private void CheckTimeRange(PerformanceReportType reportType)
            int maxTimerange;

            if (int.TryParse(AppSettings.Get("MobileApi", String.Format("{0}MaxTimeInterval", reportType), false), out maxTimerange))
                var daysDiff = ToDate.Subtract(FromDate).TotalDays;
                if (maxTimerange > 0 && maxTimerange < daysDiff)
                    throw new MobileApiException(String.Format("Invalid date parameters, max time interval allowed for report '{1}' is {0} days. To exceed please change in configuration.", maxTimerange, reportType),
                                                 String.Format("Incorrect Time Selection: Maximum time period for this report is {0} days.", maxTimerange));
        public PerfromanceParams(int accountId, string from, string to, string themes, string countries, PerformanceReportType reportType)
                AccountId = accountId;
                FromDate  = DateTime.ParseExact(from, "ddMMyyyy", null, DateTimeStyles.None);
                ToDate    = DateTime.ParseExact(to, "ddMMyyyy", null, DateTimeStyles.None);
                Themes    = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(themes) ? themes.Split(',').ToList().ConvertAll(int.Parse) : null;
                Countries = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(countries) ? countries.Split(',').ToList().ConvertAll(int.Parse) : null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new MobileApiException(String.Format("Wrong parameters format: dates=ddMMyyyy, lists=INTs seperated by comma, ex: {0}", ex.Message),
                                             "Failed to generate performance report, please contact [email protected] (Error: 'Request parameters').");
            // validate from < to
            if (FromDate > ToDate)
                throw new MobileApiException(String.Format("From date {0} cannot be greater then to date {1}", FromDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"), ToDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")),
                                             String.Format("From date {0} cannot be greater then to date {1}. Please fix.", FromDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"), ToDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")));
            // validate from <= Today
            if (FromDate > DateTime.Now || ToDate > DateTime.Now)
                throw new MobileApiException(String.Format("Report cannot be executed for future dates (start date = {0}, end date = {1}). Please fix.", FromDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"), ToDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")),
                                             String.Format("Report cannot be executed for future dates (start date = {0}, end date = {1}). Please fix.", FromDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"), ToDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")));

            // validate time interval according to configuration