protected override LResult WindowProcedure(WindowHandle window, MessageType message, WParam wParam, LParam lParam) { switch (message) { case MessageType.Create: window.SetWindowLong(0, IntPtr.Zero); // on/off flag return(0); case MessageType.KeyDown: // Send most key presses to the parent window if ((VirtualKey)wParam != VirtualKey.Return && (VirtualKey)wParam != VirtualKey.Space) { window.GetParent().SendMessage(message, wParam, lParam); return(0); } // For Return and Space, fall through to toggle the square goto case MessageType.LeftButtonDown; case MessageType.LeftButtonDown: window.SetWindowLong(0, (IntPtr)(1 ^ (int)window.GetWindowLong(0))); window.SetFocus(); window.Invalidate(false); return(0); // For focus messages, invalidate the window for repaint case MessageType.SetFocus: Checker4.idFocus = (int)window.GetWindowLong(WindowLong.Id); // Fall through goto case MessageType.KillFocus; case MessageType.KillFocus: window.Invalidate(); return(0); case MessageType.Paint: using (DeviceContext dc = window.BeginPaint()) { Rectangle rect = window.GetClientRectangle(); dc.Rectangle(rect); if (window.GetWindowLong(0) != IntPtr.Zero) { dc.MoveTo(new Point(0, 0)); dc.LineTo(new Point(rect.Right, rect.Bottom)); dc.MoveTo(new Point(0, rect.Bottom)); dc.LineTo(new Point(rect.Right, 0)); } // Draw the "focus" rectangle if (window == Windows.GetFocus()) { rect.Inflate(rect.Width / -10, rect.Height / -10); dc.SelectObject(StockBrush.Null); using PenHandle pen = Gdi.CreatePen(PenStyle.Dash, 0, default); dc.SelectObject(pen); dc.Rectangle(rect); dc.SelectObject(StockPen.Black); } } return(0); } return(base.WindowProcedure(window, message, wParam, lParam)); }
static LRESULT ChildWindowProcedure(WindowHandle window, WindowMessage message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WindowMessage.Create: window.SetWindowLong(0, IntPtr.Zero); // on/off flag return(0); case WindowMessage.KeyDown: // Send most key presses to the parent window if ((VirtualKey)wParam != VirtualKey.Return && (VirtualKey)wParam != VirtualKey.Space) { window.GetParent().SendMessage(message, wParam, lParam); return(0); } // For Return and Space, fall through to toggle the square goto case WindowMessage.LeftButtonDown; case WindowMessage.LeftButtonDown: window.SetWindowLong(0, (IntPtr)(1 ^ (int)window.GetWindowLong(0))); window.SetFocus(); window.Invalidate(false); return(0); // For focus messages, invalidate the window for repaint case WindowMessage.SetFocus: idFocus = (int)window.GetWindowLong(WindowLong.Id); // Fall through goto case WindowMessage.KillFocus; case WindowMessage.KillFocus: window.Invalidate(); return(0); case WindowMessage.Paint: using (DeviceContext dc = window.BeginPaint()) { RECT rect = window.GetClientRectangle(); dc.Rectangle(rect); if (window.GetWindowLong(0) != IntPtr.Zero) { dc.MoveTo(0, 0); dc.LineTo(rect.right, rect.bottom); dc.MoveTo(0, rect.bottom); dc.LineTo(rect.right, 0); } // Draw the "focus" rectangle if (window == Windows.GetFocus()) { rect.left += rect.right / 10; rect.right -= rect.left; += rect.bottom / 10; rect.bottom -=; dc.SelectObject(StockBrush.Null); using (PenHandle pen = Windows.CreatePen(PenStyle.Dash, 0, 0)) { dc.SelectObject(pen); dc.Rectangle(rect); dc.SelectObject(StockPen.Black); } } } return(0); } return(Windows.DefaultWindowProcedure(window, message, wParam, lParam)); }