/// <summary> /// Scrubs extraneous files and directories. /// </summary> public bool RemoveExtraneousFilesAndDirectories(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { int directoriesEncountered = 0; int filesEncountered = 0; int filesRemoved = 0; int directoriesRemovedRecursively = 0; using (var pm = PerformanceMeasurement.Start( m_loggingContext, Category, // The start of the scrubbing is logged before calling this function, since there are two sources of scrubbing (regular scrubbing and shared opaque scrubbing) // with particular messages (_ => {}), loggingContext => { Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingFinished(loggingContext, directoriesEncountered, filesEncountered, filesRemoved, directoriesRemovedRecursively); Logger.Log.BulkStatistic( loggingContext, new Dictionary <string, long> { [I($"{Category}.DirectoriesEncountered")] = directoriesEncountered, [I($"{Category}.FilesEncountered")] = filesEncountered, [I($"{Category}.FilesRemoved")] = filesRemoved, [I($"{Category}.DirectoriesRemovedRecursively")] = directoriesRemovedRecursively, }); })) using (var timer = new Timer( o => { // We don't have a good proxy for how much scrubbing is left. Instead we use the file counters to at least show progress Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingStatus(m_loggingContext, filesEncountered); }, null, dueTime: BuildXLEngine.GetTimerUpdatePeriodInMs(m_loggingConfiguration), period: BuildXLEngine.GetTimerUpdatePeriodInMs(m_loggingConfiguration))) { var deletableDirectoryCandidates = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, bool>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var nondeletableDirectories = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, bool>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var directoriesToEnumerate = new BlockingCollection <string>(); foreach (var path in m_pathsToScrub) { SemanticPathInfo foundSemanticPathInfo; if (m_blockedPaths.Contains(path)) { continue; } if (ValidateDirectory(path, out foundSemanticPathInfo)) { if (!m_isPathInBuild(path)) { directoriesToEnumerate.Add(path); } else { nondeletableDirectories.TryAdd(path, true); } } else { string mountName = "Invalid"; string mountPath = "Invalid"; if (m_mountPathExpander != null && foundSemanticPathInfo.IsValid) { mountName = foundSemanticPathInfo.RootName.ToString(m_mountPathExpander.PathTable.StringTable); mountPath = foundSemanticPathInfo.Root.ToString(m_mountPathExpander.PathTable); } Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingFailedBecauseDirectoryIsNotScrubbable(pm.LoggingContext, path, mountName, mountPath); } } var cleaningThreads = new Thread[m_maxDegreeParallelism]; int pending = directoriesToEnumerate.Count; if (directoriesToEnumerate.Count == 0) { directoriesToEnumerate.CompleteAdding(); } for (int i = 0; i < m_maxDegreeParallelism; i++) { var t = new Thread(() => { while (!directoriesToEnumerate.IsCompleted && !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { string currentDirectory; if (directoriesToEnumerate.TryTake(out currentDirectory, Timeout.Infinite)) { Interlocked.Increment(ref directoriesEncountered); bool shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = true; var result = FileUtilities.EnumerateDirectoryEntries( currentDirectory, false, (dir, fileName, attributes) => { string fullPath = Path.Combine(dir, fileName); // Skip specifically blocked paths. if (m_blockedPaths.Contains(fullPath)) { shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; return; } // important to not follow directory symlinks because that can cause // re-enumerating and scrubbing the same physical folder multiple times if (FileUtilities.IsDirectoryNoFollow(attributes)) { if (nondeletableDirectories.ContainsKey(fullPath)) { shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; } if (!m_isPathInBuild(fullPath)) { // Current directory is not in the build, then recurse to its members. Interlocked.Increment(ref pending); directoriesToEnumerate.Add(fullPath); if (!m_nonDeletableRootDirectories.Contains(fullPath)) { // Current directory can be deleted, then it is a candidate to be deleted. deletableDirectoryCandidates.TryAdd(fullPath, true); } else { // Current directory can't be deleted (e.g., the root of a mount), then don't delete it. // However, note that we recurse to its members to find all extraneous directories and files. shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; } } else { // Current directory is in the build, i.e., directory is an output directory. // Stop recursive directory traversal because none of its members should be deleted. shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; } } else { Interlocked.Increment(ref filesEncountered); if (!m_isPathInBuild(fullPath)) { // File is not in the build, delete it. try { FileUtilities.DeleteFile(fullPath, tempDirectoryCleaner: m_tempDirectoryCleaner); Interlocked.Increment(ref filesRemoved); Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingFile(pm.LoggingContext, fullPath); } catch (BuildXLException ex) { Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingExternalFileOrDirectoryFailed( pm.LoggingContext, fullPath, ex.LogEventMessage); } } else { // File is in the build, then don't delete it, but mark the current directory that // it should not be deleted. shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; } } }); if (!result.Succeeded) { // Different trace levels based on result. if (result.Status != EnumerateDirectoryStatus.SearchDirectoryNotFound) { Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingFailedToEnumerateDirectory( pm.LoggingContext, currentDirectory, result.Status.ToString()); } } if (!shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory) { // If directory should not be deleted, then all of its parents should not be deleted. int index; string preservedDirectory = currentDirectory; bool added; do { added = nondeletableDirectories.TryAdd(preservedDirectory, true); }while (added && (index = preservedDirectory.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) != -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(preservedDirectory = preservedDirectory.Substring(0, index))); } Interlocked.Decrement(ref pending); } if (Volatile.Read(ref pending) == 0) { directoriesToEnumerate.CompleteAdding(); } } }); t.Start(); cleaningThreads[i] = t; } foreach (var t in cleaningThreads) { t.Join(); } // Collect all directories that need to be deleted. var deleteableDirectories = new HashSet <string>(deletableDirectoryCandidates.Keys, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); deleteableDirectories.ExceptWith(nondeletableDirectories.Keys); // Delete directories by considering only the top-most ones. try { Parallel.ForEach( CollapsePaths(deleteableDirectories).ToList(), new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = m_maxDegreeParallelism, CancellationToken = cancellationToken, }, directory => { try { FileUtilities.DeleteDirectoryContents(directory, deleteRootDirectory: true, tempDirectoryCleaner: m_tempDirectoryCleaner); Interlocked.Increment(ref directoriesRemovedRecursively); } catch (BuildXLException ex) { Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingExternalFileOrDirectoryFailed( pm.LoggingContext, directory, ex.LogEventMessage); } }); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { } return(true); } }
public static CacheInitializationTask GetCacheInitializationTask( LoggingContext loggingContext, PathTable pathTable, string cacheDirectory, ICacheConfiguration config, RootTranslator rootTranslator, bool?recoveryStatus, CancellationToken cancellationToken, // Only used for testing purposes to inject cache. Func <EngineCache> testHookCacheFactory = null) { Contract.Requires(recoveryStatus.HasValue, "Recovery attempt should have been done before initializing the cache"); DateTime startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var task = Task.Run( async() => { using (PerformanceMeasurement.Start( loggingContext, "CacheInitialization", Tracing.Logger.Log.StartInitializingCache, Tracing.Logger.Log.EndInitializingCache)) { if (testHookCacheFactory != null) { return(new MemoryCacheInitializer( testHookCacheFactory, loggingContext, new List <IDisposable>(), enableFingerprintLookup: config.Incremental)); } Possible <CacheCoreCacheInitializer> maybeCacheCoreEngineCache = await CacheCoreCacheInitializer.TryInitializeCacheInternalAsync( loggingContext, pathTable, cacheDirectory, config, enableFingerprintLookup: config.Incremental, rootTranslator: rootTranslator); if (!maybeCacheCoreEngineCache.Succeeded) { string errorMessage = maybeCacheCoreEngineCache.Failure.Describe(); if (errorMessage.Contains(LockAcquisitionFailureMessagePrefix)) { Tracing.Logger.Log.FailedToAcquireDirectoryLock( loggingContext, maybeCacheCoreEngineCache.Failure.DescribeIncludingInnerFailures()); } else { Tracing.Logger.Log.StorageCacheStartupError( loggingContext, maybeCacheCoreEngineCache.Failure.DescribeIncludingInnerFailures()); } } return(maybeCacheCoreEngineCache.Then <CacheInitializer>(c => c)); } }, cancellationToken); return(new CacheInitializationTask( loggingContext, startTime, task, cancellationToken)); }
/// <summary> /// Cleans output files and directories. /// </summary> public static bool DeleteOutputs( LoggingContext loggingContext, Func <DirectoryArtifact, bool> isOutputDir, IList <FileOrDirectoryArtifact> filesOrDirectoriesToDelete, PathTable pathTable, ITempCleaner tempDirectoryCleaner = null) { int fileFailCount = 0; int fileSuccessCount = 0; int directoryFailCount = 0; int directorySuccessCount = 0; using (PerformanceMeasurement.Start( loggingContext, Category, Tracing.Logger.Log.CleaningStarted, localLoggingContext => { Tracing.Logger.Log.CleaningFinished(loggingContext, fileSuccessCount, fileFailCount); LoggingHelpers.LogCategorizedStatistic(loggingContext, Category, "FilesDeleted", fileSuccessCount); LoggingHelpers.LogCategorizedStatistic(loggingContext, Category, "FilesFailed", fileFailCount); LoggingHelpers.LogCategorizedStatistic(loggingContext, Category, "DirectoriesDeleted", directorySuccessCount); LoggingHelpers.LogCategorizedStatistic(loggingContext, Category, "DirectoriesFailed", directoryFailCount); })) { // Note: filesOrDirectoriesToDelete better be an IList<...> in order to get good Parallel.ForEach performance Parallel.ForEach( filesOrDirectoriesToDelete, fileOrDirectory => { string path = fileOrDirectory.Path.ToString(pathTable); Tracing.Logger.Log.CleaningOutputFile(loggingContext, path); try { if (fileOrDirectory.IsFile) { Contract.Assume(fileOrDirectory.FileArtifact.IsOutputFile, "Encountered non-output file"); if (FileUtilities.FileExistsNoFollow(path)) { FileUtilities.DeleteFile(path, waitUntilDeletionFinished: true, tempDirectoryCleaner: tempDirectoryCleaner); Interlocked.Increment(ref fileSuccessCount); } } else { if (FileUtilities.DirectoryExistsNoFollow(path)) { // TODO:1011977 this is a hacky fix for a bug where we delete SourceSealDirectories in /cleanonly mode // The bug stems from the fact that FilterOutputs() returns SourceSealDirectories, which aren't inputs. // Once properly addressed, this check should remain in here as a safety precaution and turn into // a Contract.Assume() like the check above if (isOutputDir(fileOrDirectory.DirectoryArtifact)) { FileUtilities.DeleteDirectoryContents(path, deleteRootDirectory: false, tempDirectoryCleaner: tempDirectoryCleaner); Interlocked.Increment(ref directorySuccessCount); } } } } catch (BuildXLException ex) { if (fileOrDirectory.IsFile) { Interlocked.Increment(ref fileFailCount); Tracing.Logger.Log.CleaningFileFailed(loggingContext, path, ex.LogEventMessage); } else { Interlocked.Increment(ref directoryFailCount); Tracing.Logger.Log.CleaningDirectoryFailed(loggingContext, path, ex.LogEventMessage); } } }); } return(fileFailCount + directoryFailCount == 0); }
private bool RemoveExtraneousFilesAndDirectories( Func <string, bool> isPathInBuild, List <string> pathsToScrub, HashSet <string> blockedPaths, HashSet <string> nonDeletableRootDirectories, MountPathExpander mountPathExpander, bool logRemovedFiles, string statisticIdentifier) { int directoriesEncountered = 0; int filesEncountered = 0; int filesRemoved = 0; int directoriesRemovedRecursively = 0; using (var pm = PerformanceMeasurement.Start( m_loggingContext, statisticIdentifier, // The start of the scrubbing is logged before calling this function, since there are two sources of scrubbing (regular scrubbing and shared opaque scrubbing) // with particular messages (_ => {}), loggingContext => { Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingFinished(loggingContext, directoriesEncountered, filesEncountered, filesRemoved, directoriesRemovedRecursively); Logger.Log.BulkStatistic( loggingContext, new Dictionary <string, long> { [I($"{Category}.DirectoriesEncountered")] = directoriesEncountered, [I($"{Category}.FilesEncountered")] = filesEncountered, [I($"{Category}.FilesRemoved")] = filesRemoved, [I($"{Category}.DirectoriesRemovedRecursively")] = directoriesRemovedRecursively, }); })) using (var timer = new Timer( o => { // We don't have a good proxy for how much scrubbing is left. Instead we use the file counters to at least show progress Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingStatus(m_loggingContext, filesEncountered); }, null, dueTime: m_loggingConfiguration.GetTimerUpdatePeriodInMs(), period: m_loggingConfiguration.GetTimerUpdatePeriodInMs())) { var deletableDirectoryCandidates = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, bool>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var nondeletableDirectories = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, bool>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var directoriesToEnumerate = new BlockingCollection <string>(); var allEnumeratedDirectories = new ConcurrentBigSet <string>(); foreach (var path in pathsToScrub) { SemanticPathInfo foundSemanticPathInfo; if (blockedPaths.Contains(path)) { continue; } if (ValidateDirectory(mountPathExpander, path, out foundSemanticPathInfo)) { if (!isPathInBuild(path)) { directoriesToEnumerate.Add(path); allEnumeratedDirectories.Add(path); } else { nondeletableDirectories.TryAdd(path, true); } } else { string mountName = "Invalid"; string mountPath = "Invalid"; if (mountPathExpander != null && foundSemanticPathInfo.IsValid) { mountName = foundSemanticPathInfo.RootName.ToString(mountPathExpander.PathTable.StringTable); mountPath = foundSemanticPathInfo.Root.ToString(mountPathExpander.PathTable); } Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingFailedBecauseDirectoryIsNotScrubbable(pm.LoggingContext, path, mountName, mountPath); } } var cleaningThreads = new Thread[m_maxDegreeParallelism]; int pending = directoriesToEnumerate.Count; if (directoriesToEnumerate.Count == 0) { directoriesToEnumerate.CompleteAdding(); } for (int i = 0; i < m_maxDegreeParallelism; i++) { var t = new Thread(() => { while (!directoriesToEnumerate.IsCompleted && !m_cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { string currentDirectory; if (directoriesToEnumerate.TryTake(out currentDirectory, Timeout.Infinite)) { Interlocked.Increment(ref directoriesEncountered); bool shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = true; var result = FileUtilities.EnumerateDirectoryEntries( currentDirectory, false, (dir, fileName, attributes) => { string fullPath = Path.Combine(dir, fileName); // Skip specifically blocked paths. if (blockedPaths.Contains(fullPath)) { shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; return; } string realPath = fullPath; // If this is a symlinked directory, get the final real target directory that it points to, so we can track duplicate work properly var isDirectorySymlink = FileUtilities.IsDirectorySymlinkOrJunction(fullPath); if (isDirectorySymlink && FileUtilities.TryGetLastReparsePointTargetInChain(handle: null, sourcePath: fullPath) is var maybeRealPath && maybeRealPath.Succeeded) { realPath = maybeRealPath.Result; } // If the current path is a directory, only follow it if we haven't followed it before (making sure we use the real path in case of symlinks) var shouldEnumerateDirectory = (attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory && !allEnumeratedDirectories.GetOrAdd(realPath).IsFound; if (shouldEnumerateDirectory) { if (nondeletableDirectories.ContainsKey(fullPath)) { shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; } if (!isPathInBuild(fullPath)) { // Current directory is not in the build, then recurse to its members. Interlocked.Increment(ref pending); directoriesToEnumerate.Add(fullPath); if (!nonDeletableRootDirectories.Contains(fullPath)) { // Current directory can be deleted, then it is a candidate to be deleted. deletableDirectoryCandidates.TryAdd(fullPath, true); } else { // Current directory can't be deleted (e.g., the root of a mount), then don't delete it. // However, note that we recurse to its members to find all extraneous directories and files. shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; } } else { // Current directory is in the build, i.e., directory is an output directory. // Stop recursive directory traversal because none of its members should be deleted. shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; } } // On Mac directory symlinks are treated like any files, and so we must delete them if // when they happen to be marked as shared opaque directory output. // // When 'fullPath' is a directory symlink the 'if' right above this 'if' will add it to // 'deletableDirectoryCandidates'; there is code that deletes all directories added to this // list but that code expects a real directory and so might fail to delete a directory symlink. if (!shouldEnumerateDirectory || (isDirectorySymlink && OperatingSystemHelper.IsMacOS)) { Interlocked.Increment(ref filesEncountered); if (!isPathInBuild(fullPath)) { // File is not in the build, delete it. if (TryDeleteFile(pm.LoggingContext, fullPath, logRemovedFiles)) { Interlocked.Increment(ref filesRemoved); } } else { // File is in the build, then don't delete it, but mark the current directory that // it should not be deleted. shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; } } }); if (!result.Succeeded) { // Different trace levels based on result. if (result.Status != EnumerateDirectoryStatus.SearchDirectoryNotFound) { Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingFailedToEnumerateDirectory( pm.LoggingContext, currentDirectory, result.Status.ToString()); } } if (!shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory) { // If directory should not be deleted, then all of its parents should not be deleted. int index; string preservedDirectory = currentDirectory; bool added; do { added = nondeletableDirectories.TryAdd(preservedDirectory, true); }while (added && (index = preservedDirectory.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) != -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(preservedDirectory = preservedDirectory.Substring(0, index))); } Interlocked.Decrement(ref pending); } if (Volatile.Read(ref pending) == 0) { directoriesToEnumerate.CompleteAdding(); } } });
private bool RemoveExtraneousFilesAndDirectories( Func <string, bool> isPathInBuild, List <string> pathsToScrub, HashSet <string> blockedPaths, HashSet <string> nonDeletableRootDirectories, MountPathExpander mountPathExpander, bool logRemovedFiles, string statisticIdentifier) { int directoriesEncountered = 0; int filesEncountered = 0; int filesRemoved = 0; int directoriesRemovedRecursively = 0; using (var pm = PerformanceMeasurement.Start( m_loggingContext, statisticIdentifier, // The start of the scrubbing is logged before calling this function, since there are two sources of scrubbing (regular scrubbing and shared opaque scrubbing) // with particular messages (_ => {}), loggingContext => { Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingFinished(loggingContext, directoriesEncountered, filesEncountered, filesRemoved, directoriesRemovedRecursively); Logger.Log.BulkStatistic( loggingContext, new Dictionary <string, long> { [I($"{Category}.DirectoriesEncountered")] = directoriesEncountered, [I($"{Category}.FilesEncountered")] = filesEncountered, [I($"{Category}.FilesRemoved")] = filesRemoved, [I($"{Category}.DirectoriesRemovedRecursively")] = directoriesRemovedRecursively, }); })) using (var timer = new Timer( o => { // We don't have a good proxy for how much scrubbing is left. Instead we use the file counters to at least show progress Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingStatus(m_loggingContext, filesEncountered); }, null, dueTime: m_loggingConfiguration.GetTimerUpdatePeriodInMs(), period: m_loggingConfiguration.GetTimerUpdatePeriodInMs())) { var deletableDirectoryCandidates = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, bool>(OperatingSystemHelper.PathComparer); var nondeletableDirectories = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, bool>(OperatingSystemHelper.PathComparer); var directoriesToEnumerate = new BlockingCollection <string>(); foreach (var path in pathsToScrub) { SemanticPathInfo foundSemanticPathInfo; if (blockedPaths.Contains(path)) { continue; } if (ValidateDirectory(mountPathExpander, path, out foundSemanticPathInfo)) { if (!isPathInBuild(path)) { directoriesToEnumerate.Add(path); } else { nondeletableDirectories.TryAdd(path, true); } } else { string mountName = "Invalid"; string mountPath = "Invalid"; if (mountPathExpander != null && foundSemanticPathInfo.IsValid) { mountName = foundSemanticPathInfo.RootName.ToString(mountPathExpander.PathTable.StringTable); mountPath = foundSemanticPathInfo.Root.ToString(mountPathExpander.PathTable); } Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingFailedBecauseDirectoryIsNotScrubbable(pm.LoggingContext, path, mountName, mountPath); } } var cleaningThreads = new Thread[m_maxDegreeParallelism]; int pending = directoriesToEnumerate.Count; if (directoriesToEnumerate.Count == 0) { directoriesToEnumerate.CompleteAdding(); } for (int i = 0; i < m_maxDegreeParallelism; i++) { var t = new Thread(() => { while (!directoriesToEnumerate.IsCompleted && !m_cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { string currentDirectory; if (directoriesToEnumerate.TryTake(out currentDirectory, Timeout.Infinite)) { Interlocked.Increment(ref directoriesEncountered); bool shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = true; var result = FileUtilities.EnumerateDirectoryEntries( currentDirectory, false, (dir, fileName, attributes) => { string fullPath = Path.Combine(dir, fileName); // Skip specifically blocked paths. if (blockedPaths.Contains(fullPath)) { shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; return; } // Only enumerate real directories. We don't follow junctions/symlinks since if there are outputs to scrub under those // they should also be reachable through real directories from roots BuildXL knows about. This is because we are fully // resolving dir junctions on detours, and therefore the real paths will also be reported, and proper declarations on // those will be required if (FileUtilities.IsDirectoryNoFollow(attributes)) { if (nondeletableDirectories.ContainsKey(fullPath)) { shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; } if (!isPathInBuild(fullPath)) { // Current directory is not in the build, then recurse to its members. Interlocked.Increment(ref pending); directoriesToEnumerate.Add(fullPath); if (!nonDeletableRootDirectories.Contains(fullPath)) { // Current directory can be deleted, then it is a candidate to be deleted. deletableDirectoryCandidates.TryAdd(fullPath, true); } else { // Current directory can't be deleted (e.g., the root of a mount), then don't delete it. // However, note that we recurse to its members to find all extraneous directories and files. shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; } } else { // Current directory is in the build, i.e., directory is an output directory. // Stop recursive directory traversal because none of its members should be deleted. shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; } } // On Mac directory symlinks are treated like any files, and so we must delete them if // when they happen to be marked as shared opaque directory output. else if (OperatingSystemHelper.IsMacOS || !FileUtilities.IsDirectorySymlinkOrJunction(attributes)) { Interlocked.Increment(ref filesEncountered); if (!isPathInBuild(fullPath)) { // File is not in the build, delete it. if (TryDeleteFile(pm.LoggingContext, fullPath, logRemovedFiles)) { Interlocked.Increment(ref filesRemoved); } } else { // File is in the build, then don't delete it, but mark the current directory that // it should not be deleted. shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; } } // Finally, this is the case of Windows and the file being a directory symlink else { // Since on Windows we don't track dir symlinks for outputs properly, we don't // want to delete them. This may happen if dir symlinks is the only content of the // directory, so we flag it as non deletable shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory = false; } }); if (!result.Succeeded) { // Different trace levels based on result. if (result.Status != EnumerateDirectoryStatus.SearchDirectoryNotFound) { Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingFailedToEnumerateDirectory( pm.LoggingContext, currentDirectory, result.Status.ToString()); } } if (!shouldDeleteCurrentDirectory) { // If directory should not be deleted, then all of its parents should not be deleted. int index; string preservedDirectory = currentDirectory; bool added; do { added = nondeletableDirectories.TryAdd(preservedDirectory, true); }while (added && (index = preservedDirectory.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) != -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(preservedDirectory = preservedDirectory.Substring(0, index))); } Interlocked.Decrement(ref pending); } if (Volatile.Read(ref pending) == 0) { directoriesToEnumerate.CompleteAdding(); } } }); t.Start(); cleaningThreads[i] = t; } foreach (var t in cleaningThreads) { t.Join(); } // Collect all directories that need to be deleted. var deleteableDirectories = new HashSet <string>(deletableDirectoryCandidates.Keys, OperatingSystemHelper.PathComparer); deleteableDirectories.ExceptWith(nondeletableDirectories.Keys); // Delete directories by considering only the top-most ones. try { Parallel.ForEach( CollapsePaths(deleteableDirectories).ToList(), new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = m_maxDegreeParallelism, CancellationToken = m_cancellationToken, }, directory => { try { FileUtilities.DeleteDirectoryContents(directory, deleteRootDirectory: true, tempDirectoryCleaner: m_tempDirectoryCleaner); Interlocked.Increment(ref directoriesRemovedRecursively); } catch (BuildXLException ex) { Tracing.Logger.Log.ScrubbingExternalFileOrDirectoryFailed( pm.LoggingContext, directory, ex.LogEventMessage); } }); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { } return(true); } }