Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The one method to put different types of estate objects into caches. <br/>
        /// Key is chosen automatically. <br/>
        /// Method checks referential integrity on: <br/>
        /// EstateObject.SellerID - Person.key. <br/>
        /// EstateObject.LocationID - Location.key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">Estate object to put into cache.</param>
        public static void PutEstateObject (EstateObject value)
            using (var tx = Client.GetTransactions().TxStart())
                // Error if Person with key = value.SellerID is not found.
                if (!(PersonCache.ContainsKey(value.SellerID)))
                    throw new ReferentialException ("Can not put new entry into EstateObject cache.")
                        Operation = "put",
                        TableName = "EstateObject",
                        FieldName = "SellerID",
                        ReadableMessage = $"Can not put new entry into EstateObject cache because Person with key {value.SellerID} does not exist."

                // Error if Location not found.
                if (!(LocationCache.ContainsKey(value.LocationID)))
                    throw new ReferentialException ("Can not put new entry into EstateObject cache.")
                        Operation = "put",
                        TableName = "EstateObject",
                        FieldName = "LocationID",
                        ReadableMessage = $"Can not put new entry into EstateObject cache because Location with key {value.LocationID} does not exist."

                // Normal operation.
                int key = LastUsedKeys.Get("estateobject");
                switch ((char)value.Variant)
                    case 'o':
                    ObjectCache.Put (key, value);

                    case 'h':
                    HouseCache.Put (key, (House)value);
                    case 'f':
                    FlatCache.Put (key, (Flat)value);

                    case 'l':
                    LandplotCache.Put (key, (Landplot)value);

                LastUsedKeys.Put("estateobject", key+1);
Exemple #2
        static void PrototypePattern()
            Person p = PersonCache.GetPerson("1");

            p = PersonCache.GetPerson("3");
        public void CreateUpdatePerson_AddPerson_Checkreturnperon()
            var    count   = PersonCache.PersonCount();
            Person person  = new Person(10000001, "Test", "Test");
            var    person2 = PersonCache.CreateUpdatePerson(person);

            person2 = PersonCache.GetPerson(10000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(person2, person);
            Assert.AreEqual(PersonCache.PersonCount(), count + 1);
        public void RemovePerson_CountShoudbe0()
            var    count   = PersonCache.PersonCount();
            Person person  = new Person(10000001, "Test", "Test");
            var    person2 = PersonCache.CreateUpdatePerson(person);

            person2 = PersonCache.GetPerson(10000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(PersonCache.PersonCount(), 0);
        public void CreateUpdatePerson_UpdatePerson_Checkreturnperon()
            Person person  = new Person(10000001, "Test", "Test");
            var    person2 = PersonCache.CreateUpdatePerson(person);

            person.FirstName = "Test2";
            person2          = PersonCache.CreateUpdatePerson(person);
            person2          = PersonCache.GetPerson(10000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(person2.FirstName, "Test2");
 private void Save(Models.Person record, bool isNew)
     // add any code to update other fields/tables here
     if (Request["pwValue"] + "" != "")
         record.Password = Security.CreateSecuredPassword(Request["pwValue"]);
     if (record.Password.IsBlank())
         // Person MUST have a password
         record.Password = Beweb.RandomPassword.Generate(8);;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the given record or displays validation errors if cannot delete
        /// GET: /Admin/Person/Delete/5
        /// </summary>
        public ActionResult Delete(int id, string returnPage)
            var    record = Models.Person.LoadID(id);
            string issues = record.CheckForDependentRecords();

            if (issues != null)
                Web.ErrorMessage = "Cannot delete this record. " + issues; return(RedirectToEdit(record.ID));

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Create new account, using Person entity, password, and optionally privilegies level.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="person"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <param name="privilegies"></param>
        public static void CreateAccount(Person person, string password, char privilegies = 'c')
            using (var tx = Client.GetTransactions().TxStart())
                // Referential integrity check
                if (CredentialCache.ContainsKey(person.Phone))
                    throw new ReferentialException("Can not create new account.")
                              ReadableMessage = $"Can not create account because account with phone {person.Phone} already exists."
                if (!LocationCache.ContainsKey(person.LocationID))
                    throw new ReferentialException("Can not create new account.")
                              ReadableMessage = $"Can not create account because location with key {person.LocationID} does not exist."

                // Normal operation
                int key = LastUsedKeys.Get("person");
                PersonCache.Put(key, person);
                LastUsedKeys.Put("person", key + 1);

                Credential c = new Credential
                    Password    = password,
                    Privilegies = (byte)privilegies,
                    Status      = (byte)'n',
                    PersonID    = key

                CredentialCache.Put(person.Phone, c);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Put agent entity into the cache and assign a key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">Key to use. Is additionally a back link to person.</param>
        /// <param name="value">Agent entity to put into the cache.</param>
        public static void PutAgent (int key, Agent value)
            using (var tx = Client.GetTransactions().TxStart())
                // Check whether Person cache contains Person with mentioned key. Throw an error if not.
                if (!(PersonCache.ContainsKey(key)))
                    throw new ReferentialException ("Can not put new entry into Agent cache.")
                        Operation = "put",
                        TableName = "Agent",
                        FieldName = "key",
                        ReadableMessage = $"Can not put new entry into Agent cache because Person with key {key} does not exist."

                // Normal operation.
                AgentCache.Put (key, value);
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Put credential in cache and assign string key which is the phone number of the referenced person.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">Credential to put in the cache.</param>
 public static void PutCredential (Credential value)
     using (var tx = Client.GetTransactions().TxStart())
         if (PersonCache.ContainsKey(value.PersonID)) 
             CredentialCache.Put (PersonCache.Get(value.PersonID).Phone, value);
             throw new ReferentialException ("Can not put new entry into Credential cache.")
                 Operation = "put",
                 TableName = "Credential",
                 FieldName = "PersonID",
                 ReadableMessage = $"Can not put new entry into Credential cache because Person with key {value.PersonID} does not exist."
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Put a person into the cache.<br/>
        /// This method checks referential integrity on field Person.LocationID: <br/>
        /// Location with _key = Person.LocationID has to exist. <br/>
        /// Otherwise, method throws ReferentialException. <br/>
        /// This and other put methods DO NOT validate the entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">Person to put into the cache.</param>
        public static void PutPerson (Person p)
            using (var tx = Client.GetTransactions().TxStart())
                // Check if Location cache contains Location with key p.LocationID, throw error if not.
                if (!(LocationCache.ContainsKey(p.LocationID)))
                    throw new ReferentialException ("Can not put new entry into Person cache.")
                        Operation = "put",
                        TableName = "Person",
                        FieldName = "LocationID",
                        ReadableMessage = $"Can not put new entry into Person cache because Location with key {p.LocationID} does not exist."

                // Check if Credential cache contains Credential with key p.Phone, throw error if yes.
                if (CredentialCache.ContainsKey(p.Phone))
                    throw new ReferentialException ("Can not put new entry into Person cache.")
                        Operation = "put",
                        TableName = "Person",
                        FieldName = "Phone",
                        ReadableMessage = $"Can not put new entry into Person cache because Person with Phone '{p.Phone}' and Credential with the same key already exist."

                // Normal operation.
                int key = LastUsedKeys.Get("person");
                PersonCache.Put(key, p);
                LastUsedKeys.Put ("person", key);
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Put ClientWish entity into the cache. <br/>
        /// Referential integrity check is done on: <br/>
        /// ClientWish.ClientID - Person.key <br/>
        /// ClientWish.LocationID - Location.key 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">ClientWish to put into the cache.</param>
        public static void PutClientWish (ClientWish value)
            using (var tx = Client.GetTransactions().TxStart())
                // Error if Person with key = value.ClientID is not found.
                if (!(PersonCache.ContainsKey(value.ClientID)))
                    throw new ReferentialException ("Can not put new entry into ClientWish cache.")
                        Operation = "put",
                        TableName = "ClientWish",
                        FieldName = "ClientID",
                        ReadableMessage = $"Can not put new entry into ClientWish cache because Person with key {value.ClientID} does not exist."

                // Error if Location not found.
                if (!(LocationCache.ContainsKey(value.LocationID)))
                    throw new ReferentialException ("Can not put new entry into ClientWish cache.")
                        Operation = "put",
                        TableName = "ClientWish",
                        FieldName = "LocationID",
                        ReadableMessage = $"Can not put new entry into ClientWish cache because Location with key {value.LocationID} does not exist."

                // Normal operation.
                int key = LastUsedKeys.Get ("clientwish");
                ClientWishCache.Put (key, value);
                LastUsedKeys.Put ("clientwish", key+1);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Put Order entity into the cache. <br/>
        /// NOTE: usually order is put with empty AgentID. <br/>
        /// Referential integrity check is done on: <br/>
        /// Order.ClientID - Person.key <br/>
        /// Order.ObjectID - EstateObject.key
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        public static void PutOrder (Order value)
            using (var tx = Client.GetTransactions().TxStart())
                // Error if Person with key = value.ClientID is not found.
                if (!(PersonCache.ContainsKey(value.ClientID)))
                    throw new ReferentialException ("Can not put new entry into Order cache.")
                        Operation = "put",
                        TableName = "Order",
                        FieldName = "ClientID",
                        ReadableMessage = $"Can not put new entry into Order cache because Person with key {value.ClientID} does not exist."

                // Error if EstateObject with key = value.ObjectID is not found.
                if (!(ObjectCache.ContainsKey(value.ObjectID)))
                    throw new ReferentialException ("Can not put new entry into Order cache.")
                        Operation = "put",
                        TableName = "Order",
                        FieldName = "ObjectID",
                        ReadableMessage = $"Can not put new entry into Order cache because EstateObject with key {value.ObjectID} does not exist."

                // Normal operation
                long key = (((long)value.ClientID)<<32) + value.ObjectID;
                OrderCache.Put (key, value);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Put deal entity into the cache. <br/>
        /// Referential integrity is checked on: <br/>
        /// Deal.key - EstateObject.key <br/>
        /// Deal.BuyerID - Person.key <br/>
        /// Deal.SellerID - Person.key <br/>
        /// Deal.AgentID - Agent.key <br/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">Deal to put into the cache.</param>
        public static void PutDeal (int key, Deal value)
            using (var tx = Client.GetTransactions().TxStart())
                // Error if EstateObject with mentioned key is not found.
                if (!(ObjectCache.ContainsKey(key)))
                    throw new ReferentialException ("Can not put new entry into Deal cache.")
                        Operation = "put",
                        TableName = "Deal",
                        FieldName = "key",
                        ReadableMessage = $"Can not put new entry into Deal cache because EstateObject with key {key} does not exist."

                // Error if Person with key = value.BuyerID is not found.
                if (!(PersonCache.ContainsKey(value.BuyerID)))
                    throw new ReferentialException ("Can not put new entry into Deal cache.")
                        Operation = "put",
                        TableName = "Deal",
                        FieldName = "BuyerID",
                        ReadableMessage = $"Can not put new entry into Deal cache because Person with key {value.BuyerID} does not exist."

                // Error if Person with key = value.SellerID is not found.
                if (!(PersonCache.ContainsKey(value.SellerID)))
                    throw new ReferentialException ("Can not put new entry into Deal cache.")
                        Operation = "put",
                        TableName = "Deal",
                        FieldName = "SellerID",
                        ReadableMessage = $"Can not put new entry into Deal cache because Person with key {value.SellerID} does not exist."

                // Error if Agent with key = value.AgentID is not found.
                if (!(AgentCache.ContainsKey(value.AgentID)))
                    throw new ReferentialException ("Can not put new entry into Deal cache.")
                        Operation = "put",
                        TableName = "Deal",
                        FieldName = "AgentID",
                        ReadableMessage = $"Can not put new entry into Deal cache because Agent with key {value.AgentID} does not exist."

                // Normal operation
                DealCache.Put (key, value);