public IActionResult Index(
     // Note:
     // The [FromBody] attribute means directing the default behavior of Model Binding to use
     // the formatters/InputFormatter instead. In this case our custom Model Binder does not work.
     // To use our custom model binder, remove the [FromBody] Attribute.
     // And now he default value providers get data from a form-URL-encoded body, route values, and the query string.
     PersianDateModelBinderViewModel model)
 public IActionResult Index(
     // Note:
     // The [FromBody] attribute means directing the default behavior of Model Binding to use
     // the formatters/InputFormatter instead. In this case our custom Model Binder does not work.
     // To use our custom model binder, remove the [FromBody] Attribute.
     // And now he default value providers get data from a form-URL-encoded body, route values, and the query string.
     [FromForm] PersianDateModelBinderViewModel model)
     throw new NotSupportedException("[PersianDateModelBinder] doesn't work in .NET 5x anymore! Don't use it!");