public static void Add(PersistableBusinessObject value, object key, bool fullyPopulated)
     if (cache != null)
         cache.Add(string.Concat(key.ToString(), "|", value.GetType().ToString(), "|", fullyPopulated.ToString()), value);
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 ///This method will perform mapping between one object type and another as defined by the source and destination system arguments.
 ///The mapped object is passed by reference so all alterations to this object will be reflected in the calling code.
 ///This method has been designed to be generic in the hope that it will cater for mapping of other types than just Shipment mapping which is its original goal.
 ///Also with the use of Reflection and due to the data stored about a mapping it should be possible to write a much more concise body of code to perform the mapping.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceObject">The source object.</param>
 /// <param name="destinationObject">The destination object.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceSystem">The source system.</param>
 /// <param name="destinationSystem">The destination system.</param>
 /// //<param name="advancedMappingMethod">A method that will do futher specified mapping between to two objects</param>
 public static void Map(
     PersistableBusinessObject sourceObject,
     PersistableBusinessObject destinationObject,
     string sourceSystem,
     string destinationSystem,
     AdvancedMapping advancedMappingMethod)
     // Call mapping for deep map
     Map(sourceObject, destinationObject, sourceSystem, destinationSystem, advancedMappingMethod, null);
 private static void Remove(PersistableBusinessObject value, object key)
     if (cache != null)
         //remove the fully populated
         cache.Remove(string.Concat(key.ToString(), "|", value.GetType().ToString(), "|", true.ToString()));
         //remove the partially populated
         cache.Remove(string.Concat(key.ToString(), "|", value.GetType().ToString(), "|", false.ToString()));
Exemple #4
        private void DoLines(PersistableBusinessObject sourceObject, PersistableBusinessObject destinationObject,
                             string sourceSystem, string destinationSystem)
            List <ShipmentLine> lines = ((TDCShipment)destinationObject).ShipmentLines;

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
                TDCShipmentLine newline = new TDCShipmentLine();
                MappingController.Map(lines[i], newline, sourceSystem, destinationSystem, null);
                lines[i] = newline;
        public static void Add(PersistableBusinessObject objectToAdd, bool fullyPopulated)
            //add the object to the cache using the Id as part of the key
            Add(objectToAdd, (object)objectToAdd.Id, true);
            //add the object to the cache using the Code as part of the key if there is one
            PropertyInfo propertyInfo = objectToAdd.GetType().GetProperty("Code");

            if (propertyInfo != null)
                Add(objectToAdd, (object)propertyInfo.GetValue(objectToAdd, null), true);
        public static void Remove(PersistableBusinessObject objectToRemove)
            //remove using the id as the key
            Remove(objectToRemove, (object)objectToRemove.Id);
            //remove using the code as the key
            PropertyInfo propertyInfo = objectToRemove.GetType().GetProperty("Code");

            if (propertyInfo != null)
                Remove(objectToRemove, (object)propertyInfo.GetValue(objectToRemove, null));
        public static bool Contains(PersistableBusinessObject value, bool fullyPopulated)
            bool contains = false;

            if (cache != null)
                contains = cache.Contains(string.Concat(value.Id.ToString(), "|", value.GetType().ToString(), "|", fullyPopulated.ToString()));

            if (!contains && !fullyPopulated)
                //we were after a non fully populated object, and there wasn't one lets see if there is a fully populated object
                if (cache != null)
                    contains = cache.Contains(string.Concat(value.Id.ToString(), "|", value.GetType().ToString(), "|", true.ToString()));

Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the checksum.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
 /// <param name="tableName">Name of the table.</param>
 public static void GetChecksum(PersistableBusinessObject entity, string tableName)
     entity.CheckSum = DataAccessProvider.Instance().GetEntityChecksum(entity.Id, tableName);
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the checksum.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
 public static void GetChecksum(PersistableBusinessObject entity)
     GetChecksum(entity, entity.GetType().Name.Replace(entity.GetType().Namespace, ""));
 public static void Add(PersistableBusinessObject objectToAdd)
     Add(objectToAdd, true);
 public static bool Contains(PersistableBusinessObject value)
     return(Contains(value, true));
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 ///This method will call the mapping between one object type and another as defined by the source and destination system arguments.
 ///The mapped object is passed by reference so all alterations to this object will be reflected in the calling code.
 ///This method has been designed to be generic in the hope that it will cater for mapping of other types than just Shipment mapping which is its original goal.
 ///Also with the use of Reflection and due to the data stored about a mapping it should be possible to write a much more concise body of code to perform the mapping.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceObject">The source object.</param>
 /// <param name="destinationObject">The destination object.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceSystem">The source system.</param>
 /// <param name="destinationSystem">The destination system.</param>
 /// /// //<param name="advancedMappingMethod">A method that will do futher specified mapping between to two objects</param>
 public static void Map(PersistableBusinessObject sourceObject, PersistableBusinessObject destinationObject,
                        string sourceSystem, string destinationSystem,
                        Mapper.AdvancedMapping advancedMappingMethod)
     Mapper.Map(sourceObject, destinationObject, sourceSystem, destinationSystem, advancedMappingMethod);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// A method 'Map' defined in 'Mapper' class with 6 arguments passing in
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceObject">The source object.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationObject">The destination object.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceSystem">The source system.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationSystem">The destination system.</param>
        /// <param name="advancedMappingMethod">The advanced mapping method.</param>
        /// <param name="propertiesToIgnore">The properties to ignore.</param>
        public static void Map(
            PersistableBusinessObject sourceObject,
            PersistableBusinessObject destinationObject,
            string sourceSystem,
            string destinationSystem,
            AdvancedMapping advancedMappingMethod,
            string[] propertiesToIgnore)
            if (destinationObject != null)
                Type sourceObjectType      = sourceObject.GetType();
                Type destinationObjectType = destinationObject.GetType();

                // Source property value
                object sourcePropertyValue = null;

                // Source property info
                PropertyInfo sourcePropertyInfo = null;

                // Get a mapping class association if we have one
                MappingClassAssociation mappingClassAssociation = MappingController.GetMappingClassAssociationByTypes(

                // Get the properties for the above class association
                List <MappingPropertyAssociation> mappingPropertyAssociations = null;
                // If we have a mapping association see if there are any properties
                if (null != mappingClassAssociation)
                    mappingPropertyAssociations = MappingController.GetMappingPropertyAssociationsByClassAssociationId(

                // Loop through the properties of the destination object
                foreach (PropertyInfo destinationPropertyInfo in destinationObjectType.GetProperties())
                    // Only continue if we can write the destination property
                    if (destinationPropertyInfo.CanWrite)
                        // See if we have properties to ignore
                        if (null != propertiesToIgnore)
                            // See if we can find the property
                            if (null != Array.Find <string>(propertiesToIgnore,
                                                            delegate(string propertyToIgnore)
                                // Do we ignore this property
                                return(destinationPropertyInfo.Name == propertyToIgnore);
                                // Ignore this property

                        // The mapping if one exists
                        BusinessObjects.Mapping valueMapping = null;

                        // The property association we've found, if any
                        MappingPropertyAssociation mappingPropertyAssociation = null;

                        // Is it a mappable property?
                        bool mappable = (mappingPropertyAssociations != null &&
                                         null != (mappingPropertyAssociation = mappingPropertyAssociations.Find(
                                                      delegate(MappingPropertyAssociation propertyAssociation)
                            return(propertyAssociation.DestinationProperty == destinationPropertyInfo.Name);

                        // If we're mappable, we need to see if the source object has a value that we can use for the lookup
                        if (mappable)
                            // Get the source property with the same name as the mapping source property
                            sourcePropertyInfo = sourceObjectType.GetProperty(mappingPropertyAssociation.SourceProperty);

                            //if the destination object has a writeable property with the same name, and their types are the same then set to cloned value
                            if (sourcePropertyInfo != null &&
                                sourcePropertyInfo.PropertyType.Equals(destinationPropertyInfo.PropertyType) &&
                                // Get the source value
                                sourcePropertyValue = sourcePropertyInfo.GetValue(sourceObject, null);
                                mappable = false;

                        // See if this property is mappable and mapped
                        if (mappable && null != (valueMapping = MappingController.GetMapping(
                            // Set the destination properties value to the mapped value
                            destinationPropertyInfo.SetValue(destinationObject, valueMapping.DestinationValue, null);
                            // Get the source property with the same name as the current destination property
                            sourcePropertyInfo = sourceObjectType.GetProperty(destinationPropertyInfo.Name);

                            //if the destination object has a writeable property with the same name, and their types are the same then set to cloned value
                            if (sourcePropertyInfo != null &&
                                sourcePropertyInfo.PropertyType.Equals(destinationPropertyInfo.PropertyType) &&
                                // Get the value of the source property
                                sourcePropertyValue = sourcePropertyInfo.GetValue(sourceObject, null);

                                // Set the destination properties value to a clone of the source value
                                destinationPropertyInfo.SetValue(destinationObject, DeepClone(sourcePropertyValue), null);
                                // Set the destination properties value to null
                                //destinationPropertyInfo.SetValue(destinationObject, Discovery.Utility.Null.SetNull(destinationPropertyInfo), null);

                //call a delegate to perform futher specific mapping
                if (advancedMappingMethod != null)
                    advancedMappingMethod(sourceObject, destinationObject, sourceSystem, destinationSystem);
                throw new MappingException("The Destination object is null.");