void FindVisibleTargets()
        //Clear the current visible targets

        //Do simple sphere collision check for nearby targets
        Collider[] targets = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, ViewRadius, TargetLayer);

        //Iterate through each target
        foreach (Collider target in targets)
            //Get direction and magnitude to target
            Vector3 ToTarget = (target.transform.position - transform.position);

            //Normalize so we have direction without magnitude
            Vector3 ToTargetNormalized = ToTarget.normalized;

            if (Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, ToTargetNormalized) < ViewAngle / 2 && //Check if the target is within our FoV
                !Physics.Raycast(transform.position, ToTargetNormalized, ToTarget.magnitude, ObstacleLayer) && // then do the raycast to determine LoS
                target.gameObject.tag == "Player" || target.gameObject.tag == "Enemy_AI" &&                    // and check if the object has the right tag
                target.gameObject != thisObject)                                                               // and that it is not the object this script is attached to
                //I see you!

        //Add memory record to our perception system
        Perception percept = GetComponent <Perception>();

        foreach (Transform target in visibleTargets)