Exemple #1
    public void Show()
        CreateText(new JSONStorableString("", "Changes the world scale based on your real height and the in-game model height.\n\nUse the Record Player Height button while standing straight to get accurate world scale.\n\nOptionally put a controller down before to get a more precise reading."), true);

        CreateScrollablePopup(_worldScale.worldScaleMethodJSON).label = "Method*";
        CreateSlider(_worldScale.playerHeightJSON).label = "Player Height*";
        CreateButton("Record Player Height (stand straight)").button.onClick.AddListener(RecordPlayerHeight);

        CreateToggle(_worldScale.useProfileJSON, true, "*Use Profile <i>(Not Saved In Scene)</i>", "*Use Profile <i>(Saved In Scene)</i>");

        CreateSpacer(true).height = 20f;

        var showPersonHeight = CreateButton("Show Person Height", true);

        showPersonHeight.button.onClick.AddListener(() =>
            var height             = new PersonMeasurements(context).MeasureHeight();
            showPersonHeight.label = $"Height: {height:0.00} (World Scale: {height / context.worldScale.playerHeightJSON.val:0.00})";
        var applyWorldScale = CreateButton("Apply World Scale", true);

        applyWorldScale.button.onClick.AddListener(() =>
    private float UsePersonHeightMethod()
        if (playerHeightJSON.val == 0)

        var measurements = new PersonMeasurements(context);
        var measure      = measurements.MeasureHeight();

        var ratio = measure / playerHeightJSON.val;

Exemple #3
    public void Show()
        if (context.containingAtom.type == "Person")
            CreateText(new JSONStorableString("", "Changes the world scale based on your real height and the in-game model height.\n\nUse the Record Player Height button while standing straight to get accurate world scale.\n\nOptionally put a controller down before to get a more precise reading.\n\nNote that the height is is VaM units, and from the floor to your eyes."), true);
            CreateText(new JSONStorableString("", "Changes the world scale when activated."), true);

        if (context.containingAtom.type == "Person")
            CreateTitle("Automatic World Scale");

            CreateScrollablePopup(_worldScale.worldScaleMethodJSON).label = "Method*";
            CreateSlider(_worldScale.playerHeightJSON).label = "Player Eyes Height*";
            var recordHeightBtn = CreateButton("Record Player Eyes Height Now");
            recordHeightBtn.button.onClick.AddListener(() => recordHeightBtn.label = RecordPlayerHeight());

        CreateSpacer().height = 20f;
        CreateTitle("Manual Scene World Scale Override");
        CreateSlider(_worldScale.fixedWorldScaleJSON).label = "World Scale";

        if (context.containingAtom.type == "Person")
            CreateTitle("Settings", true);
            CreateToggle(_worldScale.useProfileJSON, true, "*Use Profile <i>(Not Saved In Scene)</i>", "*Use Profile <i>(Saved In Scene)</i>");

            CreateSpacer(true).height = 20f;
            CreateTitle("Utilities", true);

            var showPersonHeight = CreateButton("Show Person Height", true);
            showPersonHeight.button.onClick.AddListener(() =>
                var height             = new PersonMeasurements(context).MeasureHeight();
                showPersonHeight.label = $"Floor-Eyes: {height:0.00} (World Scale: {height / context.worldScale.playerHeightJSON.val:0.00})";
            var applyWorldScale = CreateButton("Apply World Scale", true);
            applyWorldScale.button.onClick.AddListener(() => { context.worldScale.ApplyWorldScale(); });
    public void Apply()
        var preferToes = _context.trackers.viveTrackers.Any(t => t.SyncMotionControl());

        var measurements = new PersonMeasurements(_context);
        var height       = measurements.MeasureHeight();
        // TODO: Measure shoulders
        var         scale = _context.scaleChangeReceiver.scale;
        const float globalForwardOffset = (-0.025f);
        const float footYaw             = 4f;
        const float footPitch           = 18f;
        var         footHalfDistance    = (0.047f) * scale;
        var         footFloorDistance   = (0.062f) * scale;
        var         headForwardOffset   = (-0.020f + globalForwardOffset) * scale;
        var         hipForwardOffset    = (0.020f + globalForwardOffset) * scale;
        var         feetForwardOffset   = (0.010f + globalForwardOffset) * scale;
        var         handsToHipOffset    = (-0.10f) * scale;
        var         handsForwardOffset  = (0.05f + globalForwardOffset) * scale;
        var         handsRightOffset    = (0.22f) * scale;

        var head   = _context.containingAtom.freeControllers.First(fc => fc.name == "headControl");
        var pelvis = _context.containingAtom.freeControllers.First(fc => fc.name == "pelvisControl");
        var hip    = _context.containingAtom.freeControllers.First(fc => fc.name == "hipControl");
        var lFoot  = _context.containingAtom.freeControllers.First(fc => fc.name == "lFootControl");
        var rFoot  = _context.containingAtom.freeControllers.First(fc => fc.name == "rFootControl");

         * var lToe = _context.containingAtom.freeControllers.First(fc => fc.name == "lToeControl");
         * var rToe = _context.containingAtom.freeControllers.First(fc => fc.name == "rToeControl");
        var lHand = _context.containingAtom.freeControllers.First(fc => fc.name == "lHandControl");
        var rHand = _context.containingAtom.freeControllers.First(fc => fc.name == "rHandControl");

        foreach (var control in _context.containingAtom.freeControllers.Where(fc => fc.name.EndsWith("Control")))
            control.deactivateOtherControlsOnPossess = false;

        var position = (pelvis.control.position + hip.control.position) / 2f;

        position.Scale(new Vector3(1f, 0f, 1f));
        var direction = (
            Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(hip.control.eulerAngles, Vector3.up).y +
            Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(pelvis.control.eulerAngles, Vector3.up).y +
            Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(head.control.eulerAngles, Vector3.up).y
            ) / 3f;

        foreach (var controller in _context.containingAtom.freeControllers.Where(fc => fc.name.EndsWith("Control")).Where(fc => fc.control != null))
            SetState(controller, FreeControllerV3.PositionState.Off, FreeControllerV3.RotationState.Off);

        SetState(head, FreeControllerV3.PositionState.On, FreeControllerV3.RotationState.On);
        head.control.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, direction, 0f);
        var headForward = head.control.forward;
        var headRight   = head.control.right;

        head.control.position     = position + new Vector3(0f, height, 0f) + headForward * headForwardOffset;
        head.RBHoldPositionSpring = 10000f;
        head.RBHoldRotationSpring = 1000f;

        SetState(hip, FreeControllerV3.PositionState.On, FreeControllerV3.RotationState.On);
        hip.control.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, direction, 0f);
        var hipForward = hip.control.forward;
        var hipHeight  = measurements.MeasureHipHeight();

        hip.control.position     = position + new Vector3(0f, hipHeight, 0f) + hipForward * hipForwardOffset;
        hip.RBHoldPositionSpring = 4000f;
        hip.RBHoldRotationSpring = 1000f;

        SetState(lFoot, FreeControllerV3.PositionState.On, FreeControllerV3.RotationState.On);
        lFoot.control.eulerAngles  = new Vector3(footPitch, direction - footYaw, 0f);
        lFoot.control.position     = position - headRight * footHalfDistance + Vector3.up * footFloorDistance + headForward * feetForwardOffset;
        lFoot.RBHoldPositionSpring = 10000f;
        lFoot.RBHoldRotationSpring = 1000f;

        SetState(rFoot, FreeControllerV3.PositionState.On, FreeControllerV3.RotationState.On);
        rFoot.control.eulerAngles  = new Vector3(footPitch, direction + footYaw, 0f);
        rFoot.control.position     = position + headRight * footHalfDistance + Vector3.up * footFloorDistance + headForward * feetForwardOffset;
        rFoot.RBHoldPositionSpring = 10000f;
        rFoot.RBHoldRotationSpring = 1000f;

        if (preferToes)
            // TODO: In theory it would be better if the feet sole moved but the toes didn't, but the toes have weird movements and it's had to get the sole to stay on the ground.

             * var toeBone = _context.bones.First(b => b.name == "rToe");
             * var toeToFeetDistance = toeBone.transform.localPosition.magnitude;
             * SetState(lToe, FreeControllerV3.PositionState.On, FreeControllerV3.RotationState.On);
             * lToe.control.eulerAngles = lFoot.control.eulerAngles;
             * lToe.control.position = lFoot.control.position + lFoot.control.forward * toeToFeetDistance;
             * lToe.RBHoldPositionSpring = 10000f;
             * lToe.RBHoldRotationSpring = 500f;
             * lToe.onPositionChangeHandlers?.Invoke(lToe);
             * SetState(rToe, FreeControllerV3.PositionState.On, FreeControllerV3.RotationState.On);
             * rToe.control.eulerAngles = rFoot.control.eulerAngles;
             * rToe.control.position = rFoot.control.position + rFoot.control.forward * toeToFeetDistance;
             * rToe.RBHoldPositionSpring = 10000f;
             * rToe.RBHoldRotationSpring = 500f;
             * rToe.onPositionChangeHandlers?.Invoke(rToe);

        SetState(lHand, FreeControllerV3.PositionState.On, FreeControllerV3.RotationState.On);
        lHand.control.eulerAngles  = new Vector3(-25f, 0, 90f);
        lHand.control.position     = position + Vector3.up * (hipHeight + handsToHipOffset) + headForward * handsForwardOffset - headRight * handsRightOffset;
        lHand.RBHoldPositionSpring = 10000f;
        lHand.RBHoldRotationSpring = 1000f;

        SetState(rHand, FreeControllerV3.PositionState.On, FreeControllerV3.RotationState.On);
        rHand.control.eulerAngles  = new Vector3(-25f, 0, -90f);
        rHand.control.position     = position + Vector3.up * (hipHeight + handsToHipOffset) + headForward * handsForwardOffset + headRight * handsRightOffset;
        rHand.RBHoldPositionSpring = 10000f;
        rHand.RBHoldRotationSpring = 1000f;

        SuperController.singleton.ResetSimulation(5, "Apply Possession Pose", true);