquistoModel ordiniAcquisto, [OrchestrationClient] DurableOrchestrationClient starter, [SendGrid(ApiKey = "SendGridApiKey")] out Mail message) { string currentInstance = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); Log.Information($"InviaMailOrdineCliente : {currentInstance}"); string toMail = Utility.GetEnvironmentVariable("SendGridTo"); string fromMail = Utility.GetEnvironmentVariable("SendGridFrom"); Log.Information($"Invio ordine {ordiniAcquisto.IdOrdine} a {ordiniAcquisto.ClienteCorrente.NumeroTelefono}."); message = new Mail { Subject = $"GlobalAzureBootcamp 2018" }; var personalization = new Personalization(); personalization.AddTo(new Email(toMail)); Content content = new Content { Type = "text/html", Value = $@"L'ordine {ordiniAcquisto.IdOrdine} è stato preso in carico <br><a href='{Utility.GetEnvironmentVariable("PublicUrl")}/ApprovaOrdine?ordineId={ordiniAcquisto.IdOrdine}'>Conferma ordine</a>" }; message.From = new Email(fromMail); message.AddContent(content); message.AddPersonalization(personalization); return(currentInstance); }
public static async void Run([QueueTrigger("orderqueue", Connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")] POCOOrder order, TraceWriter log, [SendGrid(ApiKey = "AzureWebJobsSendGridApiKey")] IAsyncCollector <Mail> outputMessage) { string msg = $"Hello " + order.CustomerName + "! Your order for " + order.ProductName + " with quantity of " + order.OrderCount + " has been shipped."; log.Info(msg); Mail message = new Mail { Subject = msg, From = new Email("*****@*****.**", "No Reply"), ReplyTo = new Email("*****@*****.**", "Prodip Saha") }; var personalization = new Personalization(); // Change To email of recipient personalization.AddTo(new Email(order.CustomerEmail)); Content content = new Content { Type = "text/plain", Value = msg + "Thank you for being such a nice customer!" }; message.AddContent(content); message.AddPersonalization(personalization); await outputMessage.AddAsync(message); }
public async Task SendHtmlEmail(string subject, string toEmail, string content) { string apiKey = _configurationService.Email.ApiKey; dynamic sg = new SendGridAPIClient(apiKey); Email from = new Email(_configurationService.Email.From); Email to = new Email(toEmail); Content mailContent = new Content("text/html", content); Mail mail = new Mail(from, subject, to, mailContent); var personalization = new Personalization(); personalization.AddTo(to); if (_configurationService.Email.Bcc != null && _configurationService.Email.Bcc.Any()) { foreach (var bcc in _configurationService.Email.Bcc) { personalization.AddBcc(new Email(bcc)); } mail.AddPersonalization(personalization); } dynamic response = await : mail.Get()); if (response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Accepted) { var responseMsg = response.Body.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; _logger.Error($"Unable to send email: {responseMsg}"); } }
internal static void DefaultMessageProperties(Mail mail, SendGridConfiguration config, SendGridAttribute attribute) { // Apply message defaulting if (mail.From == null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.From)) { Email from = null; if (!TryParseAddress(attribute.From, out from)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid 'From' address specified"); } mail.From = from; } else if (config.FromAddress != null) { mail.From = config.FromAddress; } } if (mail.Personalization == null || mail.Personalization.Count == 0) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.To)) { Email to = null; if (!TryParseAddress(attribute.To, out to)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid 'To' address specified"); } Personalization personalization = new Personalization(); personalization.AddTo(to); mail.AddPersonalization(personalization); } else if (config.ToAddress != null) { Personalization personalization = new Personalization(); personalization.AddTo(config.ToAddress); mail.AddPersonalization(personalization); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mail.Subject) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.Subject)) { mail.Subject = attribute.Subject; } if ((mail.Contents == null || mail.Contents.Count == 0) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.Text)) { mail.AddContent(new Content("text/plain", attribute.Text)); } }
public static void ProcessOrder_Imperative( [QueueTrigger(@"samples-orders")] Order order, [SendGrid] out Mail message) { message = new Mail(); message.Subject = $"Thanks for your order (#{order.OrderId})!"; message.AddContent(new Content("text/plain", $"{order.CustomerName}, we've received your order ({order.OrderId}) and have begun processing it!")); Personalization personalization = new Personalization(); personalization.AddTo(new Email(order.CustomerEmail)); message.AddPersonalization(personalization); }
public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequestMessage req, [SendGrid()] IAsyncCollector <Mail> message, TraceWriter log) { try { log.Info("ValidateTwitterFollowerCount function processed a request."); var tweetData = new { TweetText = "", FollowersCount = "", Name = "" }; var tweet = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(await req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(), tweetData); if (Convert.ToInt32(tweet.FollowersCount) > 100) { Mail mail = new Mail() { Subject = $"{tweet.Name} with {tweet.FollowersCount} followers has posted a tweet!" }; Content content = new Content { Type = "text/plain", Value = $" Tweet Content : {tweet.TweetText}" }; mail.AddContent(content); var personalization = new Personalization(); personalization.AddTo(new Email(System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("EmailTo"))); mail.AddPersonalization(personalization); await message.AddAsync(mail); } return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, $"We apologize but something went wrong on our end.Exception:{ex.Message}")); } finally { log.Info("ValidateTwitterFollowerCount function has finished processing a request."); } }
public async Task <HttpStatusCode> SendEmailsContacts(List <ContactsModel> contacts, string username) { dynamic sg = new SendGrid.SendGridAPIClient(GetKey()); var mail = new Mail(); Personalization personalization; foreach (var contact in contacts) { personalization = new Personalization(); Email to = new Email(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.Name)) { to.Name = contact.Name; } else { var atIndex = contact.Email.IndexOf('@'); to.Name = contact.Email.Substring(0, atIndex); } to.Address = contact.Email; personalization.AddTo(to); personalization.AddSubstitution("%invited%", to.Name); personalization.AddSubstitution("%username%", username); //personalization.AddCustomArgs("marketing", "false"); //personalization.AddCustomArgs("transactional", "true"); mail.AddPersonalization(personalization); } var body = @" <p> Hello %invited%, </p> <p> </p> <p> Your friend %username%, has invited you to join him on our community. </p>" ; mail.AddContent(new Content("text/html", body)); mail.From = new Email(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DomainEmail"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DomainName"]); mail.Subject = "%invited%, special Invitation to join"; dynamic response = await : mail.Get()); return((HttpStatusCode)response.StatusCode); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(response.Body.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(response.Headers.ToString()); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(mail.Get()); }
/// <summary> /// Send an email notification using SendGrid. /// </summary> /// <param name="filter">The <see cref="TraceFilter"/> that triggered the notification.</param> public void EmailNotify(TraceFilter filter) { Mail message = new Mail() { From = _sendGridConfig.FromAddress, Subject = "WebJob Error Notification" }; message.AddContent(new Content("text/plain", filter.GetDetailedMessage(5))); Personalization personalization = new Personalization(); personalization.AddTo(_sendGridConfig.ToAddress); message.AddPersonalization(personalization); message.Get()); }
public static void SendEmail( [ActivityTrigger] DurableActivityContext context, [SendGrid] out Mail message, TraceWriter log) { var info = context.GetInput <KokuhakuInformation>(); var approvalEndpoint = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KokuhakuApprovalEndpoint"]; var fromEmail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FromEmail"]; message = new Mail { Subject = "あなたにラブレターが届いています", }; var personalization = new Personalization(); var toEmail = info.TargetEmail; if (toEmail.StartsWith(SlackEmailFormatPrefix)) // for slack email address format. { var endIndex = toEmail.IndexOf('|'); toEmail = toEmail.Substring(SlackEmailFormatPrefix.Length, endIndex - SlackEmailFormatPrefix.Length); } log.Info($"To: {toEmail}, Org: {info.TargetEmail}"); personalization.AddTo(new Email(toEmail)); message.AddPersonalization(personalization); message.From = new Email(fromEmail); message.AddContent(new Content { Type = "text/html", Value = $@"<html> <body> <h2>要求</h2> 我君ヲ愛ス。{info.Activity.From.Name}ヨリ。 <hr /> <h2>回答</h2> <a href='{approvalEndpoint}?instanceId={context.InstanceId}&approved=true'>受けて立つ場合はこちらをクリック</a> <br/> <a href='{approvalEndpoint}?instanceId={context.InstanceId}&approved=false'>受けて立たない場合はこちらをクリック</a> </body> </html>", }); }
/// <summary> /// Get a mail object to sendgrid /// </summary> private static Mail PrepareSendGridMessage(MessageCredential credential, MessageSend message) { Personalization personalizacion = new Personalization(); foreach (var mailto in message.MailTo) { personalizacion.AddTo(new Email(mailto)); } foreach (var ccp in message.CCP) { personalizacion.AddCc(new Email(ccp)); } foreach (var cco in message.CCO) { personalizacion.AddBcc(new Email(cco)); } Mail mail = new Mail(); mail.From = new Email(credential.UserName, credential.DisplayName); mail.Subject = message.Subject; mail.CustomArgs = message.Args; foreach (var attachment in message.Attachment) { Byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(attachment); mail.AddAttachment(new SendGrid.Helpers.Mail.Attachment() { Filename = Path.GetFileName(attachment), Content = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes) }); bytes = null; } mail.AddContent(new Content("text/html", message.Body)); mail.AddPersonalization(personalizacion); return(mail); }
private void AddRecipients(EmailCommunication email, Mail mail) { Personalization personalization = new Personalization(); string[] recipients = email.Recipients.Split(';'); recipients.ToList().ForEach(r => personalization.AddTo(new Email(r))); if (email.CcRecipients != null) { email.CcRecipients.ToList().ForEach(r => personalization.AddCc(new Email(r))); } if (email.BccRecipients != null) { email.BccRecipients.ToList().ForEach(r => personalization.AddBcc(new Email(r))); } mail.AddPersonalization(personalization); }
public void IsToValid() { // Null Personalization Mail mail = new Mail(); mail.Personalization = null; Assert.False(SendGridHelpers.IsToValid(mail)); // Empty Personalization mail.Personalization = new List <Personalization>(); Assert.False(SendGridHelpers.IsToValid(mail)); // 'To' with no address Personalization personalization = new Personalization(); personalization.AddTo(new Email()); mail.AddPersonalization(personalization); Assert.False(SendGridHelpers.IsToValid(mail)); // Personalization with no 'To' mail = new Mail(); Personalization personalization1 = new Personalization(); personalization1.AddTo(new Email("*****@*****.**")); Personalization personalization2 = new Personalization(); personalization2.AddBcc(new Email("*****@*****.**")); mail.AddPersonalization(personalization1); mail.AddPersonalization(personalization2); Assert.False(SendGridHelpers.IsToValid(mail)); // valid personalization2.AddTo(new Email("*****@*****.**")); Assert.True(SendGridHelpers.IsToValid(mail)); }
internal static void _sendSalesAlerts(string accountNameKey, string firstName = "", string lastName = "", string companyName = "", string phone = "", string email = "", string comments = "", string productName = "", string productId = "", string fullyQualifiedName = "", string locationPath = "", string origin = "", string ipAddress = "") { try { #region Get Account Settings var accountSettings = DataAccess.AccountSettings.GetAccountSettings(accountNameKey); #endregion if (accountSettings.SalesSettings.UseSalesAlerts && accountSettings.SalesSettings.AlertEmails.Length > 0) { #region Generate Email Alert Message & Subject (Based on parameters) StringBuilder subject = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder(); subject.Append("New sales lead"); #region Names if (firstName != "" && lastName != "") { //Subject subject.Append(" from "); subject.Append(firstName); subject.Append(" "); subject.Append(lastName); //Body body.Append("<b>From: </b>"); body.Append(firstName); body.Append(" "); body.Append(lastName); body.Append("<br>"); body.Append("<br>"); } else if (firstName != "") { //Subject subject.Append(" from "); subject.Append(firstName); //Body body.Append("<b>From: </b>"); body.Append(firstName); body.Append("<br>"); body.Append("<br>"); } else if (lastName != "") { //Subject subject.Append(" from "); subject.Append(lastName); //Body body.Append("<b>From: </b>"); body.Append(lastName); body.Append("<br>"); body.Append("<br>"); } #endregion #region CompanyName if (companyName != "") { //Body body.Append("<b>Company: </b>"); body.Append(companyName); body.Append("<br>"); body.Append("<br>"); } #endregion #region Product if (productName != "") { //Subject subject.Append(" for "); subject.Append(productName); body.Append("<br>"); body.Append("<br>"); } if (productName != "" && fullyQualifiedName != "") { //Body body.Append("<b>Product: </b>"); body.Append("<a href='http://"); body.Append(accountNameKey); body.Append("."); body.Append(CoreServices.PlatformSettings.Urls.AccountManagementDomain); body.Append("/product/"); body.Append(fullyQualifiedName); body.Append("'>"); body.Append(productName); body.Append("</a>"); body.Append("<br>"); body.Append("<br>"); } else if (productName != "") { //Body body.Append("<b>Product: </b>"); body.Append(productName); body.Append("<br>"); body.Append("<br>"); } #endregion #region Comments else if (comments != "") { //Body body.Append("<b>Comments: </b>"); body.Append(comments); body.Append("<br>"); body.Append("<br>"); } #endregion #region Origin else if (origin != "") { //Body body.Append("<b>Origin: </b>"); body.Append(origin); body.Append("<br>"); body.Append("<br>"); } #endregion #region IP else if (ipAddress != "") { //Body body.Append("<b>IP Address: </b>"); body.Append(ipAddress); body.Append("<br>"); body.Append("<br>"); } #endregion #endregion #region Send Email Alerts (v3 SendGrid API) dynamic sg = new SendGridAPIClient(CoreServices.PlatformSettings.SendGrid.ApiKey); Email from = new Email("*****@*****.**", "Sales Alert"); var personalization = new Personalization(); foreach (var emailAddress in accountSettings.SalesSettings.AlertEmails) { Email to = new Email(emailAddress); personalization.AddTo(to); } //Mail mail = new Mail(from, subject, to, content); Mail mail = new Mail(); mail.From = from; mail.Subject = subject.ToString(); mail.Personalization = new List <Personalization>(); mail.Personalization.Add(personalization); Content content = new Content("text/html", body.ToString()); mail.Contents = new List <Content>(); mail.Contents.Add(content); // Send the email. try { var requestBody = mail.Get(); //dynamic response = await requestBody); dynamic response = requestBody); //dynamic d = response; } catch (Exception e) { //Log the Exception ?? } #endregion #region Send Email Alert(s) [Legacy] /* * * var myMessage = new SendGridMessage(); //.SendGrid.GetInstance(); * * * // Add the message properties. * myMessage.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "Sales Alert"); * //myMessage.Header.AddTo(recipients); * myMessage.AddTo(accountSettings.SalesSettings.AlertEmails); * myMessage.Subject = subject.ToString(); * myMessage.Html = body.ToString(); * * * // Create network credentials to access your SendGrid account. * var username = CoreServices.PlatformSettings.SendGrid.UserName; * var pswd = CoreServices.PlatformSettings.SendGrid.ApiKey; * var credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, pswd); * * // Create a Web transport for sending email. * //var transportWeb = SendGridMail.Transport.Web.GetInstance(credentials); * //var sendGridMailWeb = SendGridMail.Web.GetInstance(credentials); * var transportWeb = new Web(credentials); * * // Send the email. * try * { * //transportWeb.Deliver(myMessage); * //sendGridMailWeb.Deliver(myMessage); * transportWeb.Deliver(myMessage); * } * catch * { * * } * */ #endregion } } catch (Exception e) { } }
private static void KitchenSink() { String apiKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SENDGRID_APIKEY", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); dynamic sg = new SendGrid.SendGridAPIClient(apiKey, ""); Mail mail = new Mail(); Email email = new Email(); email.Name = "Example User"; email.Address = "*****@*****.**"; mail.From = email; mail.Subject = "Hello World from the SendGrid CSharp Library"; Personalization personalization = new Personalization(); email = new Email(); email.Name = "Example User"; email.Address = "*****@*****.**"; personalization.AddTo(email); email = new Email(); email.Name = "Example User"; email.Address = "*****@*****.**"; personalization.AddCc(email); email = new Email(); email.Name = "Example User"; email.Address = "*****@*****.**"; personalization.AddCc(email); email = new Email(); email.Name = "Example User"; email.Address = "*****@*****.**"; personalization.AddBcc(email); email = new Email(); email.Name = "Example User"; email.Address = "*****@*****.**"; personalization.AddBcc(email); personalization.Subject = "Thank you for signing up, %name%"; personalization.AddHeader("X-Test", "True"); personalization.AddHeader("X-Mock", "True"); personalization.AddSubstitution("%name%", "Example User"); personalization.AddSubstitution("%city%", "Denver"); personalization.AddCustomArgs("marketing", "false"); personalization.AddCustomArgs("transactional", "true"); personalization.SendAt = 1461775051; mail.AddPersonalization(personalization); personalization = new Personalization(); email = new Email(); email.Name = "Example User"; email.Address = "*****@*****.**"; personalization.AddTo(email); email = new Email(); email.Name = "Example User"; email.Address = "*****@*****.**"; personalization.AddCc(email); email = new Email(); email.Name = "Example User"; email.Address = "*****@*****.**"; personalization.AddCc(email); email = new Email(); email.Name = "Example User"; email.Address = "*****@*****.**"; personalization.AddBcc(email); email = new Email(); email.Name = "Example User"; email.Address = "*****@*****.**"; personalization.AddBcc(email); personalization.Subject = "Thank you for signing up, %name%"; personalization.AddHeader("X-Test", "True"); personalization.AddHeader("X-Mock", "True"); personalization.AddSubstitution("%name%", "Example User"); personalization.AddSubstitution("%city%", "Denver"); personalization.AddCustomArgs("marketing", "false"); personalization.AddCustomArgs("transactional", "true"); personalization.SendAt = 1461775051; mail.AddPersonalization(personalization); Content content = new Content(); content.Type = "text/plain"; content.Value = "Textual content"; mail.AddContent(content); content = new Content(); content.Type = "text/html"; content.Value = "<html><body>HTML content</body></html>"; mail.AddContent(content); content = new Content(); content.Type = "text/calendar"; content.Value = "Party Time!!"; mail.AddContent(content); Attachment attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.Content = "TG9yZW0gaXBzdW0gZG9sb3Igc2l0IGFtZXQsIGNvbnNlY3RldHVyIGFkaXBpc2NpbmcgZWxpdC4gQ3JhcyBwdW12"; attachment.Type = "application/pdf"; attachment.Filename = "balance_001.pdf"; attachment.Disposition = "attachment"; attachment.ContentId = "Balance Sheet"; mail.AddAttachment(attachment); attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.Content = "BwdW"; attachment.Type = "image/png"; attachment.Filename = "banner.png"; attachment.Disposition = "inline"; attachment.ContentId = "Banner"; mail.AddAttachment(attachment); mail.TemplateId = "13b8f94f-bcae-4ec6-b752-70d6cb59f932"; mail.AddHeader("X-Day", "Monday"); mail.AddHeader("X-Month", "January"); mail.AddSection("%section1", "Substitution for Section 1 Tag"); mail.AddSection("%section2", "Substitution for Section 2 Tag"); mail.AddCategory("customer"); mail.AddCategory("vip"); mail.AddCustomArgs("campaign", "welcome"); mail.AddCustomArgs("sequence", "2"); ASM asm = new ASM(); asm.GroupId = 3; List <int> groups_to_display = new List <int>() { 1, 4, 5 }; asm.GroupsToDisplay = groups_to_display; mail.Asm = asm; mail.SendAt = 1461775051; mail.SetIpPoolId = "23"; // This must be a valid [batch ID]( // mail.BatchId = "some_batch_id"; MailSettings mailSettings = new MailSettings(); BCCSettings bccSettings = new BCCSettings(); bccSettings.Enable = true; bccSettings.Email = "*****@*****.**"; mailSettings.BccSettings = bccSettings; BypassListManagement bypassListManagement = new BypassListManagement(); bypassListManagement.Enable = true; mailSettings.BypassListManagement = bypassListManagement; FooterSettings footerSettings = new FooterSettings(); footerSettings.Enable = true; footerSettings.Text = "Some Footer Text"; footerSettings.Html = "<bold>Some HTML Here</bold>"; mailSettings.FooterSettings = footerSettings; SandboxMode sandboxMode = new SandboxMode(); sandboxMode.Enable = true; mailSettings.SandboxMode = sandboxMode; SpamCheck spamCheck = new SpamCheck(); spamCheck.Enable = true; spamCheck.Threshold = 1; spamCheck.PostToUrl = ""; mailSettings.SpamCheck = spamCheck; mail.MailSettings = mailSettings; TrackingSettings trackingSettings = new TrackingSettings(); ClickTracking clickTracking = new ClickTracking(); clickTracking.Enable = true; clickTracking.EnableText = false; trackingSettings.ClickTracking = clickTracking; OpenTracking openTracking = new OpenTracking(); openTracking.Enable = true; openTracking.SubstitutionTag = "Optional tag to replace with the open image in the body of the message"; trackingSettings.OpenTracking = openTracking; SubscriptionTracking subscriptionTracking = new SubscriptionTracking(); subscriptionTracking.Enable = true; subscriptionTracking.Text = "text to insert into the text/plain portion of the message"; subscriptionTracking.Html = "<bold>HTML to insert into the text/html portion of the message</bold>"; subscriptionTracking.SubstitutionTag = "text to insert into the text/plain portion of the message"; trackingSettings.SubscriptionTracking = subscriptionTracking; Ganalytics ganalytics = new Ganalytics(); ganalytics.Enable = true; ganalytics.UtmCampaign = "some campaign"; ganalytics.UtmContent = "some content"; ganalytics.UtmMedium = "some medium"; ganalytics.UtmSource = "some source"; ganalytics.UtmTerm = "some term"; trackingSettings.Ganalytics = ganalytics; mail.TrackingSettings = trackingSettings; email = new Email(); email.Address = "*****@*****.**"; mail.ReplyTo = email; String ret = mail.Get(); string requestBody = ret; dynamic response = requestBody); Console.WriteLine(response.StatusCode); Console.WriteLine(response.Body.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); Console.WriteLine(response.Headers.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(ret); Console.ReadLine(); }
public string SendGridMsg(MailAddress from, string subject, string message, List <MailAddress> to, int?id, int?pid, List <MailAddress> cc = null) { var senderrorsto = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["senderrorsto"]; string fromDomain, apiKey; if (ShouldUseCustomEmailDomain) { fromDomain = CustomFromDomain; apiKey = CustomSendGridApiKey; } else { fromDomain = DefaultFromDomain; apiKey = DefaultSendGridApiKey; } if (from == null) { from = Util.FirstAddress(senderrorsto); } var mail = new Mail { From = new Email(fromDomain, from.DisplayName), Subject = subject, ReplyTo = new Email(from.Address, from.DisplayName) }; var pe = new Personalization(); foreach (var ma in to) { if (ma.Host != "" || Util.IsInRoleEmailTest) { pe.AddTo(new Email(ma.Address, ma.DisplayName)); } } if (cc?.Count > 0) { string cclist = string.Join(",", cc); if (!cc.Any(vv => vv.Address.Equal(from.Address))) { cclist = $"{from.Address},{cclist}"; } mail.ReplyTo = new Email(cclist); } pe.AddHeader(XSmtpApi, XSmtpApiHeader(id, pid, fromDomain)); pe.AddHeader(XBvcms, XBvcmsHeader(id, pid)); mail.AddPersonalization(pe); if (pe.Tos.Count == 0 && pe.Tos.Any(tt => tt.Address.EndsWith(""))) { return(null); } var badEmailLink = ""; if (pe.Tos.Count == 0) { pe.AddTo(new Email(from.Address, from.DisplayName)); pe.AddTo(new Email(Util.FirstAddress(senderrorsto).Address)); mail.Subject += $"-- bad addr for {CmsHost}({pid})"; badEmailLink = $"<p><a href='{CmsHost}/Person2/{pid}'>bad addr for</a></p>\n"; } var regex = new Regex("</?([^>]*)>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline); var text = regex.Replace(message, string.Empty); var html = badEmailLink + message + CcMessage(cc); mail.AddContent(new MContent("text/plain", text)); mail.AddContent(new MContent("text/html", html)); var reqBody = mail.Get(); using (var wc = new WebClient()) { wc.Headers.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {apiKey}"); wc.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json"); wc.UploadString("", reqBody); } return(fromDomain); }
public static async Task Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequestMessage req, [Table("UserProfile")] CloudTable userProfileTable, [Queue("emaillogqueue")] CloudQueue queue, IBinder binder, [SendGrid()] IAsyncCollector <Mail> message, [TwilioSms()] IAsyncCollector <SMSMessage> smsMessage, TraceWriter log) { try { log.Info($"RegisterUserAndSendSms function processed a request."); var user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UserProfile>(await req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); if (user == null) { throw new System.Exception("Please provide values for First name,Last Name and Profile Picture"); } var userProfile = new UserProfile(user.FirstName, user.LastName, user.ProfilePicture, user.Email); var tblInsertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(userProfile); var insertResult = await userProfileTable.ExecuteAsync(tblInsertOperation); var insertedUser = (UserProfile)insertResult.Result; var mail = new Mail { Subject = $"Thanks {userProfile.FirstName} {userProfile.LastName} for your Sign Up!" }; var personalization = new Personalization(); personalization.AddTo(new Email(userProfile.Email)); Content content = new Content { Type = "text/plain", Value = $"{userProfile.FirstName}, here's the link for your profile picture {userProfile.ProfilePicture}!" }; await queue.AddMessageAsync(new CloudQueueMessage(content.Value.ToString())); var queueMessage = await queue.GetMessageAsync(); var data = queueMessage.AsString; using (var emailLogBlob = binder.Bind <TextWriter>(new BlobAttribute($"emailogblobcontainer/{insertedUser.RowKey}.log"))) { await emailLogBlob.WriteAsync(data); } var attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.Content = System.Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data)); attachment.Filename = $"{insertedUser.FirstName}_{insertedUser.LastName}.log"; mail.AddAttachment(attachment); mail.AddContent(content); mail.AddPersonalization(personalization); await message.AddAsync(mail); //SMS Code var sms = new SMSMessage(); sms.To = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; sms.From = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AzureWebJobsFromNumber"]; sms.Body = "How is it going!"; await smsMessage.AddAsync(sms); } catch (System.Exception ex) { log.Info($"RegisterUserAndSendSms function : Exception:{ ex.Message}"); throw; } finally { log.Info("RegisterUserAndSendSms function has finished processing a request."); } }
public static async Task Envoyercourriel(Mentore mentore, string message, string apiKey) { dynamic sg = new SendGridAPIClient(apiKey); //Mon object de courriel var monCourriel = new Mail(); var mesInformations = new Personalization(); //De: var contactEmail = new Email(); ///contactEmail.Address = "*****@*****.**"; contactEmail.Address = "*****@*****.**"; contactEmail.Name = "Inscription Mentorat"; monCourriel.From = contactEmail; ////À: //for (int i = 0; i <= monMail.LesDestinataires.Count - 1; i++) //{ // contactEmail = new Email(); // contactEmail.Address = monMail.LesDestinataires[i]; // mesInformations.AddTo(contactEmail); //} //À: /// contactEmail = new Email(); /// contactEmail.Address = "*****@*****.**"; /// mesInformations.AddTo(contactEmail); /// /// contactEmail = new Email(); /// contactEmail.Address = "*****@*****.**"; /// mesInformations.AddCc(contactEmail); contactEmail = new Email(); contactEmail.Address = "*****@*****.**"; mesInformations.AddTo(contactEmail); //if (monMail.LesCC != null) //{ // for (int i = 0; i <= monMail.LesCC.Count - 1; i++) // { // contactEmail = new Email(); // contactEmail.Address = monMail.LesCC[i]; // mesInformations.AddCc(contactEmail); // } //} //contactEmail = new Email(); //contactEmail.Address = "*****@*****.**"; //mesInformations.AddCc(contactEmail); //CC: ////CCI: //for (int i = 0; i <= monMail.LesCCI.Count - 1; i++) //{ // contactEmail = new Email(); // contactEmail.Address = monMail.LesCCI[i]; // mesInformations.AddBcc(contactEmail); //} //Objet //monCourriel.Subject = "Ha oui!"; mesInformations.Subject = "Nouvelle inscription au service de mentorat"; monCourriel.AddPersonalization(mesInformations); //Message string strMsg = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(message); var content = new Content(); content.Type = "text/html"; content.Value = strMsg; monCourriel.AddContent(content); //for (int i = 0; i <= lstLiensImg.Count - 1; i++) //{ // //je permet seulement les .png // if (lstLiensImg[i].IndexOf(".png") > 0) // { // string headerPath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Content/Signatures/" + lstLiensImg[i]); // var attch = new Attachment(); // byte[] imageArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(headerPath); // string strAttachement = Convert.ToBase64String(imageArray); // attch.Content = strAttachement; // attch.Type = "image/png"; // attch.ContentId = lstLiensImg[i].Replace(".png", ""); // attch.Filename = lstLiensImg[i]; // attch.Disposition = "inline"; // monCourriel.AddAttachment(attch); // } //} //désactivé pour ne pas envoyer de courriel dynamic response = await : monCourriel.Get()); }
public static async Task Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequestMessage req, [Table("UserProfile")] CloudTable userProfileTable, [Queue("emaillogqueue")] CloudQueue queue, [Blob("emailogblobcontainer/{rand-guid}.log")] TextWriter logEmailBlob, [SendGrid()] ICollector <Mail> message, TraceWriter log) { try { log.Info("LogEmailInBlob function processed a request."); var user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UserProfile>(await req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); if (user == null) { throw new System.Exception("Please provide values for First name,Last Name and Profile Picture"); } var userProfile = new UserProfile(user.FirstName, user.LastName, user.ProfilePicture, user.Email); var tblInsertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(userProfile); userProfileTable.Execute(tblInsertOperation); var mail = new Mail { Subject = $"Thanks {userProfile.FirstName} {userProfile.LastName} for your Sign Up!" }; var personalization = new Personalization(); personalization.AddTo(new Email(userProfile.Email)); Content content = new Content { Type = "text/plain", Value = $"{userProfile.FirstName}, here's the link for your profile picture {userProfile.ProfilePicture}!" }; mail.AddContent(content); mail.AddPersonalization(personalization); message.Add(mail); await queue.AddMessageAsync(new CloudQueueMessage(content.Value.ToString())); var queueMessage = await queue.GetMessageAsync(); var data = queueMessage.AsString; await queue.DeleteMessageAsync(queueMessage); await logEmailBlob.WriteAsync(data); } catch (System.Exception ex) { log.Info($"LogEmailInBlob function : Exception:{ ex.Message}"); throw; } finally { log.Info("LogEmailInBlob function has finished processing a request."); } }
internal static void WritePlatformLog(CategoryType categoryType, ActivityType activityType, string description, string details = null, string accountId = null, string accountName = null, string userId = null, string userName = null, string userEmail = null, string ipAddress = null, string origin = null, string serializedObject = null) { CloudTableClient cloudTableClient = Settings.Azure.Storage.StorageConnections.PlatformStorage.CreateCloudTableClient(); //Create and set retry policy for logging //IRetryPolicy exponentialRetryPolicy = new ExponentialRetry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), 4); IRetryPolicy linearRetryPolicy = new LinearRetry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), 4); cloudTableClient.DefaultRequestOptions.RetryPolicy = linearRetryPolicy; //Gather up all the entities into a list for our parallel task to execute in a ForEach List <Object> entityTypes = new List <object>(); //Create an instance of each entity type and pass in associated CloudTableClient & TableName PlatformLogTableEntity_ByTime logTableEntity_Time = new PlatformLogTableEntity_ByTime(cloudTableClient, "platformactivitylogbytime"); entityTypes.Add(logTableEntity_Time); PlatformLogTableEntity_ByCategory logTableEntity_Category = new PlatformLogTableEntity_ByCategory(cloudTableClient, "platformactivitylogbycategory"); entityTypes.Add(logTableEntity_Category); PlatformLogTableEntity_ByActivity logTableEntity_Activity = new PlatformLogTableEntity_ByActivity(cloudTableClient, "platformactivitylogbyactivity"); entityTypes.Add(logTableEntity_Activity); if (accountId != null) { PlatformLogTableEntity_ByAccountID logTableEntity_AccountID = new PlatformLogTableEntity_ByAccountID(cloudTableClient, "platformactivitylogbyaccountid"); entityTypes.Add(logTableEntity_AccountID); } if (userId != null) { PlatformLogTableEntity_ByUserID logTableEntity_UserID = new PlatformLogTableEntity_ByUserID(cloudTableClient, "platformactivitylogbyuserid"); entityTypes.Add(logTableEntity_UserID); } try { Parallel.ForEach(entityTypes, obj => { #region Trace Statements //Display the id of the thread for each parallel instance to verifiy prallelism //Trace.TraceInformation("Current thread ID: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); #endregion //Transform the LogItem into each corresponding table entity type for insert execution into logs (obj as IPlatformLogTableEntity).Category = categoryType.ToString(); (obj as IPlatformLogTableEntity).Activity = activityType.ToString(); (obj as IPlatformLogTableEntity).Description = description.ToString(); (obj as IPlatformLogTableEntity).Details = details; (obj as IPlatformLogTableEntity).UserID = userId; (obj as IPlatformLogTableEntity).UserName = userName; (obj as IPlatformLogTableEntity).UserEmail = userEmail; (obj as IPlatformLogTableEntity).IPAddress = ipAddress; (obj as IPlatformLogTableEntity).Origin = origin; (obj as IPlatformLogTableEntity).AccountID = accountId; (obj as IPlatformLogTableEntity).AccountName = accountName; (obj as IPlatformLogTableEntity).Object = serializedObject; //create an insert operation for each entity, assign to designated CloudTable, and add to our list of tasks: TableOperation operation = TableOperation.Insert((obj as TableEntity)); (obj as IPlatformLogTableEntity).cloudTable.Execute(operation); }); } catch (Exception e) { //Email platform admins about this exception #region Email Platform Admins About Exception try { /* * * Using SendGrid Library is not possible in this one case due to circular reference issues * */ #region Create Parameter String var parametersString = new StringBuilder(); parametersString.Append("("); try { parametersString.Append(categoryType.ToString()); parametersString.Append(", "); parametersString.Append(activityType.ToString()); parametersString.Append(", "); parametersString.Append(description); parametersString.Append(", "); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(details)) { parametersString.Append(details); parametersString.Append(", "); } else { parametersString.Append("null"); parametersString.Append(", "); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(accountId)) { parametersString.Append(accountId); parametersString.Append(", "); } else { parametersString.Append("null"); parametersString.Append(", "); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(accountName)) { parametersString.Append(accountName); parametersString.Append(", "); } else { parametersString.Append("null"); parametersString.Append(", "); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userId)) { parametersString.Append(userId); parametersString.Append(", "); } else { parametersString.Append("null"); parametersString.Append(", "); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { parametersString.Append(userName); parametersString.Append(", "); } else { parametersString.Append("null"); parametersString.Append(", "); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(userEmail)) { parametersString.Append(userEmail); parametersString.Append(", "); } else { parametersString.Append("null"); parametersString.Append(", "); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ipAddress)) { parametersString.Append(ipAddress); parametersString.Append(", "); } else { parametersString.Append("null"); parametersString.Append(", "); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(origin)) { parametersString.Append(origin); parametersString.Append(", "); } else { parametersString.Append("null"); parametersString.Append(", "); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(serializedObject)) { parametersString.Append(serializedObject); //parametersString.Append(", "); } else { parametersString.Append("null"); //parametersString.Append(", "); } parametersString.Append(")"); } catch { parametersString.Append(" ...Error parsing next parameter -----> )"); } #endregion dynamic sg = new SendGridAPIClient(Settings.Services.SendGrid.Account.APIKey); Email from = new Email(Settings.Endpoints.Emails.FromExceptions, "Platform Exception"); string subject = "Exception Alert! (From: Platform Logger)"; var personalization = new Personalization(); foreach (var email in Settings.Endpoints.Emails.PlatformEmailAddresses) { Email to = new Email(email); personalization.AddTo(to); } //Mail mail = new Mail(from, subject, to, content); Mail mail = new Mail(); mail.From = from; mail.Subject = subject; mail.Personalization = new List <Personalization>(); mail.Personalization.Add(personalization); //var myMessage = new SendGridMessage(); //myMessage.From = new MailAddress(Settings.Endpoints.Emails.FromExceptions, "Platform Exception"); //myMessage.AddTo(Settings.Endpoints.Emails.PlatformEmailAddresses); //myMessage.Subject = "Exception Alert! (From: Platform Logger)"; //myMessage.Html = var body = "Exception location: <b>" + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().ReflectedType.FullName + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "</b>" + "<br/><br/>" + "Exception occurred while attempting to write to the platform log..." + "<br/><br/><b>" + e.Message + "</b><br/><br/>" + "Log Parameters:<br/><br/><b>" + parametersString.ToString() + "</b><br/><br/>" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(e) + "<br/><br/>"; Content content = new Content("text/html", body); //var username = Settings.Services.SendGrid.Account.UserName; //var pswd = Settings.Services.SendGrid.Account.APIKey; //var credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, pswd); //var transportWeb = new Web(credentials); //transportWeb.Deliver(myMessage); mail.Contents = new List <Content>(); mail.Contents.Add(content); var requestBody = mail.Get(); //dynamic response = await requestBody); dynamic response = requestBody); //dynamic d = response; } catch { } #endregion } }
public static void Send(List <string> recipients, string fromEmail, string fromName, string subject, string body, bool isHtml, bool isImportant = false) { dynamic sg = new SendGridAPIClient(Settings.Services.SendGrid.Account.APIKey); Email from = new Email(fromEmail, fromName); var personalization = new Personalization(); foreach (var email in recipients) { if (email.ToLower() == "platformadmin@[Config_PlatformEmail]") { //on recipients with LISTS we always BCC platformAdmin in order to keep that email hidden from the account users Email bcc = new Email(email); personalization.Bccs = new List <Email>(); personalization.Bccs.Add(bcc); } else { Email to = new Email(email); personalization.AddTo(to); } } //Mail mail = new Mail(from, subject, to, content); Mail mail = new Mail(); mail.From = from; mail.Subject = subject; mail.Personalization = new List <Personalization>(); mail.Personalization.Add(personalization); if (isHtml) { Content content = new Content("text/html", body); mail.Contents = new List <Content>(); mail.Contents.Add(content); } else { Content content = new Content("text/plain", body); mail.Contents = new List <Content>(); mail.Contents.Add(content); } // Send the email. try { if (Settings.Services.SendGrid.Account.Active) //<-- We check to see if email service is inactive due to load testing to avoid extra service charges { var requestBody = mail.Get(); //dynamic response = await requestBody); dynamic response = requestBody); //dynamic d = response; } } catch (Exception e) { //Log the Exception PlatformLogManager.LogActivity( CategoryType.Error, ActivityType.Error_SendGrid, e.Message, "An error occured when attempting to use SendGrid" ); //Log the Exception PlatformLogManager.LogActivity( CategoryType.Error, ActivityType.Error_Exception, e.Message, "An exception occured when attempting to use SendGrid", null, null, null, null, null, null, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().ReflectedType.FullName + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(e) ); } }
public async Task <bool> SendAsync(EmailMessage email, bool deleteAttachmentes, params string[] attachments) { var config = this.Config as Config; if (config == null) { email.Status = Status.Cancelled; return(false); } try { email.Status = Status.Executing; var personalization = new Personalization { Subject = email.Subject }; var message = new Mail { From = new Email(email.FromEmail, email.FromName), Subject = email.Subject }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email.ReplyToEmail)) { message.ReplyTo = new Email(email.ReplyToEmail, email.ReplyToName); } foreach (var address in email.SentTo.Split(',')) { personalization.AddTo(new Email(address.Trim())); } message.AddPersonalization(personalization); var content = new Content(); content.Value = email.Message; if (email.IsBodyHtml) { content.Type = "text/html"; } else { content.Type = "text/plain"; } message.AddContent(content); message = AttachmentHelper.AddAttachments(message, attachments); var sg = new SendGridAPIClient(config.ApiKey, ""); dynamic response = await : message.Get()); System.Net.HttpStatusCode status = response.StatusCode; switch (status) { case System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK: case System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Created: case System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Accepted: case System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NoContent: email.Status = Status.Completed; break; default: email.Status = Status.Failed; break; } return(true); } // ReSharper disable once CatchAllClause catch (Exception ex) { email.Status = Status.Failed; Log.Warning(@"Could not send email to {To} using SendGrid API. {Ex}. ", email.SentTo, ex); } finally { if (deleteAttachmentes) { FileHelper.DeleteFiles(attachments); } } return(false); }