private void BtnRemovePiece_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (cboPerformance.SelectedItem != null && dgvPerformancePieces.SelectedItem != null) { int index = cboPerformance.SelectedIndex; PerformancePiece pp = performances[index].PerfromancePieces[dgvPerformancePieces.SelectedIndex]; //Call the API if the selected item isn't null to delete it and its related PieceWriters and PieceGenres HttpClient client = InitializeClient(); HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage(); response = client.DeleteAsync("PerformancePiece/" + pp.Id).Result; performances[index].PerfromancePieces.Remove(pp); Rebind(); cboPerformance.SelectedIndex = index; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("PerformancePieceId,PerformanceId,PieceId")] PerformancePiece performancePiece) { if (id != performancePiece.PerformancePieceId) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(performancePiece); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!PerformancePieceExists(performancePiece.PerformancePieceId)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["PerformanceId"] = new SelectList(_context.Performance, "PerformanceId", "PerformanceId", performancePiece.PerformanceId); ViewData["PieceId"] = new SelectList(_context.Piece, "PieceId", "PieceId", performancePiece.PieceId); return(View(performancePiece)); }
// GET: api/PerformancePiece/5 public PerformancePiece Get(Guid id) { PerformancePiece performancePiece = new PerformancePiece { Id = id }; performancePiece.LoadById(); return(performancePiece); }
private void BtnSubmit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (btnSubmit.Content.ToString() == "Submit") { PerformancePiece performancePiece = new PerformancePiece(); if (cboPiece.SelectedItem != null) { performancePiece.DirectorId = directors[cboDirector.SelectedIndex].Id; } performancePiece.PieceId = pieces[cboPiece.SelectedIndex].Id; performancePiece.GroupId = groups[cboGroup.SelectedIndex].Id; performancePiece.PerformanceId = PerformanceId; performancePiece.Notes = txtNotes.Text; //Send it to the API HttpClient client = InitializeClient(); string serializedPerformancePiece = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(performancePiece); var content = new StringContent(serializedPerformancePiece); content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"); HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync("PerformancePiece", content).Result; this.Close(); } else { if (cboPiece.SelectedItem != null) { performancePiece.DirectorId = directors[cboDirector.SelectedIndex].Id; } performancePiece.PieceId = pieces[cboPiece.SelectedIndex].Id; performancePiece.GroupId = groups[cboGroup.SelectedIndex].Id; performancePiece.PerformanceId = PerformanceId; performancePiece.Notes = txtNotes.Text; //Send it to the API HttpClient client = InitializeClient(); string serializedPerformancePiece = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(performancePiece); var content = new StringContent(serializedPerformancePiece); content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"); HttpResponseMessage response = client.PutAsync("PerformancePiece/" + performancePiece.Id, content).Result; this.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(PerformancePiece performancePiece) { Piece piece = await _context.Piece.FindAsync(performancePiece.PieceId); piece.LastPerformedDate = DateTime.Now; _context.Update(piece); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); _context.Add(performancePiece); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Performances")); }
public void LoadById() { //Load up Guids PieceList pieces = new PieceList(); Piece piece = new Piece(); pieces.Load(); piece = pieces.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Rock Music"); GroupList groups = new GroupList(); Group group = new Group(); groups.Load(); group = groups.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "Jazz Ensemble"); PerformanceList performances = new PerformanceList(); Performance performance = new Performance(); performances.Load(); performance = performances.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "Dream Concert"); DirectorList directors = new DirectorList(); Director director = new Director(); directors.Load(); director = directors.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FirstName == "Eric"); PerformancePiece performancePiece = new PerformancePiece(); PerformancePieceList performancePieces = new PerformancePieceList(); performancePieces.Load(); performancePiece = performancePieces.FirstOrDefault(p => p.GroupId == group.Id && p.PieceId == piece.Id && p.PerformanceId == performance.Id); performancePiece.Notes = "BL Test"; performancePiece.MP3Path = "BL Test"; PerformancePiece newperformancePiece = new PerformancePiece { Id = performancePiece.Id }; newperformancePiece.LoadById(); Assert.AreEqual(performancePiece.DirectorId, newperformancePiece.DirectorId); }
public void UpdateTest() { //Load up Guids PieceList pieces = new PieceList(); Piece piece = new Piece(); pieces.Load(); piece = pieces.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Rock Music"); GroupList groups = new GroupList(); Group group = new Group(); groups.Load(); group = groups.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "Jazz Ensemble"); PerformanceList performances = new PerformanceList(); Performance performance = new Performance(); performances.Load(); performance = performances.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "Dream Concert"); DirectorList directors = new DirectorList(); Director director = new Director(); directors.Load(); director = directors.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FirstName == "Eric"); PerformancePiece performancePiece = new PerformancePiece(); PerformancePieceList performancePieces = new PerformancePieceList(); performancePieces.Load(); performancePiece = performancePieces.FirstOrDefault(p => p.GroupId == group.Id && p.PieceId == piece.Id && p.PerformanceId == performance.Id); performancePiece.Notes = "BL Test"; performancePiece.MP3Path = "BL Test"; performancePiece.DirectorId = director.Id; int results = performancePiece.Update(); Assert.IsTrue(results == 1); }
public ManagePerformancePiece(Guid performanceId, string performanceName, PerformancePiece pp) { InitializeComponent(); pieces = new PieceList(); groups = new GroupList(); directors = new DirectorList(); PerformanceId = performanceId; PerformanceName = performanceName; Load(); Rebind(); lblPerformance.Content = PerformanceName; performancePiece = pp; cboDirector.SelectedValue = pp.DirectorId; cboGroup.SelectedValue = pp.GroupId; cboPiece.SelectedValue = pp.PieceId; txtNotes.Text = pp.Notes; btnSubmit.Content = "Update"; }
// Put: api/PerformancePiece public void Put(Guid id, PerformancePiece performancePiece) { performancePiece.Update(); }
// POST: api/PerformancePiece public void Post(PerformancePiece performancePiece) { performancePiece.Insert(); }