Exemple #1
        //The Method checks the returned result is NotFoundReult 404, when PersonInfo is not found
        //The Method under test calls FindAsync(fake id) gets null and returns NotFoundResult
        public async Task GetPersonInfo_NotFoundResult_404_When_PersonInfo_not_found()
            var fakeId       = 88;
            var _contextMock = new Mock <PeopleDWContext>();

            .Setup(context => context.PersonInfo.FindAsync(It.IsAny <long>()))

            var personInfoesController = new PersonInfoesController(_contextMock.Object);
            var actionResult           = await personInfoesController.GetPersonInfo(fakeId);

            var notFoundResult = Assert.IsType <NotFoundResult>(actionResult);

            Assert.Equal(404, notFoundResult.StatusCode);
Exemple #2
        //The Method checks the returned result on success. it should be OkObjectResault
        //The Method checks the returned object wrapped in the result. it should be PersonInfo
        //The Method under test calls FindAsync(long) and returns PersonInfo wrapped in the ActionResult
        public async Task GetPersonInfo_return_PersonInfo_wrapped_OkObjectResault_When_Success()
            var trueId         = 1;
            var testPersonInfo = GetTestPersonInfoAsync();
            var _contextMock   = new Mock <PeopleDWContext>();

            .Setup(context => context.PersonInfo.FindAsync(It.IsAny <long>()))

            var personInfoesController = new PersonInfoesController(_contextMock.Object);
            var actionResult           = await personInfoesController.GetPersonInfo(trueId);

            var okObjectResult = Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(actionResult);

            Assert.IsAssignableFrom <PersonInfo>(okObjectResult.Value);
Exemple #3
        //The Method checks the returned result is BadRequestObjectResult 400, when ControllerBase.ModelState has an error
        public async Task GetPersonInfo_BadRequestObjectResult_400_When_ModelState_not_valid()
            var anyId        = 1;
            var _contextMock = new Mock <PeopleDWContext>();
            //	.Setup(context => context.PersonInfo.FindAsync(It.IsAny<long>()))
            //	.Returns(GetTestPersonInfoAsync());

            var personInfoesController = new PersonInfoesController(_contextMock.Object);

            personInfoesController.ModelState.AddModelError("Key", "Test_Error");
            var actionResult = await personInfoesController.GetPersonInfo(anyId);

            var badRequestObjectResult = Assert.IsType <BadRequestObjectResult>(actionResult);

            Assert.Equal(400, badRequestObjectResult.StatusCode);
Exemple #4
        //The Method checks the found id must be equal to the id of the returned object
        //The Method under test calls FindAsync(long) and returns PersonInfo wrapped in the ActionResult
        public async Task GetPersonInfo_returned_Id_people_equals_Id_people_found_When_Success()
            var trueId         = 1;
            var testPersonInfo = GetTestPersonInfoAsync();
            var _contextMock   = new Mock <PeopleDWContext>();

            .Setup(context => context.PersonInfo.FindAsync(It.IsAny <long>()))

            var personInfoesController = new PersonInfoesController(_contextMock.Object);
            var returnPersonInfo       =
                ((OkObjectResult)await personInfoesController.GetPersonInfo(trueId))
