Exemple #1
        static void tryDispose()
            PersonDisposable p = null;
            var y = 0;

                p = new PersonDisposable {
                    Name = "Kate"
                var x = 10 / y;
                if (p != null)
Exemple #2
        public static void Display()

            PersonDisposable p2 = new PersonDisposable {
                Name = "Bob"


            catch { }

            using (PersonDisposable p = new PersonDisposable())
                p.Name = "Jane";
Exemple #3
        // An	object	can	implement	the	IDisposable	interface,	which means	it	must	provide	a	Dispose	method	that	can	be	called	within
        // the application	to	request	that	the	object	to	release	any	resources	that	it	has allocated.	Note	that	the	Dispose	method
        // does	not	cause	the	object	to	be deleted	from	memory,	nor	does	it	mark	the	object	for	deletion	by	the	garbage collector
        // in	any	way.	Only	objects	that	have	no	references	to	them	are	deleted. Once	Dispose	has	been	called	on	an	object,
        // that	object	can	no	longer	be	used in	an	application. Objects	that	implement	IDisposable	can	be	used	in	conjunction	with
        // the using	statement,	which	will	provide	an	automatic	call	of	the	Dispose	method when	execution	leaves	the	block	that
        // follows	the	using	statement. The	Dispose	method	is	called	by	the	application	when	an	object	is	required to	release	all	the
        // resources	that	it	is	using.	This	is	a	significant	improvement	on	a finalizer,	in	that	your	application	can	control
        // exactly	when	this	happens.
        // If	you	want	to	create	an	object	that	contains	both	a	finalizer	and	a	Dispose method	you	need	to	exercise
        // some	care	to	avoid	the	object	trying	to	release	the same	resource	more	than	once,	and	perhaps	failing	as	a
        // result	of	this.	The SuppressFinalize	method	can	be	used	to	identify	an	object,	which	will	not be	finalized
        // when	the	object	is	deleted.	This	should	be	used	by	the	Dispose method	in	a	class	to	prevent	instances	being
        // disposed	more	than	once.	A	dispose pattern can be used    to allow   an object to  manage its disposal.
        public void TheDisposaPattern()
            PersonDisposable personDisposable = new PersonDisposable();
